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Author: ayushuhada04

[SBS] Six Flying Dragons ~ Yoo Ah In, Shin Se Kyung, Kim Myung Min [Part 3]

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Post time 25-3-2016 01:34 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 24-3-2016 03:27 PM
Firstly, the Dragons:

Bang Won. Jung-Ahn Gun.

suka sangat kat dak kecik nih!!!!

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2016 08:03 AM | Show all posts
santubung replied at 25-3-2016 01:34 AM
suka sangat kat dak kecik nih!!!!

San...ayu pun suka juga kat dia ni...
hensem kan.....tggu le dia besar sikit nti...
jadi pelapis hero2 yg sedia ada

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2016 08:38 AM | Show all posts
Eunha (GFRIEND) – Don’t Come As A Goodbye (이별로 오지마) Six Flying Dragons OST
The clock made two full turns
Nothing’s different about this day
But like a picture with no time reference
I’m standing still
When I felt a little comfortable
Was that me deceiving myself?
Tears suddenly fell
I think I’m still waiting for you
Don’t go any farther, don’t come as a goodbye
Tell me to wait just a little bit
So my heart, that is only filled with you, won’t cry
Look back at me, look back at me
I only looked at you
So I couldn’t see the goodbye
It was covered by the familiar sight of your back
So I didn’t know how far you went
Don’t go any farther, don’t come as a goodbye
Tell me to wait just a little bit
So my heart, that is only filled with you, won’t cry
Look back at me, look back at me
Just like when you used to want me crazily
I know, my heart won’t forget you
Even if another love comes
It’ll just be a way to remember you
Because there will be no one to replace you
Don’t go any farther, don’t come as a goodbye
Tell me to wait just a little bit
So my heart, that is only filled with you, won’t cry
Look back at me, look back at me

@ismaha @cantleyi @cess @nohas @idakamaruddin @WeAiNe @melati_kesuma @santubung


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Post time 25-3-2016 09:58 AM | Show all posts
smlm tgk blk moment2 masa dorang zaman goeryou... dgr sambong nyanyi tu fuhh meremang..

tgk blk aksi BJ lawan... fuhhh fuhhh...

rindu gila kt BJ...skg duk layan misaeng..smpai mimpi2...

parah parah

cc: @ismaha

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Post time 25-3-2016 09:59 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 24-3-2016 03:51 PM
MH hensem kan....tetiba tersuka lak kat MH
masa drama dia dgn Ha Ji Won tu adess tk suka...

tp MH cite lain mcm x berapa best je kak dia berlakon...

muka dia mcm bole bawah watak lucu2 je... mcm sengal2 mcmtu jee

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Post time 25-3-2016 10:01 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 24-3-2016 02:35 PM
betapa sucinya cinta dia pada BW....
tp apakan daya....dorang tk boleh bersama..
sampai ke mati. ...

rupanya setengah org kalau first love tu mmg xleh lupa kan..igtkan dlm drama rupanya ada kt realiti..kwn ayah ida sorang mcmni... tp dh arwah la br je meninggal hjg thn lps..wife dia meninggal dulu sbb sakit... mmg dh lama dia dia mmg xleh lupa lgsg arwah wife dia tu..tu la cinta pertama n akhir..fuhhh mcm dlm novel btl

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2016 10:03 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 25-3-2016 09:58 AM
smlm tgk blk moment2 masa dorang zaman goeryou... dgr sambong nyanyi tu fuhh meremang..

tgk blk a ...

Ida...kak ayu rasa le kita semua yg tgk drama ni mmg susah nk move on kan..
tu sbb nk juga mana2 scene yg best dari cite ni....

tu sbb kak ayu masih lagi tgk kat IG yg ada scene2 dorang ni...

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2016 10:04 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 25-3-2016 09:59 AM
tp MH cite lain mcm x berapa best je kak dia berlakon...

muka dia mcm bole bawah watak lucu2 j ...

yer Ida....masa kak ayu tgk cite Faith dan cite dgn Ha Ji Won tu
tkder lak nk suka kat MH ni...Pinochio mmg tk tgk ler...

tp sejak tgk SFD...sbbkan watak dia yg lurus bendul dan sengal ni ler
maka kak ayu dh tersuka kat MH...

