Handing over the keys to the Alhambra Catholic kings. Wooden carvings in the Cathedral of Toledo.
Vividly imagine this holiday on the description of a favorite book "Alhambra" Washington
Irving, written in 1832. On the Day Takes Irving tells Gabby local
resident Matteo: "On the way back to the Alhambra, Mateo constantly admired and chatted incessantly.
"Oh, sir, - he cried, - where else in the world there are such magnificent ceremonies (funciones grandes),
in Granada? And not a penny to spend, all the fun gift! Pero, el Doa de la Toma! Ah,
senor! El Doa de la Toma! (But taking Day! Ah, senor, Day of!) "So fine that day Mateo
could not imagine. Doa de la Toma, as I found out - is the anniversary of the capture or coming to Granada
forces of Ferdinand and Isabella.
Peaks of the Sierra Nevada
On this day, according to Mateo, the whole town only makes that exults. Large beckoning bell
on the lookout tower of the Alhambra (la Torre de, la Vela) thunderously calls from morning till night; ringing it spreads
across the Vega and is given in the mountains near and far szyvaya peasants for metropolitan festival. "Happiness
that the girl - says Mateo - which then get hit in the bell less than a year, as it
certainly get married! "
All day the Alhambra is open to visitors. In its halls and chambers, where once reigned
Moorish rulers, sound guitar and castanets, and merry company in exquisite Andalusian
costumes perform their ancient dances inherited from the Moors.
Pageant depicting the entry into the city, passes through the main streets. Banner Ferdinand
and Isabella, this precious relic of the conquest, are removed from storage; her solemnly
carries Alferez mayor, that is the main bearer. Field altar, who drove for sovereigns
in all their wars, was transferred to the royal chapel of the Cathedral and pose in front of the tomb, on which are carved
marble their images. Then, in the memory of the conquest a solemn Mass, in the midst of
ceremony Alferez mayor puts on his hat and wags the banner over the tomb of the conquerors. / ... /
Hereinafter: views of Granada and the Alhambra from the Generalife gardens - summer residence of the emirs of Granada.
In imitation of the great Granada storming in almost every village and town celebrates its own
anniversary, marking the rustic and unpretentious magnificently, getting rid of Moorish rule. According to this
Sometimes, says Mateo, the light of day are ancient armor and weapons: heavy two-handed swords,
weighty arquebus with wick castles and other military equipment, saves from generation to generation
since the time of the conquest of Granada, and the benefit of those who have saved up some old weapons, suppose
Lombardo gun like the one from which the invaders shot, she thumps livelong day somewhere in the mountains,
would suffice only gunpowder.
During the day played out militant action. One stroll through the streets of the ancient
armor, as defenders of faith, others dress Moorish Vityaz. Middle of the area put the tent,
inside of which - the altar with the image of the Virgin. Christian soldiers approaching, so bow
altar; basurmany surround the tent, so to stop them: there is a comic battle in which soldiers sometimes
forget that it is not serious, and strive to share at least non-lethal, but crushing blows.
However, in this battle of good always wins. Moors overwhelmed and taken into captivity. Solemnly
raise their bailed out of bondage image Ever, arranged procession, and awards under the act
welcome clicks and prisoners are in chains, to the delight and edification in the audience. "
(Washington Irving. Alhambra).
22 th anniversary of the capture of the Day - a good reason to go to Granada and enjoy the beautiful trophy Catholic Kings - Alhambra.
When over deserted, scanty, rocky plains of Andalusia rise like a mirage, snow
peaks of the Sierra Nevada, the feeling that you're about to get into a paradise on earth or in the magical
tale. And it's not cheating! Do travelers who do not bewitched, not captured, not amazed
to Granada? Mountain range borders the fertile Vega - the valley of the rivers Darro and Genil, with orange
groves, almond saplings lacy, dark cypress trees, colorful flowers. White
Granada home run up up the hills, which rise above the ocher-red walls of the Alhambra ...
"In perfect harmony here merges color of the sky, mountains, green, pink and golden old architecture
white blocks of residential development. Closure ridges creates a feeling as if a special world
with its climate, light, transparent dome of the sky and the crystal-clear air "
(TP Kaptereva, "The Art of Spain").
