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Author: pompankabaret

Ten Reasons Why Muhammad Was a False Prophet?

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Post time 7-3-2013 07:08 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 7-3-2013 06:14 PM
Someone who lie blatantly got dignity ??? Someone who implicate a reputable scholar urinate on others got dignity ??? Sheer perverted islamic ustaz !

This gullible ustaz certainly is a incurable brain-washed zombie which has propensity to reject whatever is TRUTH !

He is in serious denial stage.....Hubal not Allah ???

Just a few websites and links out of many for you all to enjoy.....,,

Ha ha , you are pathetic. The one who is in denial is you. The 3 links you gave provided no historical evidence linking Hubal to Allah. The wikisilam link actually refutes you in hadith bukhari
4:52:276 in bitpart
Abu Sufyan said, "Our victory today is a counterbalance to yours in the battle of Badr, and in war (the victory) is always undecided and is shared in turns by the belligerents, and you will find some of your (killed) men mutilated, but I did not urge my men to do so, yet I do not feel sorry for their deed" After that he started reciting cheerfully, "O Hubal, be high! (1) On that the Prophet said (to his companions), "Why don't you answer him back?" They said, "O Allah's Apostle What shall we say?" He said, "Say, Allah is Higher and more Sublime." (Then) Abu Sufyan said, "We have the (idol) Al Uzza, and you have no Uzza." The Prophet said (to his companions), "Why don't you answer him back?" They asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What shall we say?" He said, "Says Allah is our Helper and you have no helper."

5:59:375 in bitpart
Abu Safyan said, "Superior may be Hubal!" On that the Prophet said (to his companions), "Reply to him." They asked, "What may we say?" He said, "Say: Allah is More Elevated and More Majestic!"

It is very clear there is a distinction between Hubal and Allah. Why are you still arguing that 'Hubal' = 'Allah'? This is beyond stupidity.

Ha ha , you time and time again expose your lack of knowledge. You even condemn your own bible in stating that pilgrimage (paraphrasing your words) - 'biggest superstitions' and 'borrowed from pagan traditions' ; not knowing that there is a concept of pilgrimage in the bible. Hmm , maybe you still don't have the 'holy spirit' in you .... not baptized maaa ....

Since when did Dr Rafat Amari became a scholar? He is only touted in the polemical christian sites with no verification of his credentials , similar to your idols Sam Solomon and 'son of Hamas'. The very least the scholars I refer to , their credentials can be traced to their respective universities. You have nothing factual on your side. However you still have the gall to try to word twist and lie your way out.

You have no self respect , soon you will transform yourself to be a troll and start spamming ..... ha ha  
Last edited by sam1528 on 7-3-2013 07:16 PM


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Post time 8-3-2013 12:13 AM | Show all posts
I can smell some stinky stench emitting from a delusional sore loser.....

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Post time 8-3-2013 04:34 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 6-3-2013 10:24 AM
Wow, that sidekick aka Dzurqadoink the clown never stop entertaining this website with zoonotic joke ...

Reasoning truth by testismonies like eating curried durian...
not offensively clowning ups and downs rather defending its false claims
Perhaps an anotomist-wannabe-but-not! could become a better zoologist indeed
Cut some take-out some, patchy² stick²...tadaa!!!
Jz another not-so-entertaining nail-bitting fruit-selling wreckless plate numbering.


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Post time 8-3-2013 08:25 AM | Show all posts
"erhaps an anotomist-wannabe-but-not! could become a better zoologist indeed"
Anotomist ?? Anatomist lah you moronic pest !

Any wonder why 30 over years ago South Korea was a much poorer country than us but today she is much much ahead of us ???

Simple answer : Malaysia has a ever increasing muslim population which amounting to 61.4% of the total population in 2010(this includes 800,000++ muslim immigrants from southern Phlilipine and Indonesia, no thanks to project IC of that muslim mamak kutty in 1993 !) and worse still we have ever increasing retrograde muslims in the likes of Dzurqadoink.....yucks !

South Korea on the other hand has ever increasing Christian population and they are no.2 in term of number of oversea missionaries after USA, their Christian population is about half the total population. In 2012, revenue of RM500billion from Samsung alone is more than enough to settle the national debt of Malaysia of roughly the same amount.

What if South Korea has a demographic of 50% muslims instead of Christians ???
Answer : South Korea will just be another Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, name it !

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Post time 8-3-2013 09:05 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 8-3-2013 12:13 AM
I can smell some stinky stench emitting from a delusional sore loser.....

Ha ha , I am proven right again. Soon you will start spamming this thread with one liners being the troll you are.

