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Understanding The Gospel of Mark
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[size=-2]sources: What Jesus is all about - Dr Henrietta C. Mears
[size=-1]UNDERSTANDING MARK (Mark Portrays Jesus Chris, the Servant of God)
-if we turn to Mark 10:45, we can quite easily determine Mark? goal in writing his Gospel:
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many
- Mark not trying to prove certain statements and prophecies concerning Jesus. His only objective in writing was to tell clearly certain facts about Jesus--His deeds more than His words.
- he proved that Jesus is the Son of God-not by declaring how He came to earth, but by showing what He accomplished during His brief career on earth and how His coming changed the world
- Mark Gospel was written for a Roman audience
- the Roman culture differed in many ways from the Jewish culture. The roman highly valued strong common sense. They religion was practical. They have no interest in tracking beliefs back to the past. Legal genealogies and fulfillments of prophecy left them cold. Arguing fine points of scriptures held no interest on them
- Mark has 16 chapters and gives 4 parables
- Mark portrays Christ as the humble but prefect servant of Jehovah, whose angles minister to Him
[ Last edited by casejulia at 7-10-2006 05:39 PM ] |
[size=-1]Unique Characteristics
- omissions(sesuatu yg tidak dimasukkan) are evident(jelas) in the Gospel of Mark
nothing about the virgin birth. No reference to His birth
- no one is interested in the pedigree(salasilah) of a servant
no visits of the wise men
- a servant doest not receive homage(penghormatan)
no account of Jesus as the boy in the Temple
- people are not interested in Jesus the boy but Christ the man who is able and willing to accomplish today what He did of old
Mark does not describe the Sermon on the Mountain
- Mark presents Christ as a perfect workman; a servant has no kingdom and frames no law
no divine titles are used
- Mark calls Him "teacher" (4:38; 5:35) or "Master"
- Other evangelists call Him "Lord"
- Lord, save us! We?e going to drown! (Matt 8:25)
- Teacher, don? you care if we drown? (Mark 4:38)
no statement that His work was finish at His death
- in John 19:30, Jesus said "t is finished". This is not found in Mark
- it is not for a servant to say when his work is done
no introduction
- the opening verse say "The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ." Mark adds 'Son of God' to guard His divine glory.
- the word "gospel" is used 8 times in Mark. Yes, the servant is to bear good news!
- The Greek word eutheos, which means "immediately" "once" "as soon as" and "without delay" is found no fewer than 40 times in Mark? Gospel. This is a servant word.
- In the KJV, 12 out of 16 chapters in Mark open with the little word "and". Jesus service was one complete, perfect whole, with no pauses or breaks in it. His service was continuous
- Mark Gospel is the shortest of the 4 Gospel. It moves with precision(ketepatan)
- Mark records only 4 parables; the sower seed, the seed growing secretly, the mustard seed, and the wicked husbandmen
- Mark describes more of Jesus' miracles than parables (20 miracles in detail)
[ Last edited by casejulia at 9-10-2006 01:52 PM ] |
- the Gospel of Mark skips over the first 30 years of Jesus life, but these years were necessary for His human preparation for His life's work.
- Preparation in life is needed; look at the 40 years Moses spent in the desert before he entered upon his great work the long period of Elijah's youth before he appeared before King Ahab the youth of Amos spent on a farm John the Baptist's 30 years of training so with Jesus. He spent 30 years in obscurity(tidak terkenal) in Nazareth before He appeared for His 3 years public ministry
[ Last edited by casejulia at 13-10-2006 01:54 PM ] |
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