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Author: Maideen.

[Tempatan] Pendakwah Bebas Mintak Maaf pada Siti Kasim (sedih)

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Post time 23-4-2018 11:26 AM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 23-4-2018 10:51 AM
Saya tanya jawab ajalah. Ini jawab dengan sohlan! Ka samdol tak faham apa yang saya tanya? Kompong ...

Ha ha ha ha ... susulan komen yg sungguh kureng cerdik dari lobai mat slow v2

Ni komen kureng cerdik ko :
aya tanya jawab ajalah. Ini jawab dengan sohlan! Ka samdol tak faham apa yang saya tanya? Komponglah samdol tak faham sebab tu samdol tanya apa itu..”Apa makna 'varies in meaning across different times'?” Ka samdol mabuk ketom?
Tak membantu lansoooong!
Aku jawab lah tu .... apa problem kalo Nabi Muhammad(saw) mimpi ttg Aishah(ra)?

Kalo ko ada problem ttg tersebut , apa problem ko?

Jgn pulak kata mimpi pon jadik paedophile ... org gila separuh akai aje klaim macam tu

Post#722 dari ko :
Sepatutnya tohan dah tau apa yang manusia mahukan pada kehidupan akan datang iatu berkahwin dengan kanak kanak adalah satu perbuatan keji di alam kehidupan modern yang mana pemikiran manusia semakin matang dalam berfikir.
Jadi...Kenapa Kenapa Kenapa ...
SAGE Journal dah bagi jawapan , right on the jendol:
The concept of childhood varies in meaning across different times and places. As such, historical and cultural variation in understandings of adult/child sexual relations might therefore be anticipated.
He he he he ... persoalan skg , ko paham tak english?

Dah banyak kali aku bagi tersebut tapi ko & geng ko masih bebal

Laaaa , tuhan patut tau pulak .... tuhan tau tapi simple minds macam ko aje tak tau

Argument ko hanyalahfallacy of presentism
presentism is the anachronistic introduction of present-day ideas and perspectives into depictions or interpretations of the past. Some modern historians seek to avoid presentism in their work because they consider it a form of cultural bias, and believe it creates a distorted understanding of their subject matter.[1] The practice of presentism is regarded by some as a common fallacy in historical writing.
Only under educated morons aje appeal to such

Boleh merepek pulak tu '...Kenapa Kenapa Kenapa!!!...'

The answer is right in front of you , the SAGE Journal , tu pon kalo ko baca & kalo ko paham apa ko baca lah

Aiyoyo ....


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Post time 23-4-2018 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 13-4-2018 09:39 PM
Itu lah ....... u pun perlu tidak perlu percaya cerita karut hadith ...... kisah thigting budak  ...

Thigting tu apa Minah Sewel.??  

Minah Sewel ni thigting her anus ke??

Hadis mana yg karut ?? Kalau hadis tu sudah
dikategorikan sebagai Palsu, nak buat apa percaya..simple kan.


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Post time 23-4-2018 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 13-4-2018 09:55 PM
Tunjuk wajah bakal isteri umur 6 tahun ?

Salah ke tunjuk wajah bakal isteri berumur 6thn ??  

Bukan kah Aishah(ra) sudah pon bertunang ketika itu dgn Jubair ben Motem .

Maknanya Aishah(ra)tahu yg beliau akan berkahwin tidak lama lagi.

Aishah(ra) yg nak kahwin, Minah Sewel ni pulak yg meroyan..

Agaknya kau ni Minah tak laku2, itu pon dah tua nasib baik ada org yg nak..


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Post time 23-4-2018 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 13-4-2018 10:10 PM
Ada i cakap ecah di bedung di usia 9 tahun ? ..... u ini  born retard kah lobainita penis ?

Akak cakap anak kau yg dibedung sampai umur 9thn sebab sakit mental
sewel keturunan ikut maknya suka mencederakan diri sendiri...