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2016 10:08 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 25-3-2016 10:01 AM
rupanya setengah org kalau first love tu mmg xleh lupa kan..igtkan dlm drama rupanya ada kt realit ...

yer Ida mmg ada pun....sbb kak ayu pun ada tgk realiti juga..
adik angkat kak ayu ler kan..dia anak tunggal...mak dia mmg setia
sgt kat arwah ayah dia....kawin tk lama pun sbb arwah ayah dia meninggal
masa dia umur dlm 3 or 4 tahun...sampai ler skrg mak dia tk kawin2
mmg sgt2 setia...

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Post time 25-3-2016 03:50 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 25-3-2016 08:03 AM
San...ayu pun suka juga kat dia ni...
hensem kan.....tggu le dia besar sikit nti...
jadi pelapis ...

yesss.. potensi nak jadi hero pelapis tu ada

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Post time 25-3-2016 04:18 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 25-3-2016 08:38 AM
Eunha (GFRIEND) – Don’t Come As A Goodbye (이별로 오지마) Six  ...

ni OST masa bila..BW & BY ke


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Post time 25-3-2016 04:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by nohas at 25-3-2016 04:56 PM

selama 6 bulan menonton drama yg hebat ni, menggembirakan hati & minda
time to sum up, terimalah review, my two cents...

1. Cerita

Plot cerita
Six Flying Dragons ialah sebuah historical drama mengisahkan pengorbanan enam individu hebat (yang digelar ‘dragons’) dari pelbagai latarbelakang yang bertanggungjawab menggembeling tenaga, idea dan tindakan di dalam menghadapi pelbagai rintangan dan tribulasi untuk menggulingkan Dinasti Goryeo dan menubuhkan Dinasti Joseon, iaitu dinasti terakhir di dalam sejarah negara Korea.

Oleh kerana drama ini berdasarkan sejarah benar negara Korea, plot utama cerita ini tidak lari dari sejarah asal. Writer telah berjaya untuk ‘follow closely’ sejarah asal dimana tiga dari dragons tersebut benar-benar wujud dalam sejarah Korea iaitu:

Dragon 1:  Lee Seong Gye (LSG) – King Taejo of Joseon (Raja pertama Dinasti Joseon),
Dragon 2:  Sambong Jeong Do Jeon (SB) – the architect of Joseon (Perdana Menteri pertama)
Dragon 3 : Lee Bang Woon (LBW) – King Taejong of Joseon (Raja ketiga Dinasti  Joseon)

Manakala Dragon 4: Ddang-sae @ Lee Bang Ji (LBJ), Dragon 5: Boon Yi (BY) dan Dragon 6: Moo-Hyul adalah watak rekaan (fiksyen).

Pada peringkat permulaan, kesemua dragons bersatu hati menghadapi musuh-musuh nyata iaitu raja Goryeo, perdana menteri, menteri-menteri Dodang, pembesar (noblemen) dan juga musuh rahsia, MooMyung (MM), yang sentiasa mencari jalan untuk menggagalkan tindakan mereka.  Tetapi apabila Dinasti Joseon berjaya ditubuhkan, keenam-enam dragons berpecah-belah menjadi dua ‘team’ dan menghadapi pergolakan dalaman yang hebat disebabkan rasa tidak puashati, sehingga mencetuskan peristiwa-peristiwa hitam dalam sejarah Korea.

Plot cerita dikategorikan kepada dua fasa iaitu tahun-tahun terakhir Dinasti Goryeo dan selepas Dinasti Joseon ditubuhkan.  

Fasa 1:  Tahun-tahun terakhir Dinasti Goryeo  

Plot cerita bolehlah dikategorikan lagi kepada tiga peringkat.

Peringkat pertama:
Plot cerita menggambarkan Dinasti Goryeo sebagai ‘tenat’ dimana rajanya  King U ialah ‘puppet king’ yang dikuasai oleh perdana menteri, Lee In Gyum (LIG) dan menteri2 kabinet ‘Dodang’ serta mendapat tekanan dari Dinasti Yuan dan Ming di China. Perdana menteri dan menteri2 Dodang merampas tanah dan menekan rakyat jelata serta menangkap, menyiksa dan memenjara para cendekiawan Sungkyunkwan sehingga menyebabkan Hong In Bang, ketua Sadaebu (kumpulan cendekiawan) berpaling tadah dan bersekongkol dengan LIG.

