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Author: GhostWalking

[Tempatan] Pendapat Dina Zaman Mengenai Isu I Want To Touch A Dog

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Post time 23-10-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
lavagunting posted on 23-10-2014 10:53 AM
nasi lemak dia tambah nasi lebih sikit ni...rm2.50

Ai tak suka judge muka org.

Tapi.. air muka dia ni.. shows something.. ampun!
Last edited by applemy on 23-10-2014 11:03 AM


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Post time 23-10-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
MulutBecok posted on 23-10-2014 10:55 AM
bila jadi macam  tu kita nak cakap apa? sebab dia kafir atau memang secara alami memang terjadi pe ...

Wow.. maap la, ai rasa.. u kena skolah balik la
Last edited by applemy on 23-10-2014 11:02 AM


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Post time 23-10-2014 11:01 AM | Show all posts
nalis posted on 23-10-2014 10:57 AM
Curious nak tau sambal lebih ke tak? Hehe

sambal free p tambah sendiri la...


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Post time 23-10-2014 11:01 AM | Show all posts
boleh tahan cantik

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Post time 23-10-2014 11:02 AM | Show all posts
MulutBecok posted on 23-10-2014 10:55 AM
bila jadi macam  tu kita nak cakap apa? sebab dia kafir atau memang secara alami memang terjadi pe ...

Aku kata bencana alam, bukan aku kata dorg ditimpa bencana kerana negara kafir.

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Post time 23-10-2014 11:03 AM | Show all posts
applemy posted on 23-10-2014 10:57 AM
Ai tak suka judge muka org.

Tapi.. air muka dia ni, mcm nenek kebayan yg baru minum life elixir ...

dina zaman ni bila dia gelak nampak gusi atas..

wa benci pompuan gelak nampak gusi..

wa benci dina zaman..


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Post time 23-10-2014 11:04 AM | Show all posts
yakin nya dia menulis...
tanpa cermin diri sendiri dulu...

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Post time 23-10-2014 11:05 AM | Show all posts
the_killer posted on 23-10-2014 10:49 AM
bese lah orang nak amik jalan mudah dan senang..kalo bleh yang paling senang..bab ni ikut mazhab n ...

takde salahnya bertaklik mazhab selagi ia dalam ASWJ

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Post time 23-10-2014 11:07 AM | Show all posts
kecimpret posted on 23-10-2014 11:05 AM
takde salahnya bertaklik mazhab selagi ia dalam ASWJ

ada pencerahan mengenai isu mazhab yang dijelaskan oleh abam keross...
memang boleh..tetapi kemaslahatan umum itu perlu dilihat juga

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Post time 23-10-2014 11:15 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 23-10-2014 10:02 AM
yelah itu lebih selamat

tapi pada yg berfikiran liberal islam depa tak mahu lihat dan takut me ...

pegangan islam u hasil pencerahan ke atau taqlid?

kerana betul salah ke atau kerana siapa yg cakap..

did u ever made your own judgement or understanding about agama atau kerana ikut autoriti..

akal u terpakai tak bila ia berkaitan dgn agama..

keptususan u pilih shafie sbb apa?


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Post time 23-10-2014 11:25 AM | Show all posts
petola posted on 23-10-2014 11:15 AM
pegangan islam u hasil pencerahan ke atau taqlid?

kerana betul salah ke atau kerana siapa yg ca ...


What. are. you. trying. to. say?

Cakap biar jelas

Sila balik skolah

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Post time 23-10-2014 11:35 AM | Show all posts
applemy posted on 23-10-2014 11:25 AM

What. are. you. trying. to. say?

biarlah dia yg jawab..

dia org pandai... saya yakin dia mesti paham apa maksud saya..


