berita kat utusan tak menunjukkan faktor kenapa lelaki berpoligami itu berumur panjang...saya dah baca artikel di dailymail...ini salah satu sebabnya kenapa lelaki berpoligami berumur panjang...
It is thought men benefit from having a fuss made over them by a gaggle of women.
They may also better care of themselves into old age when they have a LARGE FAMILY TO FEED, this week's New Scientist reports.
jadi lelaki berpoligami ni terpaksa menjaga kesihatan mereka sebab mereka terpaksa menyara ramai orang...kalau diorang mati, sape nak suap makanan kat keluarga mereka kan...
1.THE EUROPEANS: They have 1 wife and 1 girl friend but they love their wife most .
2. THE AMERICANS: They have 1 wife and 1 girl friend but they love their girl friend the most..
3. THE INDIANS: They have 1 wife and 4 girl friends but they love their mother the most..
4. THE ARABS: They have 4 wives and 1 Girl friend. But they love their Maid the most!!
5. THE CHINESE: They have 1 wife and several mistresses but love the new girl friend the most.