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Author: obelisk

[Dunia] Insafi Kisah Nasib Umat Melayu Islam Di Singapura

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Post time 24-6-2015 09:05 PM | Show all posts
sub5zero replied at 24-6-2015 07:14 PM
Tgh ngadap lauk buka beli kt geylang ye kak? Kueh tradisi boyan apa kak? Oppsss air newater 1 jug  ...

imaginasi kamu sungguh kreatip.... kamu tanya. kamu sendrik jawab. bersembur air taik keluar dari mulut kamu...
kamu suruh akak relax tapi kamu meroyan dah macam down syndrome pulak....


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Post time 24-6-2015 09:09 PM | Show all posts
damsel_fiji replied at 24-6-2015 04:39 PM
x payah la layan sgt primeova @ si dicota8 tu kak..lahabau tu mmg jaki kat singapore..kitorg malay ...

Primeova tu mamat Dicota tu rupanya? CHOIH!

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Post time 24-6-2015 09:10 PM | Show all posts
sub5zero replied at 24-6-2015 08:04 PM
In spork only->

○ 1.5 percent of university graduates were Malay in 1980, and by the late 198 ...

sambung jangan tak sambung.... (copy pak rahim...abam stinger kamu)


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Post time 24-6-2015 09:16 PM | Show all posts
bluehedgehog replied at 24-6-2015 07:19 PM
ni je la tipikal meleis mesia mampu ucapkan
air taik la...meleis singapore terpinggir oleh cina ...

dik....ilmu dalam perut. dah di warisi sejak tun madey time. the hatred instilled to them on singapore.
dia kata yg dia bash akak kerana akak redha dgn policy LKY.... akak must be like them....must listen to them....ketuanan maaa


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Post time 24-6-2015 09:24 PM | Show all posts
damsel_fiji replied at 24-6-2015 04:39 PM
x payah la layan sgt primeova @ si dicota8 tu kak..lahabau tu mmg jaki kat singapore..kitorg malay ...

oh ia ke? akak ingat dia MN si abam DUNHILL.
yg kelakar nya kita kena ikut cakap dia, halua dia.....ketuanan lah kata nya. akak nie hanya boyan singapura....hina dina tak ada kelassss gitu


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Post time 24-6-2015 09:29 PM | Show all posts
Edited by chazey at 24-6-2015 09:32 PM

Meleis ini memang kuat dengki.

Sesama meleis pun wajib berdengki.

Kakak setuju kot bila @kak_sue kata Melayu Singapura tak kesah pun pada Meleis Malaysia.

Meleis Malaysia saja yang selalu dengki kemudian tiap tahun asyik la kuar artikel meratib nasib Melayu Singapura walhal hakikatnya di tempat sendiri ummah lokal ibarat tahi di mangkuk tandas menanti jatuh dalam lubang jamban saja angkara politicians Meleis perosak negara.

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Post time 24-6-2015 09:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Klau melayu mesia nk tau apa pandangan saudara semuslim indon dan bangla terhadap la tanya...klau la mrk dgn kau betul2 ikhlas...
Jawapan:MALAS secara umumnya

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Post time 25-6-2015 12:00 AM | Show all posts
sub5zero replied at 24-6-2015 08:09 PM
Hang jaga dulu bini hang sudaaa, asyik meroyan 24/7

Bini Spidey sekarang ada dalam penjara Sungai Buloh....dunia ini sangat tak adil!!

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Post time 25-6-2015 08:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
spiderman80 posted on 25-6-2015 12:00 AM
Bini Spidey sekarang ada dalam penjara Sungai Buloh....dunia ini sangat tak adil!!

Sampai ati spidey.....errr spidey tdo peluk bantal la tiap2 mlm?

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Post time 25-6-2015 08:38 AM | Show all posts
primemova replied at 24-6-2015 03:06 PM
Yg import tu sbb negara asal mereka horror....tu yg sanggup g duduk berhimpit2 kat spork... Pastu  ...

maybe. soal kenapa mereka berhijrah itu bukan masalah kita pun. Pernah come accross pasal european artist yang berhijrah ke Singapore.

my response was kpd soalan kenapa percentage melayu Singapura tak naik despite ramai anak (based on info by you)


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Post time 25-6-2015 08:43 AM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori replied at 24-6-2015 03:08 PM
Ketuanan tu bermaksud  kita boleh menentukan apa saja kak sue...krn kita yg pegang tampuknya..mela ...

Ada cara yang lebih sivil dalam menentukan halatuju sesebuah masyarakat. Bukan melalui ketuanan.

Pemerintah yang adil akan memastikan kebajikan semua marhaen terbela. Bukan melihat siapa tuan, siapa hamba.


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Post time 25-6-2015 08:47 AM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori replied at 24-6-2015 03:19 PM
Hehehe..mungkin tak pernah gi sana kot.

as a matter of fact, semua negara yang dia sebut saya pernah sampai. Tinggal bertahun2 pun ada.


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Post time 25-6-2015 09:01 AM | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori replied at 24-6-2015 03:34 PM
Saya pun bukan dengki jauh sekali sakit hati dgn org melayu singapore kak sue..krn bagi saya tak a ...

