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Post time 17-12-2013 09:40 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

KUALA LUMPUR, 19 November – Sempena Ulang Tahun Kelima Pengoperasian Op FAJAR di Perairan Teluk Aden, Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dan MISC Berhad telah menerbitkan sebuah buku berkonsepkan coffee table yang berjudul OP FAJAR: THE MALAYSIAN SUCCESS STORY IN THE GULF OF ADEN di Dewan Perkasa, Wisma Perwira ATM, Kementerian Pertahanan, Jalan Padang Tembak hari ini.
Majlis pelancaran ini telah disempurnakan oleh Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein dengan diiringi oleh Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Abdul Aziz bin Haji Jaafar dan Presiden MISC Berhad, Datuk Nasarudin bin Md Idris. Turut hadir menyaksikan pelancaran ini ialah Ketua Staf Markas ATM; Laksamana Madya Dato’ Nasaruddin bin Othman, Panglima Pemerintahan Armada; Laksamana Madya Dato’ Abdul Hadi bin A. Rashid dan Setiausaha Majlis Keselamatan Negara; Datuk Mohamed Thajudeen bin Abdul Wahab serta individu-individu penting yang pernah terlibat menjayakan Operasi FAJAR secara langsung dan tidak langsung.
Operasi FAJAR direncana susulan kejadian rampasan kapal milik MISC Berhad oleh kumpulan lanun bersenjata di Perairan Teluk Aden yang telah menggemparkan negara pada 19 Ogos 2008. Permulaannya, kapal TLDM KD LEKIU dan KD SRI INDERAPURA telah diaturgerak pelayarannya pada 30 Ogos 2008 untuk misi membebaskan krew serta kapal MISC iaitu MV BUNGA MELATI DUA dan MV BUNGA MELATI LIMA. Misi tersebut telah berjaya disempurna dan ditamatkan pada 2 Okt 2008 .  
Operasi Khas ini diterajui oleh Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dan dilaksanakan secara bersama (joint) dengan bantuan elemen Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM). Operasi ini merupakan Operasi Khas yang berbentuk Military Operation Other Than War (MOOTW) atau Gerakan Ketenteraan Selain Peperangan. Selain kapal TLDM, elemen ATM yang terlibat dalam misi ini ialah Pasukan Khas Laut (PASKAL), Grup Gerak Khas (GGK) TD, Tim Perubatan  dan helikopter TLDM dan TUDM.

Kejayaan pelaksanaan misi Operasi Khas ini telah meletakkan ATM sebaris dengan pasukan tentera dari beberapa buah negara maju lain seperti Perancis, Kanada, Denmark, Jerman, England, Amerika Syarikat dan Sepanyol yang  menghantar aset mereka untuk beroperasi di kawasan Perairan Teluk Aden. Malahan Malaysia merupakan antara negara terawal menghantar aset ketenteraan ke kawasan ini pada ketika itu.  Langkah dan komitmen Kerajaan Malaysia bagi menempatkan aset ketenteraan dalam memastikan kepentingan perdagangan ini telah mendapat perhatian dunia serta dijadikan contoh oleh negara-negara lain seperti Itali, China dan India yang mana kemudiannya turut menempatkan aset tentera laut mereka di kawasan tersebut.  Perkara ini juga turut menyerlahkan lagi kedudukan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara maritim yang sentiasa mempertahankan keselamatan dan sumber berasaskan maritim.
Operasi FAJAR kemudiannya diteruskan dengan misi mengiringi kapal-kapal berkepentingan negara yang merentasi Perairan Teluk Aden dengan penugasan kapal KD MAHAWANGSA, KD HANG TUAH, KD SRI INDERA SAKTI dan penugasan semula KD SRI INDERAPURA dalam siri Op FAJAR 2 hingga OP FAJAR 4.

