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Author: chazey


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:55 AM | Show all posts
an2toncit posted on 7-3-2013 08:25 AM
brape kali nk cakap ngan tu bukan blog PR ....yg ...

Aku tengok blog tu dan aku baca dgn tersirat..

Mmg aku sangat yakin 936% bhwa blog itu bukan blog PR..

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:57 AM | Show all posts
batusembilan posted on 7-3-2013 11:54 AM
sorry......aku dh delete.

cukup unt 5 minit unt u all dpt gambaran serba sedikit dgn suasana se ...

hadoi lah ko neh lurus bendul tiang suri betui..

dah betul dah berita ko tuh.. dah kuar berita pun .. harap rajin rempit versi2 lepas..

cuma nya.. ai tak percaya pada suluk2 neh nak bantu polis bagai sebab dalam kejadian lanun sulu yang dorang bantai sampai mati tuh bukan suka2 dorang nak bantai sampai mati.. tapi lanun tuh pi tawan 80 orang kampung tuh dengan m16nya..

time lanun tuh lalai nak bakar rokok ada yang sergah dia dan amik senjata itu dan yang lain2 gi katok dia..

so pada aku, itu hanyalah reflek mempertahankan diri .. bukan nak bantu polis2 pi tawan dia pun..

so, jadi lanun jangan isap rokok <-- yang neh berita tak tulis..


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:57 AM | Show all posts
sinopsis kisah sultan

1) lawan pilihanraya di Filipina... lepas tu kalah.. duit habis masa kempen
2) ada puteri ..... katanya puteri selalu ada mahkota, istana, naik kuda...
3) sedang derita sakit buah pinggang

Sultan Sulu: Saya sultan termiskin di dunia

MANILA: Sultan Sulu Jamalul Kiram III mengakui beliau adalah sultan paling miskin di dunia.

Istana Kiram hanyalah rumah dua tingkat di kota Manila, Filipina.
Lahir di Sulu pada 1938,  Kiram merupakan seorang pemimpin yang cukup disayangi dan penggemar sukan tenis. Tanpa disadari, Sultan Sulu itu pernah bekerja sebagai juruhebah  radio.
Beliau mencalonkan dirinya  sebagai seorang senator pada 2007 dengan sokongan mantan Presiden Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
Namun beliau kalah dan kerana itu hartanya pun habis kerana kempen pilihan raya tersebut.

“Saya adalah sultan termiskin di dunia ini,” ujar sultan berusia 74 tahun itu, seperti dilapor Associated Press hari ini.
Anak perempuannya, Jaycel  menceritakan bagaimana kisah masa kecilnya.
Jaycel sendiri mengaku terkejut ketika mendengar khabar bahawa dirinya adalah seorang puteri raja.
“Ketika saya masih kecil, saya kira nama ‘Puteri’ adalah nama depan saya. Seorang puteri (raja) umumnya mengenakan mahkota, memiliki istana dan kereta kuda,” ujar Jaycel yang  berusia 35 tahun.

Derita buah pinggang dan jantung

Salah satu hal yang menunjukan kejayaan Kiram  hanyalah gelaran sultan yang ada di depan nama panjangnya. Selain itu, Kiram tidak memiliki apapun, selain pengikutnya yang sedang menduduki Sabah.
Kesihatan Kiram  juga mula memburuk, menderita buah pinggang  dan penyakit jantung. Kiram pun sulit untuk bercakap. Biaya rawatan sultan itu ternyata cukup mahal, keluarga Kiram dikhabarkan lupa membayar sewa rumah.
Di masa muda, Kiram mengaku sering berkunjung ke Sabah. Ketika berada di wilayah itu, Kiram merasa seperti berada di kampung halamannya sendiri.
Sabah dan Sulu dipisahkan oleh sebuah selat di Laut Sulu. Perjalanan dari Sabah ke Sulu juga hanya memakan waktu 30 minit dengan menggunakan kapal. Dua wilayah itu memiliki banyak kesamaan, warga-warga dari Sulu mahupun Sabah juga saling mengunjungi.
Kesultanan Sulu ingin melihat kerajaan Filipina menuntut kembali wilayah Sabah. Menurut Kiram, tuntutan itu penting kerana banyak pengikut Kesultanan Sulu yang diburu oleh polis Malaysia di Sabah.
Kiram cukup khuatir akan tindak balas para pengikutnya.


