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Author: EJALTI

Puluhan pelarian Rohingya di pantai Teluk Bahang

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Post time 21-4-2015 04:36 PM | Show all posts
Rohingya: Etnik yang telah dilupai
February 28, 2014 Berita Dunia Islam 1

Bila mana manusia khususnya umat Islam ingin membicarakan tentang etnik Rohingya, mereka perlu ingat tentang kenyataan dari PBB yang mengatakan bahawa etnik Rohingya adalah kaum minoriti (4% sahaja di Myanmar), etnik yang paling terancam di dunia dan merupakan ‘perkara yang terakhir manusia akan pilih’. Sebelum itu, kita juga perlu tahu tentang asal-usul mereka dan apakah punca terbesar konflik yang berlaku sehingga hari ini. Para sejarawan telah menyatakan bahawa etnik Rohingya telah wujud di Burma atau lebih dikenali dengan Myanmar, sejak kurun 8 Masihi lagi. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa mereka ini memang berasal dari Rakhine, Burma dan ada juga yang mempertikaikan bahawa mereka berasal dari Bengal atau Bangladesh sekarang ini. Mereka mempunyai hubungan yang kuat dengan etnik Chittagong yang mana sekarang antara etnik terbesar muslim di Bangladesh yang juga mempunyai jumlah majoriti muslim pada hari ini. Yang lebih menarik lagi, mereka juga mempunyai hubungan yang kuat dengan Kesultanan Islam Bengal dahulu kala.

Pada Jun 2012, kalimah Rohingya menjadi perhatian media-media, surat-surat khabar terkemuka di dunia. Sedangkan konflik yang berlaku di tanah kelahiran Aung San Suu Kyi, ikon keamanan dunia, telah tercetus sejak tahun 70-an lagi. Ketika mana Junta Myanmar ingin menghalau mereka dan juga menyifatkan mereka sebagai raksasa yang buruk dan menaikkan semangat keagamaan di kalangan Agamawan Buddha untuk menghalau etnik ini. Selepas itu, pada tahun 1982, sekali lagi Junta Myanmar telah mencetuskan konflik, kerajaan telah membuat peraturan baru berkenaan kerakyatan, mereka perlu membuktikan bahawa mereka memang berasal dari Burma. Kerajaan Myanmar tidak mengiktiraf mereka dari 135 etnik yang ada di Negara itu.

Namun penyebab yang mencetuskan konflik ini adalah samar-samar sehingga lah pada hari ini. Ada yang menyatakan bahawa ianya di sebabkan etnik Rakhine telah membunuh 10 lelaki di kalangan Rohingya setelah seorang perempuan Rakhine telah dirogol. Tetapi satu hakikat yang perlu dicermati bahawa etnik Rohingya telah dizalimi sejak 1947 lagi, apabila mereka menubuhkan satu gerakan jihad bagi membela nasib mereka dan menubuhkan negara muslim Arakan, tetapi gerakan ini mati kerana telah ditumbangkan oleh kuku besi Jeneral Ne Win.

Kemuncaknya ialah pada Julai 2012 Myanmar telah mengisytiharkan bahawa mereka ini adalah Muslim Bengal yang tidak ada negara dan tidak layak untuk mendapat kerakyatan Myanmar. Dan pada Oktober pada tahun yang sama telah dilaporkan gambar dari satelit telah menunjukkan bahawa penempatan Rohingya sedang dihancurkan oleh tentera. Anak- anak kecil dan wanita menjadi mangsa utama dalam konflik ini. Pelbagai organisasi Buddha telah menghalang bantuan kemanusiaan dari memasuki penempatan mereka. Ramai yang telah dibunuh, 1200 jiwa telah hilang tanpa dikesan, 100,000 jiwa telah dipindahkan. Setelah mereka tidak mempunyai alternatif lain mereka melarikan ke negara-negara lain. Dilaporkan di Malaysia sahaja mempunyai 28, 000 pelarian yang telah diterima dengan baik oleh kerajaan.

