but this one here is my fave version... remixed by Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park
kan? i rs mmg sesuai dgn genre movie ni yg dark & dangerous
mula2 mcm syg pulak x ambik versi lagu ori sbb originally movie versi animenye kluar tahun 90an
tp since genrenye futuristik ape tu org kata cyber punk?..so kena la..
i ade dengar mlm tdi u..tp i tetap minat versi ori
because of the 80s vibes
yup opkos... lagu DM mula2 yg menarik hati ai utk lagu Enjoy the Silence ni la. Bg ai, lagu2 best dia org dlm album Violator, Music for the Masses & Songs of Faith and Devotion -- late 80's - early 90s
sebut psl 80's kan ni la bideo live DM paling 80's... the hair, the outfits, the dance. OMG