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Why not convert to Islam ?

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Post time 18-8-2017 05:28 PM | Show all posts |Read mode


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Post time 21-8-2017 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Why not convert to Islam?

Answer - Because Islam is NOT a religion (of God). It is an Arabic political system which is disguised as a religion. Think about it.

You have Judaism and Christianity which Islam claimed to be descended from and yet, does Islam resembles anything close to Judaism and Christianity. ONLY in outer layer.

Deeper in, Islam have very little similarity to Judaism and Christianity. Moses did not go around claiming that if his people didn't worship him (indirectly), they will go to Hell. Muhammad does that and while Muslims will claim otherwise, the whole practice of Islam is nothing more than worshiping of Muhammad. Jesus didn't ask his followers to worship him but to pray WITH HIM (to his Father who he put in a higher pedestal). But in Islam, words of Muhammad is EQUAL to words of Allah and anyone disagree with Muhammad is considered to disagree with Allah.

Islam have nothing to do or any resemblance toward Buddhism and Hinduism - despite of what some Muslims could say - just to rope in uneducated Buddhist and Hindus who don't know their own scriptures.

So what does Islam closely resembles?

Answer : - Communism.

Yes, that is right. Islam resembles Communism more than it does to ANY OTHER RELIGION. Communism is about "taking care of the weak" as they claim and who are these weaklings - the poor and the uneducated whom (like Communism), Islam could continued to make them poor and weak so they could continue to support Islam for support.

Malays in Malaysia are perfect example of these. Every time a Malay wants to move forward in life - whether it is through business, sports, education, IT or anything - there will always be some bearded Muslim ba$tard ready to bark at them and pull them under. WHY? Because herded animals cannot become clever than what their masters (the Arabs) wants them to be. They must be loyal to Islam and Muslims (ideology and each other), they must use Muslim methods to solve things and cannot choose their own solution (like continue to use petroleum from Middle East to ensure money flows one direction and must not use available and abundant green technology) and must be ready to defend the ideology (Islam) even to they know the source of their problems (socially and politically) is Islam. Where do you find such nonsense? In Communism since 1950s.

In Communism, Communists elites pushed the ideology as the only way that the People should accept and follow and disapprove any means of learning and following other ideology, even if that means death sentence to those who follow such manner. In Islam, you could find death penalty is available for those who leave Islam. In China as we speak, tens of thousands of Chinese are sent to prison camps where they are killed and their organs are harvested for following their own belief system - the Falun Gong. We can say that the only different between Islam and Chinese Communist is that Islam condemns people to Hell for all eternity while Chinese Communists condemn them to Hell while they are still living.

So one should not follow Islam. You will not find God in there just as you will not find God in Communism and Atheism. Communism was allowed to exist (by God) so that Man can learn about a bigger threat which is Islam.

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2017 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 21-8-2017 10:15 AM
Why not convert to Islam?

Answer - Because Islam is NOT a religion (of God). It is an Arabic poli ...

...thats why many are coming out from islam...some kept it silent....


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Post time 21-8-2017 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 21-8-2017 11:50 AM
...thats why many are coming out from islam...some kept it silent....

Speaking of people coming out of Islam, have you heard of an Atheist Club?
I heard Yahoo news about this new "club" that is currently active in Malaysia and its purpose is to promote Atheism.

Needless to say, with the coming of the Internet and Social Media, the news about the (political) ideology of Islam is quickly spreading openly and many are leaving (or attempting to leave) Islam. I don't think the government will release the numbers of how many people left Islam officially as that could be a blow to their "islamic image" which the government is trying to impress everyone with.

In the end, what will bring down Islam are Muslims themselves. As the World moves forward, Islam will continue to try and drag Muslims to remain in 7th Century as much as possible and that will fail miseably. Muslims will continue to see examples of Non-Muslims and how they live and strive forward and they WILL question Islam. This WILL bring forth an open (or closed) confrontation between Muslim youth who are struggling with their faith and Muslim elites who (like all politicians) trying to control them (the masses). The result of this confrontation could be the rise of Atheism among Muslims.

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2017 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 21-8-2017 01:14 PM
Speaking of people coming out of Islam, have you heard of an Atheist Club?
I heard Yahoo news ab ...

yes heard about Atheist Club....younsters....this not good....they need freedom....I met one muslim having tatto and never pray....he  enjoy screwing this how Atheist need ...freedom...end of day they going to be rubbished, no use for themselves and others...


