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The World Most Evil Men and Women In History

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Post time 22-8-2003 11:30 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
mesti ramai ada sesiapa yang nak cadangkan siapa orangnya tapi kena bagi dia punya keterangan sikit..apa yang dia dah lakukan..mengapa korang rasa dia patut dicalonkan..ok..thanx in advance:bg:



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Post time 22-8-2003 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Hitler yg buat smua org menderita ... especially org2 kat German ...
Hitler bukan org German sebenarnyer .. tp dia ni dr negara lain ...
nak cite lebih .. kene selak2 buku balik ...
ramai dlm dunia nih kejam ... yg paling ketara George W. Bush ....
rasa nak bunuh ajer mamat tua nih ... :agr: :agr:



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Post time 22-8-2003 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 22-8-2003 01:06 PM:
Hitler yg buat smua org menderita ... especially org2 kat German ...
Hitler bukan org German sebenarnyer .. tp dia ni dr negara lain ...
nak cite lebih .. kene selak2 buku balik ...
ramai dlm d ...

Hitler kenmain lagi kejamnya tapi kalo baca sejarah hidup die kan.... die ni tergolong dalam student yg tercorot dan ketinggalan..

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The Kops This user has been deleted
Post time 22-8-2003 04:31 PM | Show all posts
kat dunia? dulu aa cikgu displin aku.. jahat nya tahap maksima..
sekarang dah buat peace ngan dia hehehe
perempuan.. rasanya ustaz kat sekolah aa.. salah sikit pap.. kena puku; pakai kayu. tak pun kena pulas telinga sampai berdarah..
sekarang pun dah peace ngan dia

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Post time 22-8-2003 04:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by CoKeLat-RaWkZ at 22-8-2003 03:24 PM:
Hitler kenmain lagi kejamnya tapi kalo baca sejarah hidup die kan.... die ni tergolong dalam student yg tercorot dan ketinggalan..

really Cok? .. tak tau plak Fly ...
hanya tau dia ler manusia paling kejam dlm dunia kerana melakukan pembunuhan ramai2 ...
jgn lupa Pol Pot ... askar di Vietnam ...

nak tu pendapat you all ttg pembunuhan ramai2 Jews yd dilakukan oleh Hitler?

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Post time 22-8-2003 04:39 PM | Show all posts

Mona Fandey lah paling brutall....

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Post time 23-8-2003 02:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by CoKeLat-RaWkZ at 22-8-2003 16:39:

Mona Fandey lah paling brutall....

Lagi brutal ada satu minah kat indon ...lepas dia potong siap makan lagi ...kononnya untuk kuasa sakti...

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Post time 23-8-2003 02:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by UFWL at 23-8-2003 02:04 AM:
Lagi brutal ada satu minah kat indon ...lepas dia potong siap makan lagi ...kononnya untuk kuasa sakti...

sapa? cite skit ...

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Post time 23-8-2003 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by valkries at 22-8-2003 11:30 AM:
mesti ramai ada sesiapa yang nak cadangkan siapa orangnya tapi kena bagi dia punya keterangan sikit..apa yang dia dah lakukan..mengapa korang rasa dia patut dicalonkan..ok..thanx in advanc ...

Pembunuh-pembunuh manusia secara besar-besaran:
Genghiz Khan, Kublai Khan, Timur Lang
Presiden AS
Pol Pot
Para pendokong Zionis

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 Author| Post time 23-8-2003 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by smilesenyum at 23-8-2003 09:49 AM:
Pembunuh-pembunuh manusia secara besar-besaran:
Genghiz Khan, Kublai Khan, Timur Lang
Presiden AS
Pol Pot
Para pendokong Zionis

ok..thanx smilesenyum..berckap pasal stalin tu..dengar ceritanya lebih kurang 7 juta rakyat hilang tanpa dapat dikesan semasa pemerintahan Stalin..dalam masa 4 tahun sahaja 1934-1938

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Post time 23-8-2003 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Yg paling zalim dan kejam ialah perogol2 baby yg sekecil 2 minggu. Baby2 tuh dirogol krn dipercayai dpt mengubati AIDS pd siperogol! nf:

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Andrea_Pirlo This user has been deleted
Post time 23-8-2003 11:44 PM | Show all posts
sapa peminat hitler kat sini?

cikgu kite kater, hitler nie mempunyai smgt nationalism yg tinggi..
dan dia menggalakkan pertumbuhan rakyat jerman..

sapa keluarga anak 5+, dia kasi
-satu volkswagon. (bentuk kereta yg bulat melambangkan bulatnya hati rkyt jerman yg bersatu hati..)
-satu rumah
-satu taman..

