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Author: CheAnANN

[tvN] Oh Hae Young Again - Eric Mun, SeoHyunJin [Review dauswq pg.24]

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Post time 22-6-2016 12:45 AM | Show all posts
Top 6 scenes from Another Oh Have Young: Episodes 13 & 14                                
by Bel Watson  on Mon, Jun 20, 2016
                                                 Hoping everyone had a good weekend, and after wishing our fathers a Happy Father's Day, aren't we ready for more Another Oh Hae Young?
Let's get ready by going back on last weeks' episodes and some of the best scenes. By the way, I'm learning to do coloring for my gifs. I hope you notice the difference.

From episode 13: The heart I've understood
Number 1: Friends are priceless
    Without Hae Young suffering so much after finding out the truth, she needs someone to cheer her up and that's her friend. They go out and she's there to support Hae Young, even in her crazy ideas of just dump anyone that comes next. I love this scene because it just shows how much Hae Young is loved; she has a wonderful family and a great friend, and they are cute together. When one gets wet, the other joins her and that's beautiful, in my humble opinion. Don't you think? Perhaps Hae Young is in denial at that part, or avoiding and pretending to be okay, but regardless of that, she has her friend to laugh with and get a cold.

Number 2: RUN!
     Oh, this scene had me laughing so hard. So Do Kyung has decided to live (and ultimately die) without regrets so he goes to the woman he loves. Of course Hae Young does not want to see him, and her family knows that the man showing up means slaughter at the mother's hands. What made me love this scene so much is Hae Young's father protecting Do Kyung, taking him away and running like a couple sneaking around. Overall, I loved his panicked face when Hae Young's omma came out, ready to get blood in her hands. She didn't, no body died in this episode, but it was amusing.

Number 3: Change your fate
     During this episode there are many instances where Do Kyung can see the future and his reaction, henceforth having a chance to change what he does. He never stays long enough to see something actually changes in this new present, little things. Finally, when they run into each other at the hospital after being so miserable that it reflects on their health, he rants and exposes his true feelings. This scene gave me goosebumps because despite his regret for hurting her, he wouldn't change what he did because it led her to her.
Do Kyung walks away and does not wait for the change this rebellion will bring. And later, as he walks away Hae Young comes running after him, finally understanding his heart and that indeed she isn't the only one who loves. I love this scene.

From episode 14: Silence all the other sounds that are not of love
Number 1: Hold me tight
     So our hearts have stopped aching, Do Kyung and Hae Young are together again, both so happy, not holding back on the skinship. This scene I picked is beautiful because they way they hold on to each other, their pleased expressions and the content atmosphere. This scene is happiness and love, and that's why it was so nice to gif.

Number 2: How to kidnap your boss's girlfriend
    Have I mentioned how much I love Do Kyung's employees and friends? Yes? Let me repeat it: I love Do Kyung's employees and friends.
After Soo Kyung doesn't allow Hae Young to leave early to go with Do Kyung, the only solution is taking her away from work and what better excuse than arresting her? This scene shows two of Do Kyung's friends pretending to be cops to take Hae Young with them and ultimately reunite her with Do Kyung for a romantic escapade (once work is done, of course). I love them, I insist, because they are crazy and funny and supportive. And they also get Do Kyung in trouble.

Number 3: Under the starlight night sky
     Why are Do Kyung and Hae Young so cute? Like seriously. After they finish recording the requited sounds, the couple stay longer being all lovey-dovey, lying on the ground, calling each other Hae Young-ah, Oppa! over and over again while I suffer from a diabetic coma watching them. They cuddle, giggle and just look beautiful, still being so happy. All his before the police comes looking for them, ruining the mood and making me choke for laughing so hard.
I wish they were always like in this gif-set, but of course more heartache is yet to come, it's unavoidable [sighs]. So this scene is a lovely way to remind us they love each other, they are happy even if more bumps are coming our way. Let's be strong, everybody!