Dragon 2 SB berjaya memujuk Dragon 1 LSG yang ketika itu ialah ketua tentera di wilayah Hamju untuk menjadi menteri di Gaegyung (pusat pentadbiran Dinasti Goryeo) disebabkan LBW telah menimbulkan masalah dgn mencop ‘Border Stabilisation Order’ iaitu idea SB kpd LSG dan ianya diluluskan oleh Dodang. LSG dibantu oleh lima ‘dragons’ berjaya menumpaskan segala bentuk komplot jahat yang dimastermind oleh perdana menteri dan dua orang kuat beliau, Gil Tae Mi dan Hong In Bang.

Peringkat kedua:
Plot cerita berkisar kepada King U dan General Choi Young yang menekan LSG supaya pergi berperang di Winha Island untuk menawan semula Liodang walaupun mengetahui logistik dan keadaan cuaca yang teruk. Untuk menekan LSG, mereka menculik keluarga LSG dan dijadikan tawanan. Akhirnya LSG dan General Jo berpaling tadah, membawa 50,000 askar ke Gaegyung dan menyerang istana dan berjaya mengusir King U dan General Choi. Tetapi musuh baru muncul iaitu General Jo yang masih bersekongkol dengan perdana menteri yang lama, LIG dan mengingkari janji dgn LSG dengan bersetuju melantik King Chang, anak kepada King U, sebagai King Goryeo.  General Jo ternyata musuh dalam selimut, membuat komplot utk membunuh LSG dan panglima2nya, namun berjaya juga ditumpaskan oleh LSG. King Chang pun dapat diturunkan dari takhta.

Setelah dapat menguasi Dodang, kumpulan LSG bercadang untuk memperkenalkan ‘land reform’ supaya semua rakyat mendapat tanah tetapi mendapat tentangan dari para menteri dan noblemen.

Peringkat ketiga:
Plot cerita berkisar kepada ‘kawan bertukar musuh’ iaitu Po Eun Jong Mung Jo (PE) dan musuh rahsia, Moo Myung (MM) ‘the nameless’. Dua musuh yang begitu setia dengan Dinasti Goryeo.  Diperingkat ini, PE dan MM telah mengetahui rancangan SB, LSG dan ‘dragons’ yang lain untuk menubuhkan kerajaan baru. SB dan LSG berusaha berdaya upaya cuba menyakinkan dan memujuk PE untuk setuju dengan rancangan untuk menubuhkan kerajaan baru. Penjelasan terperinci SB kpd PE mengenai ‘the 5 rules’ termasuk ‘keluarga diraja dilarang terlibat di dalam politik dan tidak boleh memegang sebarang jawatan’ telah diketahui oleh LBW dan dia mula bersiap siaga membina kekuatan tentera peribadi dan sokongan ekonomi dari bapa mertua di atas alasan untuk mengelirukan MM.

PE dgn dibantu secara rahsia oleh MM, telah melantik King Gongyang menjadi raja. SB dan LSG terpaksa berdepan dengan laluan sukar apabila PE menguasai King Gongyang dan menekan orang-orang LSG. SB dan orang2 kuat LSG ditangkap dan akan dihukum. Ini menyebabkan LBW terpaksa membunuh PE. Walaupun tindakan LBW ini memberi laluan mudah kepada penubuhan kerajaan baru, tetapi ia telah mempengaruhi mindset LSG dan SB yang mahukan kerajaan baru ditubuhkan bukan diatas pertumpahan darah. Peristiwa ini menyebabkan LSG dan SB bersikap dingin dengan LBW sehingga SB menganggap LBW sebagai musuh yang perlu ditumpaskan sehingga ianya berlarutan kepada peristiwa-peristiwa hitam yang berlaku selepas penubuhan Dinasti Joseon.

Fasa 2: Selepas penubuhan Dinasti Joseon

Fasa 2 bermula di ep37 apabila LSG ditabal menjadi raja kerajaan Dinasti Joseon dan SB dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri dan juga memegang beberapa jawatan penting seperti Menteri Pertahanan. Mereka menghadapi ‘teething problems’ seperti pemboikotan peperiksaan officer dan perletakan jawatan beramai-ramai oleh pegawai Sadaebu sebagai protes diatas kematian PE. Dan jurang permusuhan di antara SB dan BW semakin luas. Mereka berdua berusaha ‘to oust each other’ dan kemuncaknya dengan pembunuhan SB and Crown Prince oleh BW di dalam ‘the First Strife of Princes’. LBW akhirnya menjadi raja Joseon ke-3 yg bergelar King Taejong.

