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Author: Lorra2411

(MBC-2016) W - Lee Jong Suk, Han Hyo Joo [Review dauswq pg 37]

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Post time 3-9-2016 08:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wima replied at 3-9-2016 01:11 PM
Mcm byk dh x logik bg iolss ida...

Tp still ada soft spot utk drama ni..hihi..

br hbs tgk ep 12

motip si KC plak yg selesaikan masalah?

gigih sgt kan bole kuar masuk webtoon mcmtu je

kata dia x igt sbb last memori tu mimpi je

hbs yg flashback sume tu mcm dia igt je

serius la ke iols yg x paham

over tau suruh lukis senang2 je dpt

btw kete kia baru mmg lawa2

tgk kt jalan mmg lawa laaa

pastu kt cite good wife pn masing2 pakai kia

rembes jugak

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Post time 3-9-2016 08:54 PM | Show all posts
Ok pendapatan iolls utk ep minggu ni..

1. Its getting complicated and confused for some.. i bet few yg dah drop cerita ni. Sbb pd dorg jln cerita dah x munasabah... yg mana real time and yg mana dimention time..

2. Even KC xberapa ingat akan YJ sepenuhnya.. based on novel his trying his very best.. comel sgt time KC suruh YJ buka baju and he request 5 times kisses.. omey sgt... comel jaa time YJ duk call KC berulang kali.. lagi 1 time KC mtk YJ lukis cincin kawen...

3. Well at 1st apa yg KC try to make the story to getting smooth ok.. he did a lot of survey dgn soo bong with the aid of YJ. Tp... selain tu pembunuh tu pun ada kuasa untuk mengubah jalan cerita and even he can order ayah YJ juga sampai hbs pecah pc tu.  Psst: nampak bergaya KC operate pc tu tau..

4. Skrg ni dgn berfikiran ttg ppl from different dimention will make things happen.. and vise versa.. mcm soo hee.. KC bru je terfikir and tibe2 soohee dr dimention waktu malam blh keluar in real time waktu siang..

5. Setiap penceritaan dlm novel bila dijadikan sesuatu yg real... mesti ada sesuatu terjadi.. mcm ada connection.. yelah xkan KC blh tau kan kat mana pembunuh tu tglkan...

6. Agak pelik bagi i.. bila KC spend time dgn YJ... that time ayah YJ dah terjaga dan dlm keadaan waras.. tp bila dlm ep.13.. seems like ayah dia xpernah sedar and still dlm keadaan xbermuka.. mcm some times they are stuck in between real time and dimention.. lg 1 yg pelik tibe2 KC blh tau sambungan cerita W bila tiba while driving terus dia balik in real time.. and after tgk smbungan verita dgn niat terus kembali le dimention.. issue is siapa lukis... mcm mana Kc blh tibe2 tau lokasi... jeng jeng jeng

7. Pembunuh tu mmg nak bunuh KC kan.. so thats y KC bkn lagi watak utama dlm webtoon.. so person yg bukan lagi wtk utama will disappear sooner.. so pembunuh tu dah masuk real time and bawak YJ ke dimention and at the end YJ tu mati kann.. so the question is... YJ mati kat mana.. real time or dimention.. sbb bila KC tgk YJ terbaring tibe2 terus scene bertukar jadi siang.. sbb bila tgk  kat preview seems kat real time pun YJ  xda kan.. and KC ada ckp kt ayah YJ yg anak dia dah mati..

8. The issue selanjutnya are.. betul ke pembunuh dah mati... ape perancangan yg dirancang oleh en.han dgn kuncu2 die. Since dia tau Kc still alive.. bkb la mati seperti yg dilaporkan sblmnye..apa nasib webtoon.. and nasib KC and YJ. And how the webtoon will survive soon.. apa geng PD and writer akan buat dlm 3 lg baki episode utk grab balik viewers attention utk stick dgn drama ni..



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Post time 3-9-2016 10:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 3-9-2016 08:38 PM
br hbs tgk ep 12

motip si KC plak yg selesaikan masalah?

Kannn ida...

Keta sume mmg rembes tgk..baik yg merah, biru sume la..dlm drama korea sume keta nnmpk best jer.

Wima pun sama mcm konpius..kc patutnya x tau byk mende kan sbb dh pusing balik konon2 dream je..pastu kiranya dia dpt tau cite dr komik yg yj bwk ke dunia webtoon wima assume jela yg bile dia masuk real world, dia tny soo bong n baca sendiri dr komik2 dekat studio ayah yj tu..dia pun mmg stay situ kan..

