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Post time 25-3-2014 11:54 PM | Show all posts
amon_79 posted on 25-3-2014 11:33 PM
"rostchild family tiada kena mengena dengan rosmah family..

rostchild family mempunya kekayaan di ...

♫...kantoi kantoi sudah.... kantoi sampai di sini saja...♫


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Post time 25-3-2014 11:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mesmerize posted on 25-3-2014 11:41 PM
susah juga nak redha kan bila tak nampak jenazah tu.. tapi ni kes lain.. kes crash di lautan dalam ...

Team SAR kan sdg tetap jgk menuju ke sana. Bg la ruang kpd mrk.

pm najib kan bgtau penerbangan tu berakhir di situ sbb situ je paling jauh blh pegi dan isyarat ping satellite.

Byk ganjil dlm kejadian ni tp beri lh masa dan ruang kpd team SAR. Mayb ni permainan kuasa2 besar dan malaysia sdg berusaha selamatkan nyawa mh370 mn yg mampu.

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Post time 25-3-2014 11:55 PM | Show all posts
mawi dan cekin, lupa plak

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Post time 25-3-2014 11:56 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 25-3-2014 11:57 PM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 25-3-2014 03:49 PM
kes kompliketed dek..

tak pe.. yang penting transcript communication antara pilot dengan ATC da ...

hmm cenggini je la kak
klu kita start dgn menipu, kita kena menipu lg..menipu lg..sampai satu hari  x dapat menipu lg terus kantoi besar

baik je lah come clean
huhu. ada chance ke sy nk tahu citer sebenar neh....


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Post time 25-3-2014 11:58 PM | Show all posts
berancuk posted on 25-3-2014 11:54 PM
♫...kantoi kantoi sudah.... kantoi sampai di sini saja...♫

sedap lagu..nama lagu dah buat?

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Post time 25-3-2014 11:58 PM | Show all posts
kgdangar posted on 25-3-2014 03:52 PM
tak faham kalo ader yg mengatakan kes ni terlibat ngn politik....

pendapat aku;

semua benda pon politik
maybe kes ni xde kena mengena dgn politik msia
tp involve politik dunia

apa2pon tetap politik memainkan peranan penting selama mana orang meletakkan politik lg tinggi dr agama

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Post time 25-3-2014 11:59 PM | Show all posts
berancuk posted on 25-3-2014 11:54 PM
♫...kantoi kantoi sudah.... kantoi sampai di sini saja...♫

maaf bertanya...apa yg kantoi nyer kak...

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:00 AM | Show all posts
amon_79 posted on 25-3-2014 11:59 PM
maaf bertanya...apa yg kantoi nyer kak...

@lorelai cakap kamu ni adam

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:01 AM | Show all posts
amon_79 posted on 25-3-2014 03:33 PM
"rostchild family tiada kena mengena dengan rosmah family..

rostchild family mempunya kekayaan di ...

napa adam edit yang adam tulis adam adam adam banyak2 tadi

adam mmg kelakaaaaaaaaaaaa
so satu MN busted.. ada brapa lg ni??

