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Author: chazey


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Post time 6-3-2013 07:24 PM | Show all posts
sapp73 posted on 6-3-2013 07:10 PM
ana...alangkan isteri dan keluarga pun tak dikasi tengok mayat buat kali terakhir ...

betul tue sapp yg depan mata x dpt tgk
suddenly ada bideo tu xtahulah camner hancur luluh hati diaorg
baik isteri, mak bapak mahupun anak2 serta keluarga dan kawan

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:25 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 6-3-2013 06:45 PM
belum sampai mood membedal. bak kata tok aji, malam2 baru aku ganas.

tea o ais mana???? tu pon nak kena suruh ke? pi wat satu tong...


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Post time 6-3-2013 07:26 PM | Show all posts
Makin ramai lanun bangsat datang nak tadah nyawa dan badan ke sabah

Lahad Datu: Veteran Moro Guerrillas Heading To Sabah

MANILA: Battle-hardened Moro guerrillas have sailed from Mindanao to reinforce followers of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III who are battling Malaysian forces in Sabah, one of their leaders said Wednesday.

The fighters are veteran members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) who waged a decades-long insurgency against the Philippine government before signing a 1996 peace pact, Muhajab Hashim told AFP.

“Many have slipped through the security forces. They know the area like the back of their hands because they trained there in the past,” Hashim told AFP.

“We are expecting more of them to join (the fighting) even if our official instruction is for them to refrain from going.”

If the claim is true, the Moro fighters will be engaging Malaysian security forces with little or no experience in warfare.

Hashim could not say how many MNLF fighters had managed to slip through naval cordons set up by the Philippines and Malaysia, but said “thousands” had earlier expressed interest in joining.

Hashim is chairman of the MNLF’s Islamic Command Council overseeing all of the group’s armed forces, which were meant to disarm as part of the 1996 peace pact but never fully complied.

He said that although MNLF leaders had not officially instructed their men to sail to Malaysia, they fully supported the sultan’s efforts to reclaim the Malaysian state of Sabah as his territory.

“MNLF fighters are adherents of the sultan, we are followers. So there is more than an alliance,” he said. “We feel very strongly against the attacks against our brothers from Sulu.”

Malaysian security forces launched a major offensive on Tuesday to end a three-week standoff between followers of Kiram that has left at least 27 people dead.

However, the sultan’s aides said in Manila that their followers, believed to originally number between 100 and 300, had escaped Tuesday’s attacks.

The MNLF was founded by Muslim scholar Nur Misuari to fight for a Muslim homeland in Mindanao in the late 1960s, and had once received support from Malaysia

- AFP via FMT


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Post time 6-3-2013 07:26 PM | Show all posts
petola posted on 6-3-2013 07:09 PM
apapun kita tepek jugalah apa perlu
bahan bacaan untuk kesihatan minda..

terbaek...moga Hishamudin letak jawatan pas ni

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:26 PM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 6-3-2013 06:39 PM
mayat tempur ngan vat ari tuh kan dah masuk plastik sampah.. di semporna..

yang ini kan kat LD. ...

kak mimi, kat forum sebelah ada org kata mayat yg baru jumpa kat kubu tu mayat anggota keselamatan, bukan mundu sulu..diorang tengok baju, kasut, talipinggang, glove sama mcm yg polis pakai..betul ka???

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:27 PM | Show all posts
ruffleen posted on 6-3-2013 07:19 PM
teringat masa aku pegi BTN empat tahun lepas.

mmg bengang bila di akhir kelas, ditayang video p ...

ketua pengarah BTN pon bukan org kerajaan..orang pakatan!

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:27 PM | Show all posts
tgk gambar yg kat dalam lubang tu mmg sungguh scary

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:27 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:28 PM | Show all posts
mat_arof posted on 6-3-2013 07:24 PM
macam ada mayat wanita berambut panjang baring secara mengiring

ada wanita ke yang join kumpula ...

mmg ada perempuan, isteri kpd "perwira2 suluk" ni, betul kata seorg forumers uniform dia org hitam

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:28 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 6-3-2013 05:28 PM
************************************************************************************************ ...

tahniah dan good job chazey, ganjaran menantimu di page 1. kekekeke.

OK, kepada sesiapa yg tertinggal kereta api boleh la menyusuli kronologi yg dikeluarkan oleh chazey di page 1 untuk lebih memahami isu ini.