Bonus: With your happiness at heart
    It seems I always pick scenes between Soo Kyung and Ji Sang for the bonus, but I really love them, and this scene where she decides to never tell him he's the father of her baby is very emotional. She wants him to be great, the best he can be, without holding him back or making him faint. She knows her baby will be fine, this will have not only Ji Sang but also her brothers to look up to. For now, she wants him to be the cool and respectable man she'll tell about to her baby. I think it's so selfless and loving, and that's why I chose this scene for the bonus.

     These episodes were both heart wrenching and soothing at the same time. I suffered and just wanted Do Kyung and Hae Young to talk in episode 13, and in 14 they did and were happy and I was happy. Was it the same for you all? Are you still loving this K-drama as much as at the beginning or more? I keep falling and falling for everything here. Every relationship, the dynamics and how realistic the characters are. They are well crafted and naturally played, so it's easy to understand them even if we don't agree with their actions all the time.


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Post time 22-6-2016 01:06 AM | Show all posts

bukan 89 ye

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Post time 22-6-2016 01:49 AM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 21-6-2016 05:30 AM
tak kisahla.. janji ko dah tgk kesewelan kakak DK tuh...

dh tgk dh..
motip mrh sgt kt JS tu bila bwk awek blik umah?
ex dia dlu eh?  

ms OHY lari nk lompat kt DK tu
kt background blkg aku nmpk adik DK dok main lari2 plak ngn anna tu
bengong tul

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Post time 22-6-2016 01:55 AM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-6-2016 12:45 AM
Top 6 scenes from Another Oh Have Young: Episodes 13 & 14                                by Bel Wats ...

si JS ni kapel ngn akak DK eh..
sian JS ku

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Post time 22-6-2016 06:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wonto replied at 22-6-2016 01:55 AM
si JS ni kapel ngn akak DK eh..
sian JS ku

tulh sape srh jd kasanova last nah enko dgn pompuan sewel

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Post time 22-6-2016 01:51 PM | Show all posts
nmpknye han tae jin makin benci kt do kyung
sbb oh hae young dtg sendiri bgth dia takkan cintakan han tae jin sekali lagi, so han tae jin tak perlu susah payah nk jatuhkn do kyung


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Post time 22-6-2016 01:53 PM | Show all posts
key changer: yg boleh ubah han tae jin aku rase bile dia dpt tau chairman tu bertindak tarik investment bukan kerana diarahkan park do kyung, tp chairman sendiri tau partner han tae jin songlap duit investment tu

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Post time 22-6-2016 02:40 PM | Show all posts
“Oh Hae Young Again” Still In Midst Of Filming, Ending Unknown
soojjiJune 21, 2016

Representatives of tvN’s running Monday-Tuesday drama, “Oh Hae Young Again,” revealed, “We are currently focusing on filming episode 17. We plan to film until the end of this week. The actors and actresses have yet to receive the script for the final episode.”

An on-scene representative states that the production crew is working hard on the details and filming until the end.
“Oh Hae Young Again” is about the happenings and episodes of two women with the same name (played by Seo Hyun Jin and Jeon Hye Bin), who are both in love with a man named Park Do Kyung (played by Eric). The drama is set to end on June 28, and the drama “Good Wife” will take its place.

Source (1)


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Post time 22-6-2016 04:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wah...saspennya nk tgk ending next week...

Suka dialog2 citer ni...mmg bleh wat tersentuh abis...epi 16 ni byk wat air mengalir....sume scene dpt rs feel tu..terasa poyo sgt uols...x penah2 kemaruk camni..

Sian wima tgk bile jin sang pressure n sedih...mengalir airmata..huhu..

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Post time 22-6-2016 04:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by wima at 22-6-2016 04:42 PM

Uols sume standby tisu yer tgk epi 16 ni...

@dauswq nangis x tgk?

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Post time 22-6-2016 04:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-6-2016 01:51 PM
nmpknye han tae jin makin benci kt do kyung
sbb oh hae young dtg sendiri bgth dia takkan cintakan h ...

Suka sgt hae young time tu @dauswq

Dia nmpk cool sbb merayu kt han tae jin jgn pukul do kyung...sedih je tgk..