Btw, enjoy2 je kc mcm tgh vacation je kn..

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Post time 3-9-2016 10:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 3-9-2016 02:47 PM
payah gak ni
aku pun masih tertinggal 5 epi terakhir drama doctors,  3 epi W &  tak layan lg jea ...

aku kasi chance lg sbb team dr signal

sbb kalau bkn dr signal aku drop je

bias kan aku


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Post time 3-9-2016 10:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wima replied at 3-9-2016 10:34 PM
Kannn ida...

Keta sume mmg rembes tgk..baik yg merah, biru sume la..dlm drama korea sume keta n ...

tu la

dh la tgk smbil melayan baby

baby lak tau mama dia ada kt umah x
mo letak sgt

hbs cane nk konsentrate

esk la smbg ep 13


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Post time 4-9-2016 12:27 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 3-9-2016 10:47 PM
aku kasi chance lg sbb team dr signal

sbb kalau bkn dr signal aku drop je

team signal hanya musical director jek  
director bukan pak cik kim won suk signal tu tp director she was pretty which is hasilnya tak berapa bagus spt aku claim sblm ni..
sib baik dia tak amik jd PD drama ni

mulanya dulu aku kritik bab directing tp puji screenplay sbb unik dan unpredictable
tp kali ni, kedua2 nya hauk lak jadinya
cuma dimaafkan writer ni , mgkn dia nak bereksperimentasi..

yg tinggal yg utk puji-pujian bab pemilihan ost instrumental & sinematografi
yg ni diakui mmg excellent.


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Post time 4-9-2016 11:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 3-9-2016 10:52 PM
tu la

dh la tgk smbil melayan baby


Dah sambung belum?

Ke layan drama lain?

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Post time 4-9-2016 11:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 4-9-2016 12:27 AM
team signal hanya musical director jek  
director bukan pak cik kim won suk signal tu tp direct ...

Bg wima, she was pretty tu awal2 best n menarik..towards the end..agak boring n mendatar....pd yg sama kan..

Setuju ngan daus..psl pujian utk w tu...

Acting pun ok..both hero heroin suka sgt tgk reaksi soo bong tu...

Mmg ost, sinematografi she was pretty pun best...pakcik director ni superb bab2 ni nmpknye..


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Post time 4-9-2016 01:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wima replied at 4-9-2016 11:38 AM
Dah sambung belum?

Ke layan drama lain?

blm lg

mlm td melayan fantastik

hr ni nk g kenduri jap

xtau la bila nk smbung ni


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Post time 4-9-2016 05:22 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 3-9-2016 02:31 PM
aku masih tersangkut epi 11..
malam nnt sekali harung abiskan tgk

hep... ko wajib habiskan


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Post time 4-9-2016 05:24 PM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 4-9-2016 01:17 PM
blm lg

mlm td melayan fantastik

layanilah dikala fikiran sedang tenang
dan keadaan sekeliling yg aman

pasti dpt sesuatu..
saat tonton perasaan sedang celaru mmg ko akan tglkan citer ni begitu saja

aku pun amik mood weii..
demi jongsuk aku gagah jua

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Post time 4-9-2016 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Edited by runaway_dida at 4-9-2016 05:39 PM

Episode Ratings
2016-07-2019.9% (10th)11.3% (7th)8.6% (17th)10.4% (10th)
2016-07-21210.1% (9th)11.5% (5th)9.5% (12th)10.7% (10th)
2016-07-27311.6% (7th)13.7% (4th)12.9% (4th)15.0% (4th)
2016-07-28413.4% (5th)14.7% (4th)12.9% (4th)14.3% (4th)
2016-08-03515.1% (3rd)17.8% (1st)13.5% (3rd)14.3% (3rd)
2016-08-04614.2% (5th)15.9% (2nd)12.2% (4th)12.2% (4th)
2016-08-10715.2% (4th)17.3% (2nd)13.8% (4th)14.7% (3rd)
2016-08-17813.5% (5th)15.0% (4th)12.2% (5th)13.3% (4th)
2016-08-18912.7% (4th)14.7% (3rd)11.3% (7th)12.5% (5th)
2016-08-241013.9% (5th)15.3% (3rd)12.3% (6th)13.7% (4th)
2016-08-251114.6% (6th)15.8% (5th)12.2% (6th)12.8% (5th)
2016-08-311213.3% (6th)15.1% (5th)11.1% (7th)12.0% (5th)
2016-09-011312.9% (6th)15.0% (3rd)11.9% (5th)13.2% (5th)

psss... katanya on 15th Sept tu ada special episode.. tp blm comfirm lagi...