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Post time 23-10-2014 11:47 AM | Show all posts
kejoraria posted on 23-10-2014 08:38 AM
tak pyh pig la...even event i want to touch a dog tu klau anjing yg disediakan utk pegang anjing y ...

kan.. aku pun fikir takyah buat "I want to touch a pig" event pun.. cuba buat event "I want to touch a stray dog" dulu.. cuba tengok brp ramai melayu islam yg ramai2 pegi event hari tu pergi event ni pulak..

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Post time 23-10-2014 11:47 AM | Show all posts
cecari posted on 23-10-2014 09:57 AM
dina zaman ni sapa?? awat hang terhegeh2 dok ketengahkan artikelnya.. adakah dia ni bakal bini hang  ...

Orang yang rajin membaca dan berpelajaran jer yang kenal dia, baca tulisan dia dan membeli buku dia.

Lobai jurusan ulamak dari Mesir yang cari makan dengan menipu orang kampong berlagak pandai dan berilmu macam hang memang tak akan kenal orang macam Dina Zaman.

Orang macam ko hanya baca buku buku seperti : "Kehidupan di Padang Masyar" ka, atau " 1001 tanda kiamat" ka, atau "Hukum memcukor bulu dakam Islam" ka, atau " Hikmah Berpoligami " ka " Cara cara para Anbia membersihkan selepas berak"  ka dsbnya.....


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Post time 23-10-2014 11:48 AM | Show all posts
the_killer posted on 23-10-2014 11:07 AM
ada pencerahan mengenai isu mazhab yang dijelaskan oleh abam keross...
memang boleh..tetapi kemas ...

Apapun jenis keilmuan yg kita pegang ,  yg nih kita kena lihat juga , kemaslahatan umum  bila kita membincangkan soal fiqh ....  soal hub sesama manusia

Bila melibatkan hukum fiqh .  kenapa wujudnya mazhab2  ketika dulu . kenapa? ... ianya sebab ada masalah2 yg macam nih lah .  ideologi2  baru timbul . Tapi kita berada beribu tahun d hadapan. Permasalah d ungkaikan berdasarkan sandaran2  yg melibatkan pelbagai ilmu . Aii tak tahulah permasalahan boleh d selesaikan hanya menggunakan satu ilmu sahaja iaitu logik aqal?    bukankah keilmuan  itu berkembang ? gunakanlah pendekatan ilmu .  

Last edited by soebyuk on 23-10-2014 12:06 PM


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Post time 23-10-2014 11:52 AM | Show all posts
boleh tahan jugak si dina nie, berhijab bagai
tinggi ilmu dia nie dari mufti2 dan Pok Nik.

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Post time 23-10-2014 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 23-10-2014 11:47 AM
Orang yang rajin membaca dan berpelajaran jer yang kenal dia, baca tulisan dia dan membeli buku di ...

Don’t let hatred lead to injustice   

Sometimes it feels like we are being asked to despise an ever-growing list of people and things.
The Star
Page 22.

