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Author: manjalara_01

BOOMBOX_WORLD : Fav Songs from the 80s & 90s

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Post time 9-5-2021 12:31 AM | Show all posts
entah kenapa ai rasa lagu ni tak mustahil dlm playlist kelab exotic dancing~

I've got a fever
Come check it and see
There's something burning and rolling in me
We may not last but we'll have fun till it ends
C'mon baby be my bad boyfriend

I wanna hear you call out my name
I wanna see you burn up in flames
Keep you on ice so I can show all my friends
C'mon baby be my bad boyfriend

So ripe so sweet come suck it and see
But watch out Daddy I sting like a bee
I know some tricks I swear will give you the bends
C'mon baby be my bad boyfriend

My fever's rising you ran into luck
Say what sugar
You wanna get what?
I'm wanna give you one hundred and ten
C'mon baby be my bad boyfriend

It's wild the way you tease me
It's wild the way you free me
It's wild the way you reach me
Wrapped me up in your wire from the start

You've got the women waiting in line
I'm not asking you to make up your mind
But I can make you happy at least now and then
I've got something special for my bad boyfriend

If you can't love me honey go on just pretend
I've saved something special for the very end
If you can't love me honey go on just pretend
C'mon baby be my bad boyfriend

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Post time 9-5-2021 12:33 AM | Show all posts

Come down to my house
Stick a stone in your mouth
You can always pull out
If you like it too much

Make a whole new religion
A falling star that you cannot live without
And I'll feed your obsession
There'll be nothing but this thing that you'll never doubt

A hit is hard to resist
And I never miss
I can take you out
With just a flick of my wrist

Make a whole new religion
A falling star that you cannot live without
And I'll feed your obsession
There is nothing but this thing that you'll never doubt
This thing you'll never doubt

And I'll feed your obsession
The falling star that you cannot live without
I will be your religion
This thing you'll never doubt
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Now I want it too much
Now I want it to stop
Now I'm lucky like a falling star that fell over me

Bow down to me, bow down to me
Bow down to me, bow down to me
Bow down to me, bow down to me
Bow down to me.

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Post time 9-5-2021 12:35 AM | Show all posts

We love you
We hate you
We love you
We want you
We need you
We wish we were like you
They say you're a saint
You're a whore
You're a sinner
That he had you
He made you
He can't live without you
Would you confess if we asked
That you nurture the urge
To declare that it’s time
To settle down
With a man of your own
You want a baby
A family
A piece of security

Shut your mouth
Try not to panic
Just shut your mouth
If you can do it
Shut your mouth
Try not to panic
Just shut your mouth
If you can do it
Just shut your mouth

What's your opinion of the dire situation
In our land here
Our guest here
Of course you'll be nice here
How do you feel about God and religion
Are you good people
Bad people
Guess it doesn't matter people
Your place
My place
Make her bring that famous face
You got some
You want some
You wanna let me get you some
We know your music but of course we'd never buy it
It’s too fake man
Right man!
(We don't give a fucking damn)

Shut your mouth
Try not to panic
Just shut your mouth
If you can do it
Shut your mouth
Try not to panic
Just shut your mouth
If you can do it

I hear you say it
Play it smart girl
Win the game love
Give’em what they want
What they want to see and you could be a big star
You could go far
Make a landmark
What have you been reading you smart girl?
Win the game love
Give’em what they want
What they want to see and you could be a big star
You could go far
Make a landmark
Make a shitload

And the world spins by
With everybody moaning
Pissing, bitching and everyone is shitting
On their friends
On their love
On their oaths
On their honor
On their graves
On their mouths
And their words say nothing

Shut your mouth
Try not to panic
Just shut your mouth
If you can do it
Shut your mouth
Try not to panic
Just shut your mouth
If you can do it
Just shut your mouth

I wanted to say something
Oh shut your mouth
I wanted to say something
Just shut your mouth
I wanted to say something
Oh shut your mouth
I wanted to be something
Just shut your mouth


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Post time 9-5-2021 12:37 AM | Show all posts

When everything is going wrong
And you can't see the point of going on
Nothing in life is set in stone
There's nothing that can't be turned around

Nobody wants to be alone
Everybody wants to love someone
Out of the tree go pick a plum
Why can't we all just get along

Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind in your androgyny

No sweeter a taste that you could find
Than fruit hanging ripe upon the vine
There's never been an oyster so divine
A river deep that never runs dry

What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need

The birds and the bees they hum along
Like treasure they twinkle in the sun
Get on board and have some fun
Take what you need to turn you on

Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your

Behind closed doors and under stars
It doesn't matter where you are
Collecting jewels that catch your eyes
Don't let a soulmate pass you by

Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind

Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your


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Post time 9-5-2021 12:45 AM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 9-5-2021 12:46 AM

Ai TERpost 8 fave Garbage songs.
Ada byk lagi, tp nampak dah mcm spam pulak. so ai stop kat sini dulu hahaha

apapun ai bersyukur membesar dlm era 90an di mana antara role models adalah female lead singers dlm all boys band. Dulu ai dan kawan2, kalau tak aspired nak jadi Shirley Manson, mungkin nak jadi mcm Dolores O'Riordan, Gwen Stefani atau Courtney Love. Ataupun bassist mcm D'arcy Wretzky

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2021 10:53 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 10-5-2021 02:58 AM
dani-rox replied at 9-5-2021 12:18 AM
wow David Bowie... Lagu dia yg 1st ai dengar 'Let's Dance' - masa tu ai kecik lg. Tak paham maksud ...