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:01 AM | Show all posts
China's Role in Search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Brings Its Own Headaches
PEARCE AIR BASE, PERTH—With 153 Chinese that were on board Malaysia Airlines[size=1.3]3786.KU -2.13% Flight 370 now assumed lost, the role of China in what is set to shift to a salvage effort is bound to remain intense. However, its participation in the multinational mission isn't without its complications.
At an Australian air force base outside the western city of Perth, two Chinese air force IL-76 long-range transport planes and their crews are unusual guests.
The manner of their arrival here Saturday, on a mission to help look for the missing flight, hinted at how seldom China's airmen venture this far south. They initially landed in the wrong place, at Perth Airport, rather than Pearce Air Force Base, their actual destination 26 miles, or 42 kilometers, to the north.
That incident aside, the concern among some countries in the Asian-Pacific region is that these occasional expeditions south will become less rare, and much more assured, as China builds up its blue-water capabilities and its military swagger.
he imperative of finding traces of the airliner—confirmed to have been lost in the southern Indian Ocean yesterday by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak —had trumped the reservations of governments normally happier to see China's armed forces operating within their own sphere of influence. Of the 239 people on board Flight 370, the majority were Chinese.
The Chinese crews thus joined the search in the southern Indian Ocean Monday, alongside others from allied nations—Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the U.S.—more accustomed to pooling their resources.
Within hours of taking off, one Chinese crew reported seeing objects floating in the search area, though they were unable to confirm whether these related to the lost jet.
Yet even amid the goodwill of the multinational search mission, there has been pushback against Chinese participation—and suspicion regarding Beijing's motives.
A senior Indian defense official told The Wall Street Journal that a Chinese request for ships to search near the Andaman island chain—which is Indian territory—was declined last week over concerns that the operation was a pretext for the gathering of intelligence about key defense installations.
"They can play on emotions and try and get into the area. We have all modern capabilities to look for the plane ourselves if it had crashed in Indian waters," the official said.
There was "nothing subtle about this," agreed Brahma Chellaney of the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi. China was using the hunt for the missing airliner "for military advantage," he said, in "the latest example of how [it] is becoming assertive."
The Chinese Foreign Ministry didn't respond to a faxed request for comment on the allegations.
China's highly visible contributions to the search effort also derive from the opportunity "to win prestige" in an operation with a global—and, more important, a domestic—audience, according to Andrew Davies, a senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
As well as aircraft, China has sent several naval ships to the southern search zone, and has tasked 21 satellites to scour the search corridor for signs of the missing plane.
"Nothing of this size has ever been conducted by China, either by the navy or coast guard," said Gary Li, senior analyst at IHS Maritime. "It's fairly impressive how quickly they have mobilized," he added. "We're used to the Chinese being relatively risk averse."
Before this, the biggest operations undertaken regularly by the Chinese navy were joint antipiracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden, which it has conducted for several years. But these have usually involved just two warships and one supply vessel.
In January, the navy also sent three ships through the South China Sea and south of Indonesia into the Indian Ocean, in a move that prompted hand-wringing among China's neighbors, or at least those who worry about the implications of China's rise to superpower status.
The Flight 370 search has dwarfed those earlier operations.
Even so, by dispatching the two Il-76 aircraft—which are essentially cargo planes with no specialist capability when it comes to maritime search—Beijing has also highlighted its lack of reach in certain areas.
"A dedicated, long-range maritime patrol aircraft with a high-performance radar is certainly one thing they seem to be lacking," Mr. Davies commented.
China has spent many years building up "area-denial" capabilities, he said, referring in particular to precision missiles designed to prevent foreign ships and aircraft from entering Chinese waters in the event of conflict. By comparison, its long-range capabilities were relatively nascent, he added.
Mr. Li also pointed out that China had only sent one supply ship to support the search mission, meaning that the Chinese ships may soon struggle to operate so far from home.
The actual capabilities fielded may be less important, however, than the message that Beijing has sent to the world and to its own people by its robust response to the aircraft's disappearance, a mobilization that stands in contrast to its meager response, at least initially, after Typhoon Haiyan devastated parts of the Philippines last year.
According to Rory Medcalf, director of the international-security program at Australia's Lowy Institute for International Policy, the unprecedented Chinese mission serves as a "reminder that China is increasingly willing to deploy forces to distant and unfamiliar places to help its citizens, or at least to be seen to help them."


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Post time 26-3-2014 12:01 AM | Show all posts
satriastendet posted on 25-3-2014 11:54 PM
Team SAR kan sdg tetap jgk menuju ke sana. Bg la ruang kpd mrk.

pm najib kan bgtau penerbangan  ...

dari hari pertama sikit pun saya tak mempertikaikan usaha SAR tu .. saya tahu mereka dah cuba sehabis baik.. bahkan dari thread2 yg lain beria2 saya menyokong usaha SAR team n gov tatkala ada yang mengutuk n memperkecilkan usaha mereka ... tadi tu cuma pandangan saya kalau saya ni ahli keluarga mangsa.


