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Author: bioessence

Ho Ching of famiLEE, dalang pembunuhan banker melayu?

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Post time 17-12-2016 04:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seattle replied at 16-12-2016 11:46 AM
some still make it to NUS/NTU/SMU but ofcourse with courses that maybe tidak layak dengan keputusa ...

Last yr ada ex madrasah student diyanah hardy masuk paper kan. Dapat first class degree from NUS. Admire dia sangat.

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Post time 19-12-2016 09:50 AM | Show all posts
Missfadh replied at 17-12-2016 04:02 PM
Last yr ada ex madrasah student diyanah hardy masuk paper kan. Dapat first class degree from NUS.  ...

yes, theres 4 of them.   more and more coming from the Malay student.  


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 Author| Post time 20-12-2016 11:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jiji85 replied at 14-12-2016 07:33 AM
solan bimbo ckit..yg minyak masak sapi khee kongsi gelap tu yg minyak masak sapi ghee ke?yg tin hi ...

Yuppp legacy from forefathers

Until now, parti cawangan PAP di sini still and has always been run and funded by triad societies, drug traffickers, pimps, conmen, ahlongs and criminals....

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2016 12:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 05:55 AM

"Put aside the conversion rate, the salary package is really not that bad in KL. Currently, I am earning so much more as compared to the times when I was still working in Singapore. Furthermore, it is not a mandatory for me to contribute to CPF (known as EPF) in Malaysia. Certainly, I do not mind even if it is a must for me to make a contribution to EPF too. Unlike Singapore, EPF can be fully withdraw after reaching the age of 55. It will become part of my retirement fund." ... r-malaysia.html?m=1 ... ;id=100002480836592

One Ho Jinx bankrupts a whole country and doing more harm than harmless one mdb

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2016 12:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
red_borris replied at 5-12-2016 12:42 PM
the hanged judge, Maarof Zakariah, is the father of a veteran actor, Datuk Mustapha Maarof. when t ...

Komen menarik dari blog

Anonymous20 November 2014 at 14:17

Daripada rekod polis british, jelas polis british bersekongkol dengan siapa saja yg telah membunuh beiau kerana kes ini telah diklasifikasikan sebagai bunuh diri sesuatu yang sangat tidak logik dilakukan oleh orang islam sedangkan mayatnya ditemui dihutan Bentong, Pahang. Jelas sekali British bersekongkol dgn pendatang Cina untuk terus mengaut kekayaan Tanah Melayu. Segala lombong timah, emas, getah segalanya dikaut balik ke britain dan untuk orang Cina. Kes ini perlu dibesarkan dan dipersuratkan dengan lebih halus.

Anonymous11 May 2014 at 00:11

Menarik cerita ini. Bagai ada sesuatu yang tersirat.
Patutlah sebaik sahaja puak pendatang mendapat kewarganegaraan secara percuma, mrkmrk ini begitu rakus sekali untuk merompak kekayaan negara ini dengan bantuan kedua dua bank itu. Maka lahirlah usahawan usahawan muda dari kalangan pendatang dengan kuasa jaminan kewangan yang mencukupi

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2016 01:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 21-12-2016 01:29 PM
yipun_78 replied at 12-12-2016 12:20 PM
yg dia buat kerugian pelaburan sampai 40 billion SGD tu yg PM Singapore x kasi rakyat negara dia b ...

Kalau bincangkan masuk ISA ler
But rakyat sana tak bising or fight to abolish ISA coz chinese must support chinese govt mah. They actually can live with it. Kat sini anak PAP campaign sampai abolish. Pm pula lembut hati. Dah la Sg was once a malay island until cina ramai2 datang kasi penuh.

Kat Sg legal society (bar council) supports gomen. Kat sini, Bar council pro oppo siap ambil duit soros lagi. Haprak...

Kena ikut Sg larrr appoint Attorney gen to head the bar council. Baru la BC jadi mcm Sg legal society ye dok

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Post time 26-12-2016 02:37 PM | Show all posts
seattle replied at 14-12-2016 11:37 AM
a very good sharing you have here.... keep sharing.  
me as a singaporean malay myself, would lik ...

Begitulah seperti berlian, makin tertekan, semakain cantik mahal harganya, semakin diletakkan di luar keselesaan, bertambah terserlah kebijaksanaannya.


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 Author| Post time 27-12-2016 01:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yipun_78 replied at 12-12-2016 12:27 PM
apa yg nyata, xde siapa akn persoalkan Ho Ching kalo kat Spore atau mana2 negara

Imagine if this were to happen to EPF or 1MDB
The Central Provident Fund has for the first time delayed the announcement of an expected increase in mandatory minimum sum, which was traditionally due on every 1st of July. Singaporeans are not allowed to withdraw their CPF unless they meet the Minimum Sum, emigrate or when they become deceased. Most Singaporean elderly are unable to retire because of insufficient CPF funds, mainly caused by the low interest generated by the CPF.