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Post time 21-8-2017 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 21-8-2017 02:21 PM
yes heard about Atheist Club....younsters....this not good....they need freedom....I met one musli ...

What they need is an identity of their own and Islam fails to provide them one.

In every religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity), these religions are flexible enough to allow races to "breathe" and adapt their own culture and heritage to their belief system, creating a new society with self-created identity which they can identify themselves and exist. These identities become like a name for a person. When a person says a name, you can know who he is, who their parents were, where they probably come from and from what belief they are following. If someone said "Samy Velu A/L Ramasamy" for example, you could know the name of the person, his father's name and possibility of him being a Hindu/Indian origin. Same goes for Christians, Jews and Buddhists.

But in Islam, a new convert loses his father's name and forced to change his parents' name to that of Bin Abdullah - which means he is now a ba$tard in religious term. He is cut off from his family which he had contact with for two decades (at least) and cannot attend any of their functions or perform rituals for his family. Everything he knew and understood suddenly got relabelled into the category of "Haram" or "Halal".

For Muslims who have been following Islam for long time, it is even worst. They are force to adapt to lifestyle of the Arabs - eat like Arabs, drink like Arabs, $hit like Arabs and screw around like Arabs. Everything they do must be accordance to some guy who died 1,400 years ago who have never see a car, an airplane, knows Internet or Freedom of Expression or Modern educational system. BUT they must follow what he (Muhammad) said and done OR they will go to Hell and get roasted for all eternity. They cannot create their own culture and heritage in fear it will be labelled as "Haram" and Muslims are getting really tired of this, especially the youngsters.

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Post time 23-8-2017 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Why one should not follow Islam?

Answer : Because Islam makes people become STUPID.

Take this example : ... -two-003619635.html

Retiree Abu Bakar Mohd Yusof, 60, and his wife Faridah Adam, 58, opened Tabung Haji (TH) accounts for their five children soon after they were born, and deposited RM20 each every month through salary deductions.

“Whenever our salaries increased, we would deposit more. Our intention from the very beginning, was to save enough so that when they are older, we can all go for Haj together as a family,” Abu Bakar told Malaysian media here recently.

Their ages range from eldest son Muhammad Amir Fitri, 29, to youngest son Muhammad Amir Firdaus, 18.

Meanwhile, 52-year-old Tugiran Mohamad and wife Norarziah Abdul Halim, 48, trained their sons from a young age to deposit their Duit Raya in Tabung Haji every year.

Let's assume that they saved RM20 per month for 12 months times 29 years (based on the oldest son's age). That will bring the amount to minimum around RM7,000.

Families like these willing to throw away thousands of ringgits which they saved for years and even decades just so they could go on a trip to Mecca and kiss a black stone and go around a black building. When they come back, are they any richer or better off financially (secured)? NO, they are still flat-broke but with a mentality that they had booked a seat in a fairy-tale paradise.

Their children still have to live another twenty or thirty years with the same riddiculos salary, their grandchildren still have to rely on government's support from everything from diapers to their education and worst of all, their grandchildren could be advise to do what their parents and grandparents had done by saving their money so they could give it freely to the Arabs in Mecca.

This is why Muslims can NEVER progress in Life. They are saving for the wrong reasons and throwing away every resource at their disposal (including wealth) to the wrong reasons when they should improve themselves first.

It is my understanding that Haj is not a MUST in Islam - at least that is what my Muslim History teacher told me back in 1990s when she talked about the four pillars of Islam. Haj is not a MUST but it is recommended ONLY if you could afford it, she says. Really, her words and many of them I still remember to this day. So why is it that Muslims who clearly cannot afford such trips to Mecca due to our economic problems could easily throw away their hard-earn wealth instead of improving themselves?

In Hinduism and Buddhism, there is no "MUST" to visiting Holy sites in India (for both Hindus and Buddhists) but it is recommended if you can afford to do so.

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Post time 25-8-2017 09:07 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 21-8-2017 10:15 AM
Why not convert to Islam?

Answer - Because Islam is NOT a religion (of God). It is an Arabic poli ...

betul ke camni

kalau terasa nak sembang/dailog

kita teliti satu demi satu ayat

dan sekiranya kamu kalah, kamu kena pelajari AL QURAN dan HADITH MUHAMMAD sampai habis
ok ke?
sanggup sahut cabaran yang simple ni ke?