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Post time 26-3-2014 12:01 AM | Show all posts
gapodio? prof muahahahaya? @axl_bach !!!!!!!!!


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Post time 26-3-2014 12:01 AM | Show all posts
poyohabis posted on 25-3-2014 11:48 PM
Prof citer dia bawak anak lelaki tunggal dia jalan2.. Tiba2 anak dia jatuh dia buat cpr tp tetap a ...

Die ade cakap x brapa umur anak lelaki die?

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:03 AM | Show all posts
4 tahun dia hanyut...
balik2 tgk awek dh kawen dh pun...sbb media wat conclusion semua penumpang mati....
awal2 awek dia x dh makan tahun akhir nye dia pasrah.....n setelah didesak dia berkahwin ngn someone else

tacing siot citer nih....somehow cam ader kaitan je ngn MH370


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Post time 26-3-2014 12:03 AM | Show all posts
cmf_conan posted on 25-3-2014 11:56 PM

baca komen dekat video tu
cina malaysia cam marah hishamudin sebab kritik China

Michael Gabriel Ng2 hours ago

This kind of statements is so low class.. so now he is saying China also responsible  delaying the efforts with the bad information is it?


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Post time 26-3-2014 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Pada akula..kalau betul hijacked..aku doa sgt Allah Maha Kaya membalas perbuatan mereka..negara mereka.. Lantakla dema...

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nham22 posted on 26-3-2014 12:01 AM
Die ade cakap x brapa umur anak lelaki die?

X dengar lak.. Mungkin ms arwah anak dia msh kanak2 kot... Kn tanya org lain la... Tp kali anak lelaki kita meninggal seorg tu tuk simpan tuk kita kan.. Anak perempuan 2 org dengar2 nya la.. Anak2 kenit leh tarik kita msk syurga... Ni kalo kita x bbunuh anak kita la..

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:05 AM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 25-3-2014 11:57 PM
hmm cenggini je la kak
klu kita start dgn menipu, kita kena menipu lg..menipu lg..sampai satu har ...

tapi ai percaya dek.. kebenaran itu tidak akan boleh ditutup dengan kepalsuan apa lagi dengan penipuan..

dalam kes2 besar sebegini, penganalisa yang berotak ramai saja yang ada untuk bagi feedback..

yang penting, pasukan penyiasat sudah dapat tahu maklumat dari day 1 adalah konsisten dengan hasil siasatan seterusnya..

dan ai percaya, kepten nik huzlan itu sendiri tau banyak dalam hal ini..

kalau kita perhalusi apa kata2 hisham pada sidang media petang tadi.. dia ada bagi hint pasal siasatan.. tuh pun kalau kita perhalusi dan tahu paling tidak sedikit akan clue kejadian ini then kita akn tahu ada sedikit hint yang mungkin terlepas dari kata2 dato..

dan penipuan tidak boleh dikuasai oleh banyak pihak dek..

kalau kebenaran yang kita tahu nanti dari banyak pihak termasuk pihak2 yang kita memang percayai dari awal2 lagi, sure kita boleh terima dengan hati terbuka.. tapi tuh lah.. dengan syarat, kesemua bukti2 itu dikemukakan untuk analisa awam supaya tidak ada yang diselindungi dan diragui..

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Post time 26-3-2014 12:06 AM | Show all posts
kgdangar posted on 26-3-2014 12:03 AM
4 tahun dia hanyut...
balik2 tgk awek dh kawen dh pun...sbb media wat conclusion semua penumpang ma ...

awek eh? bini dia kot? kawen ngan orang lain bila dia dah bertahun tak balik n declared dead  


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