Tahu lah u kan ada bukti lee kaplan di suruhkahwin dengan ecah ..... dan ada hadith bermimpi mimpi budak ecah di dalambedung kan gila sam? Post#348

Kau kata budak ecah didalam bedung !!

Ada ke budak 6 tahun masih lagi dibedung ?

Memang la kau ni born retard., bedung pon tak tahu ..

Dah ler bongok kau nii...tak tahu malu pulak tuuu...


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Post time 23-4-2018 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sofea_uk at 23-4-2018 01:56 PM
Dwdrum replied at 22-4-2018 12:29 AM
Masalah nya lobai terdesak kelentong sekarang lee kaplan sudah pun kahwin budak ....mahu cover mal ...
mahu cover malu konon nya guna hujah medical term dan sage journal

Kalau tak guna medical terms dan refer pendapat/pandangan dari Pakar2 mengenai pedophile, habis tu nak guna pendapat
org2 sewel otak bangang macam kau...

Nak malu buat apa ? Pedophilia melibatkan prepubescent child. (belum baligh)
without consent, raping, sexual abuse, grooming, etc.etc..dan banyak kriteria perlu diambil kira lagii..

Nabi SAW berkahwin dgn Aishah(ra) ketika selepas BALIGH, so it is NOT Pedophile.

Definasi pedophile pon tak tahu, mahu sembang macam pandai..

Prophet  Muhammad's marriage with Aisha was 100% legal and acceptable
by ALL  LAWS at that time and approved by all Divine Religions!

Konon kerja kat US, tapi macam badigol...


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Post time 23-4-2018 02:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 23-4-2018 10:19 AM
Ha ha ha ha .... lobai mamat papua mula masuk nak support si abam deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh)

Setakat copy paste, lepas tu klaim tau pasal Kristian, lebih baik diam lar, jadi bahan ketawa puak Kristian je ...   @sofea_uk

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Post time 23-4-2018 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sofea_uk at 23-4-2018 05:26 PM
pyropura replied at 23-4-2018 02:02 PM
Setakat copy paste, lepas tu klaim tau pasal Kristian, lebih baik diam lar, jadi bahan ketawa pu ...

Sekor kapiaq badigol meenyamar isle dah masuk kemain gigeh dia kata
Tuhan boleh mati…Tongong...

Hujah takde jadik tukang sorak ajer..Tong kosong



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Post time 23-4-2018 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Redskin replied at 21-4-2018 11:32 AM
Bwaaahahaha...Loyar Meden Bahalol bulehh tanya mengapa mesti pakai medical definition ???

Maideen cakap..
Baik lah..kita lihat the ordinary dictionary meaning of the word:

paedophile in British or especially US pedophile (ˈpiːdəʊˌfaɪl  )noun
a person who is sexually attracted to children

Bwahahaha…Pader Meden kununnya seorang loyar guna Layman’s definition.

Pendek nya explanation pasal Paedophile...Bahalol punya loyar auta Keling...

What does that mean in layman's terms? Uneducated people: layman, rough diamond, peasant...Dlm kata lain....Definasi Orang Bodo yg tak pigi sikolah...

Ini paling lawak akak tergelak sampai tersembur kopii..

Abam deeen konon nya loyar tapi hujah macam orang Tongong Tong Kosong...

Memang tepat sekali Red kata "Org bodo tak pigi sikolah"..

Lepas tu boleh pulak cakap marah2 sebab kantoi bodo, ketap bibir sambil cekak pinggang.

"we dont need any medikal terms or the"word" pedoetc2.."

Badigol punya pejuang2 Kistian..akal kat kepala lutut, takde yg ciridik..


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Post time 23-4-2018 05:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sofea_uk replied at 23-4-2018 05:14 PM
Sekor kapiaq badigol meenyamar isle dah masukkemain gigeh dia kataTuhan boleh mati…Tongong...{:1_ ...

- bila pulak aku kapir?