Pada siri OP FAJAR 5, pengoperasian BUNGA MAS LIMA selaku kapal auxiliary TLDM telah bermula dengan pelayaran sulung pada 21 Jun 2009. Pengoperasian ini telah melakar sejarah tersendiri apabila pertama kali di Malaysia sebuah kapal  dagang ditransformasikan menjadi sebuah kapal Auxiliary TLDM bagi merealisasikan hasrat dan impian negara khususnya ATM dalam mengamalkan konsep Pertahanan Menyeluruh (HANRUH) sepertimana yang terkandung dalam dasar Pertahanan Negara.  Sehingga kini terdapat dua buah kapal Auxiliary TLDM hasil kerjasama strategik di antara TLDM dan MISC yang sedang menjalankan operasi di Perairan Teluk Aden. Pada 8 Ogos 2011 sebuah lagi kapal Auxiliary TLDM iaitu BUNGA MAS ENAM  telah dilancarkan bagi penugasan yang sama.
Antara kejayaan dan pencapaian pelaksanaan Op FAJAR ialah:

a. Pada 21 Januari 2011, pengoperasian OP FAJAR 8 telah berjaya mengekang cubaan rampasan lanun ke atas kapal MT BUNGA LAUREL di Perairan Teluk Aden.

b. Kejayaan pesawat Fennec TLDM dan Kapal Auxiliary BUNGA MAS LIMA dalam mematahkan cubaan rampasan lanun terhadap kapal milik negara China ZHEN HUA 4 pada 18 Disember 2008 dan cubaan rampasan kapal milik negara India MT Abul Kalam Azad pada 1 Januari 2009.

c. Keberkesanan dan kejayaan pelaksanaan kerjasama strategik serta perkongsian bijak di antara TLDM dan MISC melalui Operasi FAJAR jelas terbukti apabila sehingga kini tiada sebarang kes penawanan atau rampasan terhadap kapal-kapal dagang Malaysia di Perairan Teluk Aden sejak operasi dilaksanakan. Sehingga kini, sejumlah 535 buah kapal berkepentingan kepada negara bernilai melebihi RM91 Bilion yang merentasi Perairan Teluk Aden telah selamat diiringi tanpa sebarang insiden.
Kejayaan ini telah membuktikan keupayaan dan kemampuan ATM untuk beroperasi dalam senario yang boleh menjejaskan aspek kepentingan negara. Kejayaan ini adalah hasil kerjasama padu yang digembleng oleh elemen dalam ATM dan pelbagai agensi seperti Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) dan MISC Berhad.Komitmen tinggi yang diberikan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia dalam menangani situasi ini telah menjadi pemangkin terhadap merealisasikan konsep pertahanan menyeluruh (HANRUH) merangkumi perkongsian pintar di antara ATM dan syarikat strategik tempatan dalam menangani isu dan insiden di persekitaran maritim.
Pelancaran buku hari ini adalah sebagai usaha  TLDM dan MISC Berhad dalam mendokumenkan perjalanan perlaksanaan OP FAJAR.  Selain itu, ia juga dijadikan sebagai tanda penghargaan dan kebanggaan terhadap individu-individu yang terlibat dalam siri Op FAJAR secara langsung dan tidak langsung.

br tgk citer captain philips,,teringat lak pasal info ni.....
ade nasik tambah silakan...

mod kalo dh ade topic ni cm biase lar,,,huhuhu


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 Author| Post time 17-12-2013 09:52 PM | Show all posts
Here’s some of actual rescue operations during Ops Fajar that has been conducted by elements of Malaysian Armed Forces.

1. Bunga Melati 2 and Bunga Melati 5
Bunga Melati 2 was hijacked by Somali pirates on August 19, 2008. Ten days later, another Malaysian vessel, Bunga Melati 5 was also hijacked. As a response to the events, the Malaysian army has sent a contingent of ships, helicopters as well as SOF personnel in bid to rescue the captive hostages.
RMAF and RMN helicopters such as the Nuri, Super Lynx and Fennec were embarked from KD Pahang, KD Lekiu and KD Sri Inderapura. When the ransom was paid and all of the hostages were released, the MAF sent in a troop of GGK’s Anaconda team as well as RMN’s PASKAL SOF operators to secure both vessel.
Interestingly, the RMAF Nuri was painted in white and had MISC marking on its fuselage. This is probably a diversion to the pirates as bid to camouflage its military identity. The convoy then escorted both ships to safety before heading home to Lumut Naval Base.