Hmm , you are really in delusion. Everything you brought up have been shot down. Pssst ... what year did Constantine became christian?? Ha ha


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Post time 8-3-2013 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Seems like this apek ustaz need some serious tuition in english....when i said in previous post after the battle of Milvian Bridge, Constantine is as good as a baptized Christian minus baptize.
Hallooo Apek,  know the meaning of "as good as', "baptize" and "minus" or not ?

Apek ! When is battle of Milvian Bridge ah ???

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Post time 8-3-2013 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Muslim have been hallucinating about their delusional victory in virtually every aspect of life, this can be nakedly seen and witnessed by us even in a micro enviroment like Cari forum as valiantly demonstrated by some hardcore muslims in this forum.

Right from the 7th century until today, muslims have been hallucinating about their delusional victory every single day because no countries and people will be spared from misery, serious backwardness and anything retrograde once they embrace Islam.....

So, what do they do if they can't achieve what other religions can achieve. They start attacking other religions in order to cover up their own weaknesses and unchaste doctrines.

Whenever i ask; "Why muslims are allowed to proselytize non-muslims in Malaysia but non-muslims are banned from sharing their faith with muslims openly ?? And this inequality is true also in other muslim countries as well.
Muslims are so embarrased to answer this question as deep inside them they know very well that if muslims are given free choice to be exposed to other alternative religion beside Islam, this will only hasten the demise of this retrograde religion even though muslims have the highest birth rate among all the religions.

Smart and intelligent ex-muslims like Sam Solomon, Mosab Hassan and Ali Sina have all left Islam in disgust, i don't blame the naive muslims who haven't uncovered the truth but i must admit that there are some hardcore pig headed muslims who have been incurably possessed by the demons of Lucifer.  

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Post time 8-3-2013 11:22 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 8-3-2013 09:48 AM
Seems like this apek ustaz need some serious tuition in english....when i said in previous post afteer the battle of Milvian Bridge, Constantine is as good as a baptized Christian minus baptize.
Hallooo Apek,  know the meaning of "as good as', "baptize" and "minus" or not ?

Apek ! When is battle of Milvian Bridge ah ???

Hmmm , the wikipedia states that Constantine was baptized in his deathbed and he became a catechumen when he knew he was dying , yeeears after the council of Nicea.

Hmm , he only saw visions (inverified reports) before the battle of Milvian Bridge. You mean by unconfirmed reports of him seeing visions , Constantine suddenly became christian? What visons did you see when you suddenly became christian? A bright light? Ha ha ...

Last edited by sam1528 on 8-3-2013 11:23 AM


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Post time 8-3-2013 12:08 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 8-3-2013 10:32 AM
Muslim have been hallucinating about their delusional victory in virtually every aspect of life, thiis can be nakedly seen and witnessed by us even in a micro enviroment like Cari forum as valiantly demonstrated by some hardcore muslims in this forum.

Right from the 7th century until today, muslims have been hallucinating about their delusional victory every single day because no countries and people will be spared from misery, serious backwardness and anything retrograde once they embrace Islam.....

So, what do they do if they can't achieve what other religions can achieve. They start attacking other religions in order to cover up their own weaknesses and unchaste doctrines.

Whenever i ask; "Why muslims are allowed to proselytize non-muslims in Malaysia but non-muslims are banned from sharing their faith with muslims openly ?? And this inequality is true also in other muslim countries as well.
Muslims are so embarrased to answer this question as deep inside them they know very well that if muslims are given free choice to be exposed to other alternative religion beside Islam, this will only hasten the demise of this retrograde religion even though muslims have the highest birth rate among all the religions.

Smart and intelligent ex-muslims like Sam Solomon, Mosab Hassan and Ali Sina have all left Islam in disgust, i don't blame the naive muslims who haven't uncovered the truth but i must admit that there are some hardcore pig headed muslims who have been incurably possessed by the demons of Lucifer.  

Ha ha , mindless diatribe from you. You are just raving and ranting. Nothing factual from you.

I am being critical because it is there to be critical. However you take it as an attack. That is your problem not mine. You keep on saying Islam attacks Christianity because to cover up the weakness in Islam. So far , no issues to refute any of your criticism with facts. The weaker position is on your end as you cannot even refute the criticism levelled on christianity, Instead you behave like a immature brat , raving and ranting. You are not an intelligent person.

Lets see the difference between a conversion from Islam to christianity and vise versa

- The testimony from a so called convert from Islam to Christianity is always that they have some sort of visons. There is always no independent verification of them being muslims in the first place.

- The testimony from a so called convert from Christianity to Islam is exactly the opposite. These converts came to Islam after a thorough study of the text and the found it to be a rational belief. The most current example is the confidante and former politician of the far right party of Geert Wilders - Arnoud Van Dorn

You are still seething about the inability of Christians to proselytize muslims? The first question here is where did any muslim travel from house to house trying to proselytize Christians or others? Christian missionaries already have a bad name in their proselytizing methods , like the abduction of orphans in tsunami hit Acheh and earthquake hit Haiti. No wonder others treat you with caution. You did it to yourself. Blame yourselves not others.