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Post time 22-6-2016 04:50 PM | Show all posts
wima replied at 22-6-2016 04:40 PM
Uols sume standby tisu yer tgk epi 16 ni...

@dauswq nangis x tgk?

biasa jek , tetap rase epi 12 plg emosional & sedih

tp aku suka scene oh hae young terjah bilik hotel han tae jin
clarify han tae jin tak yah susah payah nk jatuhkn do kyung kerana dia dah lupakan cinta han tae jin seluruhnya dan takkan kembali padanya
han tae jin cakap minah ni dah giler

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Post time 22-6-2016 04:54 PM | Show all posts
wima replied at 22-6-2016 04:48 PM
Suka sgt hae young time tu @dauswq

Dia nmpk cool sbb merayu kt han tae jin jgn pukul do kyung.. ...

aku plg benci kt mak do kyung ni
sibuk jek pisahkan org
tp diri sendiri penyebab keluarga retak belah gara2 pinjam duit tak de plak nk muhasabah diri

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Post time 22-6-2016 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Hari ini kena bagi skema jawapan...
Lupa lak..


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Post time 22-6-2016 05:09 PM | Show all posts


1. Berikut ialah tabiat "Oh Hae Young biasa" melayani perasaan sedihnya KECUALI
[Ganjaran kredit: +30]

A. Makan lahap sebanyak yang mungkin
B. Menari tango keseorangan, kadang-kadang ditemani ahjumoni

*C. Minum sampai mabuk berkali-kali*

2. Kenapakah Park So Kyung  digelar "Isadora"?
[Ganjaran kredit: +40]

*Isadora: Tabiat suka ulang alik memerhati pekerja dalam setiap masa*

3. Berapakah kedudukan "Oh Hae Young biasa" sebenar dalam kelas berdasarkan slip peperiksaan yang ditukar ganti  dengan "Oh Hae Young cantik"?
[Ganjaran kredit: +40]
A. 38
B. 29
C. 32

*Epi 14, minit 18:24*

4. Kesemua VISION di bawah pernah dialami Park Do Kyung kecuali [Ganjaran kredit: +50]A. Park Do Kyung terlihat bangunan yang tertera namanya Volvo
B. Cermin jendela pecah akibat dibaling sesuatu di luar disusuli dengan imej Oh Hae Young yang sangat kecewa dan marah
C. Park Do Kyung menyaksikan Oh Hae Young menerima panggilan daripada Han Tae Jin
D. Jin Sang menanya Park Do Kyung tentang kelibat Oh Hae Young yang
pernah mendiami bilik itu dahulu yang kini didapati menghilangkan diri  
E. Oh Hae Young menyoal Park Do Kyung kenapa datang lambat

*Kata kunci: "pernah dialami" , Do Kyung mengalami semua vision tersebut (sebelum epi 14) kecuali D yang berlaku di epi 15.*

5. Apakah no plat kereta Han Tae Jin (tak termasuk tulisan Hangul)?
[Ganjaran kredit: +60]
A. 43 8765
B. 32 9254

C. 18 5506

*Epi 18, minit 46:16*


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Post time 22-6-2016 05:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-6-2016 06:09 PM

alaa betui satu jaaa  

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Post time 22-6-2016 05:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tengok kissu scene JS dgn SK
nyaris batal posa.. hahah kemain lama practice ujung2 baru berjaya

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Post time 22-6-2016 06:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wima replied at 22-6-2016 04:40 PM
Wah...saspennya nk tgk ending next week...

Suka dialog2 citer ni...mmg bleh wat tersentuh abis... ...

blm abih lg ke citer ni???

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Post time 22-6-2016 06:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 22-6-2016 04:50 PM
biasa jek , tetap rase epi 12 plg emosional & sedih

Yup..scene ni best..terkedu tae jin dgr isi hati hae young..cinta abih kt do tae jin bleh blah..haha..

Tp komen2 kt wiki ramai kutuk gile hae young..over suka kt do kyung n tgglkan taejin..

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Post time 22-6-2016 08:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 22-6-2016 06:10 PM
blm abih lg ke citer ni???

Blm lagi nas...extend smpai 18 epi....

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