Chazey, thread reserve tu kalau dah tak tau nak letak apa lagi boleh la letak sejarah sabah dan sulu yg ko rasa rasa sesuai. supaya org boleh mengetahui lebih dekat lagi asal usul kejadian. macam biasa, kredit menanti anda. thehehe.

teruskan usaha murni anda.


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Post time 6-3-2013 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Bedah.Cun posted on 6-3-2013 07:11 PM
Oh... welll... Iols duduk di London je sejuk2 ade salji kalau uols kena potong leher dengan Sulu p ...

OWh.. Well. God..


You Know.... Well....

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Kerajaan bagi korang tu merujuk kerajaan Malaysia atau kerajaan hak milik parti tertentu? Korang orang Melayu bandar kan lagi pandai daripada Bedah. Bedah ni sekolah pun SPM gred 3 je maklum la orang asli nak belajar dulu2 pun susah takde kemudahan

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Bersiagalah wahai warga Tanah Melayu yg beragama Islam. Pengganas Suluk dah menyerap ke dlm pentadbiran negara. Bangsa ni bangsa pendendam. Sjung akan diserang stail gerila. Dah ramai org2 Suluk di Sjung. Mereka ni bangsa pahlawan dan penuh kemahiran bertempur. Mngkin kah mereka akan pasang bom di sana sini? Tahniah UMNO sb perjudikan keselamatan warga Melayu

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:30 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox posted on 6-3-2013 07:26 PM
Makin ramai lanun bangsat datang nak tadah nyawa dan badan ke sabah

‘Drama,’ Says Sultanate Heirs Of Sabah Standoff

By: Edd K. Usman
Published: March 4, 2013

Another "branch" of the heirs of the Sultanate of Sulu yesterday described the Sabah standoff as a “drama,” saying Malaysia has always recognized the descendants' "proprietary rights."

It also claimed there is "political maneuvering" in the incident.
"We have been used since martial law," Princess Merriam Kiram, widow of Sultan Mohammad Mahakuttah Kiram, the 34th Sultan of Sulu, claimed.
While not supporting the standoff in Sabah, she said, their Kiram branch is one with the "branch" of Jamalul Kiram III in pursuing the Sabah claim.
Aside from calling the Sabah standoff a drama, she also described it as "the Lahad Datu escapades."
She said what their branch is striving for is for Malaysia to increase the payment the Muslim country is giving to the sultanate's heirs.
Maharajah Adinda (George dela Fuente Sison), the supposed "heir apparent," gave an idea about the amount they are seeking.
"It is substantial enough to develop (the whole island) of Sulu," he said.
Adinda said at the end-January this year, Malaysia was about to agree, but the negotiation bogged down.
He claimed at the rate of paying the heirs only 5,300 Malaysian ringgit (about P70,000), each heir is getting only P2.50.
The late Mahakuttah Kiram granted Sison the title "Maharajah Adinda" in 1981, which a woman's magazine published on April 8, 1981.
Princess Merriam Kiram also offered herself as "emissary," as the president of the United World Foundation and Royal House of Kiram Foundation.
She said she has been living in Malaysia for the last 25 years.
While not agreeing with the Sabah standoff, she said, they do not support calls for the followers of Kiram III to go back to the Philippines.
She said she does not want to see bloodshed either.
"Why should I ask them to come home, (they) just went home (to Sabah), she said.
The Kiram princess-widow, from the side of Datu Esmael Kiram, said they have been in talks with Malaysia for the rental increase.
"Malaysia calls it cessation (payment), we call it rent," she said.
She did not give any details of the talks with Malaysia, saying it is "confidential."
"I am now in the process of negotiating some form of compensation from the Malaysian government to help develop their family's ancestral lands," she said in a written statement, describing them as "displaced people."
She said she was offering her "services to be an 'emissary' in the negotiation with all parties concerned in as much as I have dealt with all of them in the past."
"A win-win solution can be definitely arrived at," she said.


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Post time 6-3-2013 07:30 PM | Show all posts
miss_kikilala posted on 6-3-2013 07:05 PM
Menteri: Penceroboh serang anggota CID, forensik

Menteri dalam negeri Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hus ...

Waktu kawasan dah di anggap selamat.

Yela, forensic biasanya datang bila kawasan dah selamat, tapi soalan aku adakah penyerang tu menyusup masuk semula setelah kawasan dianggap selamat, atau kawasan dianggap selamat tapi sebenarnya tak selamat?