Ha ha , this just delusional self pity with your statement that when muslims are exposed to other religions namely Christianity , we will leave Islam in disgust. This is the era of connectivity and information is readily available. You see such thing happening? In fact it is the opposite. Ha ha , you still idolize people like Sam Solomon , 'son of hamas' , Ali Sina. How do you know that they were muslims in the first place? There is no independently verified reports. In contrast , compare to people like Arnoud Van Dorn. Don't give me that crap about death for apostacy. In the history of Islam , there has not been any apostate executed just for leaving Islam peacefully , unlike christianity.

I give you a so called Dr Ergun Caner , a self professed ex mulsim. Go to time stamp 30 sec , his version of the syahadah - 'bismillah ar rahman ar rahim muhammad abdul ar rahman ar rahim' .... ha ha ... pathetic. Don't you think a former muslim would at least remember his syahadah?

Ha ha , like I always say , if you want to lie ... PRO lah sikit. You are just like a fish being reeled in by these folks. Poor you ...

Last edited by sam1528 on 8-3-2013 12:24 PM


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Post time 8-3-2013 03:36 PM | Show all posts
I think this gullible australoid ustaz must live in a cave or underneath a well....if not as a ustaz it is impossible for him not knowing how Malaysian government is aggressively proselytizing non-muslim with Islam on every possible channels like radio, tv, goverment agencies, school, university and many more.... Oh, i almost forget hypocrisy is the name of the game for Islam !

I just listened to mandarin radio channel Ai fm about an hour ago while driving and everyday right at 2pm, there will be this forceful pathetic dakwah of Islam for about 5 min, not to mention another section at midnight ! It is daily some more !
What is % of mandarin speaking muslims in Malaysia ?? 1% ? 0.5% ? What's the purpose proselytizing when there is so few Chinese muslims ??  Why wasting tax payer monies on some ustazes and get them on air to propagate dangerous cult/pagan religion cloaked as Abrahamic religion ??? Truly sickening !

This delusional ustaz condition is getting worse by the day, just an excerpt from his above post "The testimony from a so called convert from Islam to Christianity is always that they have some sort of visions. There is always no independent verification of them being muslims in the first place." Guffaw! Guffaw ! Guffaw !
What this australoid ustaz fail to realize is that some of these converts are actually our closest friends and do we need verification from a pagan ustaz on their conversion to Christianity from Islam ??? Guess the denial stage of this ustaz is getting really bad now that he has to stick his head into the earth like a ostrich !

Dr Ergun Caner and Arnold van Dorn, who the fxxk are these two nobody moron ?? Next time quote us more prominent figure,ok ? Last edited by wkk5159 on 8-3-2013 03:38 PM


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Post time 8-3-2013 10:23 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 8-3-2013 03:36 PM
I think this gullible australoid ustaz must live in a cave or underneath a well....if not as a ustaz it is impossible for him not knowing how Malaysian government is aggressively proselytizing non-muslim with Islam on every possible channels like radio, tv, goverment agencies, school, university and many more.... Oh, i almost forget hypocrisy is the name of the game for Islam !

I just listened to mandarin radio channel Ai fm about an hour ago while driving and everyday right at 2pm, there will be this forceful pathetic dakwah of Islam for about 5 min, not to mention another section at midnight ! It is daily some more !
What is % of mandarin speaking muslims in Malaysia ?? 1% ? 0.5% ? What's the purpose proselytizing when there is so few Chinese muslims ??  Why wasting tax payer monies on some ustazes and get them on air to propagate dangerous cult/pagan religion cloaked as Abrahamic religion ??? Truly sickening !

This delusional ustaz condition is getting worse by the day, just an excerpt from his above post "The testimony from a so called convert from Islam to Christianity is always that they have some sort of visions. There is always no independent verification of them being muslims in the first place." Guffaw! Guffaw ! Guffaw !
What this australoid ustaz fail to realize is that some of these converts are actually our closest friends and do we need verification from a pagan ustaz on their conversion to Christianity from Islam ??? Guess the denial stage of this ustaz is getting really bad now that he has to stick his head into the earth like a ostrich !

Dr Ergun Caner and Arnold van Dorn, who the fxxk are these two nobody moron ?? Next time quote us more prominent figure,ok ?

Ha ha , another mindless ranting from you. Hmm , are you forced to listen to the any radio broadcast? Yes or no? It is not like abducting orphans like what happened in Acheh / Haiti. Who are the actual hypocrites now? You will not answer.

Ha ha , after our exchange I think its pretty obvious that christianity deserves the mantle of cult / pagan religion as you put it. Hmm , as I know only cultists / pagans worship man or god /man. What say you?