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Post time 25-8-2017 09:11 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 21-8-2017 11:50 AM
...thats why many are coming out from islam...some kept it silent....

sila perbetulkan ayat kamu ya

org2 beriman dan beramal soleh(islam) tidak akan meninggalkan islam
org2 yg kurang imannya dan islam ikut ikutan - ada tinggalkan islam
ok ke???

kamu baca bible yg mana satu ni?
kenapa suka sangat berprasangka yg tidak elok???
JESUS ajar camni ke???


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Post time 25-8-2017 09:21 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 23-8-2017 09:47 AM
Why one should not follow Islam?

Answer : Because Islam makes people become STUPID.

It is my understanding that Haj is not a MUST in Islam - at least that is what my Muslim History teacher told me back in 1990s when she talked about the four pillars of Islam. Haj is not a MUST but it is recommended ONLY if you could afford it, she says. Really, her words and many of them I still remember to this day. So why is it that Muslims who clearly cannot afford such trips to Mecca due to our economic problems could easily throw away their hard-earn wealth instead of improving themselves?

benar, haji salah satu rukun islam  tidak dituntut utk sesiapa yg tidak mampu kewangan/fizikal

utk pengetahuan kamu, sekiranya kamu daftar hari ini utk pergi haji
kamu akan dapat giliran pada tahun 2070 ke atas
pasal penuh org2 islam dok kumpul duit mereka di tabung haji dgn niat utk pergi haji

kalau seorang mampu beli rumah beratus ribu, kereta 50 ribu keatas
kat mana salahnya menyiapkan 20 ribu utk pergi haji???
atau kalau tak ada kewangan yg kukuh
pergi tunaikan umrah dgn harga sekitar 4 ribu sahaja

kamu teringin ke nak pergi ke mekah tu???
kalau kamu teringin, boleh saya siapkan utk kamu

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Post time 25-8-2017 09:24 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 23-8-2017 09:47 AM
Why one should not follow Islam?

Answer : Because Islam makes people become STUPID.

Answer : Because Islam makes people become STUPID.

dalam KITAB VEDA ada ke boleh hina/jatuhkan golongan2 yg lainnya???
memang tak ada kan???
oleh itu dari kitab mana kamu buat andaian sebegini???


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Post time 25-8-2017 09:24 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 23-8-2017 09:47 AM
Why one should not follow Islam?

Answer : Because Islam makes people become STUPID.

Answer : Because Islam makes people become STUPID.

dalam KITAB VEDA ada ke boleh hina/jatuhkan golongan2 yg lainnya???
memang tak ada kan???
oleh itu dari kitab mana kamu buat andaian sebegini???


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Post time 28-8-2017 06:27 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-8-2017 09:41 AM | Show all posts
orangbesi replied at 28-8-2017 06:27 PM

Komunis pun cakap benda yang sama juga spt kau (orang Islam). Bagi mereka, prinsip2 Komunism adalah tertinggi dan muktamad, walaupun orang2 Komunis (atheist) hidup macam haiwan. Apa bezanya Islam dgn Komunism?

Orang2 Islam mendakwa bahawa Islam itu ketetapan Tuhan dan mengikut ketetapan yang terawal. DUA dakwaan yang TIDAK ADA BUKTI sama sekali. Cakap kosong shj.

Mengikut kajian sejarah, konsep "Satu Tuhan" adalah konsep yang anjal dan hanya muncul lebih kurang 3,500 tahun yang lalu, dibawah oleh seorang Firaun yang bernama Akhanaten.

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Post time 30-8-2017 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 30-8-2017 09:41 AM
Komunis pun cakap benda yang sama juga spt kau (orang Islam). Bagi mereka, prinsip2 Komunism adala ...

