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Author: RatuDunia94


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Post time 28-11-2017 07:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lawak dowh situasi ni. Boleh paham kalau andrea tu bengang ke apa tapi sampai kuar statement macam tu x pro r.

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Post time 28-11-2017 07:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
plus10 replied at 28-11-2017 07:40 PM
Lawak dowh situasi ni. Boleh paham kalau andrea tu bengang ke apa tapi sampai kuar statement macam t ...

I kesian jgk ngn sammy wlpun npk gayanya sheols mmg ada mslh attitude.. Tp i pelik jgk, mmg btl apa komen2 kat ig tu.. Dethrone jah lah sammy tu kalau sheols slalu x dtg appointment etc.. Dana low ada wlpun dana low tu sub-par utk mu

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Post time 28-11-2017 08:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kosukeconan replied at 28-11-2017 07:52 PM
I kesian jgk ngn sammy wlpun npk gayanya sheols mmg ada mslh attitude.. Tp i pelik jgk, mmg btl ap ...

Mungkin r dia ada attitude problem tapi come on r. Dah dia wakil negara kita kan, dah sampai LV pun so support je la. Kalau ND support dari awal takde la orang speku macam2. Dan betul la apa budak2 tu komen, kalau dah tau problematic dethrone je dia awal2.

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Post time 28-11-2017 08:28 PM | Show all posts
plus10 replied at 28-11-2017 01:54 PM
Sapa punya ig ni. Cepat ngaku! Hahaha. Tak sangka betul2 buat.

jom buat hashtag petitiontorevampelainedaly

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Post time 28-11-2017 08:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ogden_VanLoch replied at 28-11-2017 07:03 PM
haiyoh buruknya evening gown Sam ini?
ala-ala nasib baik tak placed, kalau tak mesti dicerca sat ...

baju brian khoo ni memang cam huduh gak.

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Post time 28-11-2017 08:50 PM | Show all posts
plus10 replied at 28-11-2017 08:27 PM
Mungkin r dia ada attitude problem tapi come on r. Dah dia wakil negara kita kan, dah sampai LV pu ...

takde benang baru ke mmg sambung sini kan...bagus ramai dh serang andrea...pukimak si babi gemok ni tau

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Post time 28-11-2017 09:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bila dilantik utk job tu, suke atau tak, kita kene setelkan kerja tu Elaine Daily oit. Kalau la seme perangai seme org cam Elaine, mundur lagi kot Malaysia nih. Kene belajar about leadership and emotional control la ko beb. Sedih.

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Post time 28-11-2017 09:16 PM | Show all posts
MUMO ni perasan je lebih...dorang je la yg bagus...i'm not saying kita PL ni betul or paling bagus, tp kena jugak ambik input dari kita...apa yg i peratikan kebykan MUM achik2 urban je, tetiba je this year si sammy yg mixed tp 'not highly educated' (mcm clapper2 sebelum2 ni) menang sb fans fav....remember kelly jagan, sgt2 berpotensi tp sb cikki ni ala2 pprt je tak urban, tak pandai speaking so letak no. 3 je...seteruk2 anaconda MWMO dulu, at least dia pernah hasilkan placer & siap menang best talent...ingat lagi bila dewi menang MWM, ramai yg bising sb ada lagi calon yg lawa but nenek anaconda bilang she can nails  the talent segment & hence akan dpt tempat and she was correct.. tp ND2 mumo??? perasan urban tp semua clapped..Sekian.
"true fan"

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Post time 28-11-2017 09:26 PM | Show all posts
ingat lagi sabby? naper after MU dia senyap je & malas nak melayan event2 MUMO? mesti ada somethg there...n kenapa calon2 yg berpotensi tak nak join lagi (kecuali sammy)? mesti ada somethg yg membuatkan dorang muak dgn permainan organisasi pageant ni...kat filipina cthnya, gadis2 cantik tak pernah berputus asa join tiap2 tahun sampai la umur dah tak membenarkan mereka ikut serta lagi...why?

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Post time 28-11-2017 09:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bimbo la pulak andrea ni... eloklah bergabung dgn ND nuraka tuh...