Writer telah menyuntik beberapa watak-watak dan elemen-elemen fiksyen yang tidak mengganggu sejarah dan refreshing. Ianya bagaikan penambah perisa dan menjadikan drama ini menarik untuk ditonton. Sebagai contoh, kisah Bang Ji dan Boon Yi yang mencari ibu mereka sejak dari mereka kecil lagi menjadi salah satu plot yang menarik dalam drama ini.

Secara keseluruhan, plot cerita mudah difahami dan ‘flowing’ dengan baik di antara satu episod dengan episod yang lain. Setiap episod mempunyai tarikan tersendiri, tidak membosankan dan mendebarkan dengan pengenalan watak-watak baru. Walaupun drama ni considered as ‘serious’ tapi ada elemen-elemen lucu yang bersahaja, tidak slapstick, menambah elemen ‘fun’ and ‘refreshing’.

Elemen romantik, lovey-dovey, seakan kurang tetapi ianya tidak mencacatkan keseluruhan drama ini dimana kekuatan plot yang berdasarkan sejarah digarap begitu menarik sekali sehingga penonton tidak kisah dengan tiadanya adegan-adegan cinta walaupun drama korea selalunya sinonim dengan adegan-adegan romantik hero and heroin. Too many heroes dalam citer ni..

Favourite Scene

Di ep2, ketika SB berucap dengan begitu semangat di Japyung Gate, kemudian nyanyi lagu ‘Mu-yiyiya’ dan pelajar2 Sungkyungkwan menjadi perisai manusia dan dipukul oleh tentera2.  Ep34, ketika SB bakar daftar rekod hakmilik tanah, sekali lagi SB memberi ucapan yang bersemangat sehingga BW pun mengaku yang dia masih mengagumi SB walaupun ketika itu telah wujud jurang ketidakfahaman di antara mereka berdua.

Scene lain - ketika BJ berlawan pedang di Bigook Temple di ep6, memang menarik. Begitu juga duel dua pahlawan terulung, GTM dan BJ. Adegan lawan beramai-ramai di rumah General Jo juga menarik.

2. Keberkesanan Lakonan

Boleh dikatakan kesemua pelakon-pelakon utama dan sampingan berjaya membawa watak dengan cemerlang, daebak, tak kira watak baik atau watak orang jahat, semuanya mempunyai kekuatan yang tersendiri didalam menghidupkan plot.  Garapan serta interaksi diantara pelakon veteran dengan pelakon muda juga sangat berkesan dan menyumbang kepada kejayaan drama ini dalam meraih rating yang agak tinggi di setiap episod.

Yoo Ah In sebagai LBW (Prince Jeongan/King Taejong) berjaya mempamerkan pergolakan emosi yg hebat dgn mimik muka yang priceless di dalam ep48 ketika beliau membawa askar untuk membunuh enam individu termasuk SB dan Nam Eun.

3. Aspek Teknikal

Lens dan Fokus
Lensa kamera memang terbaik terutama dalam babak-babak lawan yang memerlukan pergerakan kamera yang pantas seiring dengan aksi-aksi lawan. Pergerakan kamera yang baik menjadikan adegan BJ berlawan di Bigook Temple, duel BJ dan GTM serta adegan lawan beramai-ramai di rumah General Jo begitu menarik sekali

Fokus secara menyeluruh dan kemudian zoom-in pada pelakon berjaya capture cinematografi yang menarik dan memukau pandangan seperti di permulaan citer (ep1), lensa kamera fokus kepada keseluruhan hutan dan kemudian zoom kpd ahjusi bawa kayu api dan SB. Begitu juga babak BJ berjumpa dgn YH di kawasan bukit dan ketika BW bermain salji dgn BY.

Lighting dan Editing
Pencahayaan dia mmg kena dengan scene dan tempat. Mereka menggunakan pencahayaan yang sesuai bagi mempengaruhi emosi dan mood penonton. Contohnya, ketika di Bigook Temple, pencahayaan gelap, suram sebagai tempat rahsia MM dan tempat pertukaran maklumat diantara BW dan MM.