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Post time 5-9-2016 09:26 AM | Show all posts
santubung replied at 2-9-2016 08:52 PM
nama pun webton ... kita tgk pun dah rasa mcm citer kartun

kan..kejap sana kejap sini

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Post time 5-9-2016 10:37 AM | Show all posts
runaway_dida replied at 3-9-2016 08:54 PM
Ok pendapatan iolls utk ep minggu ni..

6. Agak pelik bagi i.. bila KC spend time dgn YJ... that time ayah YJ dah terjaga dan dlm keadaan waras..
scene ni cuma khayalan/imaginasi YJ je masa on the way to cafe nk jumpa KC. YJ ckp 'hope makes me to dream'..

tp bila dlm ep.13.. seems like ayah dia xpernah sedar and still dlm keadaan xbermuka.. mcm some times they are stuck in between real time and dimention.. ayah YJ mmg tk kembali normal lg time tu. KC ckp mlm tu baru ayah YJ akan normal kalau variables tak bertukar

lg 1 yg pelik tibe2 KC blh tau sambungan cerita W bila tiba while driving terus dia balik in real time.. and after tgk smbungan verita dgn niat terus kembali le dimention.. issue is siapa lukis... mcm mana Kc blh tibe2 tau lokasi... jeng jeng jeng...KC dpt tau lokasi dr Han Chul Ho, masa dia pi belasah HCH kt ofis HCH....ttg siapa yg lukis tu mmg pening ...kC pernah ckp yg webtoon & dunia realiti adalah dua dunia berbeza cuma connected melalui computer ayah YJ...


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Post time 5-9-2016 10:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nohas replied at 5-9-2016 10:37 AM
6. Agak pelik bagi i.. bila KC spend time dgn YJ... that time ayah YJ dah terjaga dan dlm keadaan  ...

Haha yup agree.

So how things will be fixed pasni... esp lpas ayah YJ dan fully sedar..

Ye.. both world connected by ayah YJ..

Tp in the same time ayah dia wat perjanjian dgn murder kn.. the murder will be the main character.. thats y die nk hapuskn KC.. once dorg bkn wtk utama they are going to disappear.

Jd skrg i makin xsabar tgu next ep..
How the writer will serve to us...

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Post time 5-9-2016 11:21 AM | Show all posts
runaway_dida replied at 4-9-2016 05:24 PM
layanilah dikala fikiran sedang tenang
dan keadaan sekeliling yg aman

choii sgt

smlm time sunyi2 aku smbg tgk ep 13..

smpai part org jahat kuar masuk dunia btl tu n OYJ terkejut tu bkn apak dia

aku dh stop tgk

siap bole lak fon muncul kt tgn plak

pastu aku shut down laptop

koser dh sambung

cc: @wima

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Post time 5-9-2016 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 5-9-2016 11:21 AM
choii sgt

smlm time sunyi2 aku smbg tgk ep 13..

Ni betui2 stress gayenye nih...

Mmg xbersambung je nih   

Dikala kesunyian mlm pun xbley pokus..

Time2 cenggini mau kena lempor laptop gamoknyr      

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Post time 5-9-2016 11:31 AM | Show all posts
runaway_dida replied at 5-9-2016 11:26 AM
Ni betui2 stress gayenye nih...

Mmg xbersambung je nih   

hahaha harus la

tp aku xnk la bias sgt xpe nnt aku amik mood smbg blk

terpksa lupakan kelogikan dlm cite ni

part variable2 tu aku pn x paham cane lak watak lain main kuar masuk dunia katun ngn betul

haihhh pening


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Post time 5-9-2016 11:33 AM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 5-9-2016 10:37 AM
6. Agak pelik bagi i.. bila KC spend time dgn YJ... that time ayah YJ dah terjaga dan dlm keadaan  ...

pening kan

dh la si KC muka rilek je mcm xde pape


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Post time 5-9-2016 11:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 5-9-2016 11:21 AM
choii sgt

smlm time sunyi2 aku smbg tgk ep 13..



X bleh hadam dh nmpknye part2 x logik tu kan...dh x bleh nk tolerate lg...haha

Ida dh tahap2 stress ni mmg x bleh nk layan dh ni..

Btw, bertabahla ida...lg bbrp episod lg nk abis...   

Anggap jela persediaan nk join amazing race roadtour anjuran @dauswq


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