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Author: NaylaArisha


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Post time 25-11-2023 06:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 02:16 PM
ah yang ni
seingat nay tak pernah cakap kat anak nay
cuma nay mention kat sini hari tu

you will never know kdg2 Allah nak tunjuk something kat sesaper tu sumber dia boleh dtg dr mana2 jer

ada org luna kenal terrrjumpa mak dia ada tulis somewhere that the mother was disappointed in her, terus member tu tertutup hati nak sharing2 ngan mak dia pastu, dia x dpt lupa sampai ke sudah rasa terluka tu cemaner


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Post time 25-11-2023 06:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 02:46 PM
Like biking, swimming is also a low-impact alternative to walking or running. It's great for cardi ...

ayo nay naik basikal pun x tau ker ?

never too late to start learning anyhing but kalau dah x tau sumer tu chloe ting jer la aiols boleh suggest : dlm umah, xyah props, she offers low impact version of her programmes & dpt both aerobics (cardio) & anaerobics (intense muscle)

start with warm up :

dulu after warm up luna follow with this shred program :

but this one pun cam ok gak utk selang2 dgn cardio eventho luna x try lg :  

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 02:46 PM
Like biking, swimming is also a low-impact alternative to walking or running. It's great for cardi ...

masa china kuatkuasa 1 child policy tu rakyat dia terlalu ramai, now rakyat mula menua so dia longgarkan lah dasar tu.. well, negara pun komunis, bukan demokrasi kan.. so boleh paksa rakyat dia ikut suka policy dia lah

lexus - toyota's luxury division
acura - honda's luxury & performance division infinity - luxury-badge arm of nissan
that blue e symbol tu just the icon for nissan's zero emission vehicle

so yer sumer logo tu logo keter2 keluaran jepun

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 02:47 PM
haah dia g ikut petua kat tik tok tu lah
tu yang jadi macam tu
petua ntah apa2

harap dia blaja la dr kesilapan

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 02:48 PM
setiap kali perhimpunan mesti dia ingatkan
tu yang sampai sekarang
masih terkesan dalam kehidupan ...

pengetua kitorang tetiap kali dia bukak mulut, perhimpunan ker ucapan event lain kerrr dia akan sebut alumni lain ingat sebab diorang sker quote pengetua tu, tapi luna tetappp lah tiada kesan dlm ingatan

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 02:49 PM
itu yang nay kadang tepek quotes baru
nak ganti topik lah kiranya

tektik rupanyer

masalahnyer bila tiada kaitan maka akan menjerumuskan org utk beklog apa benda lah sheols tgh utarakan inih ?!?!

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 02:51 PM
heaven lah boleh party sampai ke pagi

dah bangun pagi 5 hari2

masa xder bb party ler
dah ada bb nak party apa

subuh summer dlm kol 3.30 camtu so mmg tdo balik la kan.. now subuh 4.45 but tetap la tdo balik

luna bgn ready bekal kol 6.30
hasben bgn kol 7
bb bgn kol 8 then hasben kuar
8.45 bb & mama kuar gi tadika

sumorang cuma ada 1 hour jer b4 kuar umah so mmg x make time for bekfes ler

boleh kalau nak..
tapi dah mama papa biasa x bekfes dari zaman dahulu kala so kurang effort dari sesiapa la di situ

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 02:53 PM
so lepas tengok citer wednesday tu
apa pendapat luna?
mmg patut hype ke movie tu

ok jer citer tu ..
youngsters suka la, so faham la kenapa hype sebab diorang yg tukang hype kan pun kat tt tu kan

org2 tua time tu dok hype world cup
ronaldo vs messi

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 02:55 PM
yang tu dah sah2 u kena tekan sendiri kan

better la dari masuk bakul
pastu angkat senirik
duduk lah situ x kemana2

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:05 PM
my sis kan dia ada habit
kalau dia marah dia akan letak anak dia kat luar pintu
walaupon ada gri ...

konfem la trauma anak your sis tu

pengalaman yg amat2 buruk dlm hidup dia la kan utk level umur 4 tahun camtu, sooo bad ada kemungkinan budak tu xmo teringat2, so x heran la if one day dia develope coping mechanism yg dia pun x tau dia dpt dari mana.. sebab otak dia dah padam incident tu dari conscious mind dia.. salah satu manusia lindung diri seniri, it's a defense mechanism..

one film yg depict mechanism ni dgn indah sekali is pan's labyrinth dlm context kanak2 dlm peperangan

maybe nay boleh jadi safe space utk anak sedara nay ker ? atleast ada tempat dia boleh pegi mengadu, meluah hati dlm keluarga seniri, better dari dia cari dari org tah saper2 among kwn2 or strangers

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:10 PM
eh tak sebelum2 ni pun nay nak buka
tak boleh kena ada acc..
mungkin lah TT yang nay nak buka tu

x tau
sebab mmg luna x penah register tt

luna dload jer pastu open
so kalau luna click icon profile kat bawah kanan tu.. dia akan kuar camni :

but luna x penah click apa2, mmg xmo proceed further from that

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:17 PM
leher tu boleh lah nak makan
kepalatu just nak slurp jer

mungkin laaa..
x pasti la bagaimana cara menikmatinya

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:17 PM
so nay tunggu bila luna ada peluang untuk cuba kepala ayam tu

balik msia pon 5 tahun skali
bila masa nyer luna nak jejak negara kepala ayam tu

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:18 PM
lepas tu bagi review kat sini

mmg x lah

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Post time 25-11-2023 06:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:27 PM
see kenapa hidayah tu tak sampai2
sebab hidayah di tunggu bukan di cari

xtau la ckp la nay
sebab hidayah tu Allah yg punya

ada org tercari2 juga
tp x jumpa
ada org x really cari
tp terjumpa

Allah jer tau how it works


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Post time 25-11-2023 06:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:29 PM
tak ada lah nak drag

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Post time 25-11-2023 07:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:31 PM
ai is okay

sebab x jumpa image wonder pet yg lain so aiols terpaksa ler recycle juger with disclaimer

asal kan relevant harap maafkan lah yer

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Post time 25-11-2023 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:32 PM
hari ni ai dah settle
macet nov tak masuk lagi

ni aiols sedaya upaya tgh fill up your noti lagi

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Post time 25-11-2023 07:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:37 PM
senang hati lah jugak

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Post time 25-11-2023 07:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 15-11-2023 03:38 PM
bolehland? perkataan baru ke

aiols ingat aiols yg slalu lag
ada org lagi lag rupanyer

lama dah term ni cik nayyy

article from 2010 & 2016 :

2017 :

siap ada wikipedia ok

malaysia boleh !

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