Manakala Bangladesh dan Thailand telah bertindak untuk menghalau mereka. Awal Februari baru-baru ini majalah TIME telah melaporkan bahawa 1,300 pelarian Rohingya telah dihalau kembali ke Myanmar. ASEAN juga telah berkali-kali telah mencuba untuk membuat dialog damai bersama kerajaan Myanmar tetapi sehingga usaha ini telah ditolak. Begitulah nasib saudara-saudara Rohingya ketika sehingga ke hari ini. Satu etnik Muslim yang telah dilupai seluruh dunia bahkan lagi memalukan lagi telah dilupakan oleh saudara-saudara Muslim mereka sendiri.

Disediakan oleh:
Anas Bin Bad Latif
Tahun 2, Usuluddin, Universiti Al Al-Bayt
Ketua Biro Dakwah Cawangan Mafraq ISMA Jordan

Rujukan : ... censure-over-unrest ... hingya-back-to-hell


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Post time 21-4-2015 04:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xAthenax replied at 21-4-2015 03:38 PM
Malas kaka nak ulangtayang cerita pengalaman berjiran dengan puak2 nisyukur 3 buah rumah sudah kos ...

Dorg pindah ke atau kene halau kaka?
Syukur..kurg sket kerenah dorg yg kaka kne tempuhi

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Post time 21-4-2015 04:53 PM | Show all posts
bila nk kasi sebidang tanah utk rohingya ni, biar tubuh negeri/bandar rohingya
lpas ni utk mini dhaka, mini karachi, mini medan, mini mindanao...

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Post time 21-4-2015 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Tidak heran jika org melayu akan memberikan sebidang tanah kepada rohingya.. kenapa tidak? 90% tanah org melayu di kuala lumpur telah lama habis di jual oleh melayu kepada bangsa cina..

mungkin kerana org melayu lebih tertarik kpd akademi fantasia dan ingin popular?

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Post time 21-4-2015 05:09 PM | Show all posts
Kalaulah satu hari nanti Malaysia ni dilanda bencana alam teruk, takpun diserang negara jiran/asing, rasa-rasa ada tak yang akan lari ke negara-negara berdekatan untuk perlindungan? ;p Jangan angkuh sangat, hang bukan di tempat depa, bolehlah haktuih pedia semua, kalau kena batang hidung sendiri hang hanya tahu nak hidup ja...

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Post time 21-4-2015 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Edited by darkcloud at 21-4-2015 05:17 PM

ikut pendapat ilmiah dan rendah hati aku.. aku punya pendapat, ada banyak sebab kaum aku iaitu org melayu hidup dalam keadaan terpinggir dan susah.. kerana org melayu di asingkan dari bangsa lain terlalu lama..

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Post time 21-4-2015 07:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 21-4-2015 02:38 PM
pelarian UN ni bukan ke majikan tidak dibenarkan amek bekerja..
depa hanya dlm.kelompok depa
tu  ...

Tula, tp mslh nye ada sekelompok yg mintak derma cara x best. Suh bdk2 dtg wat muka kesian masa nk beli kt pasar. Klu sorg xpe, buat nye satu2 dtg. UN should do something. Bkn kedekut tp kdg2 hmmm

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Post time 21-4-2015 09:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sambaldurian replied at 21-4-2015 07:36 PM
Tula, tp mslh nye ada sekelompok yg mintak derma cara x best. Suh bdk2 dtg wat muka kesian masa nk ...