Wow , you still deny that the public testimonies of converts to christianity always involves the supernatural like having visions? Denying the obvious , aren't you. Actually this stems back to the so called conversion of Paul , he saw visions on his way to Damascus. The problem with him is that there are 3 versions to his so called visions. In lay terms .... he was lying. Ooi tambi , nobody is is talking about your closest friends. You have pretty rotten comprehension or you are trying to divert the issue .... as usual. I am asking whether can you verify the credentials of people like Sam Solomon , 'son of hamas & Ali Sina? They are public figures. Appears that you can't. If you cannot verify their credentials , why you 'die die' argue that these folks were ex muslims and supposedly 'jurist' lah , 'son of founder of hamas' lah? In other words you are just arguing on blind faith. Not very good issit.

Hmm , looks like your general knowledge is pretty bad. Arnoud Van Dorn is , oops , was a prominent right wing politician in Geert Wilders party. Most people in Europe knows him. Dr Ergun Caner is a popular evangelist in the US. Oops , a popular evengelist who got caught lying that he was a former muslim. I have got you here. You are just denying and disavowing your fellow ex christian and fellow christian because it is an embarrassment to you. Ha ha .... you must be red faced by now. One can always tell when a person like you cringe in embarrassment. Ha ha ....

What vision did you have when you became christian. Did biblical Jesus appear to you in your dreams or when you were day dreaming? BTW , do you know how he actually look like? Ha ha

Last edited by sam1528 on 8-3-2013 10:30 PM


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 Author| Post time 8-3-2013 11:20 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 8-3-2013 10:23 PM
Ha ha , another mindless ranting from you. Hmm , are you forced to listen to the any radio broadca ...

lazy to read zzzzzzz......I rather watch good old movie  Ibu Mertua ku than your lengthy post


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Post time 9-3-2013 12:52 AM | Show all posts
This australoid ustaz's delusional and denial syndrome is really getting terminal......guess he now speaks with his head thoroughly planted in the ground.

Too afraid and shameful to address the real life issue and has to fry the left over stale rice ?? Abduction of orphans in Acheh and Haiti by Christians ??? I don't want to question the authenticity of this almost decade old old news but if these orphans were really abducted by Christian, then Hallelujah ! Especially kids from Acheh, at least they will grow up become a useful and good human being as opposed to being brought up by fundamental pagan muslim and most likely end up become another member of Jemaah Islamiyah or Mat Rempit !
Aah....speaking of tsunami earthquack in Acheh in 2004, this must be wrath from God since Acheh is the most Islamic area in Indonesia and breeding ground for terrorist group like Jemaah Islamiyah which was responsible for countless terrorists attack including 911 and Bali bombing ! Esmated population of 200,000++ in Acheh vanished in 2004 tsunami, with some villages along the Acheh coastline totally wiped out by the tsunami wave and virtually none of its inhabitants survive, the scene is as gruesome as genocide ! Population of 200,000++ is more than the population of some small cities in Malaysia !

Wah...the demented ustaz want to call Paul a liar now ah ??? The only sign we see is the number 666 on the ustaz's forehead.....I don't have to answer this as you all probably has the answer already. Dare him to post it on Christian forum. This ustaz now really like a whore who is calling a virgin slut......

Islam is a proven pseudo Abrahamic religion of deep pagan origin. Even secular and atheist historians can attest to that. Stop making a fool out of yourself lah Apek ustaz coz your lies don't work on intellect like me.

What that gullible ustaz  fail to understand when i said Dr Ergun Caner and Arnoud Van Doorn(not Dorn as wrongly spelled by ustaz, see i know them better... ) are nobody doesn't mean that i don't know who they are but reality is that they are really nobody......see Dr Ergun Caner, the last time i checked, he is not even in the top 100 of famous TV evangelists, right from AA Allen, Billy Graham to Jim Whittington....where is he ? Kononnya famous according to the ustaz.
and.... Arnoud van Doorn ? This balding sidekick of Geert Wilder, if not converted to Islam, who in their right mind will pay any attention to him at all ?????

So Apek ustaz, it is so easy to dismantle you like i dismantle and expose the ugly truth of Islam ! Last edited by wkk5159 on 9-3-2013 09:30 AM


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Post time 9-3-2013 06:27 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 8-3-2013 08:25 AM
"erhaps an anotomist-wannabe-but-not! could become a better zoologist indeed"
Anotomist ?? Anatomi ...
Anotomist ?? Anatomist lah
Ya lah...tq for correcting, wakaka (typo-audit pesticide wannabe)

Any wonder why 30 over years ago South Korea was a much poorer country than us but today she is much much ahead of us ???
The simplest answer i could think of is she doesn't have u among her people, of course lah!