Komunis punn cakap benda yang sama juga spt kau (orang Islam). Bagi mereka, prinsip2 Komunism adalah tertinggi dan muktamad, walaupun orang2 Komunis (atheist) hidup macam haiwan. Apa bezanya Islam dgn Komunism?
Orang2 Islam mendakwa bahawa Islam itu ketetapan Tuhan dan mengikut ketetapan yang terawal. DUA dakwaan yang TIDAK ADA BUKTI sama sekali. Cakap kosong shj.
Mengikut kajian sejarah, konsep "Satu Tuhan" adalah konsep yang anjal dan hanya muncul lebih kurang 3,500 tahun yang lalu, dibawah oleh seorang Firaun yang bernama Akhanaten.

ooooooooo komunis kata camni ke
kalau komunis kata taik kamu wangi dan sedap dimakan - kamu pun ikut juga yeeeee

ok jika kamu kata ISLAM bukan KETETAPAN TUHAN
kat AYAT TUHAN yg mana satu dalam AL QURAN yg kamu kata tak betul???
AYAT TAUBAH 9:28 aku dah jawab kan - kamu je yg tak terbalas sampai saat ini

sebab kamu tak baca KITAB VEDA, kamu syok dgn gita yg ditokok tambah/direka/di syok sendiri

aikkkk dalam VEDA ada ke Tuhan tu lebih dari SATU???
wowwww kalau TUHAN ada lebih dr satu, Tuhan tentu lawan Tuhan yg lain
dan Tuhan yg kuat sekali akan menang ------  kamu boleh terima kenyataan yg sebodoh sebegini

ok kalau kamu cuba pertahankan kepercayaan kamu
(jangan lari plak tau lepas ni)

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Post time 30-8-2017 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 30-8-2017 09:41 AM
Komunis pun cakap benda yang sama juga spt kau (orang Islam). Bagi mereka, prinsip2 Komunism adala ...

Komunis punn cakap benda yang sama juga spt kau (orang Islam). Bagi mereka, prinsip2 Komunism adalah tertinggi dan muktamad, walaupun orang2 Komunis (atheist) hidup macam haiwan. Apa bezanya Islam dgn Komunism?
Orang2 Islam mendakwa bahawa Islam itu ketetapan Tuhan dan mengikut ketetapan yang terawal. DUA dakwaan yang TIDAK ADA BUKTI sama sekali. Cakap kosong shj.
Mengikut kajian sejarah, konsep "Satu Tuhan" adalah konsep yang anjal dan hanya muncul lebih kurang 3,500 tahun yang lalu, dibawah oleh seorang Firaun yang bernama Akhanaten.

ooooooooo komunis kata camni ke
kalau komunis kata taik kamu wangi dan sedap dimakan - kamu pun ikut juga yeeeee

ok jika kamu kata ISLAM bukan KETETAPAN TUHAN
kat AYAT TUHAN yg mana satu dalam AL QURAN yg kamu kata tak betul???
AYAT TAUBAH 9:28 aku dah jawab kan - kamu je yg tak terbalas sampai saat ini

sebab kamu tak baca KITAB VEDA, kamu syok dgn gita yg ditokok tambah/direka/di syok sendiri

aikkkk dalam VEDA ada ke Tuhan tu lebih dari SATU???
wowwww kalau TUHAN ada lebih dr satu, Tuhan tentu lawan Tuhan yg lain
dan Tuhan yg kuat sekali akan menang ------  kamu boleh terima kenyataan yg sebodoh sebegini

ok kalau kamu cuba pertahankan kepercayaan kamu
(jangan lari plak tau lepas ni)

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 Author| Post time 31-8-2017 02:30 PM | Show all posts
orangbesi replied at 25-8-2017 09:11 PM
sila perbetulkan ayat kamu ya

org2 beriman dan beramal soleh(islam) tidak akan meninggalkan isl ...
sila perbetulkan ayat kamu ya

org2 beriman dan beramal soleh(islam) tidak akan meninggalkan islam
org2 yg kurang imannya dan islam ikut ikutan - ada tinggalkan islam
ok ke???

kamu baca bible yg mana satu ni?
kenapa suka sangat berprasangka yg tidak elok???
JESUS ajar camni ke???
prasangka buruk? muslims yg selalu buat mcm itu pada agama lain. dari deedat-zakir naik -haji awang dan lain
ada baca haji awang punya amanat...? penuh kebencian pada manusia yg bukan islam....adakah itu ajaran dari Islam??


