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Author: eddlisa_uyuk


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 Author| Post time 15-7-2013 01:38 AM | Show all posts
berkotak2 hadiah Kwang soo...yelaahh prince of asia kan

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Post time 15-7-2013 09:24 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-7-2013 09:31 AM | Show all posts
original version in chinese --->

translation (might not accurate.)

Jsj: Hello everybody, I'm Jsj. I'm one of the Running Man's member, nickname is big nose hyung, very happy to meet all of you.

Haha: Hello everybody, I'm Haha. Very happy to meet you, Hong Kong! Hello everybody, I like Hong Kong very much, very happy to be here again, hope to create some nice memories with everybody, thank you.
(Translator and host congratulates Haha on becoming a father, Haha immediately responded: [I'm a man with a wife.], earning the media's cheers.

Kjk: Hello everybody, I'm Kjk, Very happy to meet all of you, I've been to Hong Kong a few times, last time was here because of filming, it was a pity not being able to greet all of you, hope to create more beautiful memories with everyone through the show, I will work hard and prepare, thank you everyone.

Gary: Hello everyone, I'm Kang Gary. Very happy to meet all of you, I love Hong Kong very much, hope to create beautiful memories, in addition, I'm curious about Hong Kong's nightclubs, hope to visit them if there is a chance, thank you! ( A reporter expressed she could bring Gary to the nightclub, Gary responded by saying that she is pretty in Cantonese.

Note: Jsj, Haha and Gary introduced themselves in Cantonese while Kjk in Chinese.
Q: At the start, how did everyone decided to join the show Running Man?

Kjk: Actually everyone's situation was different, like me and Haha because of <X-Man>, <Family Outing> got close to the current production team, therefore accepted it when received the proposal.

Haha: For Jsj's situation, he can be said to be one of the Heavenly Four in the Host/MC industry, always been hosting, hosted for 15-17 years and suddenly joined a variety show; for Gary hyung originally presented himself only as Hip-hop artist Leessang, but he can be said to be like a hidden gem, because his funny side was discovered he was asked to join.

Jsj: In Gary's situation...... (before Jsj could say anymore, Kjk stopped him and said: [why is hyung saying this, this is Gary's matter, don't say anything!], started a small argument, causing the media to rapture in laughter.)

After the translation, Kjk stopped Jsj from saying anything more, allowing Gary himself to explain his own reasons for joining.

Gary: I didn't actually plan to join a variety show, was with Cho Pd (one of Running Man's Pd) in my shop drinking and was scouted.

Kjk: Gary becomes very funny after drinking, can be compared to Yjs's level.

The host told Gary that he has many fans, many in the media floor also likes him, Gary expresses his thanks upon hearing it.

Q: Are there difficulties or obstacles faced during the filming of Running Man?

Jsj: I've been filming indoors while sitting for 15 years, hosting, for sitting so long, to suddenly stand up and run, its physical hard, easily tiring, maybe because of this thus the current image/character in the show.

Kjk, Haha: We don't have much problems, unsatisfaction, don't find much troubles, very much enjoys the filming. (Kjk, Haha and Gary gathers together, leaving Jsj alone, becomes a 1 vs 3 situation, [Kjk and the kids ] appears!)

Q: Running Man has very high popularity overseas, what are the reasons for the success?

Jsj: Firstly, variety shows should have sense of unity, being able to understand then you will find it interesting, we are also curious whether the overseas fans really understand, maybe its because our games are rather simple, name tag ripping, catching as focus, fans find it easier to understand.

Gary: The members becomes close when playing, carrying out the games, the looks of appearing to enjoy the show, might have gotten the fans' likings, thus even if there is a language barrier, fans are able to accept us.
Q: Running Man has many fans in Hong Kong, for the fans meeting, are there any surprises prepared for them?

Haha: If you were told now, then it wouldn't be fun anymore. With grateful feelings, Jsj hyung prepared a special weapon, it will surprise everyone!

Jsj: I will sing a famous singer's song, if were to give everyone a hint, I will sing Eason Chen's song, but a big problem now, I don't even know the lyrics now, have to memorise them, have to work hard in the room tonight (12th).

Haha: The fans meeting held this time, would not only be a stage performance, but to hope to allow fans to join in as well.

Q: The last time Running Man came to Hong Kong, fans packed the whole shopping mall, and everyone used [dimsum] to shoot a video...

(The members then did the [dimsum song] that they did in the RM Hong Kong special, accompanied with new term [yumcha], the media laughs at the unauthentic Cantonese spoken, and the [cha] pronunciation makes the members sing what can be heard frequently in the recent show [cha cha song]!)