Dari segi editing mmg kemas. Mereka mmg teliti dalam penyusunan plot di mana perubahan  diantara  satu plot ke plot yang lain di dalam satu-satu episod sangat ‘smooth’, tidak menggangu keseluruhan episod.

Di antara editing yang saya rasa menarik ialah di ep44, dimana team King Taejo & SB dan team BW & MM, masing-masing berdiskusi dan brainstorming mengenai pro & cons menawan Liodong. Walaupun scene bertukar-tukar, silih berganti diantara dua team ni, tetapi  ianya satu yang sangat interesting. Bila scene team SB memberi hujah yang pro-Liodong, dibalas dengan scene hujah-hujah team BW yang membantah.

Instrumental yang digunakan amat sesuai dengan babak yang terdapat dalam drama. Pemilihan instrumental yang bijak dan pelbagai boleh menjadikan plot cerita semakin menarik terutama scene2 sedih dan scene2 jahat.

Pemilihan lokasi yang sesuai dengan adegan dan ada yang menjadi bonus kepada penonton kerana view yg cantik seperti lokasi pertemuan YH dan BJ di kawasan bukit dan lokasi BW bermain salji dengan BY.  

Flashback Scene dan Monolog Dalaman
Flashback scene banyak memberi kefahaman mengenai tindakan-tindakan dan pergolakan emosi SB, terutama flashback ketika SB menghadapi kematian kanak-kanak di dalam gua semasa penaklukan Red Turbans di Gaegyung. Begitu juga flashback scene mengenai aspirasi dan cita-cita di antara SB dan PE membuatkan penonton dapat memahami kenapa SB begitu beria-ria mengajak PE untuk bersetuju dengan penubuhan dinasti baru.

Flashback scene memberi impak yg sangat mendalam ketika Yeon Hee membunuh perogolnya. Flashback scene BY dengan ibunya semasa mereka di kpg menyebabkan penonton dapat merasai kesedihan BY apabila menyetahui ibu mereka bukan diculik sebaliknya pergi meninggalkan mereka membuat penonton faham kenapa BY tidak begitu beria-ria mencari ibu dia.

Disebabkan citer ni panjang dan byk episod, flashback scene beberapa episod yang awal membuatkan penonton dapat ‘recall’ adegan2 penting seperti ketika BW bunuh tiga orang pelajar (flashback Young Gyu).

Monolog dalaman memain peranan penting di dalam drama ni terutama adegan pergolakan emosi di antara SB dan Po Eun selepas SB memberitahu Po Eun mengenai rancangan untuk menubuhkan kerajaan baru. Monolog-monolog dalaman diantara mereka berdua menggambarkan perang psikologi yang hebat walaupun nampak tenang secara luaran.

4. Skor Muzik

Lagu OST ‘Time Flows By Since It’s You’ nyanyian Xia Junsu, berjaya memberi kesan yang hebat kepada pergolakan emosi di antara Lee Bang Ji dan Yeon Hee. Suara Junsu yang soulful membuat penonton sama-sama merasai kesedihan yang dialami oleh pasangan yang pasrah menerima keadaan yang menyebabkan mereka terpaksa berpisah di masa usia remaja. Lagu ni juga menjadi background untuk ‘sweet and tender moments’ BJ dan YH di episod2 terakhir..

Dalam drama ini, lagu keramat ‘Mui-yi-yi-ya’ (Is there any difference) sangat patriotik dan semasa didendangkan oleh Sambong Jung Do Jeon di Japyung Gate (ep 2) memang benar-benar menaikkan semangat.  Begitu juga semasa askar-askar LSG berpatah balik ke Gaegyung dari Winha Island, lagu ini dimainkan, sangat sesuai dengan adegan.

Lagu ‘Cheongsan Byeolgok’ (Song of the Green Mountains) didendang dengan sayu oleh Bang Ji benar-benar menyentuh hati kerana lirik lagu tersebut benar-benar luahan, rintihan isi hati rakyat marhaen yang ditindas.

Secara keseluruhan, pemilihan muzik dan instrumental sangat sesuai dan berjaya menaikkan mood adegan yang dipersembahan seperti adegan perang, adegan lawan pedang, adegan suspens kejar-mengejar dan adegan pembunuhan beramai-ramai di ep48.

