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Author: joy_ah

Istana Bawang 7 (Meghan Vs British Royal Family) Summary baby bump post#568, Te

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Post time 10-6-2019 01:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-6-2019 01:19 AM
impian david beckham nak dptkan knighthood makin hanyut ke laut dalam

dlm leaked emails antara  ...

cunts... ewahhh mulut beckham.. mmg x ada insuran. mmg patut impian terus hanyut ke lautan.. x padan ngan careernya.. bukan zmn dia pun England mrnang world cup

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Post time 10-6-2019 01:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-6-2019 01:22 AM
if i were kate, i'd be very careful. byk kali MM bg evil eye kat dia.

cucuk bijik matanya Dani.. ya lah sumber voodoo nya against Kate ..

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Post time 10-6-2019 01:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dineo replied at 10-6-2019 01:36 AM
nak tanya kenapa royals mat salleh selalu pakai cincin jari kelingking ?... ada meaning ker ?

tak tau dear.. jari org dlu kecik sgt kot.. kn reta dorg ni turun temurun

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Post time 10-6-2019 01:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-6-2019 01:36 AM
nampak sgt ko dipulaukan, meghan, termasuklah laki ko sendirik. takda lg PDA, manja2 mcm TTC tahun l ...

dani.. dia dgn sugars masih war watkan beriya konon PWKM bercerai berai.. mmg patut la di whoareyous kan oleh semua org.. why? sbb campaign jahat dia kan..

dha la casting evil eye kat Kate masa kat carriage, mesti PH perasan kebiadapan meggot

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Post time 10-6-2019 01:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ok uols nak zzzz

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Post time 10-6-2019 01:59 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 10-6-2019 02:03 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 10-6-2019 01:55 AM
dani.. dia dgn sugars masih war watkan beriya konon PWKM bercerai berai.. mmg patut la di whoareyo ...

wpun journalist merangkap peminat MM dah mengaku yg dia yg mulakan gusip affair, masih jua dijaja kulu kilir
tp reaksi dingin PH dgn MM terang2an, buat2 tak nampak pulekk


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Post time 10-6-2019 02:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 10-6-2019 02:22 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 10-6-2019 02:26 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 10-6-2019 02:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ezyezyezy replied at 10-6-2019 12:24 AM
Check in ....SR

Hello there sr.mari membawangs

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2019 02:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-6-2019 02:22 AM

Kasi gif mata kelip kelip sikit

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Post time 10-6-2019 03:26 AM | Show all posts
joy_ah replied at 10-6-2019 02:52 AM
Kasi gif mata kelip kelip sikit

ahaha... minat betol uols dgn aksi mata kelip2 meghan


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 Author| Post time 10-6-2019 04:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
She was a hottie before. Harry idam kawen yg ni.
Hujung2 dalam masa setahun bertukar jadi doria

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2019 04:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-6-2019 03:26 AM
ahaha... minat betol uols dgn aksi mata kelip2 meghan

Disney prinses la katakan

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Post time 10-6-2019 08:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-6-2019 02:22 AM

dia mcm menaruh hati pada PW tp PW buat x tau je. malas nak layan

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2019 08:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sugars nak tipu sapa? Video terang2 tunjuk nobody talks to her, dia cakap sensorang, harry pun x layan dia

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Post time 10-6-2019 08:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
OMG.. some yg kita minat terlibat dgn Epstein. Epstein ni kan khabarnya antara backers meggot.


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Post time 10-6-2019 08:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Koo Stark tu bekas gf Prince Andrew

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Post time 10-6-2019 08:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-6-2019 02:03 AM
wpun journalist merangkap peminat MM dah mengaku yg dia yg mulakan gusip affair, masih jua dijaja  ...

dorg nak believe meggot tu inesen.. pwkm x bahagia.. walhal, dorg sentiasa happy.. meggot sentiasa mean ngan org.. so sama je kan dani sugar ngan kuingula dorg.. mental

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