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Post time 23-4-2018 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sofea_uk at 23-4-2018 06:32 PM
katowjo replied at 21-4-2018 10:29 AM
hahahahaha....macam2 cara depa nak justify perbuatan paedo itu..

ye lah kan..puak2 ni selalu "t ...

ye lah kan..puak2 ni selalu "terkejut" nagn kisah agama mereka sendiri

dulu kisah echa kawin umur 6 tahun konar kata perawi nyanyuk..then kata ecah maybe umur 16 19 29 la etc..

Hihihi.. Takde sesiapa pon terkejut, hanya kau ajer yg meroyan sebab TIDAK ADA
seorang pon forumner Islam yg membawa hujah tersebut...

Apa yg disampaikan oleh sis mbfchf tentang umur sebenar Aishah(ra)
adalah utk menambahkan pengetahuan org2 Islam sahaja
yg belum ketahui perkara sebenar...itu ajer.

Akak kalau berhujah dgn kaper2 lahanat, tak perlu terangkan
itu semua sebab kaper lahanat bukan niat nak mengetahui perkara sebenar nya..

Akak guna Al Quran, Hadis Bukhari/Muslim, Sains dan Bible dah cukup,
tertonggeng2 pejuang2 Kistian terserlah kebodohan mereka..
The Biggest Enemy in Christianity Is The Blble !!!

Setakat hujah pejuang2 Kistian yg tak pergi sekolah, akak kentotkan ajer..

Maksud pedophilia pon tak tahuuu...


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Post time 23-4-2018 05:42 PM | Show all posts

Hihihi.. okay la silap, bukan Kapir tapi cam TAPIR..

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Post time 23-4-2018 05:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sofea_uk replied at 23-4-2018 05:42 PM
Hihihi.. okay la silap, bukan Kapir tapi cam TAPIR..

Alahai, level gitu aje  joke kau? Intelek lah sikit, boley?

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Post time 23-4-2018 05:58 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sofea_uk at 23-4-2018 06:02 PM
Redskin replied at 21-4-2018 10:54 AM
Kira2 nya abam deen ni kategori cacat la yaaa..

Jari terlebih, itu yg nampak ada 6 org pompua ...
Kalo Sam nak tahu, jantina abam deen pon terlebehhh...

Kejap2 dia bertukar jadik akak...

Malam2 abam deeen ni bertukar jadik akakMeden
bagi pree serbis kat Pader2 Vatican..dapat pahala katanya .

Kahkahkah …akak pondan tua bagi pree serbis kat Pader2 Vatican yg gersang..
dapat pahala katanya…

Bukan shj dapat pahala berganda2 , akak pondan tua tu turut received konon nya
Holy Spirit thru their ejaculation !!

Holy Shit !!!...

Patut la setiap kali posting, abam deeen dok canang kepakaran beliau
mengulom kotey2 Pader Vatican dan menelan taik2 palat mereka licennnn….

Baikkk sungguh hati abam deeen mlm2 buat kerja amal pree serbis kat gereja yaa !!

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Post time 23-4-2018 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sofea_uk at 23-4-2018 06:14 PM
Dwdrum replied at 21-4-2018 11:05 PM
Pedo ini bukan nya sadis sangat characther seperti di perkatakan ..... meminang ecah 6 yo dan nika ...
meminang ecah 6 yo dan nikah 9yo ...... dalam modern society pun juga ada ini di panggil grooming

Meminang and then menikah ..itu dipanggil grooming.!!!

Betul la Minah Sewel ni badigol akal setetek

Minah Sewel...baik kau check alignment otak kau tu..

Otak kau makin senget akak tengok..
Berjalan pon dah menyenget ajer...macam ketam..

grooming kononnnnn....pooodah !!

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Post time 23-4-2018 06:42 PM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 22-4-2018 11:57 AM
nampak nya ko ni makin kronik..

Bila tak mampu nak jawab dan terserlah kebodohan
kau tidak tahu akan kandungan Bible sendiri..