5. Kebarangkalian untuk tontonan semula

Walaupun drama ini dikategorikan ‘mid-length’ drama, iaitu 50 episod, menontonnya tidak jemu kerana setiap episod mempunyai tarikan yang tersendiri.   Selama 6 bulan menonton citer ni dgn bersungguh-sungguh dan penuh penghayatan, ditambah dengan diskusi dengan forumer2 di thread ni, sangat berpuashati.. . goes on..



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 Author| Post time 25-3-2016 05:19 PM | Show all posts
santubung replied at 25-3-2016 03:50 PM
yesss.. potensi nak jadi hero pelapis tu ada

mau jadi rebutan tu nti...
rupa mmg dah hensem...pandai lak berlakon

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2016 05:20 PM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 25-3-2016 04:18 PM
ni OST masa bila..BW & BY ke

ayu sendiri tk pasti...maybe OST yg last kot...

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Post time 27-3-2016 12:19 PM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 25-3-2016 04:50 PM
selama 6 bulan menonton drama yg hebat ni, menggembirakan hati & minda
time to sum up, terimalah re ...

pencalonan tak de ke nohas

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Post time 27-3-2016 12:20 PM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 25-3-2016 09:58 AM
smlm tgk blk moment2 masa dorang zaman goeryou... dgr sambong nyanyi tu fuhh meremang..

tgk blk a ...

ko ni mimpi mana satu ni ida....det. LJH ke BJ

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2016 08:07 AM | Show all posts
Yoo Ah In on  Bang Won’s relationship with Moohyul, Bangji and Young Gyoo
Q: As Yi Bang Won, how’s the relationship with Moohyul, Bangji and Young Gyoo?
Moo Hyul is a good catalyst in making people burn. In front of Moo Hyul, YBW could bluff and be pretend to be smarter and greater. As it went on, the bluffing becomes his real self. That’s why he valued and loved him, but then he left me, bad guy.
Bangji and BW are comrades but they are not friends. When they got on different ships, their friendship disappeared. I have a good relationship with Yo Han in reality, but after we turned to different ways in the drama, I seldom saw him and it became awkward.
In front of Young Gyoo Hyung (Note: Hyung is elder brother for a guy), YBW is a complete person, being able to show everything of his. In the turbulent times, they are best friends who can rely on each other. Because of Young Gyoo Hyung’s death, I think BW’s shelter disappeared and so I acted in that way. During the Princes’ Strife, he appeared for a short time in front of BW like a fantasy, I felt like a lump was in my throat then. He was the one follower whom I liked the most. I had a great rapport with Min Sung Wook sunbae (Note: sunbae- more senior person at work/school).


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 Author| Post time 28-3-2016 08:08 AM | Show all posts

King Taejong and Queen Wongyeong

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2016 08:09 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 47~48
The historical background to help understand Ep. 47~48

Ha Ryun : “August 26, 1398, in order to harm the royal family, the Count of Bonghwa (봉화백 奉化伯 : Jung Do-Jeon’s nobility title. Bonghwa is his hometown) plotted High Treason. However, Prince Jeongan (Yi Bang-Won) found this out in advance and raised an army.”
Yi Bang-Won : …What is this?
Ha Ryun : This is how the history will remember today, and this is what has happened so far. Read the next page.
Yi Bang-Won : “The Count of Bonghwa was arrested although he tried to run away like a rat. In the end, he went on his knees and begged Prince Jeongan to spare his life. But Prince Jeongan reproached him and beheaded him.”
Ha Ryun : Yes, that is what is about to happen in the history.
Yi Bang-Won : If our plan succeeds, you should compile the annals for my father.