What if South Korea has a demographic of 50% muslims instead of Christians ???
Maybe she has deported/outcasted most of her zoologist-cum-anøatomist-wannabe plate numbers jz by doing this...

Go, go, go..wakaka!

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Post time 9-3-2013 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Wow....that Dzurqadoink starts off good old Saturday morning by.... well, as usual by self entertaining himself with jokes only pagan muslim like him will understand. Keep it up !

p/s : PSY Gangnam style is seriously incompatible with islamic value and yet this clown still quoting it as example....if one want to sample some extreme case of imbecility, look no further.

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Post time 9-3-2013 10:50 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 9-3-2013 12:52 AM
This australoid ustaz's delusional and denial syndrome is really getting terminal......guess he now speaks with his head thoroughly planted in the ground.

Too afraid and shameful to address the real life issue and has to fry the left over stale rice ?? Abduction of orphans in Acheh and Haiti by Christians ??? I don't want to question the authenticity of this almost decade old old news but if these orphans were really abducted by Christian, then Hallelujah ! Especially kids from Acheh, at least they will grow up become a useful and good human being as opposed to being brought up by fundamental pagan muslim and most likely end up become another member of Jemaah Islamiyah or Mat Rempit !
Aah....speaking of tsunami earthquack in Acheh in 2004, this must be wrath from God since Acheh is the most Islamic area in Indonesia and breeding ground for terrorist group like Jemaah Islamiyah which was responsible for countless terrorists attack including 911 and Bali bombing ! Esmated population of 200,000++ in Acheh vanished in 2004 tsunami, with some villages along the Acheh coastline totally wiped out by the tsunami wave and virtually none of its inhabitants survive, the scene is as gruesome as genocide ! Population of 200,000++ is more than the population of some small cities in Malaysia !

Wah...the demented ustaz want to call Paul a liar now ah ??? The only sign we see is the number 666 on the ustaz's forehead.....I don't have to answer this as you all probably has the answer already. Dare him to post it on Christian forum. This ustaz now really like a whore who is calling a virgin slut......

Islam is a proven pseudo Abrahamic religion of deep pagan origin. Even secular and atheist historians can attest to that. Stop making a fool out of yourself lah Apek ustaz coz your lies don't work on intellect like me.

What that gullible ustaz  fail to understand when i said Dr Ergun Caner and Arnoud Van Doorn(not Dorn as wrongly spelled by ustaz, see i know them better... ) are nobody doesn't mean that i don't know who they are but reality is that they are really nobody......see Dr Ergun Caner, the last time i checked, he is not even in the top 100 of famous TV evangelists, right from AA Allen, Billy Graham to Jim Whittington....where is he ? Kononnya famous according to the ustaz.
and.... Arnoud van Doorn ? This balding sidekick of Geert Wilder, if not converted to Islam, who in their right mind will pay any attention to him at all ?????

So Apek ustaz, it is so easy to dismantle you like i dismantle and expose the ugly truth of Islam !

Ha ha , you don't want to question the issue of the abduction of orphans by Christians missionaries in Acheh / Haiti is because you are embarrassed by it. It is real as it has been confirmed by the organizations themselves. This is the real hypocrisy.

Hmm , now you are mentioning Bali bombing etc. What about the illegal invasion of Iraq that killed ~ 1 million innocents? Again hypocrisy from you. Ha ha , you are just full of it .... aren't you?

Ooh I see , God punished Acheh. What about the Tsunami in Japan? Did God also punished them? What do you think? Ha ha , the fire and brimstone speech of bible thumping fundies like you is so shallow. Hmm , I wonder if any christian organizations abducted Japanese orphans ... these missionaries are good in doing such. You know taking advantage on the misfortune of others for the glory of Christ. Ha ha ...

Ha ha , no answers from you? Paul provided 3 versions of his so called vision. To you with blind faith , it is the miracle of your God but to the rational people , Paul was lying. Ha ha , post to christian forums? Are you incapable to provide an answer , oops , excuse? Appears so. You are trying to run , aren't you. Why can't you stand your ground? Oops , no ground to stand on ...

You still have not answer me. Isn't one of the character of a pagan belief the worship of man or man/god? Why you run away from answering?

Ha ha , this is really funny. When embarrassed , you readily disavow your fellow christian like Dr Ergun Caner. Dr Caner was the Dean of the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary , Liberty University. Whoops , he got demoted because his lie of being an ex muslim was exposed. Huh? Why are you talking about TV evangelists? You are trying to divert the issue once again. The discussion is not about TV evangelists. You are embarrassed , aren't you? Your face / ears turned purple or scarlet? Are you cringing in embarrassment?

