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Post time 6-8-2006 11:23 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
korang main xgames x??mana satu??apsal korang pilih sukan tu??
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Post time 8-8-2006 12:51 PM | Show all posts
aku dulu maen roller skate...

tak sampai tahap terbalik badan lerr tapi takat nak lompat2 ler lerrrr :bgrin:

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Post time 9-8-2006 11:19 AM | Show all posts
aku main sk8board..dulu lar..skarang dalam hati je..huhu..
teringin nak aktif balik tapi banyak perkare yang membuatkan aku trase malas nak main...
antarenye takde tempat..kawankawan yang dah tak main...keadaan persekitaran..kasut...budak perempuan yang slalu jogging dah pindah ( soal peribadi yer..sebelum die ade pun memang aku dah start kurang sk8 dah pon)

kalo aku ade sk8park sendri aku akan main...
biar la sengsorang pon....
aku start sk8 dari tahun 1999..sampai ermm..tak ingat la...
tapi aku prasan aku mule kurang sk8 bile aku masuk universiti..
aku gi muadazam...kat situ takde sk8park...ade la ruang untuk aku lompatlompat..
tapi lemekelamaan aku jadi bosan..tambahan pulak tak ramai yang main samer....
tambahan pulak banyak keje dan asignment...macammacam hal lagi la student life nih...

mase aku mulemule main..
aku teringin nak tengok sukan ni berkembang kat Malaysia..
tapi bile sukan tu dah berkembang macam harini..
aku tetibe rase macam tak best pulak...
aku rase macam dah tak seronok nengok...
dulu ade sk8 zine..kontek sana kontek sini..buat barang sendri...
ye la..minoriti..ade kawan kat sana kat sini yang main sk8...
tapi bile sukan ni mendapat tempat...
bendebende tu dah tak jadi penting sangat...
orang main ikut kelompok...ikut genggeng...
lagipon aku tengok skarang budakbudak nak main sk8 sebab nak berfesyen...
nak bergaye je labih..nak pakai kasut sk8 la..baggy pant la..nak ngorat awek la..
main kat sk8park yang berbayar..tapi ollie tak passpass lagi...

tapi apapepun..
aku gembire tengok sukan ni berkembang...
satu perkembangan positif la jugak..
ade sesetengah tempat tu dah disediakan sk8park..
takyah la lagi curikcurik besi kayu papan nak wat ramp..
Malaysia pon dah oraganize x games..
dah ade pon anak melayu gi compete kat US tu..
kawe banggo...

arghh..dari aku melalut lagi...
baik aku brenti..
baik aku mandi..
gosok gigi pon balum lagi..

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Post time 10-8-2006 01:40 AM | Show all posts
Aku minat MotoX , tingin nak tengok live!
Kat malaysia nie aku harap ade yang brani mencube dan mewakili negar sudah tentu!
Memang kije giler tengok dorang bepusing dengan menterbalekkan moto mcam nie ...


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Post time 13-8-2006 12:30 AM | Show all posts
aku inline skate sejak 1994, time inline, skateboard ni taboo untuk masyarakat. aku inline skate sampai 2000. pastu stop sbb masuk IPT.
skateboard utk 2bulan jer, taktahan. everytime jatuh, skate tu masuk longkang la, pegi mane2 ntah tapi kalo jatuh pakai inline, still lekat kat kaki lagi. hihihihi
skrg tak dah tapi ever since berenti try to keep myself update dgn pegi ke kate dah tua bangka pun pegi tgk game bebudak lagi.
disebabkan dah ok main inline, aku selalu pgi ice skate n ski. sbbkan dah familiar dgn skateboard kkdangpegi snowboard, water ski n stuff...  rupenye bergune gak main bende bebudak nihhh...kuakuakua....impian aku masa main inline dulu: nak jadi pelopor inline skate kat mesia setaraf fabiola da silva, legend dari brazil dulu, masa tawun 1996. hehehe majalah skate aku 2 kotak....aku takkan jual...

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Post time 18-8-2006 03:38 PM | Show all posts
sudah melibatkan diri dlm sukan nie since 2001...smpai tak gak tere2...

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Post time 20-11-2008 02:01 PM | Show all posts
dah vote gak. aku minat skateboard. sayang skrang dah tak main, minat tu ada lagik tapi masa plak tak mengizinkan. lebih2 plak skrang dah ada anak.isk isk

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Post time 20-11-2008 02:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 EezOne's post

ko boleh ajo anak ko nnt

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Post time 20-11-2008 02:40 PM | Show all posts

Balas #8 EezOne\ catat

patah patah tulang dak dulu time main?

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Post time 20-11-2008 03:04 PM | Show all posts
AIL Vert Final: Takeshi Yasutoko takes Vert title

file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/mohizan/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpgfile:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/mohizan/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg                                                By Eugene Han reporting from Shanghai                                                

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Post time 20-11-2008 03:08 PM | Show all posts

What are Different Types of Skateboards?

Professional skateboarders know that for optimum performance, aside from their skill level, the type of skateboardthey use makes all the difference. For amateurs, all skateboards mayappear to be created equal, but there are a few different skateboardsto choose from. These skateboards basically differ in their variouslengths and concave depths.
There are two main types of skateboard: long and short.  The different shapes of both long and short skateboards is very important as well. For expert tricks, the skateboard must be concave, which refers to the curve of the board in relation to the raised nose and tail of the skateboard. A concave board is especially important for performing difficult tricks, such as an ollie. An ollie is a jump that begins by tapping the tail of the skateboard and sliding the foot to the front of the board in the air.
Skateboards consist of three main parts: the deck, which is the part that one stands upon, and the wheels and the truck, which are located on the underside of the deck. The two most common skateboards, called the traditional skateboardand the longboard, differ in the length of the deck. Traditionalskateboards, the most common type used for tricks, are generallyshorter than 33 inches (84cm). Longboards are usually over 35 inches(89cm) and are mainly used for cruising only.
The concavity of various skateboards ranges from shallow to deep.Certain longboard skateboards designed only for cruising may not haveany significant concavity. The depth of the curve is important formastering tricks and ramps, and a deeper curve allows for moreprecision tricks. Beginners should always start out with shallowerskateboards for safety reasons and ease of learning. Deeply concaveskateboards tend to be more expensive, harder to master and more easilydamaged.
A less important difference between skateboards is the materialsthat they are made from. Wood is the most common material, but also themost easily damaged. Most experienced skateboarders prefer theirskateboards be made of wood because of the responsiveness that itoffers. Less expensive skateboards can be made of plastic, fiberglass or aluminum.


Skateboard ni jangan main bedal je kena make sure dulu..buat dari kayu ke, fibreglass ke besi ke..baru leh buat pelbagai aksi...

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Post time 20-11-2008 03:19 PM | Show all posts

Balas #12 Azhargoth\ catat

skate board carbon fibre ada dak?

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Post time 20-11-2008 03:30 PM | Show all posts
ada rasa-rasa.....

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Post time 20-11-2008 05:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #13 hyphrigian's post

kalo ko nak aku buatkn pakai besi

nak tak?

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