Lately, have you been receiving emails from local banks informing you that your account has been suspended and in order to re-activate your account, you are required to click on a link provided in the email. Hence you are directed to a page where you can enter your login id and password so that you can use back your account again?
In computing, phishing is a criminal activity using social engineering techniques. Phishers attempt to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business in an electronic communication. Phishing is typically carried out using email or an instant message, although phone contact has been used as well[1]. Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents include legislation, user training, and technical measures.
The first recorded mention of phishing is on the alt.online-service.america-online Usenet newsgroup on January 2, 1996,[2] although the term may have appeared even earlier in the print edition of the hacker magazine 2600.[3] The term phishing is a variant of fishing[4], probably influenced by phreaking,[5][6] and alludes to the use of increasingly sophisticated lures to "fish" for users' financial information and passwords. The word may also be linked to leetspeak, in which ph is a common substitution for f.[7] The popular theory that it is a portmanteau of password harvesting[8] is an example of folk etymology. The name may also come from the popular rock group Phish.
Countless of times, people fell into this kind of attack which is also known as Phishing Attack. And how do you prevent yourself from being a victim? There is a toolbar for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox where it will protect you from malicious phishing sites. It is called GRID Authenticator Toolbar
So far, GRID Authenticator toolbar only verify local banks. You can try out it's protection on phishing sites by clicking Maybank2u Phishing site How GRID Authenticator works for you is that when you enter a verified local bank, a GREEN frame will appear around your browser. This indicates that the website is a genuine one instead of a phishing site.
In the event that you received any mails from your so called "Bank", do visit GRID Center and report the phishing site. They will verify the url.
Let's make our local banking scene a safe place to go.
Source :-
Google / Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phishing
GRID Authenticator Toolbar : http://www.jaring.my/gridauthenticator/?cont=how_to
Maybank2u Phishing Site : http://www.mshack.net/
GRID Center : https://www.elockgrid.com/gridcenter/blacklist.htm
Thanks vangardx |
good info.
phishing cara ni ialah cara utk curi username n password orang lain.
caranya ialah buat website palsu (laman web seakan original, tapi adress dia lain atau "masking"), sediakan kotak utk orang isikan username & password. dan button "Sign In" akan buatkan semua data yg korang isi dlm kotak tu dihantar pada tuanpunya website tu. melalui server storage atau email.
jadi, pada pengguna online banking atau apa2 yg melibatkan duit, hati2 bila nak login.
cek property website/server tu dulu. lagi elok kalu JANGAN guna browser Internet explorer. |
nie jugak utk yg main online2 biz jugak..make sure berhati2 |
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