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Those with higher intelligence are less likely to believe in God claims new review of 63 scientific studies stretching back decades
A new study claims to have conclusively proved that the more intelligent a person is the less likely they are to believe in God.
Psychologists Miron Zuckerman and Jordan Silberman of the University of Rochester and Judith Hall of Northeastern University have published their review of 63 studies conducted between 1928 and 2012 in this months Personality and Social Psychology Review.
While they admit their findings are 'not new', the psychologists embarked on a systematic analysis of almost one hundred years of studies into the correlation between intelligence and religiosity and found that atheism is rife among clever people.
Defining intelligence as the 'ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience,' the three psychologists defined these skills as analytical, reasoned forms of intelligence.
On the other hand, religiosity was defined as a belief in the supernatural, offering gifts to this supernatural and performing rituals affirming their beliefs according to an article in
Backing up their findings, Zuckerman, Silberman and Hall, examined the 1921 study by Lewis Terman, a psychologist at Stanford Univeristy who named his review, the Terman cohort of the gifted.
In the study, Terman recruited 1,500 children whose IQ exceeded 135 at at the age of 10.
This data was re-examined by Robin Sears at Columbia University in 1995 and by Michael McCullough at the University of Miami in 2005.
The overall conclusion of both these reviewers was that the children were less religious when compared to the general public.
Direct Correlation: The relationship between countries' belief in a god and national average IQ by Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster
However, what was remarkable about the data collected by Terman was that in spite of their atheism, 60 percent of the children he studied were brought up in 'very strict' religious homes.
The second great study that was examined by Zuckerman, Silberman and Hall was based on New York's Hunter College Elementary School for the intellectually gifted.
Graduates with IQ's over 140 aged between 38 and 50 were contacted and it was found that only 16 percent had derived any personal satisfaction from religion.
When countries were examined by Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster in 2009, the positive correlation between intelligence and atheism was a strong one.
While the data shows the positive correlation between intelligence and lack of religiosity, Zuckerman, Silbreman and Hall were more concerned with the reasons why.
According to the study even during early years the more intelligent a child is the more likely it would be to turn away from religion
One possibility the three researchers hit on was that intelligent people are less likely to conform and therefore more likely to resist relgious dogma.
Indeed, they discovered a correlation between the rise in atheism of intelligent people if they live in religious communities because they do not want to conform.
The most common explanation is that intelligent people do not like to accept any beliefs that cannot be tested according to an article in
The final reason they hit upon was that intelligence and its merits provides the function of religion to those who are blessed enough to have a high IQ.
Also, although the review encompasses all studies conducted from 1928 to 2012, it only does so for studies written in the English language.
And Zuckerman also warns that, despite there being thousands of participants overall, ranging among all ages, almost all of them belong to Western society.
More to the point, 87 percent of those involved in the studies were from the U.S. the UK and Canada - making the study mainly about Protestants, not Jews or Catholics.
Ibnu Sina, Al-Batutta tu semua tak percaya agama agaknya... sebab tu dorang bijak. |
Secara umum tak bijak namun ada juga yg bijak. Cuba lihat golongan agama di Malaysia apa sumbangan mereka kepada kemajuan & ekonomi negara.
cuba org agama komen bangunan, engineering, medic pelbagai. tau pula marah lalu suruh org agama tersebut duk main agama saja. jgn campur hal org gitu.
krn mereka bukan belajar agama krn tuntutan agama...tapi belajar agama utk kepentingan peribadi..sebab tu tak heran agama dipolitikkan..ambil kesempatan atas nama agama..
patutlah makin hari si lava tu makin bebal..![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
artikel ni tak sebut pun tentang bidang pengajian/keilmuan/pekerjaan seseorang..sebaliknya perkaitan antara intelligent dan kepercayaan..even orang yang background ilmu agama pun ramai jer xpercaya dengan agama.. |
golongan agama menyumbang kepada keselamatan
dan kemakmuran di malaysia.
u selalu dgr tok sami, tok imam, paderi pegi merompak?
pernah dengar paderi sepak tok imam?
penah dengar imam tampar tok sami?
golongan2 kuat agama tu suma ofkos golongan bijak.
yg tak kuat agama biasanya kurang bijak.
dok campak kepala babi, seret kepala lembu, desak
turunkan salib tapi diri sendiri taktutup aurat.
ResellerMaxis replied at 28-4-2015 10:11 AM
artikel ni tak sebut pun tentang bidang pengajian/keilmuan/pekerjaan seseorang..sebaliknya perkait ...
perli komen org di atas mengenai sombangan org agama pada kemajuan nokks
ada juga imam baling kasut pada hakim.. lobai-lobai pegang bendera palestin baring tengah..![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
yg tu berguru ngan google... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Takpelah klo tak cya Allah sbb Allah dah tunjuk tunggu ...! |
Yang datang jual apam di malaysia pun ramai tak caya tuhan. Pandai betul mereka tuh![](static/image/smiley/default/3laugh.gif) |
katanya dalam Quran ada pelbagai ilmu malahan terdapat ilmu sains.
org intelligence kurun skarang ja kot tak caya agama. org dulu mereka elok ja percaya sambil gigih develop algebra, ilmu astronomical pelbagai
org yg IQ tinggi juga tersgt kurang utk menjadi menteri |
Those studies only apply to slave races like americans, irish etc |
Ini kes masuk bakul angkat sendiri ka?... atheist tulis article untuk puji atheist?? Apa kata suruh pak imam, paderi, tok sami pulak buat kajian dan tulis article....mereka pun mungkin akan tulis IQ atheist ni bawah sikit dari IQ ungka... |
Umat paling rosak di Malaysia ialah umat paling beragama. Tentu ada kaitan dgn agama. |
tu pasal level didikan agama dorang serupa didikan mak pak lu ajar lu..
ciput je...
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