Q: This time to Hong Kong other than Dimsum, are there any food you like to try?

Gary: For me, compared to food, I'm more concerned with the nightclubs.

Haha: We will go to the nightclubs to [yumcha]!

Jsj: Do nightclubs sell [yumcha]? (media shake their heads to express no)

Q: Haha just becomes a father, after becoming a father would it make him unable to get close to a female guest?

Haha: Frankly speaking, I've been worrying about this, but its work once the camera starts shooting, of course I'll have some restrictions, but what should be welcomed have to be welcomed, I also have to earn money to raise my child!

Kjk: Actually Yjs has been saying, whatever's being done in front of the camera doesn't matter, because its work.

Q: Does Jsj really get red-faced easily?

Kjk: That's because his body is unhealthy, maybe its because of age.

Jsj: Correct, I get tired easily, feels like resting easily, face gets red easily, I'm afraid that I might faint tomorrow (13th) during the singing the song.

Haha: Even if he faints, the performance will continue.

Gary: Same like the Race Start in the show.
Q: Haha has been a father for 3, 4 days, any thoughts? Knowing that yesterday was Running Man's 3rd anniversary, will the show have a big change or any changes in the hosting?

Haha: Although sometimes I'm playful like the character in Pororo, but until the moment the child is born, I felt like becoming a father, felt very touched, children are really cute.

Kjk: About the 3rd anniversary, actually there's no special celebration, only texted each other and congratulated everyone. There will be filming back in Korea, there might be a celebration after the filming.

Jsj: I actually didn't remember, but Kwang Soo texted me, he really is a warm, caring guy. (Kjk also praised KS to be caring in this aspect.)

Gary: We didn't particularly try to remember it, but a lot of overseas fans gave their well wishes and congratulations through SNS.

Haha: The 3rd anniversary then shall be held in Hong Kong.

Gary: At nightclubs! Yumcha!

Q: Jackie Chan has been a guest on Running Man, he said that he will treat you all to dinner, will you all tell him about your visit to Hong Kong this time?

Jsj: Jackie Chan was really sincere when he said that, but we actually do not know anyway of contacting him. (Haha shouted: Jackie Chan! Call me!)

Kjk: Can contact us through SNS.

Gary: We can tell Jackie Chan hyung-nim through all forms of media.

Haha: We can go to the nightclubs together!

Kjk: We really believe in Jackie Chan hyung-nim.

Q: Gary, what are your thoughts about the Monday Couple with Sjh having so many fans?

Gary: Have been the Monday Couple with JH for 3 years, as long as its filming, Monday Couple will continue, thank you for having so many people loving it. I have learnt what is love through Monday Couple.

Haha: But will still go to nightclubs!
translation by blackjak from Mondaycouple forum.

:: translation based on article. Kalau refer dengan video, ada slight diff sikit. Tapi boleh la kot setakat nak paham apa diorang bebel lama2..


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Post time 15-7-2013 10:36 AM | Show all posts
ellZack posted on 15-7-2013 09:31 AM
original version in chinese --->

translation (might not accur ...

Hahahaha dalam perbualan ni Haha asyik mencelah about night club be. Nauthgy Haha

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Post time 15-7-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Haha nye topi pelik tu sempena comeback HaHa & Skull nyanyi lagu Ragga Muffin kalo xsilap..

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Post time 15-7-2013 11:54 AM | Show all posts
neil_48 posted on 15-7-2013 11:17 AM
Haha nye topi pelik tu sempena comeback HaHa & Skull nyanyi lagu Ragga Muffin kalo xsilap..

Macam muffin ada, macam shower cap pun ada

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Post time 15-7-2013 12:34 PM | Show all posts

everyone helping KG give JH the 3mill ring.

cr as at the pic.


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Post time 15-7-2013 03:54 PM | Show all posts
ellZack posted on 15-7-2013 12:34 PM
everyone helping KG give JH the 3mill ring.

cr as at the pic.