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Post time 28-11-2017 09:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jom sokong petisyen singkir ND & geng2 urban dia. Menyampah pulak aku. Perasan bagus tapi clapper je pun

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Post time 28-11-2017 09:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kosukeconan replied at 28-11-2017 07:52 PM
I kesian jgk ngn sammy wlpun npk gayanya sheols mmg ada mslh attitude.. Tp i pelik jgk, mmg btl ap ...

Tu la pasal. Kalau ko dh tau Sammy ada attitude problem, dethrone je la ...ganti dgn 1st RU tu. Kan senang ko nak polish, nak control ikut kehendak ko. Ni MU dh habis, Sammy belum sampai Malaysia pun lagi ...ko dah bising2 seantero alam. Bongok punya org. Otak letak lutut ke

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Post time 28-11-2017 10:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
To me, if mmg dorg dah kata Sammy tu mmg problematic, tak dtg training, tak dtg whatever session yg dorg kata dorg dh arrange and senang citer, mmg Diva and bermasalah, why at the 1st place tak dethroned je Sammy yg bermasalah tu, send Dana instead but tetap send off jugak Sammy ke Vegas knowing so well that she went there unprepared at all and  would surely make us lost the chance to made it to semis??? They know that they're sending her to represent MALAYSIA not just MUMO. Is it because they know that no matter how bitchy,diva and   terrible Sammy is as a person, they have to admit that she's the best one out of her other competitors in her season to represent Malaysia and have the chance to at least placed in top 16? So they decided to just hadam je perangai hazab pun sebab dia je  yg terbaik utk wakili Malaysia. Well, if u have decided so then rasakan la bila kena hadap macam2 problem kan..

And one more thing, who at the 1st place started it all and opened the door for public to fikir bukan2 and start kecam MUMO and Elaine kalau bukan Elaine sendiri??? Dia yg dengan kurang bijaksananya pergi left komen mengundang kontroversi dkt post Sammy pasal family tu because, kalau bukan sbb tu, org takkan start nampak yg dia mmg sah ada masalah peribadi dgn Sammy and it would remain as rumors je. And Andrea dare to say Sammy didn't even try to dispute the rumors when I saw Sammy left comment to fans yg menghentam Elaine dalam post dia tu "Please share love no hate". I think she was just being professional not to comment or dispute anythg because she knew very well that dia sedang bertanding waktu tu and her IG has been the center of attention of all the fans worlwide not just Malaysian so why would she do anything yg akan membuka pekung dan buat seluruh dunia tahu about the conflict between her and MUMO?? Wouldn't it make the situation become worse and burukkan nama negara je? So now siapa yg tak be professional?

I just can't accept the way they handle all this from the start until la mak hayam Andrea ni buat tindakan tak professional macam ni. Like I said, kalau dah tahu daripada mula why still go on? No wonder la daripada mula tak kisah hantar baju nasi lemak la apa semua tu and didn't bother to make any promotion and show any support but did so only after so many people bashed them. It's like dorg malas nak masuk campur anything and just let her go there without fully prepared her, without proper training, without the necesary team or people to guide her kat Vegas tu knowing very well that she would surely lost the competition and then they can reveal anything to everyone she was like this she was like that and the reason why she lost because she was bitch, diva and so on when at the very 1st place all of that can be avoided if they discplined her or worse, penalised her by sending the 1st runner up instead. They acted as if they didn't care at all about our country's  fate and chances in the competition from the very beginning by jeopardizing everything.

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Post time 28-11-2017 10:25 PM | Show all posts
DainaEli replied at 28-11-2017 10:04 PM
To me, if mmg dorg dah kata Sammy tu mmg problematic, tak dtg training, tak dtg whatever session yg  ...

setuju...pastu salahkan 'true fans' ni

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Post time 28-11-2017 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DainaEli replied at 28-11-2017 10:04 PM
To me, if mmg dorg dah kata Sammy tu mmg problematic, tak dtg training, tak dtg whatever session yg  ...