■ The First Strife of Princes - Part 2. History distortion
The above scene is interesting, because the First Strife of Princes (1398) were recorded in the “official” history as what Ha Ryun said in episode 47.
The Annals of King Taejo (태조실록 太祖實錄) was compiled by Ha Ryun who was also the mastermind behind the coup. Therefore, it can readily be imagined that the winners tried to erase evidences against themselves and invented false story to justify their coup. As a result, we can not clearly say how far the historical records on the coup are true or false.
The historiographers of the annals might feel the stings of conscience for participating in history fabrication, because they inserted vague clues here and there which are inconsistent within the context. Modern historians try to read between the lines and interpret the coup in various ways.  
◉ The following is what Yi Bang-Won’s side recorded in the annals.
The Count of Bonghwa (Jung Do-Jeon) monopolized the government by appointing the ridiculously young Yi Bang-Seok as the Crown Prince. He tried to weaken the grown-up princes by dispatching them to local provinces all over the country. Prince Jeongan (Bang-Won) was assigned to Jeolla province (South western province) but he refused to go there. Jung Do-Jeon also took private armies and weapons from the princes.
One day, a fortuneteller by the name of Ahn Shik (안식 安植) said “More than two half brothers of the Crown Prince have a destiny to become a King” Jung Do-Jeon said “We don’t have to worry about it. We will get rid of them after all.”
On August 26 of 1398, Jung Do-Jeon lured the grown-up princes to the palace on the plea of King Taejo’s critical condition. He planned to mobilize palace servants and royal guards to assassinate the princes while he and Nam Eun prepared to raise an army outside the palace.
Prince Jeongan (Yi Bang-Won) already anticipated Jung Do-Jeon’s vicious move in advance, because he was secretly in league with Yi Moo (이무 李茂), one of Sambong’s colleagues. When the princes received a message from a eunuch that they should enter the King’s chamber without any guard, Prince Jeongan suspected why all the lights of the palace gate were unusually out. He thought that he should immediately escape from there with his brothers. However, his half brother Bang-Beon (Yi Seong-Gye’s 7th son from Queen Shindeok) refused to join them and chose to remain as a bystander.
In the past, Bang-Won had told Yi Sook-Beon “Jung Do-Jeon will revolt if the king’s condition is aggravated. Come to me immediately if I call you.” So, Min Moo-Gu (민무구 閔無咎 : Lady Min’s younger brother) was sent to bring Yi Sook-Beon’s troops.
According to the annals, the total number of Bang-Won’s troops was 10 horsemen, 9 foot soldiers, 10 household servants…. That was all. They armed themselves with the weapons Lady Min had kept in secret. Some of them had to hold a stick instead of a sword because of lack of weapons. They were more like a mob rather than a troop.
In the latter part of the annals, however, there is a different story about the number of Yi Bang-Won’s troops. When hearing the news of the coup, Crown Prince Yi Bang-Seok looked down at the rebel forces from the watchtower ofGwanghwamun (광화문 光化門) Gate and completely lost his will to fight back,because the torchlight procession of Yi Bang-Won’s cavalry was endlessly extending to Mountain Namsan (남산 南山) far away from the palace. It means they had at least hundreds of armed men in reality.
◉ The hidden clues between the lines.
According to the annals, it was not Jung Do-Joen but King Taejo who wanted to install one of Queen Shindeok’s sons as the Crown prince. Jung Do-Jeon just accepted the king’s offer and tried his best to protect Bang-Seok. However,Yi Bang-Won desperately put the blame on Jung Do-Jeon, instead of his father, to justify his coup. Actually, he couldn’t blame the king, because if so his action would become High treason.
SFD described that the First Strife of Princes happened the day before the princes were going to be dispatched to Liaodong. However, it is a fictional set-up to increase the dramatic tension as well as to justify Bang-Won’s desperate motive for launching the coup. In the actual history, when the coup happened, the date of Liaodong dispatch was not determined yet. The princes were not forced to participate in the war, either. They just hated losing their private armies for the Liaodong expedition. That’s why they revolted.
As King Taejo’s health condition was aggravated in July and August of 1398, the tension between Jung Do-Jeon and Yi Bang-Won was rapidly reaching flash point like “Who will strike the first blow?” situation. Nonetheless, most historians agree that Jung Do-Jeon’s assassination attempt recorded in the annals is a pure invention on Yi Bang-Won’s part. It doesn’t make sense at all.
We don’t know if Jung Do-Jeon really said “We don’t have to worry about the prophecy. We will get rid of the princes after all.” It is most likely false to vilify Jung Do-Jeon. If it is true? Well, either way, Jung Do-Jeon couldn’t kill the princes. Even if Sambong had such a strong political power as the prime minister, it was impossible for him to kill the king’s sons without the king’s permission. Don’t get confused. King Taejo was not Sambong’s puppet at all. They were soul mates to respect each other. That’s why Sambong risked his own life to protect the young Crown Prince as ordered by the king.
To justify the coup, the annals intentionally downsized the number of Yi Bang-Won’s troops and weapons. Ha Ryun’s provincial troops were not recorded at all. The annals seem to say that Yi Bang-Won was inferior in numbers and the coup was launched out of self defense in an emergency. As a result, the annals are self-contradictory in many parts. Which do you think is historically more trustworthy? The torchlight procession extending to Mountain Namsan? or 30~40 household servants without decent weapons? Do you really believe that the palace guards and the Defense department could be taken over by 30 servants? It doesn’t make sense at all.  
However, Many Sageuk drama writers had described the First Strife of Princes as recorded in the annals to increase dramatic tensions, even though they know the annals were likely to be fabricated by Yi Bang-Won. It was refreshing that SFD writers skipped the controversial part and straightforwardly described it as “an invented history that didn’t really happen”.