I am still waiting. What are the verifiable credentials of the so called former muslims , your idols in the like of Sam Solomon , 'Son of Hamas' & Ali Sina? Per your claim ; 'jurist' lah , 'son of founder of hamas' lah. You wholesomely believe their claims without verification? Oh ye of blind faith ...... ha ha. No answers?

Ha ha , I bet this is about the first time you've heard of Mr Van Doorn (note the spelling). This expose your shallow general knowledge. Well , I don't expect you to know him anyway. What do you think of a right wing politician who became muslim after a thorough investrigation of the Islamic scripture. This is rational. The very least he did not have visions like the appearance of biblical Jesus or a bright light in his dreams or day dreams.

Still waiting for your answer. What visions did you have either in your dreams or day dreams or wet dreams when you decided to become christian? Did you experience a bright light like Paul? Did you fall down and heard the words per acts9:5 (KJV)
.....And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Kick against the pricks?

Yeah-yeah , dismantle my arguments. You now have more and more unanswered questions. Ha ha , you are kind of deluded ... aren't you?

Last edited by sam1528 on 9-3-2013 12:28 PM


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Post time 9-3-2013 02:27 PM | Show all posts
pompankabaret posted on 8-3-2013 11:20 PM
lazy to read zzzzzzz......I rather watch good old movie  Ibu Mertua ku than your lengthy post:by ...

To be honest , I don't blame you. You are embarrassed and in fear that your christian hero , knight templar 'wkk5159' have been embarrassed to no end by a muslim using your / his bible.

BTW , your blblical God actually bless muslims and not christians. Why you may ask? Is because we muslims beseech Allah (or God in your case) to bless Prophet Ibrahim(sa) or biblical Abraham of your bible 5 times a day. Gen12:3
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Bit part of the tashahhud :
كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيْمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيْمَ، إِنَّكَ حَمِيْد ٌ مَجِيْد، ٌ اللَّهمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّد، ٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّد، ٍ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيْمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيْمَ،

Translated in english :
just as You sent prayers upon Ibraheem and upon the followers of Ibraheem.  Verily, You are full of praise and majesty. O Allah, send blessings upon Mohammad and upon the family of Muhammad, just as You sent blessings upon Ibraheem and upon the family of Ibraheem.

Ha ha , we muslims are actually blessed by the God of the bible.

Can you now show where the God of the bible bless you christians?

'wkk5159' take note ..... oops ....

Last edited by sam1528 on 9-3-2013 02:31 PM


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Post time 9-3-2013 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Eh...this australoid ustaz still planted his head deep inside a pool of excrement and refuse to unearth it.....

It's getting easier to dismantle the australoid ustaz now than ever as he is obviously mentally disorientated and demented....

Illegal invasion of Iraq ??? Hehehe....this dumb and hypocrite ustaz certainly aware(or unaware) that invasion of Iraq by USA was even supported by two muslim countries namely Kuwait and Saudi. The serpentine ustaz apparently don't know Kuwait (muslim country) was invaded by her fellow brethren country Iraq in 1990, and Kuwait being the weakling didn't get the military support from her neighbouring brethren countries and as a result she turned to US for assistance. As expected Iraq was no match for US.  Imagine, Kuwait was salvaged by a Christian country from sadist Saddam Hussein(that's always the case in modern history) ! Until today, Kuwaitian still thankful for US for liberating them from impending occupation by Iraq ! This of course later give excuses for US to invade Iraq with the aim to topple the sadist dictator Saddam Hussein ! This action again got big thumbs up support from Kuwait and Saudi.
Innocent millions killed during invasion of Iraq ??? Hey Alzheimerish Apek Ustaz! so soon forget about the war between Iran and Iraq from 80-88 already ?? Two blood thirsty muslim countries killing each other for 8 long years, making it the 20th century's longest conventional war after the Second Sino-Japanese War. How many nyawa melayang ???

Recent tsunami in Japan only killed 20,000++ as compare to 200,000++ in Acheh......Err, let me see, both Japanese(Shintoism) and Achehian(Islam) are animistic pagans but it seems that God loathe Islamic pagan 10X more as compare to Japanese pagan as the number of death imply....200,000/20,000=10 !

This delusional ustaz think that we are running away from his serpentine question....Guffaw ! Guffaw !
Hey ular ! Listen carefully here, Christians are believers of son of man = son of God = God. You have a problem believing in that ???
Of course you don't believe lah, look at you and muslim in general......retrograde, devoid of soul and  spirit, who in their right mind want to be a muslim anyway ??? Pathetic !

This delusional ustaz stilll having tough time accepting the facts that ex-muslims smart intellects like Sam Solomon, Mosab Hassan and Ali Sina were true muslims before they left islam in disgust....Nah Apek, dare to take up a challenge or not ??? If i can prove the true history and identity of these 3 personels,  i want your tongue, yes, your tongue...severe it and put it in formalin ! Just PM me if you decide to take up the challenge, ok ? Eventhough the former two are easier to locate but i think it's a bit tough to locate Ali Sina as he receives death threat from muslims all over the world !     