kat masjid india..dolu aku.nampak.budak ni mintak sedekah..selagi org xbg..selagi tu dia x berganjak...uhuhu

mamat tu slambe je makan nasik..hahahah

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Post time 21-4-2015 09:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dlm kes mcm ni dorang bole diempatkan kat kem refugee. Malaysia ada. Tp malaysia x bole nk bg perlindungan sbb mesia xde perjanjian pun dgn UNHCR. Bila ditempatkan dorang kat situ negara luar yg ada agreement dgn UNHCR akan amik dorang utk bg perlindungan. Mcm negara europe l,usa,canada,nz dgn australia. Tp sgt2 lmbt ikut turn sbb negara2 ni ada kuota nak amik dorang dlm setahun 1000+- org je bg setiap negara

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Post time 21-4-2015 10:40 PM | Show all posts
sambaldurian replied at 21-4-2015 07:36 PM
Tula, tp mslh nye ada sekelompok yg mintak derma cara x best. Suh bdk2 dtg wat muka kesian masa nk ...

skrg ni kat shah alam ada satu lagi trend mintak sedekah sambil main2 gitar..pujuk2 paksa plak tu..mengaku sabahan tp mcm la aku tak tau korg tu pinoy

rimas k duk sekejap je kat kedai makan mau 5 6 org datang nak mintak sedekah la jual barang la..drpd 6 org tu bleh kata 5 org asing..kalu jenis faham bahasa ni tak pe la jugak

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Post time 21-4-2015 10:43 PM | Show all posts
perangai buruk to the max selayaknyalah dihalau dr Myanmar...

dan pemenang Nobel Prize, macit Suu Kyi berdiam diri psl Rohingya apa cer plak. Semua nak dilambak ke Msia... Negara kami ni pon ada masalah sendirik gak macit oii. Hantar balik lah anugerah ko tu, pejuang hak asasi manusia konon...

satu lg, lemahnya kawalan keselamatan perairan Msia.


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Post time 21-4-2015 11:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kesian sgt rohingya atas dasar keseagamaan?
Bawa blik depa ke rumah lah dan jadi sebahagian drpd ahli keluarga

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Post time 21-4-2015 11:29 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-4-2015 11:35 PM | Show all posts
I rase set2 Rohingya neh hade ties dgn militan and separatists di pergunungan arakan. Yg I tau Burma should be part of India sebelum Independence sekali dengan Kedah. I check document Burmese mane tah x sempat nk snap2 So, logic kot Rohingya tiew punye negeri incorporated dalam Burma mcm negeri2 di Malaya neh kena serap jd Persekutuan whether suke ke x suke. BTW I x suke pengemis Rohingya yanggg kuanggg ajarrr!!!

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Post time 21-4-2015 11:41 PM | Show all posts

Neh, Rakhine ethnic. Takde lar muke mcm Keling mcm mamak mengaku Melayu tp perangai mcm keling paria Pening yg tempeleng muke polis tiew

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Post time 21-4-2015 11:43 PM | Show all posts
Refugee Rakhine Buddhists in Sittwe


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Post time 21-4-2015 11:46 PM | Show all posts
Xceli Rakhine dan Burmese sume tiew tau org Melayu sineh dulu Buddhists Srivijaya muntah lembu mcm diorg

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Post time 21-4-2015 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Rohingya Muslims want to call Malaysia home                                                                                                                     
Sharifah (left), a Muslim Rohingya refugee from Burma, wants to live in Malaysia permanently

By Jennifer Pak | BBC News | Kuala Lumpur | 26 Jun 2012

Sharifah binti Hussein is a bubbly 17-year-old who loves school.

Her classroom at the Harvest Centre in Kuala Lumpur is stuffy, even with the windows open and ceiling fans on full blast. Eighteen of her classmates are huddled around clusters of desks.

This may look like a regular class, but all the children are refugees, mainly from Burma. They are not allowed to attend government schools, access health care or even work when they graduate.

Their grim prospects make today's class lesson seem futile - learning Malay, the national language of Malaysia. Yet Sharifah counts this as her favourite subject.
        "If I can, I would like to stay in this country forever, so it's important for me to learn Malay," she says in broken English.

