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Author: nashrudean

Wardina vs Ust Don - "dina kantoi puji diri sendiri di forum gosip cari?

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Post time 22-4-2014 12:46 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 22-4-2014 12:40 PM
Dan juga bercakap pasal penceramah piawaian, mungkin maza patut komen pasal ni, wardina cakap:

ini layen...

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Post time 22-4-2014 12:50 PM | Show all posts
dino posted on 22-4-2014 12:46 PM
ini layen...

like makcik timah ckp,
a new set of rules for wardina, an entirely different set of rules for everyone else.


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Post time 22-4-2014 12:59 PM | Show all posts
lagi satu statement sengal wardina:-

Saya Rasa Kurang Muslim Kerana Tidak Pandai Berbahasa Arab

dan menambah:-

Kerana membaca terjemahan (al-Quran) tidak akan sama dengan makna sebenar.

If you don’t bother about understanding the Quran, you won’t bother about learning Arabic


The majority of the people assume that if one understands the Arabic language, it means he is capable of understanding the Qur'an. They are also quick to dismiss anyone who has a point to make about the Quran's verses, if they are not an Arab or do not speak Arabic. A consistent feature of these sorts of people is that they themselves know little about the Qur'an because they never attempt to research the Qur'an directly. This is because of an intentionally induced inferiority complex of not knowing Arabic which gives them the excuses they need to stay distant from the Qur'an, as well as due to some other vain excuses. They never attempt to understand the verses of the Qur'an themselves. All of their views on the Qur'an are formed entirely by following other people and texts written by those whose trust they assume. They have only read the Qur'an's verses in text books in the context created by their trusted writers, or otherwise read the Arabic verses in ritualistic recitation, or in prayer without understanding them. Sometimes, he feels he has done enough by reading the translation of the few verses he recites frequently in prayer.

As stated above, their excuse is that the Qur’an is not in their language and only an Arab or an Arabic speaker can understand the verses. The truth is however far from their mistaken beliefs. A believer can understand the Qur'an and live by it even while possessing little or no Arabic knowledge.

Surah Al-FatihaHistory is witness to many people who are proficient in the Arabic language, yet made very twisted and perverted interpretations of the Qur'an, all while they are accepted to be well skilled by the majority. The majority being the group we have identified above. These interpreters of the Qur'an consider themselves Muslims, yet made countless erroneous interpretations - even while knowing Arabic. This begs the question, does knowing Arabic mean one can understand the Qur’an? The disbelievers of Makkah were expert in the language of the Qur'an, but they did not understand many of the concepts and similitudes of the Qur'an. They thus rejected it as being words of a madman.

What one needs to comprehend is that understanding the Qur'an means to understand correctly what is being told in the verses, the concepts, lessons, signs, admonitions metaphors and imagery. All of these aspects of the Qur'an hold true regardless of the language used. When one does not understand the Qur'an, that is, makes erroneous interpretations, he is incapable of understanding these lessons, admonitions and true purposes of the verses. One may even be in possession of great Arabic skills, yet be incapable of understanding the verses due to his or her lack of comprehension of what is being told in the verses. We can compare this with the following scenario. Imagine you are explaining a concept to someone in perfect English. The person you are explaining to can also understand English perfectly. However, due to a lack of comprehension on their part, that person fails to understand what you are explaining to them despite your perfect explanations in English and their ability to understand the language. Likewise, the same can be said about the Qur'an. Even an expert Arabic speaker may well be incapable of understanding and interpreting the verses correctly as a direct result of that missing comprehension. This comprehension is given by Allah to whoever He pleases. A verse identifies this:

"...But the disbelievers say, 'what does Allah mean by such a similitude?' Through it, Allah misguides many and He also guides many. But He misguides only the rebels." (Qur'an 2:26)

The comprehension we have mentioned is actually a gift from Allah to His sincere believers only. A believer who does not know Arabic may be endowed with this ability to understand the Qur'an. When the verses of the Qur'an are explained to him by another true believer in his language, he grasps them correctly, even though he does not know Arabic. And it is probable that a person fluent in Arabic could not understand the same verses correctly even in his own language. Skill in the Arabic language did not afford him the true interpretations of Allah’s verses, and so he remained bereft of Allah’s guidance. Another person who is a more sincere believer could understand the verses, even though he did not speak the language of the Qur'an. Allah explains this 'veiling of perception' in a verse:

Quran close-up"When you recite the Qur'an, we place an invisible barrier between you and those who do not believe in the life to come. We have put covers on their hearts that prevents them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears." (Qur'an 17:45-46)

dan juga

Dia lah yang menurunkan kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) Kitab Suci Al-Quran. Sebahagian besar dari Al-Quran itu ialah ayat-ayat "Muhkamaat" (yang tetap, tegas dan nyata maknanya serta jelas maksudnya); ayat-ayat Muhkamaat itu ialah ibu (atau pokok) isi Al-Quran. Dan yang lain lagi ialah ayat-ayat "Mutasyaabihaat" (yang samar-samar, tidak terang maksudnya). Oleh sebab itu (timbulah faham yang berlainan menurut kandungan hati masing-masing) - adapun orang-orang yang ada dalam hatinya kecenderungan ke arah kesesatan, maka mereka selalu menurut apa yang samar-samar dari Al-Quran untuk mencari fitnah dan mencari-cari Takwilnya (memutarkan maksudnya menurut yang disukainya). Padahal tidak ada yang mengetahui Takwilnya (tafsir maksudnya yang sebenar) melainkan Allah. Dan orang-orang yang tetap teguh serta mendalam pengetahuannya dalam ilmu-ilmu agama, berkata:" Kami beriman kepadanya, semuanya itu datangnya dari sisi Tuhan kami" Dan tiadalah yang mengambil pelajaran dan peringatan melainkan orang-orang yang berfikiran.

(A-li'Imraan 3:7) |
Last edited by Santeira on 22-4-2014 01:02 PM


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Post time 22-4-2014 01:00 PM | Show all posts
bg ioll wardina ni biasa2 je..betul lah org kata sheol jual muka pan asian je..

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:06 PM | Show all posts
tinker_bell posted on 22-4-2014 01:00 PM
bg ioll wardina ni biasa2 je..betul lah org kata sheol jual muka pan asian je..

walopun muka die pan asian, bagi aku bese2 jer
idokler cantik bebenor
cantik lagi irma hasmi, diana amir
pandangan mata aku la....


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Post time 22-4-2014 01:12 PM | Show all posts
edoraixora posted on 22-4-2014 01:06 PM
walopun muka die pan asian, bagi aku bese2 jer
idokler cantik bebenor
cantik lagi irma hasmi, di ...

yelah..maksud ioll she no one pon bnding ustaz don..sheol still student pon tak ckp mcm ada ni kenapa ye??bhijrah je terus feeling2 ustaz/ustazah??

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:14 PM | Show all posts
nanti dina dok australia berenti la kot dia riuh tego org sana sini kat laman sosial.
dok sana tego pm tony abbot pulak ye

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Iolss tetibe pk knp die xnk bljr bhs arab???

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:29 PM | Show all posts
Baru terasa nak baca thread yg wardina guna jlo as an example. Kalau betul ituini tu wardina memang la sheols all noise and no substance. Sikit2 nak ckp org stupid and pathetic.

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:36 PM | Show all posts
bayangraja posted on 21-4-2014 10:26 PM
boleh check sini :
perangdina duta tilam ... 89474&extra=&page=5

Ye la kan..takkan la baru 2 kali jumpa dah tau detail sangatttttttttttttt pasala wardina khen!!

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:36 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 22-4-2014 12:40 PM
Dan juga bercakap pasal penceramah piawaian, mungkin maza patut komen pasal ni, wardina cakap:

hahahaha! for someone who earns money dgn mempamerkan kecantikan di khalayak ramai, it's a bit rich of her to preach abt not doing exactly that. kelakar siot. ni la org ckp klu dah niat tak baik nak malukan orang, kebodohan sendiri terpampang jadi bahan gelakan org.

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:49 PM | Show all posts
eriminuri posted on 22-4-2014 01:36 PM
hahahaha! for someone who earns money dgn mempamerkan kecantikan di khalayak ramai, it's a bit ric ...

dulu masa aku cakap pasal ni bukan main ramai membekap dia uols. yalah, asalkan penceramah, asalkan niat baik, ramai org abaikan 'cara' dan 'kandungan'.

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Cari duit pun bermodalkan muka yg diberi tuhan tu..ada hati nak ngajor orang bab pamerkan kecantikan...

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:50 PM | Show all posts
bayangraja posted on 20-4-2014 09:01 PM
1. cerita nak ambil ijazah psikologi daripada bulan julai 2009 sampai 2014
2. dah 6 hari t ...

noks..ioll kena maki hanya sbb ckp sheol poyo..ioll cuma ckp sheol poyo..sheol boleh konar psal semua org poyo..lepas tu puji diri sendiri..