Sikap yang AN pakai dah cantik. Rasa bertuah dengan apa yang ada dan bangga dengan negara sendiri. Melayu Singapura juga begitu.

Masalahnya sekarang, terdapat segelintir Melayu Malaysia yang amat tidak berpuas hati dan saban tahun mengorek dan mengungkit meratapi nasib Melayu Singapura kerana tak jadi CEO Singapore Airlines.

Saya percaya pemikiran old school begini adalan warisan warga kertu yang semakin pudar dan seharusnya mereka gusar akan padam dan dilupakan terus. Tu pasal kena continue singing the same tune year after year.


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Post time 25-6-2015 09:07 AM | Show all posts
kak_sue replied at 24-6-2015 04:13 PM
aiakkkkk....suka hati akak lah nak thanks tanks  pada sapa  mentang kamu ketuanan akak boyan. ...

macam2 saya pernah kena tuduh kak. Gay lah, Yahudi lah, kena kapir pun pernah.

Kini kena tuduh suku sakat Singapore. saya anggap satu penghormatan sahajalah...


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Post time 25-6-2015 09:28 AM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 24-6-2015 09:09 PM
Primeova tu mamat Dicota tu rupanya? CHOIH!

iya sis..nampak sgt ..prfttt..kalu x tunjuk anti singapore dia menyundal kat bod gosip ka retis sana

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Post time 25-6-2015 09:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kak_sue posted on 24-6-2015 09:05 PM
imaginasi kamu sungguh kreatip.... kamu tanya. kamu sendrik jawab. bersembur air taik keluar dar ...

Yg ni bkn imaginasi tau kak su.....

Copy paste interview engineer melayu yg dok kat aussie sbb x thn dok spork, yg pelik akak plk fefeeling happy ever after sesambil minum newater

Qo you think that Singapore has equal opportunities for all as  we are a meritocratic society without giving any preference to any race?

A:No. Pretty sad and disappointing to the point of disillusioned. I have pledged everyday earlier in life, “regardless of race, language or religion” and I personally don’t know what to make out of it now. It’s not real.

Q: Comparing Singaporean and Malaysian Malays, what do you think is the main difference here?

A: We, Singaporean Malays OFTEN think that Malaysian Malays are less motivated than us. Maybe we have been conditioned by the Media or perhaps trying to set ourselves apart from them to make us look better. My perception CHANGED recently when I came to know a driven hard working Malaysian Malay that is just as motivated and even  MORE TALENTED than any Singaporean that I have known.

I have long realised even when I was living in Singapore that each community/race has their good and bad. Its the individual that we should judge and not the race/nationality. Working abroad just simply reinforced the opinion.

The main difference is not between us and them. We are the same – still human. The main thing that can make a difference is to change our own perception.

Q: Are you happier now in a foreign country than back home in Singapore? Why so and do you plan to return home some day?

A: I am happier living in Australia. I feel I have a better quality of life. Frankly, there is no love lost about leaving Singapore.

See.....only kak sue & the gang bebal abadi....meroyan I'm happy!!!...nk repair masjid pun kiasupork kna puasa

Jgn lupa baca cap. letter ye kak....bkn saya yg ckp tau
Last edited by sub5zero on 25-6-2015 09:57 AM


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Post time 25-6-2015 10:19 AM | Show all posts
sub5zero replied at 25-6-2015 09:56 AM
Yg ni bkn imaginasi tau kak su.....

Copy paste interview engineer melayu yg dok kat aussie sb ...

ikut je ckap bhs omputeh:
why you muslim happily living in a non muslim country
you as a muslim should put saudi arabia or other islam nations as your altimate destination

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Post time 25-6-2015 10:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bluehedgehog posted on 25-6-2015 10:19 AM
ikut je ckap bhs omputeh:
why you muslim happily living in a non muslim country
you as a musli ...

Apa yg hang merepek ni setannnn!!! Same goes to you, you should pack ur stuff & start new life at ur origin motherland, if u feel malay treated u badly here ada brann?

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Post time 25-6-2015 10:44 AM | Show all posts
sub5zero replied at 25-6-2015 10:35 AM
Apa yg hang merepek ni setannnn!!! Same goes to you, you should pack ur stuff & start new life at  ...

hang ni bukan islam ke? sbb maki guna smpai setan...x batal posa ke?
or you wanna go back to indon?

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Post time 25-6-2015 10:51 AM | Show all posts
ogata replied at 24-6-2015 04:55 PM
singapore blagak bpisah tiada..

nasib u da half malsian if not mesti mampus blagak kan. ...

owh if am 100% msians then yes i berlagak nk mampos

bcos i raser with meleis gahmen i am so priviledge than sporeans meleis

i akn ke hulu ke hilir gelak kn org meleis spore psl konon2 i neh kayer rayer, org laen stay in flats

hakikat nyer jd keyboard warrior, nothing to my own name

bersyukur la i neh born with pink sg IC, tkda la i neh rasis nk mampos and memalukn Islam ngan perlakuan I

nk berlagak nk mampos neh, riak abes..ader pasport Dutch lg.

tuh kn you mean?


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