Spot on sisturrr!!
In the end of the day, mumo still let sammy wakil malaysia g seantero dunia despite the half-assed preparation + sammy's diva attitude! BIG FUCKING WHY? xkan dlm kontrak xda clause sekian2 kalau problematic sheols boleh kena dethrone?

Yes, mmg elaine yg start smua ni by commenting 'not part of family' tu & i lupa dah sapa ntah yg puji kiran hardworking & mdengar kata tuh.. Shade to sammy, eh? Kiran hardworking like muthafucker pun msih lg kejung kering catwalk sheols like why?? Clapper tersohor jugak plus mnempel hype maxine medina sbb 1 room, kalau x, mlukut tepi gantang mcm sabby dlu, Vavi hardworking mcm vavih pun still clap clap sbb muka xcantik wlpun personality not bad

Andrea plak, my gawd dis bish... Shut up lah.. Dia posted kat ig tu lg lah mgeruhkn keadaan.. In what reason sheols gelabah tetek revealing smua tu kat ig? Because of some fake rumors? Sheols patut dismissed jah rumors tuh.. Gla x pro..

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Post time 28-11-2017 10:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
haznor replied at 28-11-2017 09:51 PM
Tu la pasal. Kalau ko dh tau Sammy ada attitude problem, dethrone je la ...ganti dgn 1st RU tu. Ka ...

Mmg bongok!! Wlpun mmg btl sammy bperangai mcm tu, apa hak andrea nak reveal benda yg mjatuhkan maruah sammy mcm ni? Hrap sammy saman malu or something.. Lgsung hilang respek i ngn andrea nih.. Sheols patut shut her big fat mouth &  cepat2kn lah crown girl yg bakalan clapper lg

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Post time 28-11-2017 10:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
orglama replied at 28-11-2017 09:26 PM
ingat lagi sabby? naper after MU dia senyap je & malas nak melayan event2 MUMO? mesti ada somethg th ...

Right? Stunning girls yg dlu2 pun mmg xda nak join balik.. Skrg ni stunning girls join mw or mgi wlpun mw & mgi organisations pun mcm kimK dah skrg

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Post time 28-11-2017 11:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kosukeconan replied at 28-11-2017 10:25 PM
Spot on sisturrr!!
In the end of the day, mumo still let sammy wakil malaysia g seantero dunia d ...

Dia nk backup nd nuraka tu la. Kan ke dia n elaine tu bff? Mengata sammy pun sesama. Bitch btl. I dlu mmg pndg tggi kot kt andrea ni ms dia jd lps tgk cara dia handle issue ni..terus jatuh teruk dia pd mata i.

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Post time 28-11-2017 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by DainaEli at 28-11-2017 11:49 PM
kosukeconan replied at 28-11-2017 10:25 PM
Spot on sisturrr!!
In the end of the day, mumo still let sammy wakil malaysia g seantero dunia d ...

The way they revealed everything sampai mengaibkan Sammy macam ni maybe dorg ingat akan buat org rasa MUMO and ND dah buat yg terbaik and tak patut resign but oh no, by revealing all that you just give us a more concrete reason as to why you should resign and that is because :

* You as the appointed ND entrusted to guide,coach ,manage and prepare the queen to make sure she is 100% ready to represent our country, have failed your task so badly by sending off the rep  that wasn't even fully prepare to carry our country's name  let alone compete with other country's candidates who came fully prepared and ready. And was fully aware of that fact from the beginning.

* Dare to send our queen to compete when she was fully aware that she lacked training and would surely fail the  interviewa, QnA  and would ultimately ruin the chance for our country to earn place as well as jeopardizing our country's name and reputation.

* Not being professional by purposely throwing shades or give an impression that she was not at good terms with our rep  publicly which started off all the rumors, hearsay and accusations towards MUMO and our rep.

Ingat dgn reveal semua ini org ramai akan puji Elaine and stop demanding her to resign as ND? Owh hell no coz you're just give us more solid evidence as to how u have failed to perform ur duties properly and have failed to lead and control  the situation professionally.

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Post time 28-11-2017 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Lebih pada drama je semua ni. tp hasilnya still nan hado jgk. 10 tahun akan dtg pun miss universe malaysia still jd akan clapper je la kalau la gayanye...

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