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:55 PM | Show all posts
miracle_forever posted on 18-4-2014 09:18 PM
Sorry OT: hai mek sam! Lama hilang.. Tiba2 muncul!

Apa pun wardina ni kadang2 terlalu ...

tak leh nak online macam dulu dah mira .. kijer banyak ..

but die nie pun buleh tahan buat2 best.. siket lebih kurang ngan setazah ebby elite tu .. dari dulu lagi .. banyak kawan i iolls suke throl die kat twitter sebab die raser die best.. ku pk2 lepas kes p bagi ceramah and kene gam .. ader la hotak utk pk sebelum buat pangai .. sekali macam tu jugak .. yang paling raser tak leh blah is part nak pindah ostrolia sebab tanak ader gangguan utk study.. gangguan aper la sangat kan?? bukan buleh tolak ker kalu tanak p jemputan mana2 majlis .. duh!!!  

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Post time 22-4-2014 01:58 PM | Show all posts
garlicOil posted on 22-4-2014 12:32 PM
So apa citer group usrah so called mizan yg membuta tuli menyokong itu?
udah mintak maaf ke?

Dia pengerusi uol takkan dioarng tak sokong...sokong bawak rebah

Professor Madya Dr Harlina Halizah Siraj
Puan Anfaal Saari
Puan Wardina Safiyyah Fadlullah Wilmot
Timbalan Pengerusi:
Puan Farwina Faroque


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Post time 22-4-2014 01:59 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 18-4-2014 04:59 PM
Loya kan? Euw sangat.

Cari ni pun sama. Bila retis yang dikutuk masuk menywrgah, terus masing2  ...

hurm .. hok tu memang terserlah diva .. i olss penah tengok depan mata si pengacara tut marah2 kat pavi sebab makanan die lambat.. rilekla bro .. ko kakan kat foodcourt jer pun.. die ingat sume orang kenal die .. sah2 la staff yang jaga counter tu bukan local ... pedulik lak die tittle pengacara no 1 tu kan??... sekali kena sound balik ngan mamat tu "saya sorang jer jaga kaunter .. tak nampak ker??!!"..

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Post time 22-4-2014 02:16 PM | Show all posts
Donatello86 posted on 22-4-2014 12:25 PM
Respek pada cara Ustaz Don counter back apa yg Wardina ckp pada beliau...mudah2 han Wardina di berik ...

aku pun respek gile dgn Ustaz Don semalam
cara penyampaiannya bersahaja
ada org kata Ustaz skrg ni sibuk nak jadi mcm Maharaja Lawak
tapi lawak yg berilmu apa salahnya
lawak mcm Jijang aku langsung xkenan...

apa2pun Puan Wardina (if u read this)
belajarlah dari kesilapan
lantang itu boleh, memang diperlukan
tetapi biarlah bertempat, beradab dan berilmu dahulu
isu ini jadikan la sebagai pengajaran
tak payah malu tapi BELAJAR.....belajar dr isu ni
Kerana mulut, badan binasa...


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Post time 22-4-2014 02:51 PM | Show all posts
hotzzplate posted on 21-4-2014 10:21 PM
harap2 wardina tengok la 30 minit ustaz don malam ni..jelas lagi terang ustaz don bagi penjelasan... ...

yup betul...
aku tengok gak mlm tadi..aku yertarik ayat ustat

"kalau ada keraguan..boleh talipon saya sms saya inshaallah saya jawab"

"dinasihatkan agar orang yang create video tu mohon keje kat alhijrah sebab beliau berkebolehan mengedit2 video...a=da al hijrah mengalu2kan pelapis baru dan muda2 untuk join al hijrah"

kalau aku salah mohon betulkan

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Post time 22-4-2014 03:04 PM | Show all posts
LoVe1412 posted on 22-4-2014 02:16 PM
aku pun respek gile dgn Ustaz Don semalam
cara penyampaiannya bersahaja
ada org kata Ustaz skrg  ...

Betul....selama ini sudah banyak ilmu yg disampaikan dan diajari oleh Ustaz Don kpd kita semua...kadangkala benda yg kita jahil dahulu byk dicerahkan oleh Ustaz Don...hinggakan anak-anak dan kita sendiri dapat belajar banyak benda hukum agama dan ilmu tajwid....subhanallah....

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