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:57 AM | Show all posts
geolimarkisa posted on 7-3-2013 11:51 AM
kannn..?pot pet2 ngalahkan jenderal...

dotter abe keross katanya nak jadi dokter,..takder lah waris nampaknya dlm army....

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:58 AM | Show all posts
hantu kubur mana plak nih

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Cina DAP pula suruh bagi 200 juta dekat sultan kiram untuk settle kes

CINA DAP mahu kerajaan bayar pampasan RM200 juta kepada Sultan Kiram

KOTA       KINABALU, March 6, 2013: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has lodged a       police report against former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh and       Labuan DAP chief Lau Seng Kiat over statements calling on the government       to pay RM200 million lump sum to the so called Sulu Sultanate heirs.
      SAPP Youth Chief Edward Dagul, accompanied by some 30 party leaders and       supporters, lodged the report at the Karamunsing Police station at about       10am.
      He said Harris and Lau statements are worsening the current stand off in       Kampung Tanduo, Tungku, Lahad Datu between Malaysian security forces and       the armed group claimed to be the army of the so called Sulu Sultanate.      
      Harris made his statement on 28 February, 2013 while Lau's on 5 March       respectively and both were published in The Daily Express.
      Dagul in his report has said that the lives of Malaysians in Sabah are at       stake when the two known political figures make untimely statements.
      "Their suggestion on "a lump sum payment of RM200 million" may be construed       by some quarters that there is merit in the Sabah claim by the Sulu       Sultanate and Philippines government.
      "This may not only have the undesired effect of encouraging these invaders       to press on their so called claim but it may also encourage other invaders       in the future to follow suit," Dagul said.
      He called on the relevant authorities to fully investigate both Harris and       Lau as to their reasons and/or motives in making such statements.
      He added that political leaders should not make reckless and irresponsible       statements that may endanger the lives of Malaysians in Sabah as well as       the country.


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:59 AM | Show all posts

@PhilipGolingai - A home made gun found at a house where Sulu gunmen were hole up #LahadDatuAttack

@PhilipGolingai This homemade gun is actually a pistol modified into an "assault rifle" by Sulu gunmen #LahadDatuAttack

source: twitter
Lahad Datu: Najib to arrive in Felda Sahabat soon, says Hisham

LAHAD DATU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is scheduled to arrive in Sabah at any time now to see the situation at ground zero for himself, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein Thursday.

At a joint conference with Defence Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi, he said that Najib had been in close and constant contact, so far.

Najib is expected to hold a press conference at Felda Sahabat once he arrives. The press conference is now tentatively scheduled for 11am.

Najib Tun Razak will be getting an up close look at the ongoing operations against a group of Sulu gunmen at Kampung Tanduo and Kampung Tanjung Batu.

The Prime Minister will be visiting the Felda Sahabat area in the two remote coastal seaside villages where the offensive against about 150 Sulu gunmen has entered its third day.

Zahid Hamidi said Najib's visit was bound to boost the morale of police and military personnel involved in the offensive dubbed Ops Daulat.

''The Prime Minister wants to see the progress of our operations and the logistics and support for the troops,'' he said.

He noted that Najib had served as Defence Minister for 14 years and during that time had visited Malaysian peacekeeping missions in the frontlines at Bosnia. Timor Leste and Southern Labenon.

SOURCE: star online

Last edited by ellZack on 7-3-2013 12:20 PM


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:59 AM | Show all posts
petola posted on 7-3-2013 11:39 AM

aku nak tanya satu menda yg aku blurr sikit:

Iye lah abg pet... musykil sungguh... wakil kita siapa dan wakil sulu siapa masa berunding tu...

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:59 AM | Show all posts
zamkumis posted on 7-3-2013 11:46 AM
Aik mak janda pun ada tumpang sekaki citer pasal perang?

taklah, tak layak nak citer apa pun kan
apalah yg aku tau sgt

ni lalu saja sementara masak siagul ikan buntal aku ni siap
siuknya bah


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Post time 7-3-2013 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Magika posted on 7-3-2013 11:58 AM
Cina DAP pula suruh bagi 200 juta dekat sultan kiram untuk settle kes

Perangkaplah tu, bila kita bagi dia kata kita rasuah.