80's kid u...same la..ehehehe. Iconic music video ade scene cuci kreta kan x silap?..My early exposure to Bowie. Then kluar la lagu letup2 die dlm about a dozen movies ( that i knoww of la..mesti ade lagi rasene)..


1) Gia 1998 = Lets Dance

2) The Runaways 2010 = Rebel Rebel

3) The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 2014 = Space Oddity

4) 40 Days And Nights = Under Pressure

5) The Perks of Being A Wallflower 2012 = Heroes

Al Pacino mmg ensem zaman muda mudi..Is it strange that i blum tgk pun movie God farther ni? Do u think i will regret kalau x tgk sampai i mati x? Ahahaha..bleh la tlg promote skit why i should watch. Mmg hype gile movie ni...but i not appealing to me..


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 Author| Post time 9-5-2021 11:01 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 9-5-2021 12:22 AM
Top 5? hamagaadd... ai suka banyak sgt lagu Garbage, tak tahu cemana nak pilih

Yes!! This song was, is  and always will be in my top 5 Fav Garbage songs...  Top 10  pun ok je ..i rs lagi senang dari Top 5...xpe u sila2...
I pun still blum buat my top 5....byk sgt la..jap

1) The Trick is To Keep Breathing

2) No 1 Crush

3) Push It

4) When I Grow Up

5) Temptation Waits (ape2 lagu yg ade vampire dlm lyrics tu i mesti tertarik ahahhah )


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 Author| Post time 9-5-2021 11:22 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 9-5-2021 11:33 PM
dani-rox replied at 9-5-2021 12:37 AM
When everything is going wrong
And you can't see the point of going on
Nothing in life is set  ...

Rindunye...Everything about this album all their songs..U know what i just got her hair cut for rambut raye..Of course not hot or as short as hers tp bleh la..Giler bosan first time i had to trust the lady at the salon with the big old shaver. It was intimidating..Shortest ever version of my hair..ahahhaa...MCO fasa bosan..yg amat..

My Fav song From Bleed Like ME


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 Author| Post time 9-5-2021 11:27 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 9-5-2021 12:45 AM
Ai TERpost 8 fave Garbage songs.
Ada byk lagi, tp nampak dah mcm spam pulak. so ai stop kat sini d ...

X kisah u nk buat top 15 pun bleh..i rs i dah post semua lagu2 garbage fav i kat thread ni 90s songs la.. Cer tambah lagi 2..
Sronok u ade fantasy mcm tu..for an introvert i prefer to be behind the scenes mungkin tukang jaga lampu ke camerawoman ke , never the frontwoman..


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 Author| Post time 10-5-2021 08:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 9-5-2021 12:35 AM
We love you
We hate you

Love this.. lame dah x dengar...

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2021 05:35 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 10-5-2021 05:46 PM
dani-rox replied at 9-5-2021 12:35 AM
We love you
We hate you

my absolute fav song from this album sampai skrg i'm still fascinated with the music video walaupun kluar tahun 1999 ..they were ahead of their time I dah post ni b4...ahhhaha...

"The World Is Not Enough"

I know how to hurt

I know how to heal

I know what to show

And what to conceal

I know when to talk

And I know when to touch

No-one ever die from wanting to much


The world is not enough

But it is such a perfect place to love

And if you're strong enough

Together we can take the world love

People like us

Know how to survive

There's no point in living

If you can't feel the life

We know when to kiss

And we know when to kill

If we can't have it all

Then nobody will



(I...)I feel safe

(I...)I feel scared

(I...)I feel ready

(I...)And yet unprepared


The world is not enough [x2]

No nowhere near enough...


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Post time 11-5-2021 06:25 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-5-2021 10:53 PM
80's kid u...same la..ehehehe. Iconic music video ade scene cuci kreta kan x silap?..My early expo ...