Walaupun yang lagi 3 kat bawah hanya support 'HIGH' ' HIGH'

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Post time 15-7-2013 04:26 PM | Show all posts
lepas gary ckp nak try kelab malam plg famous kt hongkong, terus paparazzi/media hongkong gi stalk diorg kt kelab

media kt sana dah perbesarkan isu ni..adehh..sian diorg nk enjoy pon tak boleh..dah mcm famous sgt2 plk diorg smpai kt luar kelab mlm pon ramai fans tggu..paparazi pon ramai tggu

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2013 07:07 PM | Show all posts
ellZack posted on 15-7-2013 12:34 PM
everyone helping KG give JH the 3mill ring.

cr as at the pic.

lawak gmbr nih

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Post time 15-7-2013 11:01 PM | Show all posts
baru tgk epi154..
evra ckp gwangsoo 42yo.. hehe sian tgk die kene "belasah" atas pdg
si sulli tu dtg shanghai mcm xde fungsi je.
next week ad suzy

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Post time 15-7-2013 11:48 PM | Show all posts




(credit runningzoo)

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Post time 16-7-2013 12:06 AM | Show all posts
episod kali ni,walopon games sgt2 simple,tp lawakla tgk gelagat masing2 lg2 EVRA dan KWANG SOO..
Jongkook lepas keluar padang tu,terus fly balik Korea..tu yg tak nampak muka..
kwangsoo ni atas padang pon bole wat lawak lg2 lps kena kick dgn capten Park
HAHA dgn JAE SUK siap berhigh 5 lagi walhal terlepas bola

xtaula me sorang kot rasa annoying dgn Sulli bila dia asek ckp dia bole main lg baik dr diorang
bkn diorg men xbagus,cuma diorang tu sebenarnya telebih nervous..
SULLI tu xde pon xpe..mcm xdak fungsi ja...xtau kenapa PD suka sgt jemput dia

next week ada SUZY..perlu ker diorg ni over excited stp kali suzy dtg?
tahu suzy ni "nation first love" kt korea..kalo first dan second dtg,fahamla diorg excited..
ni dh kali-4 kot suzy dtg..haha..
me prefer lg guest pompuan yg aktif dan ada sense of humor berbanding idol2 ni..

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Post time 16-7-2013 01:59 AM | Show all posts



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 Author| Post time 16-7-2013 05:52 AM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 15-7-2013 11:48 PM
(cr ...

kwangsuu asyik jadi target teka umur je

paling ingat time choi ji woo guest....muka mmg terkejut gila bila JS bgth kwangsu tuh maknae dia org...paling muda


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Post time 16-7-2013 08:11 AM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 15-7-2013 11:48 PM
(cr ...

ada lagi satu..
yang Koo Ja Chol tu..
dia pun tak percaya umur LKS baru 29..

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Post time 16-7-2013 08:12 AM | Show all posts
k3 posted on 15-7-2013 11:01 PM
baru tgk epi154..
evra ckp gwangsoo 42yo.. hehe sian tgk die kene "belasah" atas pdg
si ...

sekadar penyeri and pem-balance bagi equal agaknya.
tiap group ada perempuan.


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Post time 16-7-2013 08:12 AM | Show all posts
curiouscat posted on 15-7-2013 03:54 PM
Walaupun yang lagi 3 kat bawah hanya support 'HIGH' ' HIGH'

tiga2 yang kata 'High' tu semua takut tinggi..

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Post time 16-7-2013 09:42 AM | Show all posts
ep 154 best..evra sgt kelakar..sukaaaaaa.....kesian kwang soo..evra teka umo dia 42 tahun? lawak bila evra tanya dongwan tuh lelaki ke perempuan...hihi...dahlah bergaya cam chunli

aku pun ada rasa sedikit annoyed jugak bila sulli kata camtu..cuba dia pergi main tgk terer atau tidak....PD RM pun tulunglah kurangkan invite guests yg lembik2, kontrol2 nih..aigooooooo ..carilah yg active, easy going dan tak takut nak asik2 guest yg lemau tak kiralah idol ke, actor/actress  ke, singer etc

diorg terer je main cuma terlebih nervous je..biasalah first time main kat event besar camni...dgn world-class players lagi...jaesuk punyer skill mmg marbeles..cuba kalau penalty kick tuh ke kiri sikit konpem mmg history lah dlm running man... kwangso dgn haha pun not bad..passsing haha ke jaesuk pun mmg betul ke jongkook terus balik korea lepas kuar padang? tak nampak dia pun wp kat changing room lepas match..mmg betul lah kot ..letih tak habis lagi kot..kan dia pun baru balik dari malaysia kalau tak silap kan

yg tak main duduk jauh nun kat vip room kot..tak macam kat thai duduk sesama org ramai

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Post time 16-7-2013 10:00 AM | Show all posts
game yg paling aku suka..photozone shoot...bring back old memories ..

suka apa yg gary kata masa kwangsoo masuk padang...lebih kurang camni maksud dia..bolasepak akan jadi variety show ...adehhh kwangsoo..apa jua event yg dia join mesti ada element careless khas kwangsoo

mmg konpem JK balik korea sbb dia ada schedule wonder

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