Here the excerpt from the ustaz's post #91; "Dr Ergun Caner is a popular evangelist in the US. Oops , a popular evengelist who got caught lying that he was a former muslim" ....and when embarrassed by my reply, his serpentine answer in post #96; " Ha ha , this is really funny. When embarrassed , you readily disavow your fellow christian like Dr Ergun Caner. Dr Caner was the Dean of the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary , Liberty University. Whoops , he got demoted because his lie of being an ex muslim was exposed. Huh? Why are you talking about TV evangelists? You are trying to divert the issue once again. The discussion is not about TV evangelists. You are embarrassed , aren't you? Your face / ears turned purple or scarlet? Are you cringing in embarrassment? "  
Hehehe.....Really poor old alzheimerish ustaz !

As for Arnoud van Doorn, before all the hu-hah of conversion to Islam by that balding mat salleh which even came out in Cari News under the header Isu Semasa. Frankly speaking who knew nobody like AV Doorn ??? The famous right wing politician from Holland is Geert Wilder and honestly speaking how many know his sidekick by the name of AV Doorn ? At least i am honest to admit that i don't know that balding noboby mat salleh by the name of....ah, who is it again ?? Oh AV Doorn...
By the way, this conversion thing might be a good thing too, with movie Infernal Affair in mind....

Aiyaa.....the australoid head still stuck in the pool of excrement and unwilling to unearth it.....

Last edited by wkk5159 on 9-3-2013 04:54 PM


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Post time 9-3-2013 05:15 PM | Show all posts
Oooh......the serpentine ustaz delusional and denial condition is really getting worse, the last time i checked, his head was still deeply planted in that pool of excrement.....Stinky !

Now he is hallucinating that Biblical God is blessing muslims because he starts to lose faith in his own pagan Allah as all this while he is worshiping the fake god, poor thing........Guffaw ! Guffaw ! Guffaw !

Yea....Biblical God is blessing muslims with wrath and misery as can be seen in muslim countries around the globe......

   Last edited by wkk5159 on 9-3-2013 11:12 PM


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Post time 9-3-2013 08:18 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 9-3-2013 04:47 PM
Eh...this australoid ustaz still planted his head deep inside a pool of excrement and refuse to unearth it.....

It's getting easier to dismantle the australoid ustaz now than ever as he is obviously mentally disorientated and demented....

Illegal invasion of Iraq ??? Hehehe....this dumb and hypocrite ustaz certainly aware(or unaware) that invasion of Iraq by USA was even supported by two muslim countries namely Kuwait and Saudi. The serpentine ustaz apparently don't know Kuwait (muslim country) was invaded by her fellow brethren country Iraq in 1990, and Kuwait being the weakling didn't get the military support from her neighbouring brethren countries and as a result she turned to US for assistance. As expected Iraq was no match for US.  Imagine, Kuwait was salvaged by a Christian country from sadist Saddam Hussein(that's always the case in modern history) ! Until today, Kuwaitian still thankful for US for liberating them from impending occupation by Iraq ! This of course later give excuses for US to invade Iraq with the aim to topple the sadist dictator Saddam Hussein ! This action again got big thumbs up support from Kuwait and Saudi.
Innocent millions killed during invasion of Iraq ??? Hey Alzheimerish Apek Ustaz! so soon forget about the war between Iran and Iraq from 80-88 already ?? Two blood thirsty muslim countries killing each other for 8 long years, making it the 20th century's longest conventional war after the Second Sino-Japanese War. How many nyawa melayang ???

Recent tsunami in Japan only killed 20,000++ as compare to 200,000++ in Acheh......Err, let me see, both Japanese(Shintoism) and Achehian(Islam) are animistic pagans but it seems that God loathe Islamic pagan 10X more as compare to Japanese pagan as the number of death imply....200,000/20,000=10 !

This delusional ustaz think that we are running away from his serpentine question....Guffaw ! Guffaw !
Hey ular ! Listen carefully here, Christians are believers of son of man = son of God = God. You have a problem believing in that ???
Of course you don't believe lah, look at you and muslim in general......retrograde, devoid of soul and  spirit, who in their right mind want to be a muslim anyway ??? Pathetic !

This delusional ustaz stilll having tough time accepting the facts that ex-muslims smart intellects like Sam Solomon, Mosab Hassan and Ali Sina were true muslims before they left islam in disgust....Nah Apek, dare to take up a challenge or not ??? If i can prove the true history and identity of these 3 personels,  i want your tongue, yes, your tongue...severe it and put it in formalin ! Just PM me if you decide to take up the challenge, ok ? Eventhough the former two are easier to locate but i think it's a bit tough to locate Ali Sina as he receives death threat from muslims all over the world !     