It is understood that CPF funds pays interest rates as low as 2.5% to CPF account holders while Temasek Holdings borrowed the funds at the same low interest rates to invest in high returns and lucrative investments. Temasek Holdings will pocket the difference in profits and claimed to return the profits to the national reserve. Nobody knows the amount of national reserves Singapore have, not even the elected President

Criticisms of the husband and wife duo, Ho Ching and Lee Hsien Loong, of nepotism will result in defamation lawsuits. In 2015, online blogger Roy Ngerng was found guilty of defaming Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in a default judgment and was ordered to pay S$150,000.

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2016 08:22 AM | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 05:55 AM
Zaien replied at 5-12-2016 12:14 PM
ada banyak lagi kongsi.. aku pernah baca buku lama (which this book totally banned in malaysia) pa ...

Yuppp kongsi gelap ada budaya cina, terbawa hingga ke forum

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2016 08:34 AM | Show all posts
Kongsi gelap Ghee Hin di tubuhkan pada 1820. Kedatangan orang cina ada awal nya tertumpu ke negeri selat iaitu Singapura, Penang dan Melaka sebelum.

Kegiatan mereka bukan lagi tertumpu kepada pemerasan, penculikan, ugutan, perniagaan dadah, rompakan, perjudian haram, pelacuran, penjualan cakera padat cetak rompak, pemerasan wang perlindungan terhadap perempuan sundal, penari, rumah urut, peniaga kecil, dan juga kegiatan Ah Long.

Sekarang, kegiatan kongsi gelap secara serius telah mula meresap dan merubah lanskap politik negara. Mereka telah dilihat sebagai pencatur. Mereka telah mula menonjol berikutan keterlibatan golongan usahawan, dan penggiat politik secara lansung atau tidak ke dalam kumpulan mereka. 

Petikan akhbar:

Kit Siang lapor polis ancaman bunuh Presiden MCA

PETALING JAYA 27 Julai - Pemimpin veteran DAP, Lim Kit Siang hari ini membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Petaling Jaya di sini berhubung ancaman bunuh yang diterima Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat…

Utusan Malaysia


Beberapa lagi 'jerung besar' ah long akan ditahan

KUALA LUMPUR 20 Julai – Polis akan membuat beberapa lagi siri tangkapan 'jerung besar’' yang terlibat dalam sindiket peminjam wang haram atau ah long termasuk yang bergelar Datuk dalam masa terdekat…

Utusan Malaysia


Ah Long heads could be politically-linked 

KUALA LUMPUR July 13 — The police have not ruled out the probability that two key members of Malaysia’s largest ’Ah Long’ (loan shark) network could be familiar names in the political fraternity.

Initial police investigations have revealed that the two were among six people who had jointly headed the network which had international connections in drug trafficking and prostitution, among others…

Utusan Malaysia


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Post time 30-12-2016 01:13 AM | Show all posts
bioessence replied at 27-12-2016 01:07 PM
Imagine if this were to happen to EPF or 1MDB
Singaporeans are not allowed to withdraw their CPF unless they meet the Minimum Sum, emigrate or when they become deceased.
Yang ni memang unfair sungguh

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2016 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 05:59 AM
pakletop replied at 9-12-2016 06:00 PM
Singapore tak mo rejoin Msia ke

Maybe bila ekon Sg makin teruk. Buat masa ni mereka sibuk fikir samada Msia akan serang Sg dan strategi mereka berlegar dgn Msia sebagai musuh utama. Ini antara jwp yg byk likes di Quora

What would happen if Malaysia and/or Indonesia invaded Singapore?

Would Singapore be able to defend against the invasion? What's the implication of this scenario?


Willy Tan, Entrepreneur
Updated Aug 7, 2014

Singapore would no have any problems protecting itself but for it to emerge victor against either one country without external aid is extremely difficult.

Both Malaysia & Indonesia hold a good amount of wealthy Chinese population. If Singapore was to be invaded by them, it is likely that the Singapore government would play the "race card" by accusing the invaders as being racially biased & aggressive. This is cause discontentment & possibly chaos within their countries.

In an invasion attempt, Singapore has two options. The invader is likely to want air superiority and will send in bombers to destroy the military airports first. As the military bases & runways are all hardened, it can withstand several rounds of bombings. Singapore may decide to allow the invaders to drop the initial bombs so that it would be justified in flexing its military muscle against them. It would also be much easier to convince the international community to take economic and military actions against the invading nations.

Even if the runways were cratered, Singapore's military has emergency crews that can convert our roads into runways big enough even for commercial planes in the matter of hours.

Furthermore, Singapore's air force is not dismissable. Our pilots are frequently trained in Australia where the training airspace is 20x that of Singapore's as well as in Thailand. While the total number of military aircraft is less than that of Indonesia (381), Singaporean (244) combat aircraft are numerically superior to that of Malaysia (224) or Indonesia which carry more transport & training aircrafts. Singapore's planes are regarded to be more technologically advanced and better supported, making them much more lethal. Singapore also acquired the Apache attack helicopter which is famous for their ability to launch Hellfire missiles, something which instilled much dissatisfaction among its neighbours.