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Post time 24-8-2003 01:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Andrea_Pirlo at 23-8-2003 11:44 PM:
sapa peminat hitler kat sini?

cikgu kite kater, hitler nie mempunyai smgt nationalism yg tinggi..
dan dia menggalakkan pertumbuhan rakyat jerman..

sapa keluarga anak 5+, dia kasi
-satu volk ...

hmm .. sejahat jahat dia .. ada gak baik si Hitler nih ...
suka tgk misai kontot Hitler ...

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Andrea_Pirlo This user has been deleted
Post time 24-8-2003 01:15 AM | Show all posts
alahai cik fly...dia baik tang tu, ok laaaaaa..cikgu ako kata misai dia cm berus gigi..hahah

lagi satu barang kali ada yg x tau..?

germany nie protestant, kan?

org protestant nie pro-zionist, kan?
tapi kenapa hitler membunuh org yahudi..?

selain dr segi ekonomi, ada lagi helah yg tersirat..

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Post time 24-8-2003 01:39 AM | Show all posts
first question ... is Hitler a Jewish? ataupun Hitler seorg Atheist? ataupun Hitler nih Racist?

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish or had ancestors who were. The idea seems to arise from the remote possibility that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother worked in the home of a wealthy Jew and there is some chance a son in that household got the woman (i.e., Hitler's grandmother) pregnant. Adolf Hitler was not Jewish. .... clik link tu ...
(ada menceritakan ttg Hitler secara one by one ... )

[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 24-8-2003 at 02:27 AM ]

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Post time 24-8-2003 01:41 AM | Show all posts
nie adalah sebahagian persoalan nape Hitler bunuh Jewish ...

...In connection with the Jewish question I have this to say: it is a shameful spectacle to see how the whole democratic world is oozing sympathy for the poor tormented Jewish people, but remains hard-hearted and obdurate when it comes to helping them

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Post time 24-8-2003 01:58 AM | Show all posts
Nazis Boycott Jewish Shops

Just a week after the Enabling Act made Hitler dictator of Germany, a national boycott of Jewish shops and department stores was organized by Nazis under the direction of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels.

The boycott was claimed to be in reaction to unflattering newspaper stories appearing in Britain and America concerning Hitler's new regime. The Nazis assumed most journalists were either Jewish or sympathetic to Jews and thus they labeled the bad publicity as "atrocity propaganda" spread by "international Jewry."

The boycott began at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 1, 1933, and lasted only a day. Nazi Brownshirts, the SA storm troopers, stood at entrances to Jewish shops, department stores, professional offices and various places of business. They held poster signs saying: "Germans, defend yourselves against the Jewish atrocity propaganda, buy only at German shops!"

Most Germans ignored them. They were more interested in a bargain or in getting their Saturday shopping chores out of the way. And since it was Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, most of the smaller neighborhood shops owned by observant Jews were already closed.

In addition to the SA activities, Propaganda Minister Goebbels appeared before several thousand persons gathered in the Berlin Lustgarten and delivered a tirade "against the atrocities of world Jewry." His speech was broadcast nationally on all German radio stations. Goebbels asserted that if the Jews of Germany could not stop their fellow Jews around the world from dishing out anti-Nazi propaganda, then the Nazis would be forced to deal out justice to Germany's Jews.

Goebbels, the little man (five feet tall) with a big voice would become the most influential anti-Semite in the Nazi hierarchy, second only to Hitler, in calling for continued persecution and eventual extermination of the Jews. This propaganda genius, who had sometimes been teased in his youth about his own Jewish looks, would subject the people of Germany to a never-ending barrage of anti-Jewish slander on the radio, in the cinema, and in newspapers.

"Propaganda," Goebbels once wrote, "has absolutely nothing to do with truth."