Kalau suka citer2 gangster, ai galakkan. But if it's not your cup of tea, usahlah dipaksa2 Secara ringkas Godfather trilogi ni mengisahkan Michael Corleone yg cuba memisahkan diri drpd identiti mafia keluarganya. Lg pun abg dia yg digembar gemburkan bakal menggantikan Don Corleone. Tp apabila abgnya mati dan korganya tersepit dlm mobster turf war, Michael terpaksa ambik alih dan dia jd bos mafia paling kejam. Pendek kata berubah 180 darjah sgt keperibadiannya hahaha

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Post time 11-5-2021 06:27 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-5-2021 10:53 PM
80's kid u...same la..ehehehe. Iconic music video ade scene cuci kreta kan x silap?..My early expo ...

tambah satu lagu wajib DB yg best


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Post time 11-5-2021 06:34 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-5-2021 11:22 PM
Rindunye...Everything about this album all their songs..U know what i ...

mesti ringan rasa kepala kan bbrp thn dulu ai pernah buat rambut pixie style. mcm kat bwh nih.

tak kisah kena shave ke apa, ai suka eksperimen dgn rambut sendiri awal bulan nih ai potong stail bob cut pulak, dan dye light brown.

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Post time 11-5-2021 06:51 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-5-2021 11:27 PM
X kisah u nk buat top 15 pun bleh..i rs i dah post semua lagu2 garbage fav i kat thread ni 90s son ...

kita org berangan je lebih, masa jamming entah apa2 jah suara yg keluar

camerawoman pon okay apa. kadang2 tu boleh upgrade jd pengarah music video.

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Post time 11-5-2021 06:53 PM | Show all posts
tambah lg dua lagu Garbage


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Post time 11-5-2021 06:55 PM | Show all posts

What is my day going to look like?
What will my tomorrow bring me?
If I had x-ray eyes, I could see inside
I wouldn't have to predict the future

I wish that you would do with some talking
How else am I to know what you're thinking?
If only people would say what it really was
What it really was
What it really was that they wanted

Tell me where it hurts
to hell with everybody else
All I care about is you and that's the truth
They don't love me; I can tell
But you do, so they can go to hell

Did they ever give you a reason
To believe in something different
If you're looking for love, for what it's worth
I have plenty of it lying around here somewhere

If you are looking for disappointment
You can find it around any corner
In the middle of the night I hold on to you tight
So both of us can feel protected
Tell me where it hurts,
to hell with everybody else.
All I care about is you and that's the truth
they don't love me; yeah I can tell
but you do, so they can go to hell

I've been loved but I didn't know how to feel it
And I've been adored but I don't know if I ever believed it
I've been loved my whole life but I didn't know how to take it

So tell me where it hurts
to hell with everybody else
All I care about is you and that's the truth
they don't love me, yeah I can tell
But you do, so they can go to hell
But you do, so they can go to hell

Tell me where it hurts
Tell me where it hurts
Tell me where it hurts now
Tell me where it hurts...


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Post time 11-5-2021 09:47 PM | Show all posts
eh hampir2 terlupa lak

Selamat Hari Raya, Manja dan semua poremer yg rajin layan bod nih. Maaf zahir dan batin.

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2021 01:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 14-5-2021 01:08 PM
dani-rox replied at 11-5-2021 06:25 PM
Kalau suka citer2 gangster, ai galakkan. But if it's not your cup of tea, usahlah dipaksa2 Se ...

Wow! Menarik plot ni. Walaupun yaa x minat tgk filem mobster tp i might just watch. Huhu ketinggalan sgt. I tgk sicario pun bleh terus trauma..Tp after a few months bleh tgk lg haha..


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 Author| Post time 14-5-2021 01:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 14-5-2021 01:32 PM
dani-rox replied at 11-5-2021 06:27 PM
tambah satu lagu wajib DB yg best

Thanx 4 reminding me...yeay! Kadang i t'cicir lagu ni sbb xde dlm soundtrack list i. I LOVE this song!...yg lebih juicy is the song meaning...suke je lagu2 yg bermasalah hahaha..Sci-fi + Drama = Special.

First, take a look at the opening stanza:

It’s a God-awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling no
And her daddy has told her to go

Clearly there is a dispute here. Bored of her home life, the “girl” in the narrative is begging her parents to leave with mom insisting she stay and dad telling her to go. This conflict is reminiscent of the parents in She’s Leaving Home with one weeping at the departure of their daughter while the other dismissively states, “we gave it our best shot.” Ultimately, the girl leaves home and heads to the movies where she is supposed to meet her friend but is unable to find her.

The line “she’s hooked to the silver screen” is noteworthy because it indicates that this is not a one-off trip to the movies. The girl knows what seat has the clearest view and totally immerses herself into the picture show. The bridge from verse to chorus strengthens this idea:

But the film is a saddening bore
For she’s lived it ten times or more
She could spit in the eyes of fools
As they ask her to focus on

Not only does she use films as her escape, she has used this particular film several times. This leads us to the chorus where the strongest case for surreal lyrics can be made but, taking it at face value, it’s just a laundry list of images that the girl is being fed....

LOVE this..


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