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:30 PM | Show all posts
cmf_blingblings posted on 6-3-2013 07:28 PM
mmg ada perempuan, isteri kpd "perwira2 suluk" ni, betul kata seorg forumers uniform dia org hitam ...

oh gitu

biar mampos semua nya

kiil kill kill


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Post time 6-3-2013 07:31 PM | Show all posts
MANILA: Battle-hardened Moro guerrillas have sailed from Mindanao to reinforce followers of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III who are battling Malaysian forces in Sabah, one of their leaders said Wednesday.
The fighters are veteran members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) who waged a decades-long insurgency against the Philippine government before signing a 1996 peace pact, Muhajab Hashim told AFP.

“Many have slipped through the security forces. They know the area like the back of their hands because they trained there in the past,” Hashim told AFP.

“We are expecting more of them to join (the fighting) even if our official instruction is for them to refrain from going.”

If the claim is true, the Moro fighters will be engaging Malaysian security forces with little or no experience in warfare.

Hashim could not say how many MNLF fighters had managed to slip through naval cordons set up by the Philippines and Malaysia, but said “thousands” had earlier expressed interest in joining.

Hashim is chairman of the MNLF’s Islamic Command Council overseeing all of the group’s armed forces, which were meant to disarm as part of the 1996 peace pact but never fully complied.

He said that although MNLF leaders had not officially instructed their men to sail to Malaysia, they fully supported the sultan’s efforts to reclaim the Malaysian state of Sabah as his territory.

“MNLF fighters are adherents of the sultan, we are followers. So there is more than an alliance,” he said. “We feel very strongly against the attacks against our brothers from Sulu.”

Malaysian security forces launched a major offensive on Tuesday to end a three-week standoff between followers of Kiram that has left at least 27 people dead.

However, the sultan’s aides said in Manila that their followers, believed to originally number between 100 and 300, had escaped Tuesday’s attacks.

The MNLF was founded by Muslim scholar Nur Misuari to fight for a Muslim homeland in Mindanao in the late 1960s, and had once received support from Malaysia

anjing tersepit!!!

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:31 PM | Show all posts
Jurugambar cedera ketika cuba rakam aksi penahanan

SEORANG anggota pasukan keselamatan menahan seorang lelaki yang dalam keadaan mencurigakan di pantai Lahad Datu berhampiran Felda Residence Sahabat, di Lahad Datu, Sabah hari ini. Gara-gara mahu merakam aksi ini, seorang jurugambar media cedera. - UTUSAN

LAHAD DATU 5 Mac - Tindakan anggota keselamatan menahan seorang pemandu bot di pantai berhampiran Felda Residence Sahabat, dekat sini menarik perhatian media yang berada di kawasan tetersebut.

Bot yang dinaiki seorang lelaki ditahan pihak keselamatan yang mengawal perairan di sekitar Kampung Tanduo.

Aksi penahanan tersebut ternyata menarik minat pihak media yang bertindak menyerbu ke arah perairan pantai.

Namun begitu, malang buat salah seorang daripada kumpulan media itu apabila jurugambar tersebut jatuh ketika berlari bagi merakam aksi yang jarang diperoleh itu.

Jurugambar tersebut difahamkan terkehel di bahagian lutut dan menerima bantuan perubatan daripada pihak pengurusan Felda Residence Sahabat. - UTUSAN

Artikel Penuh: ... hanan#ixzz2Ml4xeFtZ
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Post time 6-3-2013 07:32 PM | Show all posts
Bedah tak paham sangat pos #254 tu...

Mak nenek Sulu tu cakap ape???

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Post time 6-3-2013 07:33 PM | Show all posts

Memang terdesak Kiram 3 suku untuk menawan Sabah selepas tenteranya gagal membuat onar dengan mencabar kedaulatan negara Malaysia. Sudah pasti kegagalan Kiram 3 Suku membuat dalangnya kerugian berjuta ringgit kerana menaja askar pengecut Kiram 3 suku menawan Sabah.

Operasi pembersihan oleh anggota tentera dan polis Malaysia memusnahkan segala harapanya untuk terus bercita-cita menuntut haknya keatas Sabah.

Patutlah Allah swt tidak pernah memakbulkan perbuatan Kiram 3 suku kerana ternyata syirik memohon pertolongan jin dengan kemeyan bagai.

Terima kasih PM Najib, Zahid Hamidi, Anifah Aman, Polis,Tentera, Vat69, Komando ATM, PAT, KPN mematah serangan tentera Kiram 3 Suku untuk terus mencabar mendaulatkan Negara.

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