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Roda Kehidupan Manusia.
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Circle of life.
This is why I hope to go by the age 60.
50 also OK lah. Another 10 more years. |
people do not believe my age. i look 10 yrs younger and work like young guy..
hmm i guess am blessed
i want to live up to 120 yrs ..healty and young...
most important...doing postitive and helping peoples..
each time I go out ..seeing peoples and development....i always says....i could live another 100 yrs to see how peoples changes and the world developed .. nice to born as human
Last edited by Truth.8 on 27-4-2014 07:22 PM
Sephiroth posted on 27-4-2014 11:02 AM
This is why I hope to go by the age 60.
50 also OK lah. Another 10 more years.
is it pessimistic or realistic?
Tanah di makan oleh pokok, pokok di makan oleh binatang, binatang dimakan oleh manusia,
manusia(roh) di makan oleh jin, jin di makan oleh alien, alien dimakan oleh tanah.
Begitulah kitaran kehidupan. |
Pasal kitaran kehidopan ke pasal sucksess? Sucksess dapat lesen, bawa kenderaan, duit banyak etc rasa-nya bukan berlaku kat semua orang. |
Dunia ini tidak lebih dari permainan, senda gurau dan tipu daya, tetapi kita dihidupkan bukan untuk main-main.
Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini, selain dari main-main dan senda gurau belaka . Dan sungguh kampung akhirat itu lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertaqwa. Maka tidakkah kamu memahaminya?(Al-Anam:32)
Sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia hanyalah permainan dan senda gurau. Dan jika kamu beriman dan bertakwa, Allah akan memberikan pahala keppadamu dan Dia tidak akan memint harta-hartamu.(Muhammad:36)
Maka apakah kamu mengira, bahwa sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu secara main-main , dan bahwa kamu tidak akan dikembalikan kepada Kami?(Muhammad:115)
apam posted on 30-4-2014 03:23 PM
is it pessimistic or realistic?
Neither. It is Karma.
This body is a mere vessel. My soul is unborn and undying. I fear no death and therefore, prepare to die at any moment.
Sephiroth posted on 6-5-2014 08:43 AM
Neither. It is Karma.
This body is a mere vessel. My soul is unborn and undying. I fear no deat ...
i beleive everything is created by The Creator, soul included. if it is karma, then what wud be your next life?any idea? Last edited by apam on 6-5-2014 12:57 PM
apam posted on 6-5-2014 12:53 PM
i beleive everything is created by The Creator, soul included. if it is karma, then what wud be yo ...
if everything is created by one creator and why he created so many religion? e.g. Y created jews, christian, islam, hindusim, buddhism etc etc?
Y cant be there only one religion if its d same messanger sending same message? if you say all is under god`s plan, then Y plan human to killing each other? if we are his image, why we filled with hate, greed, anger? whose image is that?
if all religion is his creation, when would you all be like PC game? god created human and play war game so he would see jews kill christian, christian kill muslem
karma mean mental or action volition. Karma is not today you kill, next year you get killed.
it mean you set your mental to be such a state that you always anger, |
apam posted on 6-5-2014 12:53 PM
i beleive everything is created by The Creator, soul included. if it is karma, then what wud be yo ...
I can be like a god (Dewa) or I can be like an Asuran (Demon). I can be the Light that shines in the Darkness or the Eclipse that swallows the Sun. It does not matter what I will become.
Whatever I will be, one thing is certain. I will serve God as He had pre-ordained. My service is to Him alone. It is so in the past life time, this life time and the lives to come. That will not change regardless of what form I take or how many lives I live.
by wei_loon5063
if everything is created by one creator and why he created so many religion? e.g. Y created jews, christian, islam, hindusim, buddhism etc etc?
I remember a time when Mankind was One.
One mind.
One thought.
One belief.
One God.
Therefore, One religion was enough.
Now, Mankind are many - many minds, many thoughts, many belief and many gods. They fight to become many, to divide among themselves into smaller and smaller pieces without knowing that this is what Evil wants - to divide Mankind to become so small that they could become powerless.