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Post time 31-8-2017 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 31-8-2017 02:30 PM
prasangka buruk? muslims yg selalu buat mcm itu pada agama lain. dari deedat-zakir naik -haji awan ...

prasangka buruk? muslims yg selalu buat mcm itu pada agama lain. dari deedat-zakir naik -haji awang dan lain

ada baca haji awang punya amanat...? penuh kebencian pada manusia yg bukan islam....adakah itu ajaran dari Islam??

adakah semua org islam teruk2?
adakah org2 agama lain pun teruk2 juga?

kalau ada dr org2 yg beragama timbulkan kebencian/kemarahan/prasangka buruk
kamu pun nak ikut sekali ke dalam sifat2 buruk sebegini?
adakah sebegini yang TUHAN PERINTAHKAN

kamu nak terikut ke dalam golongan2 sebegini?

umat2 Nabi2 yg ditelan masa - memasing mempelopuri cara2/budaya2 masing2
sikit demi sikit menjauhkan/meninggalkan ajaran/pegangan YANG ASAL
.......takkan fahaman yg mudah sebegini tiada dalam akal fikiran kamu???
tidakkah kamu memerhati keadaaan di dunia ni dr asalnya tamadun sehingga saat ini???

dan sifat benci adalah ciri2 kesyaitanan
dankalau kamu pun tanam sifat2 kebencian dalam diri kamu..........faham2 saja lah yeee



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 Author| Post time 31-8-2017 03:30 PM | Show all posts
orangbesi replied at 31-8-2017 03:01 PM
prasangka buruk? muslims yg selalu buat mcm itu pada agama lain. dari deedat-zakir naik -haji awan ...

adakah semua org islam teruk2?
adakah org2 agama lain pun teruk2 juga?

kalau ada dr org2 yg beragama timbulkan kebencian/kemarahan/prasangka buruk
kamu pun nak ikut sekali ke dalam sifat2 buruk sebegini?
adakah sebegini yang TUHAN PERINTAHKAN
hakikatnya,,,,,muslim yg banyak makan rasuah...sila google.... yg huru hara - bom sana dan sini ? kristain kah

kamu nak terikut ke dalam golongan2 sebegini?

umat2 Nabi2 yg ditelan masa - memasing mempelopuri cara2/budaya2 masing2
sikit demi sikit menjauhkan/meninggalkan ajaran/pegangan YANG ASAL
.......takkan fahaman yg mudah sebegini tiada dalam akal fikiran kamu???
tidakkah kamu memerhati keadaaan di dunia ni dr asalnya tamadun sehingga saat ini???

dan sifat benci adalah ciri2 kesyaitanan
dankalau kamu pun tanam sifat2 kebencian dalam diri kamu..........faham2 saja lah yeee

cerita panjang2 x guna...kita melihat pada fakta masa kini....amanat haji awang yg penuh kebencian pada manusia lain...sikap muslim yg bom masjid sendiri dan lain....
kalau saya tanam sifat kebencian punca dari siapa? muslim betul x? bila saya baca amanat haji itu membuat saya muntah dan benci....tidak kah ia telah tanam satu sifat kebencian pada saya kerana haji awang itu?

Yesus membawa 'peace' ....

kau kaji lah islam dalam-dalam...baru kau tau


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Post time 1-9-2017 12:11 PM | Show all posts
by anjing bangsa Arab

ooooooooo komunis kata camni ke
kalau komunis kata taik kamu wangi dan sedap dimakan - kamu pun ikut juga yeeeee

Apa bezanya dgn apa kamu (orang islam) buat selama 1,400 tahun? Makan taik bangsa Arab juga. Si arab kata taik Muhammad harum dan wangi, kamu - nenek moyang kamu, BAPA kamu dan kamu dan esok lusa, anak2 kamu semuanya pergi jilat juga taik yang bernama Islam dgn mengtuhankan Muhammad.

Sekurang2nya Komunis lebih baik dan mulia dari orang Islam, mereka mengaku tak ada tuhan dan ada juga yang cuba hidup macam manusia berakhlak. Tetapi tengok orang Islam - 1,400 tahun yang lalu mula hidup macam anjing bangsa Arab sampai sekarang, masih lagi anjing bangsa Arab juga.

kat AYAT TUHAN yg mana satu dalam AL QURAN yg kamu kata tak betul???

Deh! Satu Al Quran kau adalah PENIPUAN dan kamu nak tanya masa satu ayat dlm Al Quran kau tak betul. SEMUANYA TAK BETUL, BODOH.

kalau TUHAN ada lebih dr satu, Tuhan tentu lawan Tuhan yg lain

Itulah tahap kebodohan bangsa Muslim yang tak ubah macam anjing bangsa Arab. Fikir dgn Ego mereka shj. Kamu fikir Tuhan itu macam manusia kah? Perlu gaduh satu sama lain semata2 nak tunjjuk keangguhan mereka?


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