2. Zhenhua 4

While setting sail to China from Djibouti, the Zhenhua 4 was attacked by nine armed pirates on December 18, 2008. Since KD Indera Sakti was relatively close to the distressed vessel, it was called on by NATO’s Combined Task Force 150 for immediate help and response. KD Indera Sakti deployed a Fennec helicopter including a PASKAL sniper to assist the vessel.
After firing two warning shots at the pirates skiff, the armed bandit called off their attack and retreated to their mothership.

3. MT Abul Kalam Azad

On January 1, 2009, PASKAL operator attached to RMN Fennec helicopter manage to drove off two pirate skiffs pursuing an Indian tanker known as MT Abul Kalam Azad. The 92,000 tonne vessel was heading to Suez Canal when it was attacked by the pirates.
After being strafed with  a barrage of fire, the vessel had send a distress signal which was subsequently picked up by KD Indera Sakti. A Fennec and PASKAL sniper were dispatched from KD Indera Sakti to assist the tanker. A Saudi AS-365 Dauphin 2 also joint forces in which they have managed to scare off the marauding pirates.

4. Bunga Mas 6

On January 16, 2009, an MISC container vessel, the Bunga Mas 6 suffered a mechanical problem which lead the vessel to stalled right in the middle of pirate infested Gulf of Aden. Moments later, several pirate skiff were seen approaching the vessel with more are also following behind. The ship had then send a distress call to the escorting KD Mahawangsa for help which then quickly rushed a Super Lynx to ward off the pirate.
The Super Lynx manage to thwart away the raiding skiff thus saving the Bunga Mas 6 from being hijacked by the notorious Somali pirates.

5. MT Bunga Laurel

After just two hours leaving the safe corridor off the coast of Oman, a Malaysian tanker, the MT Bunga Laurel was hijacked by seven Somali pirates. Prior to locking themselves in heavily fortified Citadel, the captain managed to send distress signal to RMN Auxilliary ship Bunga Mas 5.
The Bunga Mas 5 responded by dispatching a Fennec helicopter as well as several RHIBs to regain back the vessel. At the same time, the BM 5 was also engaged in a firefight with the pirate’s mothership. Thanks to aerial support given by the Fennec, the mothership was kept at bay thus failing to support and reinforced the armed gang already boarding MT Bunga Laurel.
With quick and swift action by PASKAL operators, all of the pirates on board the Malaysian tanker were overwhelmed and successfully captured. All of them are now under the Malaysian custody awaiting for their trials at the Malaysian court.

sumber: malaysianflyingherald

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 Author| Post time 17-12-2013 09:57 PM | Show all posts
tepek gambo sikit


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 Author| Post time 17-12-2013 10:01 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 18-12-2013 07:52 AM | Show all posts
Aku ingatkan ko dapat cilok gambar dalam buku tu....rupanya Astro jugak...heheheh

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 Author| Post time 18-12-2013 08:31 AM | Show all posts
alphawolf posted on 18-12-2013 07:52 AM
Aku ingatkan ko dapat cilok gambar dalam buku tu....rupanya Astro jugak...heheheh

lom beli lagi lar mod alpha.......nk beli tgh tgk bajet
kopipes dulu......kalo sape2 dh beli buku tu,,,sudi2 lar tepek gambo

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 Author| Post time 18-12-2013 10:55 AM | Show all posts
cube gugel kt tenet dulu....jumpe pic ni,,beginilah ngopenye


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Post time 18-12-2013 04:55 PM | Show all posts
Kulit buku buat hape.....anyway katanya buku ni tak dijual...