Itu aje la jawapan kau dan hanya menyengehh..

Tak ponnn kau akan lariiiiii..senyap dan menikus.

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Post time 23-4-2018 07:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sofea_uk at 23-4-2018 07:18 PM
cmf_shalom replied at 22-4-2018 08:08 PM
Keseluruhan bab 16 Tu berkaitan dengan penghujatan tuhan diatas kefasikan umat Israel pada zaman N ...
Tp phujah isle ckp ayat itu benarkan Nabi dia utk kawen dengan aisah..

Korg rujuk la mana2 ahli tafsir kitab...baik yahudi mahupun xtian...

hahahaha... Kau ingat org2 Islam berhujah hadap sgt ke nak ikut Biblical Standard !!

Dalam Bible sendiri banyak Pedo...

At what age Mother Mary pregnant by God Jesus ?? 11 yrs old

Mary (12yrs) berkahwin dgn Joseph (90yrs)

Isaac (40yrs) berkahwin dgn Rebecca (3 yrs)

Kalau nak ikutkan definasi Kistian, ini adalah Pedophilia at Best !!

Sooooo...kau hingatt org2 Islam hadap sgt ke dgn Biblical Standard ???

NIV (Ezekiel 16:7-8)
I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grewand developed and entered puberty.
Your breasts had formed and your hair had grown,yet you were stark naked.
8 ‘“Later I passed by, and when I looked at youand saw that you were old enough for love…

Hair had grown bermaksud pubic hair signs of Puberty.

Old enough for love bermaksud old enough for Marriage.
John Gill’s Exposition of theWhole Bible
Verse 7…thy breasts are fashioned; swelled and stood out; were come to a proper sizeand shape, as in persons grown and marriageable;see Song of Solomon 8:10;
and thine hairis grown; an euphemism, expressive of puberty, which in females was at twelve years of age… [1]
Ezekiel:A Commentary – Dr Paul M. Joyce,
‘You were thrown out in the open field’: the exposure of babies was common place in the ancient world. 16:6. “As you lay in your blood, I said to you, ‘live!’”:…TheHebrew word rebaba netattik means ‘I made you a myriad (that is, tenthousand),’ in other words ‘I caused you to flourish’; this does not requireemendation. ‘Full womanhood’: the Hebrew cadi cadayim means literally ‘ornamentor ornaments.’ …….16:8. ‘you were at the age for love’:puberty; the emphasis here is more on sex than affection… ‘Ispread the edge of my cloak over you’: Kruger (1984) explores the meaning ofthe symbolic gesture here and in Ruth 3:9, not merely an act of charity but adeclaration of a new relationship. ‘Entered into a covenant’: a double sense, referring both to marriage and to a theological covenant…. [2]

In Bible times puberty was seen as the beginning of adulthood. FirstCorinthians 13:11 is the clearest statement about the distinction between childhood and adulthood: “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thoughtlike a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childishways.” Puberty was designed to be the season between childish ways and adultways. It involves more than the body’s development. Puberty is the time when thinking abilities deepen, wisdom should be gained, and skills mastered that will help the new adult be successful in life. While young people in pubertycannot control how quickly their bodies may change and develop, they can takeresponsibility for their own spiritual and emotional maturity.

The Bible does not specify any particular age requirement for a person to be married; rather, it speaks in general terms ofmarriage being for those who are “grown up” (see Ruth1:12–13). Both the language and culture of the Bible strongly support the idea that puberty, at bare minimum, is a condition that must be met before becoming someone’s spouse. This fits with the historical purpose of marriage, which has always been about conceiving and rearing children. Scriptural evidence indicates that those too young for childbearing are not candidates for marriage, though thereis no explicit age given in the Bible.

Ini hujah dari org2 Kistian sendiri, Christian apologist !!!

Org2 Islam takde nak hadap sgt dgn dgn kau punya Biblical Standard tauuu..

Cuma nak mengajar pejuang2 Kistian yg Bodo tak tahu kandungan Bible nya sendiri..