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Post time 7-3-2013 12:00 PM | Show all posts
crossfire posted on 7-3-2013 11:54 AM
Nak tanya nie jeneral , jeneral MEDAN ker, setakat Panglima Logistik....puiii ajalah, nasi baik bu ...
Dato’ Abdul Hadi telah banyak melakukan penyalahgunaan kuasa kelulusan ke atas ratusan jutaan ringgit semua peralatan dan penyelenggaraan TUDM di sepanjang tugasan beliau.

Wah?? apa lagi?? Tangkap & bicarakanlah ... Mongoks! Baru sekarang laaaa...

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2013 12:01 PM | Show all posts
sya_sugar_sugar posted on 7-3-2013 11:16 AM
my office mate just returned from Pulau Sipadan ...dia pegi Diving seminggu hari Isnin baru return ...

memang masih ada yang gigih diving. ari tu ada poremer cakap pasal benda ni gak. aman2 saja katanya.

tapi stok2 tu, sindri buat sindri tanggung la.

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Post time 7-3-2013 12:01 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 7-3-2013 12:02 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 7-3-2013 11:55 AM
aku lupa lak letak surat tu kat sini.

jap carik.

ha? ada surat ke..?
aku dok baca laporan utuseks je

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Post time 7-3-2013 12:02 PM | Show all posts
berusjamban posted on 7-3-2013 10:58 AM

nak sumber, nak wat bookmark...

tapi aku mmg x pernah nafikan peranan ATM malah PDRM ssekalipun (ada sbb kenapa penjenayah yg kena tangkap ngan PDRM kecut perut sampai soal siasat pun terus depa ngaku wat kesalahan)...masalahnya arahan dr org2 atasan tu la...kalu kuasa diberi sepenuhnya hari pertama lagi terutamanya lepas 2 polis tu terbunuh, aku yakin konflik dah pun sangat2 reda hari ni...

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Post time 7-3-2013 12:02 PM | Show all posts
haiyaaaa~ dokk sepeku mcm2. Dekat sabah aman2 saja

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Post time 7-3-2013 12:03 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 7-3-2013 12:01 PM
memang masih ada yang gigih diving. ari tu ada poremer cakap pasal benda ni gak. aman2 saja katany ...

^.^ thanks atas info nya.

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Post time 7-3-2013 12:03 PM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 7-3-2013 11:48 AM
tak de..

mundu sulu bz main candy crush tak lepas2 level.

Oic....Takde tu sebab memang takde pertempuran atau sebab belum sesuai nak updatekan? Apa komen dari sumber TAK sebenar?

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Post time 7-3-2013 12:03 PM | Show all posts
atira posted on 7-3-2013 11:53 AM
aku baca komen non-malay kat malaysiakini/ LYN/ Fb aljazeera etc.. okay je depa support polis tent ...

I didnt say all,..aku cakap ada reaction from those lot. Kat mkini tu, most non-malay condemn askar not doing enuff, too slow, blabla.
Pahamla nak kutuk politician, but not our armed men.

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Post time 7-3-2013 12:03 PM | Show all posts
ni latest kat thestar

Lahad Datu: Tight land, sea cordon to cut off enemy food, weapons supply, says Sabah CPO

Malaysian armed forces doing their rounds at 7.30am at Felda Sahabat, Lahad Datu.

KUALA LUMPUR: The security forces have cordoned off all sea and land routes to prevent food and weapons supplies from reaching the armed intruders from Southern Philippines.

The police, Armed Forces and Navy have also nabbed intruders who had attempted to leave and enter Kg Tanduo and Kg Tanjung Batu to get food supplies, said Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib.

"We have created a tight cordon around the area, with the help of the Navy at sea and Armed Forces on land.

"Their food supplies are cut off because we have caught many of the intruders during their attempts to get food," he said during a live interview on TV3's Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) programme, here on Thursday.

"The intrusion occurred on Feb 12 and so far in the process of handling the situation, eight Malaysian police personnel and more than 30 terrorists have died since last Friday.

Commenting on Wednesday's reports of the armed intruders now impersonating members of the public, Hamza said the authorities did not deny the possibility and had cordoned off Kg Tanjung Batu to ensure there were no residents there before going on the offensive.

"Even if there's a way out, it's only by sea. However, I admit that there are challenges as we're dealing with human beings, so they may have some tricks up their sleeves," he said.

In relation to the four men detained during the ambush in Kampung Simunul, Semporna, Hamza said police believed the suspects were linked to the incident but have yet to determine the extent of their involvement. - Bernama


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