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 Author| Post time 28-3-2016 08:11 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons - Ep. 47~48
The historical background to help understand Ep. 47~48

■ Jung Do-Jeon’s death (August 26, 1398)
※ My SFD timeline is following the lunar calendar. Therefore, Jung Do-Jeon died on October 6, 1398, in solar calendar.
That night, Jung Do-Jeon and his colleagues were talking over the bottle of wine in Songhyeonbang (송현방 松峴房) which was the private residence of Nam Eun’s concubine. The house was located near the palace so they often used it as their meeting place. There was no guard to protect them around the house, and just a few horses were tethered in front of the gate. (* So to speak,they didn’t seem like scheming rebels who tried to assassinate the princes in the palace just a few hours ago.)
Yi Sook-Beon (이숙번 李叔蕃) suggested to besiege the house. He set fire to it. When the neighboring 3 houses were enveloped in flames, Shim Hyo-Saeng (심효생 沈孝生), Yi Geun (이근 李懃), and Jang Ji-Hwa (장지화 張至和) ran away from the fire, but they were captured and immediately killed. Nam Eun (남은 南誾) managed to escape with his entourage.

Jung Do-Jeon also escaped with his son Jung Dham (정담 鄭湛). They were hiding in a bedroom of a neighboring house. However, getting a tip-off from the owner of the house, Bang-Won ordered his 4 servants to drag Jung Do-Jeon out of the room.
Sambong threw away his dagger and managed to crawl as far as the door. He begged Prince Jeongan (Bang-Won) for mercy. “Please don’t kill me. Your Highness saved my life in the year of Imshin. Please, save me once again.” It refers to the incident where Bang-Won saved Sambong’s life by killing Poeun Jung Mong-Joo on Seonjuk bridge in 1392. However, Bang-Won reproached Jung Do-Jeon “Even though you’ve got a nobility title like the Count of Bonghwa (봉화백 奉化伯), you are not satisfied with it. How dare you commit such evil deeds?” and beheaded him.
That’s the story from Yi Bang-Won’s side.
However, there is another version of Jung Do-Jeon’s death in the same annals. His son Jung Dham said “Father, we should beg Prince Jeongan for our lives today” however, Jung Do-Jeon declined the offer. “I already betrayed Goryeo once. If I betray one side and defect to the other side once again, even though people don’t blame me, I’m going to feel ashamed of myself in my mind.” Then, he left a poem and fell a victim to Yi Bang-Won’s sword. The following is his last poem.

Title : Sneering at myself 자조 自嘲
Original Hanja (Chinese characters)
Korean Translation
조심하고 또 조심하여 온갖 공을 들여 살면서
책 속에 담긴 성현의 말씀, 저버리지 않았네.
삼십년 긴 세월 고난 속에 쌓아온 업적
송현방 정자의 한잔 술에 그만 허사가 되었구나.
English Translation
Watchfully, and carefully, working hard for my goal
I’ve never betrayed the teaching of the sages in books.
All the achievements I’ve built for the past 30 years
have turned to dust due to a drink in Songhyeonbang
(* Songhyeonbang = the private residence of Nam Eun’s concubine)

Which story is more reliable to you? Sambong who creeps and crawls to Bang-Won? Or Sambong who chooses to die honorably and leave a poem? Another self-contradictory records in the annals for sure.


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