Magic beauty picture, opening our eyes - only a shadow of the splendor that sparkles
Moorish Granada in 13 -15 centuries. "Surrounded by flowering gardens city like a beautiful face,
covered with light guns. Current through it with picturesque river bridge the wrist reminds
girls covered by bracelets "- in these few lines awkwardly translated Andalusian
poet of the 14th century, Ibn al-Khatib praised the beauty of Granada. He was echoed by contemporary, another Granada poet Ibn
Zumruk: "Granada - a crown decorated with heavenly constellations and the Alhambra, Allah bless her, ruby
in this crown. "However, since the mid-13th century Andalusian poetry sounded motives doom: "O,
beyond the sea live in peace, and who in their native majesty and power! Do you have any news from
residents of Andalusia? Yesterday they were kings in their palaces, and today they are slaves in the countries of disbelief "-
wrote Salih al-Rondi.
Pavilions in the gardens of the Generalife
Perhaps there is a pattern in which, in its time of sunset art attains the highest perfection.
Two events in the 15th century with an interval of 40 years - the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks
in 1453 and the fall of Granada in 1492 represented symmetrical, although marked opposite
signs: refined art of the late Byzantine era Palaeologi strangely connected
Emirate of Granada with art, brilliantly embodied in Alhambra.
Asekiyya yard (yard channel) at the summer residence of the Generalife.
"The image of water is embodied in the mirror motionless flat reservoirs, the radiance, in speaking, in Figure patterned set of fountains, clarity strict geometric lines and shapes trimmed trees and shrubs and a riot of colors at the same time freely growing bright and fragrant flowers - all this in the gardens of the Generalife is remaking the world, gives it a poetic ambiguity. "
(TN Kaptereva. Spanish Art)
Pavilions summer residence decorated Generalife modest than the palaces of the Alhambra.
When the Alhambra began to build, the end of the Muslim era in the Iberian peninsula was
already predetermined. In 1236, under pressure from Christians has fallen Cordova, in 1238 - Valencia,
in 1248 - Seville. It was at this time in 1238, Muhammad first Nasrid dynasty
Granada came and began to build a fortress on a hill, well protected by spurs
Sierra Nevada. Since then, each new ruler of Granada have any contribution to the expansion of the set of the fortress,
which has acquired 37yu towers, each multiply the number of palace rooms. After all, the Arab ruler
simply obliged to build, so that no one doubted his strength!
Difficult to say what is Albambra like mnogopalubnomu ship floating over Vega - Fortress
with many palaces and gardens or a small town outside the city walls? Equally difficult to imagine
looking at this massive colossus as elegant, easy-tracery chambers of the palace. Outside the Alhambra nothing
from the palace inside - nothing from the fortress. She reminds walnut with coarse rough-skinned and delicate,
relief, intricately-complex "stuffing."
In the gardens of the Generalife
Although significant loss of the Alhambra, it still lucky winners-Muslim Spaniards destroyed
buildings, minarets altered in the bell tower of the mosque - in Christian churches (just
as it did with the opposite sign winners Turks in Constantinople), but the Alhambra, which was
at one time the residence of the Spanish kings, though over the years has come to desolation, miraculously survived.
"Looking at the graceful colonnades and seemingly fragile wall patterns, it is difficult to believe that a great deal
raced century they suffered earthquakes and wars that they spared the more leisurely and
detrimental efforts looting travelers "- so wrote me saying Washington Irving.
American writer was among those romantics who in the 19th century rediscovered the world
fabulous Arabian palace. Collecting material for his "Chronicles Conquest of Granada," Irving three
months lived in Alhambra and wrote a book about her - bizarre and entertaining collection of travel
notes, thoughts, sketches of local life, legends, Arabian Nights, historical information.
In the gardens of the Generalife
I fell in love with the youth "Alhambra" Irving. How many times I reread it, even without thinking that this,
according to the author "Muslim eliziuim" I happen to ever see! Precious book,
released in 1979, chief editorial Oriental Literature Publishing House "Science", and now lies before
me badly battered, with darkened pages. And although in my possession some fine
detailed guides, they seem dry and soulless compared to enthusiastic live
Irving notes.
Just listen:
"For the traveler, endowed with a sense of history and a flair for poetry - and history and poetry are inextricably
intertwined in the annals of romantic Spain - Alhambra can serve as a place of worship, as the Kaaba
for a true Muslim. How many legends and traditions, ancestral and later, how many songs and
ballads - Arabic and Spanish - about love, war and knightly exploits associated with this monument of the East!
Moorish kings lived here: surrounded by exquisite Asian luxury pomp, they believed
rulers themselves earthly paradise and become the last bastion of Muslim rule in Spain. "
Night Alhambra
The palaces of the Alhambra - a man-made paradise on earth - we'll go next time.