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Author: NaylaArisha


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Post time 4-9-2022 02:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 4-9-2022 11:26 AM

Happy Sunday

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:23 PM
u dah order online kan

Mcm biasa ai prefer on9 purchase

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:26 PM
ai nak tengok tapi tak pasti bila dia keluar kat panggung

Cite lyle Croc tu ke

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:26 PM
kenapa kurang 10

Ni cite bullet train kan. Ade dah ai explain knp

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:27 PM
sekarang ni anime ai rate jer ai dah tak join

Tgg ade Co mod br join

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2022 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
macet tgh reply notis

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2022 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tengok notis baru 44

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2022 02:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ai nak tunggu notis 100 baru ai masuk reply

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:27 PM
lepa tu sedar2 dah berlayar

Tp msk selalu sblm isya. Lps isya jrg msk

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 4-9-2022 02:09 PM
ai nak tunggu notis 100 baru ai masuk reply

Ai msk kjp je ni

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:28 PM
ai banyak guna formula kalau guna excel jer

Klu excel ai byk guna pivot

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:53 PM
kenapa u cakap anak u tido tak diam

Typo kot. Mksd ai tido br mulut dia diam

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:53 PM
adik ai ler ...

Adik u mmg perlu guna unifi? U x de adik still belajar kan

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:54 PM
tapi masuk hujung tahun ni ai nak mita dia tambah kan gaji ai lah

Ai bln dpn kn isi appraisal. Naik muak dah.

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 02:58 PM
semua boss pon macam tu mana pernah nak terima salah derang

Mcm appraisal x leh tggl ksg kn isi dah isi srh revise pulak

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 03:44 PM
sebab nak cukupkan hour tu yang meleret

Meleret sejam setgh

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 03:44 PM
then lepas tu apa yang jadi

Salah srg kn bunuh

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 03:45 PM
lah dia keluar masa last minit jer kira dia bukan watak utama lah dalam movie tu

Kuar skjp je.

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 03:48 PM
ai dah nak habis kait dah Vol 42 ni

nnt nak kait Vol 43 pulak

Ai mood lemau ni tp msk gK la kjp

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Post time 4-9-2022 02:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 2-9-2022 03:49 PM
supaya u tak tanya lagi ai dah habis kait belum

X tny sbb ai tau dah hbs kait

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