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Author: ichi

(tvN) 20 Again ~ ChoiJiWoo/LeeSangYoon [Part 2][phuket pg94..Review pg88]

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Post time 15-10-2015 11:15 PM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 15-10-2015 10:49 PM
kalo @wonto nak pegi la.... yg penting kalo unni kitorg pegi jugak

mggu dpn sabtu kena keja
dh tu paspot kena rejek sbb ic lama

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Post time 15-10-2015 11:38 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 15-10-2015 10:39 PM
1.Preview sharing on FB
2.tag your friends +leave comment
20 people can get T shirts or script ...

kt ne ni wonto?

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Post time 16-10-2015 01:00 AM | Show all posts

share kt fb
lps tu tag nma sapa2

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Post time 16-10-2015 09:40 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 15-10-2015 08:44 PM
ending x sedih kot..
cuma klu open ending atau x ada kissu,
mau @ichi tembak  writer :lo ...

ai rasa takde kissu ni

siap sedia ngan m16 ya wonto


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Post time 16-10-2015 09:41 AM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 15-10-2015 09:13 PM
la awatnye... tak leh tgk ytbe ek

boleh jah

kata nk buat jadi ringtone

kalu dari utube kena ada downloader

kalu ko da ade..moh le wasap kan jahh


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Post time 16-10-2015 09:42 AM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 15-10-2015 09:15 PM
sape suh dia wat kuiz time aku offline... muwahahahaha

kaaann..tak patut sungguh daus tu

memang nak kena ni

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Post time 16-10-2015 09:53 AM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 15-10-2015 09:22 PM
tgk preview hampir2 je nak cium cium... eeee ngada.... aku toyoh gak ahjuma dgn bujang telajak ni  ...

kah3...mana boleh preview dia kasi nampak kissu terus

kalu dia bagi hint lagi ko bersemangat nak tengok kann

hahahah...bijak la pengarah dia nii

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:19 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 15-10-2015 11:11 PM
ahpeng buat byk sgt komik
mn ko tau aku tido lmbt?

aku topong mcm HS topong Nora

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:19 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 15-10-2015 11:12 PM
dh tu yg NR tnya best x best tu
SY naik keta skali HS, siap ikat rmbut tu

mungkin tnye mende lain kot

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:20 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 15-10-2015 11:12 PM
mslhnya ko tgk ke MDSY?

tak pon

tp rate2 ckp kan citer MDSY last ep baru cium....

jd ade harapan citer ni pon mcm tu gak

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:20 AM | Show all posts

lagik mau tanya.. kalo ikut carta aku.. no.1 SL... no.2 BD.. no.3 STH

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:21 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 15-10-2015 11:14 PM
dh smua hangul..
ko tulih dlm BM
mn tau ko srg ja dlm BM, dia pilih ko sbb pening nk plih yg han ...

wahhhh betol jgk tu weh
kene mengarang jap...


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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:22 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 15-10-2015 11:14 PM
dh ada dlm planning tau.
ari tu gigih buka blog org lain sbb nk survey tmpt tggl,mkn,  ...

ko nak pegi dgn laki ko ke nak ikut.. aku follow bontot ko
bwk teleskop... senang nak topong..


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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:22 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 15-10-2015 11:15 PM
mggu dpn sabtu kena keja
dh tu paspot kena rejek sbb ic lama

adoi..... ponteng je la

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:23 AM | Show all posts

official fb Twenty Again.. mau try ke.. kalo dpt sedekah sket kat aku

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:23 AM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 16-10-2015 09:41 AM
boleh jah

kata nk buat jadi ringtone

smua ost aku dah sumbat dlm hp.. meh no henpon nak ngorat

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2015 10:24 AM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 16-10-2015 09:53 AM
kah3...mana boleh preview dia kasi nampak kissu terus

kalu dia bagi hint lagi ko bersemangat na ...

pikir positif jak nih.... preview kadang2 mmg tak leh pakai muwahahaha


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Post time 16-10-2015 11:45 AM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 16-10-2015 10:23 AM
smua ost aku dah sumbat dlm hp.. meh no henpon nak ngorat

jap aku pm

nanti kat sini ramai yang ngorat


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Post time 16-10-2015 11:46 AM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 16-10-2015 10:24 AM
pikir positif jak nih.... preview kadang2 mmg tak leh pakai muwahahaha

kaaannn..preview kadang saja nak bagi kita xcited lebih

tapi hakikat dalam drama takde pun


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Post time 16-10-2015 03:56 PM | Show all posts
sedih plak cite ni nk hbsss

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