Upon gaining air superiority, Singapore's army & navy would also contribute. As soon as anyone in the government "press the button", Singapore's Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) would be able to enter Johor within 40 minutes. Singapore's aim would be to hold the state of Johor to act as a land buffer. Any artillery attacks or air fights would be held there to reduce damage to mainland Singapore. This also means that Singapore's economy would continue to run albeit slower with a portion of its workforce on the combat field. According to a book "Defending the Lion City: Singapore Armed Forces" by Tim Huxley, Singapore would be able to secure the state of Johor in the matter of hours. This also secures Singapore water supply.

Singapore navy would be activated to block out Straits of Malacca & Straits of Singapore. Any nation that decides to side with Malaysia/Indonesia would find itself cut off from one of the most important trade routes. USA, China, South Korea & Japan have extensive interests in the straits and would not be too happy with instability in the sea lanes. It also prevents any forces in East Malaysia from reinforcing the Federal Government in West Malaysia (KL, Johor etc).

Consider also that Singapore is armed with 6 submarines, the largest fleet within the region. Singapore is also considered the only nation in SEA with sufficient technology and naval support to turn the submarines into active threats. Malaysia for example has 3 submarines but their ability to be deployed in combat is suspect.

Also, consider that Singapore's port is the 2nd busiest port in terms of shipping tonnage & the only port not belonging to China in the top 6. Although Singapore does not produce any oil, it is the top bunkering (ship refuelling) port in the world. In 2012, more than 42 million tonnes of bunker were loaded in Singapore. This is enough to fill over 17,000 Olympic-sized pools. Being cut off from Singapore's port & Singapore Straits and/or Straits of Malacca will cripple any free economy. Anyone that decides to side with Malaysia/Indonesia would have to carefully consider the repercussions.

Also consider this:  Singapore commands about 70% share of the world's jack-up rig-building market and 70% of the global floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) platforms market. Singapore is the world's top 3 oil export refining centre, Asia's leading oil trading hub, Asia's oil & oil product trading hub as well as the leading bulk liquids logistics hub in Asia and ranks amongst the top three in the world.

Any attack on Singapore would immediately devastate the oil prices and damage short term oil production and refining process. If the invasion is not quickly settled, prices for oil and oil related products in Asia would become volatile.

Furthermore, Singapore is a major financial hub. In 2013, a major study expects Singapore to overtake Switzerland as the world's leading centre for managing international funds. For Singapore to stop trading, its effect would be massively felt in other financial centres leading to a ripple effect worldwide.

This, coupled with the fact that Singapore is a major shipping hub prompts the international community to assist Singapore in defeating any invading force.

Above and beyond, Singapore has enough food & water in storage to last more than 3 months even if it COMPLETELY STOPPED ALL TRADING ACTIVITIES. Singapore also can launch massive economic attacks on the invading countries. It has billions of dollars in foreign currency & gold reserves, the large number of international ships passing through, and the large control of oil and oil related products.


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 Author| Post time 1-1-2017 12:22 PM | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 05:56 AM

Type of minister you hv in Sg. Rosak lah Singapura, in place of Maju lah Sg

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2017 06:58 AM | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 05:57 AM

Sama seperti malaysiakini dan suara rakyat, malay mail juga lidah Dap. Contoh terbaru sumber dari malay mail ialah tajuk tred di Ci ..Pengusaha kek Bumiputra sontap syarat kek Halal McDonalds

Rakyat Spura sendiri akui Dap dan akbar nya malay mail penipu. Di blkg tabir bukan melayu. Tetap tak kan mengaku punya. Seperti di Ci dan fb, Nick je guna melayu. Utk jadi rba, perlu fasih BM.

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2017 07:50 AM | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 06:00 AM

Apasal sumber utama sampah rakyat sama dgn satu forum Spore ni? Admin sampah rakyat ni mmg singaporn ke caipigs
Cer banding kan

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 Author| Post time 9-1-2017 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 06:05 AM

Ho Ching and gang sekufu

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Post time 10-1-2017 12:46 PM | Show all posts

kak Ros pakai macam baju tido. muka pun nampak seram sangat.

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2017 08:15 AM | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 06:01 AM
seattle replied at 10-1-2017 12:46 PM
kak Ros pakai macam baju tido. muka pun nampak seram sangat.

Understandable, Kak mah a good decade older than Kak ho. They both pretty women in younger days. Kat forum Sg dah lama posters sana compare hakak 2 orang ni.....haha cfm look vs ify look  

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 Author| Post time 19-1-2017 02:52 PM | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 06:01 AM

Ohh bff ghupe nya, akak adik pelok2. Sweet gitu
Adik : Kak saya nak biru
Kak : ok dik, Kak ambil pink la...

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 Author| Post time 19-1-2017 09:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 06:05 AM

Adik kat tepi. Akak kat tengah. Hmmm mcm fav jer akak kita ni. Madu juma dan bekas Kak ipar juma, pun mcm bff  gak tu......

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