Tough childhood

Sharifah's love for Malaysia comes in part from a tough childhood in Burma. Although she was born there, she has never been issued a birth certificate.

She is part of the stateless Rohingya Muslim minority. International rights groups describe their plight as one of the world's most enduring refugee crises.
        The Burmese government says the Rohingyas are relatively recent migrants from what is now known as Bangladesh.

Recent unrest in Burma's Rakhine state has focused attention on the Rohingyas' situation.

Sharifah's father says he was harassed by the Buddhist military government and fled to Malaysia in 1994. The rest of the family tried to join him a few years later. It took two attempts before they could flee.

Sharifah herself travelled alone for a month.

"We would sleep in abandoned buildings," she says. "It was very scary at night. One night, we stayed in the city, one night in the jungle."
        When she arrived in Malaysia her father could not even recognise her.

"When he left me, I was fat. I had lighter skin. I was beautiful. He said I was cute," she says. "But now I looked like a boy because my hair was short. I was dark-skinned. I was thin and my father didn't recognise me."
        Reunited with her family, Sharifah said she felt free for the first time.

But life is not much easier in Malaysia. The country is not a signatory of the 1951 United Nations Convention on Refugees, so asylum seekers are treated like illegal migrants and are vulnerable to detention.

Despite this, Rohingya Muslims continue to arrive in Malaysia. They now make up the second largest refugee group in this Muslim-majority country, with 22,800 registering with the UN by the end of April.

Hard life

Sharifah had a tough time adjusting to Malaysia. She attended a regular school here, but no one wanted to talk to her because she was a refugee, she says.

"They accused me of coming to Malaysia to take away resources from them, taunting me for having darker skin," she says.
        Her life improved after she switched to a school for refugees at the Harvest Centre. She now has friends, is earning top grades and dreams of working at the UN to help refugees.

"I pray to my god, my Allah, that I can stay in Malaysia forever," she says. "I don't want to go to other countries where it is not a Muslim place."
        Her father, Hussein, 45, is not so optimistic, however. He struggles to feed his family. He lives in constant fear of the police. Although he holds a refugee card from the UN, it is not a legal document, so immigration officials can still detain him.

Hopes for change

International rights groups say arbitrary detentions of refugees and extortion by Malaysian immigration officials are common.

But a 2011 report by the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, noted that there have been "significant achievements" by the Malaysian government to reduce the number of arrests of refugees last year.

Still, Mr Hussein does not have an alternative. It has been 18 years since he arrived in Malaysia, but the UN has not been able to relocate them to another country.

The recent violence in Burma's Rakhine state makes it even more unlikely that they can return.

Clashes between Buddhists and Muslims have prompted the Burmese government to declare a state of emergency in the area.
        Hundreds of Rohingya refugees showed up at the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur last Tuesday, calling for international intervention.
        "We had hoped that opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi would change the situation in Burma," Zafar Ahmead Mohd Abdul Ghani, from the Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia, said at the rally.
        "But now, our hopes for her have been banished. We are very scared to go back home."

Meanwhile, Sharifah tries hard to fit in in Malaysia.

She now prefers to speak to her father in Malay rather than in the Rohingya language. She has adopted many Malaysian habits, ending her sentences with the word "lah", and wearing skinny jeans and colourful hijabs like young Malay teens.

However, she still feels unwelcome in the country.

Sharifah remains hopeful, though.

"I believe that Malaysia will recognise refugees," she says. "I don't know why in my heart I believe in this, but I do."


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Post time 22-4-2015 12:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nah lihat tuh ada yg mahu stay in Malaysia forever. Malays Cina india skang pun haru biru susah mau kerja, pendatang asing skang dah pandai nak meniaga kuih melayu kedai runcit pelbagai.

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Post time 22-4-2015 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Diorg nk duk negara Islam nape x pegi Palestin or Saudi? Sitiew mmg Islam
Sineh mixed hoocceeh

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