Reply 7# bzzts
thankz mod.. skrang ni sy dh wat step 1
step 2 tu kena wat ker?.. kalau sy dwload kaspersky antivirus jer, agaknyer dpat x remove malware ni..
yg link mod bg utk dwload anti-malware tu.. bley pilih yer mana2 link anti malware..
sori bnyak tnya..sebab buta it.. {:4_229:}
Step 1
Before downloading automatic remover, you need to enter fake license key in registration window of this program. Click "registration" button at the top of the main window of Security Sphere 2012 and enter this key: 8945315-6548431It will not remove the infection, but will help removal process. Note, that if you copy this key to clipboard and click "registration" button, Security Sphere 2012 may automatically detect your copied key and will thank you for registration. Then it will imitate removing of fake infections and will ask you to restart your computer. Before restarting, or entering key, you can download remover (Step 2), so there won't be need to get back to this site. After restarting you'll notice that security sphere 2012 icon is still in taskbar. It will be gone, when the remover will finish it's job. Keep in mind, that by registering fake security programs you don't break any copyright laws.
Step 2
Now you can download and install spyware remover. Note, that when you'll scan your computer, Security Sphere 2012 may still generate fake warnings. You can ignore these warnings. |