Originally posted by minidictionary at 13-7-2006 10:20 PM
wah x larat nak bace sampai abis. me bace pon start dr page blkang ke depan heheeh.
anyway, nak gie peeling nie kene sediakan ape2 tak selain duit la.
means kat muke kene pakai neostarat tu ...
kena try pakai product yg ade AHA for 2 weeks...
takut allergic ke ape.....
USJ tuh tepi subang jaya.....seblah2 jek.... |
Reply #421 Mz_tera's post
so pakai neostrata la yg AHA based.
biomedic bukan AHA based kan.
pakai yg trial pack tu pon leh kan.
cam berminat nat wat peeling. tapi jauh nyeee nak ke subang jaya.
dr emma nie clinic usj brapa? min tau gie subang parade n ss19 jek. |
mini... check the borak thread.... biomedic ni acid2 gak... check out the link i posted there...
klinik tuh kat usj 21.... dari subang parade... gi sjmc... medical center tuh... then straighttttt je pastu.... pass 1 roundabout... then u'll pass summit.... straight lagi sampai la usj 21..... sampai nak dekat takleh gi straight dah... |
Ada siapa2 yang pernah pakai Dr. Seager peeling product? I nak tau keberkesanannya pada wajah kita.. |
Reply #423 Mz_tera's post
ape kebaikan wat peeling ? leh ilang x jerawat yg blubang tu? bp kos nk wat peeling kt klinik? |
wah....dah lama betul tak up thread nih...lets discuss back about peeling...
skang ni peeling apa yg famous ?
artis mana yang selalu dok buat peeling and kesannya ?
ada sesiapa nak share photo before and after buat peeling ? |
Note: Thread has been banned by manager
Post Last Edit by msd_brit at 6-1-2010 16:42
Mutia nak tulis feedback mengenai: Peter Thomas Roth Gentle Complexion Correction Pads
I use this every night after cleanser (I skip toner) ... I have been using this almost 2 weeks.
Skin Condition: Sensitive, Acne Prone skin with Blackheads.
While I'm having my second baby ... my skin condition worsen which I believe because of hormon and because laziness to take care my skin (sometimes sleeping without cleanse my face first .... WRONG move) coz' the stomach too big last time.
After my baby come out facing this world ... I'm strangling again to get back my smooth skin (just like my university time last time whereby my skin at the worse stage and BioMedic Help me a LOT).
I know my BioMedic suite me and also Exuviance suite me .... but I realize I still facing Blackheads issue on my nose.
And this time I want it to be experimenting time with all great skincare which I sell. This product is one of it ... after this product WON Allure 2009 in the category Peel ... I can't help myself to try it.
First few days : I do see totally 80% improvement on my blackheads. And my skin smoother.
First 1 week : Totally ... I don't have blackheads anymore on my nose area. But I do breakout because my hormon change coz' near my "period" time on my jawline
Now the second week: After my "Period" stop ... surprisingly my pimples also healing fast (thanks to this product). The most important thing ... I don't have blackheads anymore. When I apply makeup in the morning ... the makeup turn out to be more flawless then ever.
Conclusion: I totally love it ... now its my HG on my skin. I'm going to re-purchase again (1 jar only for 60 times) which I believe it also help other skincare to absorb better on my skin. I give this peel full mark!!!! |
kt mane nk beli peter thomas ni..xpenah nampak pun |
aku pernah beberapa kali wat peeling,,dekat klinik kulit,,,sakit and gatai2 time dia sapu cecair tue,,yg besh bg ak,,,jrwt besar2 terus meletop lepas kne peeling,,,so cpt sket jrwt kering,,,sekali wat peeling ak kne rm100,,doc 2 siap suh ak wat laser,,xlah mahal,,rm400 jer sekali wat,,,hahahhahahaaa,,tp ak xwat pun,,,tnggu dah kerja nti baru buat,, |
where to get this product? how much |
ni peel kat klinik ke product yg ada peeling effect ? |
| |
Category: Wanita & Lelaki