  Marina Mahathir
      LAST Sunday, an extraordinary young man organised an extraordinary event. Having lived his life being afraid of dogs, he decided to overcome this fear and help others to do the same by inviting people to get to know some dogs. He got all the necessary permissions, promoted it and on the day, almost a thousand people, Muslims and non-Muslims, turned up.
By all accounts, the event was a success and people left enlightened and happy. Unfortunately, among those whose role in life is seemingly to keep us all ignorant, there was great unhappiness. Who is this young man who could get so many people out of their beds on a Sunday morning? How come they all seem to be smiling and, goodness gracious, enjoying themselves?
Thus, to no one’s surprise, they immediately started to condemn him and all those who took part in the event. Never mind that the intention of those who attended was to learn about one of God’s own creatures and how to treat them kindly.
The organisers had done everything right, including having someone give a talk on the Islamic viewpoint on dogs and having all the ingredients needed for the ritual cleansing after touching wet dogs. Yet this was not good enough for our authorities.
I often wonder if what bothers our “religious” authorities most is not so much the actual religious ins and outs of any event or action, but anything that would challenge their so-called authority and certainly anything that makes someone else popular.
The organiser of the Touch A Dog event did not intend for the event to insult anyone. After all, those who felt uncomfortable about it could always stay home.
I suspect that the response against the event only came about when they realised that quite a lot of people turned up. They had probably assumed that few would do so because they thought that everybody had already bought their so-called opinions against dogs. Lo and behold, about 500 or so Muslims did not!
Apparently, coming together to learn about animals as well as how to be kind and compassionate towards them will lead everyone down the slippery slope to even more nefarious acts.
I didn’t realise that kindness is now considered despicable but then the world has turned upside down. What’s next, the rabid types ask, Touch a Pig Day? Others ask if this will lead to How to Be An Adulterer classes, though I would suggest that we already have plenty of those.
How is it that nobody thinks that acts of kindness and compassion will lead to more acts of generosity and goodwill? If people can be kind to dogs, then we might just put a stop to things like throwing stones at them or the abandoning of puppies.
Where does it say that it is okay to beat or starve animals? And why should those who are kind to them be condemned? My aunt used to take in stray dogs and cats rather than allow them to be left to the elements.
The couple in Kedah who cares for dogs, however, was forced to move. Ignorance seems to lead to nothing but cruelty. Are we actually proud of that?
I believe that Malaysians, both Muslims and non-Muslims, are just dying for someone to tell them something positive, which is why they responded so well to the event. We all know what the big sins are and we know how to avoid them.
However, we are so rarely told how to get along with one another, how to live in harmony with one another, as well as with other living things in our environment.
All we are getting these days is how to hate an ever-growing list of people and things. How much energy are we to spend on hate? And how does hating anything and everything make us happy and better Muslims?
Why is it that if we are to hate anything, we are not encouraged to direct hatred towards the corrupt, the ignorant and the cruel? Why are we never taught to revile injustice, rather than revere it as some people in power do?

Chapter 5, verse 8 of the Quran says: “O you who have attained to faith! Be ever steadfast in your devotion to God, bearing witness to the truth in all equity; and never let hatred of anyone lead you into the sin of deviating from justice.
“Be just: this is closest to being God-conscious. And remain conscious of God; verily, God is aware of all that you do.” (translation by Assad)
If hatred can lead us to the sin of injustice, then perhaps it stands to reason that the opposite, love, can lead us to the virtue of justice. Isn’t that what we should be striving for?

> Marina Mahathir is a human rights activist who works on women, children and HIV/AIDS issues. Her column in this newspaper goes back 25 years and has likewise evolved because, in her own words, “she probably thinks too much for her own good”. Marina continues to speak out and crusade for causes that she passionately believes in. The views expressed here are entirely her own.

*Rupanya Ostazah Marina Mahathir Al Hafizah lagi tinggi ILMUnya dari DINA ZAMAN

Last edited by crossfire on 23-10-2014 12:01 PM


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Post time 23-10-2014 12:02 PM | Show all posts
applemy posted on 23-10-2014 10:59 AM
Wow.. maap la, ai rasa.. u kena skolah balik la

then sekolahkanlah iols?

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Post time 23-10-2014 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Oh.. OK.

Thanks 4 sharing luahan makcik Marina ni..

Nampak jugak tujuan positif event ni..

Betul jugak la, ai pun takut nak berdepan dgn doggie.. kadang2 jejalan kat perumahan cina.. ada je anjing kecik meluru nyalak kat ai.. ai terkujat nak lari! Tuan dia heran nape ai takut anjing? You melayu ka.. haiyaa! Don't be scared wan! He's very nice wan.. sambil usap2 doggie dia nak relakkan.. hiks!

Cuma tu la.. what went wrong

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Post time 23-10-2014 12:15 PM | Show all posts
As usual ahli sorga terus label her as liberal and prospective murtad
are they like demi-god or something? suka2 mau humban orang dalam neraka like that?

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