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Post time 20-12-2013 07:59 AM | Show all posts
kenapa x dijual lak Pha?

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2013 07:33 PM | Show all posts
alphawolf posted on 18-12-2013 04:55 PM
Kulit buku buat hape.....anyway katanya buku ni tak dijual...

lar ye ker??..........nape dorg xjual,,cmne nk tahu sejarah

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Post time 22-12-2013 08:18 AM | Show all posts
yipun_78 posted on 20-12-2013 07:59 AM
kenapa x dijual lak Pha?

Ntah la yip...kawan2 kita kat forum satu lagi tu cakap camtu...Wallahualam


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Post time 23-12-2013 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Thread Lama ada... MOD sila Merged Thread lama....

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Post time 24-12-2013 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Takleh merge la la ni

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Post time 10-1-2014 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Those skinnies became even skinnier due the presence of Malaysian forces. Hahahaa

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Post time 20-1-2014 06:38 PM | Show all posts
Op Fajar to Continue

By Marhalim Abbas

KUALA LUMPUR: Op Fajar – the Royal Malaysian Navy anti-piracy escort mission in the Gulf of Aden – will continue at least until this June. RMN chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar said on Wednesday that the National Security Council had decided that the mandate for the operation be renewed on a half-yearly basis.

The escort mission for Malaysian International Shipping Corporation started in 2008 and late last year, the government was contemplating ending the mission in the Gulf of Aden as the piracy threat was beyond the range of the escort mission.

Since June 2009, RMN auxiliary vessels, Bunga Mas Lima and Bunga Mas Enam, had been deployed for Op Fajar. These converted container vessels replaced the various RMN vessels which had been deployed for the operations starting 2008.

MISC personnel who are naval reservist sailed the ships while the security element comprised an RMN task force with Paskal commandos backed by a helicopter and embarked flight crew. On Jan 20, 2011, Bunga Mas Lima and the RMN Task Force successfully thwarted an attempted hijacking by Somali pirates on the Malaysian chemical tanker, a MT Bunga Laurel in the Gulf of Aden. On Sept 1, last year, seven Somali pirates captured in the raid were sentenced to eight to 10 years imprisonment after they pleaded guilty to shooting at the Paskal troopers on board the tanker in Gulf of Aden in 2011.

To mark the success of the operations, a coffee table book entitled “Op Fajarwas launched by Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein in November last year. On Wednesday, Admiral Abdul Aziz presented the book to the reporters who were present after he delivered his annual New Year Message to RMN. He even autographed the book.


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Post time 26-1-2014 09:37 PM | Show all posts
yipun_78 posted on 20-12-2013 07:59 AM
kenapa x dijual lak Pha?

Buku ni tak di Jual pasal dia nak Kasi all boleh download kat sini. Aku dah download tadi tengahari... ... ategory/16-op-fajar



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Post time 30-1-2014 07:05 AM | Show all posts
Thanx Spidey... ada e-book lain x? bosan nanti dok sepital ingat nk donlod ebook sebanyak mungkin

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Post time 31-1-2014 07:32 AM | Show all posts
yipun_78 posted on 30-1-2014 07:05 AM
Thanx Spidey... ada e-book lain x? bosan nanti dok sepital ingat nk donlod ebook sebanyak mungkin

Di sini pun banyak....., type Defense atau Defence untuk majalah pertahanan, tapi mostly majalah, macam macam Ada, yang warna biru pun Ada, some are free to download, others are free to read, kalau Ada monitor 27 inchi boleh screen grab.
Last edited by spiderweb6969 on 31-1-2014 07:51 AM


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Post time 31-1-2014 07:52 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2014 01:22 PM | Show all posts
spiderweb6969 posted on 31-1-2014 07:52 AM
This are a direct Link. Free registration or Facebook registration..... ...

wahhhhh..........tenkiu spider


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