Here the excerpt from the ustaz's post #91; "Dr Ergun Caner is a popular evangelist in the US. Oops , a popular evengelist who got caught lying that he was a former muslim" ....and when embarrassed by my reply, his serpentine answer in post #96; " Ha ha , this is really funny. When embarrassed , you readily disavow your fellow christian like Dr Ergun Caner. Dr Caner was the Dean of the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary , Liberty University. Whoops , he got demoted because his lie of being an ex muslim was exposed. Huh? Why are you talking about TV evangelists? You are trying to divert the issue once again. The discussion is not about TV evangelists. You are embarrassed , aren't you? Your face / ears turned purple or scarlet? Are you cringing in embarrassment? "  
Hehehe.....Really poor old alzheimerish ustaz !

As for Arnoud van Doorn, before all the hu-hah of conversion to Islam by that balding mat salleh which even came out in Cari News under the header Isu Semasa. Frankly speaking who knew nobody like AV Doorn ??? The famous right wing politician from Holland is Geert Wilder and honestly speaking how many know his sidekick by the name of AV Doorn ? At least i am honest to admit that i don't know that balding noboby mat salleh by the name of....ah, who is it again ?? Oh AV Doorn...
By the way, this conversion thing might be a good thing too, with movie Infernal Affair in mind....

Ha ha , you mean Kuwait / Saudi sent soldiers alongside the US in the illegal invasion of Iraq ~ 2002-2003? Waaah! Whatever you have been smoking it must have been really good that you are in such an high. The invasion of Iraq into Kuwait ~ 90s is similar to WW2 where christians are killing christians , no difference. What is your issue? You have nothing in reality.

Err , how many lives were lost between the Iraq / Iran war compared to WW2 (christians killing christians)? In fact , Christians tops the word history in killings with all the other religions put together are just playing catchup. Does this mean , per your logic , christianity is a violent religion? I guess it is .... yes?

Does it matter how many died in the Japanese Tsunami? The point you were making is that tsunami was the wrath of God in Acheh. So what about the Tsunami in Japan? What about the history of tsunamis in Japan? Wrath of God also? What about the earthquake in Haiti? Wrath of God also? The issue in contention here is that the christian missionaries took advantage on the misfortune of others and abducted the orphans for the so called glory of Christ. You are just too embarrassed to answer but try to divert the issue. Can you address this issue?

Oh I see. Son of man = Son of God = God? Then you are claiming that your God died on the cross. This is interesting. If your God died , then what resurrected your dead God? Ha ha , a God can die? Must be a very puny God. What say you? In addition , only pagan worship man or man/god. Christianity is the aberration here compared to Judaism / Islam. What say you?

Why are you running from the issue? I repeat my question. What are the independently verifiable credentials of your idols Sam Solomon , 'son of hamas' and Ali Sina? You are just running left and right but not answering the question. This shows that you have nothing except blind faith. Ali Sina is tough to locate? Could be because he does not exist. Simple rational explanation. Ha ha , you are in no position to challenge me. You made a claim , it has to backed up by facts. Else its just an empty claim making  you a fraud. In fact the challenge is on you to provide independently verifiable facts to your claim else you need to cut off your tongue per your challenge. Ha ha

You have not answered anything with regards to Dr Caner. You tried to divert the issue to be about TV evangelists. I am not talking about TV evangelists. Dr Caner (Dean of faculty) was exposed having lied to be an ex muslim. Too bad. You are embarrassed. When their credentials are independently verified , their lies are exposed. Ha ha , you must be so embarrased that your face / ears must be scarlet / purple and you are cringing in embarrassment. You cannot even answer me.

Ha ha , appears that you are not abreast in the sociopolitical development in Europe. It is a big thing in Europe. The following captures the whole essence :

Ha ha , you must be fuming mad. Ooops , again you tried to downplay the issue. This is real funny.

I repeat the 2 issues that you are trying your darnest to run away
(1) Ha ha , no answers from you? Paul provided 3 versions of his so called vision. To you with blind faith , it is the miracle of your God but to the rational people , Paul was lying. Ha ha , post to christian forums? Are you incapable to provide an answer , oops , excuse? Appears so. You are trying to run , aren't you. Why can't you stand your ground? Oops , no ground to stand on ...

(2) Still waiting for your answer. What visions did you have either in your dreams or day dreams or wet dreams when you decided to become christian? Did you experience a bright light like Paul? Did you fall down and heard the words per acts9:5 (KJV)
.....And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Kick against the pricks?  

Don't be scared nor shy to answer. Errr , try to focus on the issue instead of running away from them. Ha ha
Last edited by sam1528 on 9-3-2013 08:19 PM


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