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Author: ichi

(tvN) 20 Again ~ ChoiJiWoo/LeeSangYoon [Part 2][phuket pg94..Review pg88]

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Post time 17-10-2015 02:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wonto replied at 17-10-2015 12:48 AM
Hrp2 NR blik ke pgkuan WCLPs tu YJ bjaya ngorat HS
Lps tu sang ye kapel ngn min Soo
Lps tu hye mi  ...

Hahaha....asal semo cm xlogic je

Motip seung hyun jadi bibik....nanges aku bce

Tp aku pong harap wc balik semula ngan nr demi min soo, sengal punyer min soo 'rujuk' balik ngan hye mi kayu tu....yg mk bapak xrujuk balik....uwahhh

Wpon aku tahu tu pong xmungkin gak sbb prebiu.....

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Post time 17-10-2015 02:53 PM | Show all posts
mlm ni final kan??

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Post time 17-10-2015 03:00 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 17-10-2015 09:47 AM
Disebabkn @ichi tgh bsedih
N boikot xnk tgk preview
Meh la iols yg tepek

ADOOOIIII.......HS pulak merajuk....

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Post time 17-10-2015 03:01 PM | Show all posts
nak lah happyending....esp utk HS....kesian membujang lamaaaaaaa....sgt

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Post time 17-10-2015 03:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 17-10-2015 02:23 PM
Hahaha....asal semo cm xlogic je

Motip seung hyun jadi bibik....nanges aku bce

Gara2 @ichi skit ati ngn epi 15
Tu aku sj ja nk bg dia lg skit ati

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Post time 17-10-2015 03:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chami replied at 17-10-2015 03:00 PM
ADOOOIIII.......HS pulak merajuk....

Hrp2 bkn delulu nora
Sian hs

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Post time 17-10-2015 03:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 17-10-2015 02:53 PM
mlm ni final kan??

Mlm ni final
Tp ada diorg tepek pic msih dok filming lg
Xkn special epi kot

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Post time 17-10-2015 03:26 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 17-10-2015 03:19 PM
Mlm ni final
Tp ada diorg tepek pic msih dok filming lg
Xkn special epi kot

mlm ni sambg tkg episode 14 dan 15..hrp hepi ending tuk diorang .. if blh nk tgk nora  tamat belajar n dpt degree

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Post time 17-10-2015 03:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wonto replied at 17-10-2015 03:16 PM
Gara2 @ichi skit ati ngn epi 15
Tu aku sj ja nk bg dia lg skit ati

Oooo ....nk bg @ichi sakit ati....

Okey x kalo hs ngan yy, dong chul ngan nr....


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 Author| Post time 17-10-2015 04:22 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 17-10-2015 12:51 AM
saje nk matikan jugak heroin
baru puas, hyun suk tak dapat, wong chul pun tak dpt

2weeks junki tu la.... open ending.... junki bwk diri utk betulkan life dia... x tunjuk sama ada dia balik dgn wife dia atau tak... cume hbgn dia dgn soojin rapat... tp still logik sbb jln citer dia mcm tu....

yg ni.......

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Post time 17-10-2015 04:23 PM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 17-10-2015 04:22 PM
2weeks junki tu la.... open ending.... junki bwk diri utk betulkan life dia... x tunjuk sama ada d ...

kau dh tgk abis ker?
mcm ending tak brp okay jah

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2015 04:23 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 17-10-2015 12:54 AM
mau ichi terjun bunuh diri esok

mengong ko daus

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2015 04:24 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 17-10-2015 12:48 AM
Hrp2 NR blik ke pgkuan WCLPs tu YJ bjaya ngorat HS
Lps tu sang ye kapel ngn min Soo
Lps tu hye mi  ...

ko mmg saje kan....

tak psl2 Hm dgn MS mcm lebih matured lak kat ep15 nih... muwahahaha


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Post time 17-10-2015 04:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 17-10-2015 03:26 PM
mlm ni sambg tkg episode 14 dan 15..hrp hepi ending tuk diorang .. if blh nk tgk nora  tamat  ...

Epi 15 buat org yg tgk skit ati
Tu yg @ichi x msuk porem tu

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2015 04:26 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 17-10-2015 01:00 AM
Habis nnt dia karang berjela luahan prasaan dia
Xmkn kang smggu

mlm td tido pon tak lalu.............. hahahahaa

kejadah betol writer ni


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 Author| Post time 17-10-2015 04:27 PM | Show all posts
rukiaichigo replied at 17-10-2015 01:12 AM
citer tu kire jo hyunjae kan hero, motip la ko yg ckp dia mati biler dia yg ada kat kubur tu. ko b ...

ha tak pe

aku pon tgk 49days tuh........... haru betol.............

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Post time 17-10-2015 04:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
inaniloquent replied at 17-10-2015 03:50 PM
Oooo ....nk bg @ichi sakit ati....

Okey x kalo hs ngan yy, dong chul ngan nr....

Mst dc n yy tkejut
Tba2 ja kapel sesama diorg jg

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2015 04:27 PM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 17-10-2015 06:41 AM
dh agak msti ada something yg bole buat sakit hati hahaha

mcm naik roller coster.. mule sweet.... hepi.. pastu stress... last2 banjir terus


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Post time 17-10-2015 04:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ichi replied at 17-10-2015 04:24 PM
ko mmg saje kan....

tak psl2 Hm dgn MS mcm lebih matured lak kat ep15 nih... muwahahah ...

Dh abih dh sedih ko?

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2015 04:29 PM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 17-10-2015 09:19 AM
mdsy tu cite apa? 49 days xpenah uols ckp pasal 2 weeks iolss mcm paham je..

hrp ending ...

my daughter seo yong.. citer tu byk ep... bayangkan last ep baru ade kiss.... nak hujung2 plak tu... kan @wonto

tp ending 2weeks masih leh terima... sbb time frame dia 2weeks je... pelik jgk kalo junki besama semula dgn wife dia... sian kat polis tuh

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