In contrast to the Nazi caricature of them, most Jews in Germany were actually quite cosmopolitan in nature and considered themselves to be Germans by nationality and Jews only by religion. They had lived in Germany for centuries but constituted only about one percent of the overall population. Before Hitler, over half of the Jews in big German cities married non-Jewish Germans.

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Post time 24-8-2003 01:59 AM | Show all posts
sambungannyer ...

Politically, Jews in pre-Hitler Germany occupied the entire spectrum. Some were radicals on the left who would have welcomed a Russian-style revolution on the streets of Munich or Berlin. Others had been staunch supporters of Kaiser Wilhelm and the old German monarchy dating back to the days before World War I. Some of these conservatives might have even supported the Nazis were it not for the anti-Semitism so avowed by Hitler. Most Jews were middle-of-the-road politically. They wanted the same things for themselves and their families that everyone else wanted - a good place to live, a good job, quality education for their children and so forth.

During World War I, German Jews by the tens of thousands fought bravely for the Fatherland, earning numerous medals and serving as officers. One of the Army officers in command of Hitler during the war was a Jewish lieutenant who recommended young Corporal Hitler for the Iron Cross first class, a rarity for a common foot soldier. To his dying day, Hitler wore that Iron Cross, passing on all other Nazi decorations and paraphernalia with the exception of his gold Party membership pin.

However, for the new dictator, Adolf Hitler, no amount of patriotism or love of country by the Jews could overcome the very fact that they were Jews, and thus in Hitler's mind, the "eternal enemies" of the German Volk (racial community).

The boycott of Jewish stores in April 1933 marked the beginning of a downward spiral for Jews that would eventually end in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. The boycott was followed by a series of laws and decrees which robbed the Jews of one right after another. There would be, in the twelve years of Hitler's Reich, over 400 laws and decrees targeting Jews alone.

Six days after the boycott, "The Law of the Restoration of the Civil Service" was introduced which made "Aryanism" a necessary requirement to hold a civil service position. All Jews holding such positions were dismissed or forced into early retirement. On April 22, Jews were prohibited from serving as patent lawyers and from serving as doctors in State-run insurance institutions. On April 25, a law against the overcrowding of German schools limited the number of Jewish children allowed to enroll in public schools. On June 2, Jewish dentists and dental technicians were prohibited from working with State-run insurance institutions. On May 6, the Civil Service Law was amended to close loopholes in order to keep out honorary university professors, lecturers and notaries. On September 28, all non-Aryans and their spouses were prohibited from government employment. On September 29, Jews were banned from all cultural and entertainment activities including literature, art, film and theater. In early October, Jews were prohibited from being journalists and all German newspapers were either shut down or placed under Nazi control.

In better times, the creative spark of the Jewish community in Germany had helped propel the country to unprecedented heights of scientific achievement, academic scholarship and artistic vision. Under Hitler, the vitality of the once-thriving Jewish academic and artistic communities in Berlin, Frankfurt and other cities was quickly snuffed out via endless rules, regulations, restrictions, prohibitions, and outright bans. The time was coming when a Jew would be forbidden even to share a park bench with a non-Jew, let alone marry one.

Seemingly within days of Hitler's coming to power in 1933, Germany began a rapid evolution into a police state where individual freedoms were permanently lost for everyone. Jews and Germans alike were living under what would become one of the most violent and repressive regimes ever known. The principle terror mechanism would be a new secret organization, whose name to this day can still send a shudder through anyone who remembers Hitler's Germany - the Gestapo.

* Gestapo - The actual term 'Gestapo' was supposedly created by a Berlin postal official who wanted a name that would fit on a regulation-sized postal rubber stamp. Gestapo was derived from seven letters within the full name Geheime Staats Polizei. Unknowingly, the postal official had invented one of the most notorious names in history.

[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 24-8-2003 at 02:12 AM ]

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Post time 24-8-2003 02:06 AM | Show all posts ... topic=9206&st=0

Fly ada terjumpa forum discuss ttg Hitler ... sesapa nak tau leh clik kat link tu ..

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Post time 24-8-2003 02:09 AM | Show all posts
The Nuremberg Laws

From the moment the Nazis came to power in 1933, the Jews of Germany were subjected to a never-ending series of discriminatory laws. There would be, during the twelve years of Hitler's Reich, over 400 separate regulations issued against Jews prohibiting everything from performing in a symphony orchestra to owning a pet cat.