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Post time 23-4-2018 08:21 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 23-4-2018 08:25 PM
pyropura replied at 23-4-2018 02:02 PM
Setakat copy paste, lepas tu klaim tau pasal Kristian, lebih baik diam lar, jadi bahan ketawa pu ...

Ha ha ha ha ... macamana lah ko ni boleh jadik sungguh kureng cerdik lobai mamat papua

Yg aku copy paste adalah Bible Commentary Jamieson-Fausset-Brown yg double confirm apa bible catat ttg puberty & marriage

Aku harap ko paham lah apa yg ko baca

Tau pasal Kristian? Oops , ko nak cakap tau pasal bible ke? Kristian lain , bible lain ... mana satu ni?

Apa isu yg ko nak cakap skg selain dari meroyan bagai org hilang akai?

Aku tau , aku tau ... tak ada apa2 yg bernas utk komen , tu pasal komen ko yg saparuh akai tu

Kot2 lah nak backup si abam ... oops akak deeen(sengau2 slang mat salleh) , ending up making a fool of yourself


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Post time 23-4-2018 08:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 21-4-2018 05:18 PM
Mmg dh sop mereka...

Mereka slalu tuduh xtian korup..rupanya Islam Ada version pre 1979 and ver ...

Dahsyat lobai bawa bible .... tidak tahan malu lah tu.....bawa bible cover malu
1979 sanggup pula ikut isle versi syiah sedang kan di iran perempuan berbungus masih nampak rambut ..... versi lobai sunni pula ada hadith palsu ..... nampak seurat rambut akan di rebus di neraka ......kalau tidak silap ... maklum lah shalom....mereka mahu tunjuk siapa lebih isle kaedah nya ......seperti kisah ecah ini ummah mahu cover malu ...
Sanggup ambil hujah syiah yang ecah kahwin umur 19 something .... itu boleh pula kan sedang kan reality nya masing kafir kan sesama isle ....

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Post time 23-4-2018 09:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 21-4-2018 07:57 PM
nampak nya ko ni makin kronik..

shalom ..dengan quote ezekiel ...konon nya boleh kutuk christian  nampak sangat  kebodohan mereka ...... ini pula si gila sam yang quote tidak tahu lah bagaimana forumer kagum dengan beliau ...looooooooll....

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Post time 23-4-2018 09:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 23-4-2018 06:29 AM
Maideen. replied at 22-4-2018 03:45 AM
Mula mula samdol berhujah tak apa kalau orang tua arab mahu kawen budak pompuan kecik sebab dulu d ...

Looooooool..... gila sam dengan penyokong beliau masuk ci jadi bodoh kaedah nya ..... bawa semua rujukn last last kantoi juga ....

1. Guna cultural norm u defence lee kaplan .....seperti akui lah pula kan ..... bangang betul
2. Bawa term pedo ..... rupa nya..... mereka faham pedo perlu buat sex dengan budak
3.last last guna hujah konon nya pedo ini ada masalah mental ..... di mana lee kaplan tiada ..... sedang kan hujah yang mereka bawa di guna kan untuk modern society...seperti mereka akui nabi memedo sebab berlaku 1400 years ago cuba kalau majority nabi dahulu hidup sekarang sudah lama mereka habis kan hayat di mental institutions sebab chronic delusional dan schizo  
Sebab mahu  guna journal kan..konon nya tidak sesuai dengan criteria yang ada pada nabi
ni tentang tarikan sexual terhadap kanak kanak ...walaupun normal ketika itu tetapi bukan semua lelaki tertarik pada budak kecil ...obviously pedo ini mempunya masalah mental ..seperti sage journal. itu pada pandangan pada sudut psycology..dan pandangan moral jijik ........tetapi ini belaku pada nabi terakhir nya role model umat iskam memedo...dalam banyak banyak ramalan prophecy beliau ....tidak boleh pula meramal nemedo itu perbuatan jijik

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