It is not God who creates many religions we have today. It is Evil that splits Mankind to create many belief system and then live under their foolishness, believing that they are serving God. |
wei_loon5063 posted on 6-5-2014 01:33 PM
if everything is created by one creator and why he created so many religion? e.g. Y created je ...
There is only one God. Every religion suppose to lead to one God, the actual Creator, whatever they call Him. Along the period, there are diversions made by certain human that capitalize on human natures to find the real God. Be it in christian, islam, hindu, buddha, etc. God created things, matters and laws of nature and allows/disallows matters and subjects to happen based on His perfect and fair judgement covering the whole spectrum. God created human with the ability to intend and choose. Their intends reflect their values and God will truly compensate them which nobody knows in what forms.
Bad things are allowed to happen in front of our eyes at certain point of time/moment, what lays in the future, we dont know. MAYBE for punishment, maybe to compensate, maybe for trials.
Good things only command values if bad things exist. |
{To Allah belongs the dominion of the Heavens and the Earth. He creates what He wills (and plans). He bestows male or female (children) according to His Will (and Plan), Or He bestows both males and females, and He leaves barren whom He will: for He is full of Knowledge and Power.} (Ash-Shurah 42:49-50)
IF EVERYTHING IS PREPLANNED, Y leave you a mind to think and choose
Sephiroth posted on 6-5-2014 03:52 PM
by wei_loon5063
thnks seph
again, Y god created evil if he created everything? Y not pure goodness? if he could foresee future, why cant foresee seperation of human?
if everything is HIS plan, meaning genocide, holy war etc, all is pre planned by him?
even what I am typing is preplanned by HIM. even what I am contradicting HIM now is by HIS .
or mean, he control believer ONLY? if I am infidel, then he wont control me, if I convert, he can control me?
by wei_loon5063
again, Y god created evil if he created everything? Y not pure goodness? if he could foresee future, why cant foresee seperation of human?
Without disease, how could you become sick, obtain immunity further and then stop being sick?
Without hunger and thirst, could you go out of your cave to find food and water, even so there are dangerous animals outside?
Without Evil and suffering, how could you know the difference between good and evil? Could one still strive to become Buddha if God made everyone into Buddhas? Without Mara to fight, could Gautama Buddha achieve Nirwana?
In God's World, everything has a purpose. Even evil. Some could think that Evil acts alone, independent and powerful. It is not. Evil is weak, pathetic and requires us to entertain it into order for it to lead us astray. Evil plays with our weakness of the flesh and the mind, and our fears and desires.
Without Evil, Man could not know such dark quality exists within himself, become deluded and his existence will have no meaning. Our meaning in life is to fight our own dark side and for that, religion can only play the part of guide but not a guarantee that he could win.
even what I am typing is preplanned by HIM. even what I am contradicting HIM now is by HIS .
There is nothing pre-planned for a person. Your future is determined by your actions here and now. What actions and thoughts you commit yourself today, it will create the future (options) for you to choose from in the future. If you kill someone, your options are limited - surrender and go to jail, run and there is a possibility you can escape punishment or fight and die (being shot at by the police). Your path seems to be limited (as if it is pre-planned) but the reality is, you have narrowed the options which are made available to you.
or mean, he control believer ONLY? if I am infidel, then he wont control me, if I convert, he can control me?
Infidel, atheists or believer. It is IRRELEVANT. Laws of karma applies to everyone - it is cause and effect. A person do not escape from his action merely because he do not believe in it. Just as you throw a ball onto the wall, it could bounce back to you (or some other direction) depending on your strength and direction you throw. It doesn't mean that the wall was acting against you nor the ball had its own mind to hit you in the head. It is simply karma. Last edited by Sephiroth on 7-5-2014 06:40 PM
my question does not to you but to others.
cheers |
wei_loon5063 posted on 9-5-2014 01:35 PM
my question does not to you but to others.
You choose to entertain the weak and strenghten your own belief that there is nothing to understand except that which you have understood. That is why you are an atheist.
Good day.
and thus human created atheist word to strengthen your religion |
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