In the Reich's early years, anti-Jewish regulations were drawn up by a Nazi bureaucracy that included both radical and moderate anti-Semites. None of the bureaucrats had any moral qualms about being anti-Semitic. However, the moderates were concerned with foreign reaction and the possible disruptive impact of anti-Jewish prohibitions on Germany's still-fragile economy.

Of the 503,000 Jews living in Germany in 1933, about 70 percent lived in big cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt and Breslau. Many of the young Jews in these cities married non-Jewish Germans.

Although Jews made-up less than one percent of Germany's overall population of 55 million, Hitler considered them by nature to be the "mortal enemy" of the German people. But within Hitler's bureaucracy, radical and moderate anti-Semites strongly disagreed as to what legal (or illegal) actions should actually be taken against the Jews. This bureaucratic in-fighting resulted in complete stagnation concerning the development of a coordinated Reich policy of anti-Semitism.

Local Brownshirts, upset by the bureaucratic bungling, often took out their frustrations on local Jews in their neighborhoods, and by mid-1935 there had been dramatic rise in the number of street incidents.

Ordinary citizens, encouraged in part by Goebbels' anti-Semitic propaganda, also took part in spontaneous demonstrations. One such incident in the summer of 1935 was recorded by the Bavarian political police:

"...there were anti-Jewish demonstrations in the swimming pool in Heigenbr黭en. Approximately 15-20 young bathers had demanded the removal of the Jews from the swimming bath by chanting in the park which adjoins the bath...A considerable number of other bathers joined in the chanting so that probably the majority of visitors were demanding the removal of the Jews...The district leader of the NSDAP [Nazi Party] who happened to be in the swimming baths, went to the [pool] supervisor and demanded that he remove the Jews. The supervisor refused the request on the grounds that he was obliged to follow only the instructions of the baths' administration and moreover, could not easily distinguish the Jews as such. As a result of the supervisor's statement, there was a slight altercation between him and the [district leader]...In view of this incident, the Spa Association today placed a notice at the entrance to the baths with the inscription: Entry Forbidden to Jews."

Deputy F黨rer Rudolf Hess ordered a halt to spontaneous anti-Jewish actions, not out of consideration for the Jews, but to prevent "...bringing Party members into conflict with the political police, who consist largely of Party members, and this will be welcomed by Jewry. The political police can in such cases only follow the strict instructions of the F黨rer in carrying out all measures for maintaining peace and order, so making it possible for the F黨rer to rebuke at any time allegations of atrocities and boycotts made by Jews abroad."

By late summer 1935, the street violence and demonstrations had diminished. But the bureaucratic in-fighting only escalated and would soon come to a head at the annual Nuremberg Rally

At this year's Rally, held from September 9 to 15, a special session of the Nazi Reichstag (Legislature) was scheduled for the last day at which Hitler planned to deliver a major foreign policy speech concerning the League of Nations and Fascist Italy. However, Hitler wound up canceling the speech on short notice upon the advice of his Foreign Minister, Constantin von Neurath.

The abrupt cancellation left a void as to just what the Reichstag would do during its special Nuremberg session. Radical anti-Semites at Nuremberg seized the opportunity and suggested to Hitler that the special session would be an ideal opportunity to announce some kind of big new law concerning the Jews.

Hitler accepted their suggestion and settled on the idea of a law forbidding intermarriage and sexual relations between Jews and Germans, which he knew the radicals had been wanting for some time. On September 14, the night before the Reichstag's special session, Nazi legal officials presented Hitler with four drafts of the new law. Hitler chose the fourth version, which happened to be the least militant, although he crossed out one important line stating: "This law applies only to full-blooded Jews."

Around midnight, Hitler told the same legal officials he also wanted an accompanying law concerning Reich citizenship. The officials, scrawling on the back of a hotel food menu, hastily drafted a vaguely worded law which designated Jews as subjects of the Reich. Hitler (a night owl) approved the draft around 2:30 a.m.

At the Reichstag's special session held later that day at 8 p.m., Hitler delivered a short speech in which he characterized the new laws as an attempt to "achieve the legislative regulation of a problem which, if it breaks down again will then have to be transferred by law to the National Socialist Party for final solution."

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