Siapa pernah atau sudah menganggotai PROMUDA ni? Is it a club or an organization? Tengok website dier dan ahli2 yg menyertai PROMUDA ni mcm bagusss ajeerrrr...
can somebody clarify? |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #1 ifanonline's post
ive got a few friends yg ahli PROMUDA..... and mmg bukan mcm bagus... coz mmg bagus bagus pun...!!! ekekekekek |
it is a club... |
pernah jadi ahli tak aktif masa awal2 penubuhan promuda dulu. aktiviti mcm2 la.. dulu2 selalu buat dialogue... buat toastmaster session etc... |
Reply #2 spidernfly's post
sama mcm fairy hobbit.. ahli tak aktif jugak dulu2..
event die banyak yg menarik .. tapi xde mase nak join coz bz .. |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #5 ifanonline's post
coz lots of them graduated from top unis kat UK. |
Reply #7 spidernfly's post
does that make them soooo good if they are top uk gradutes? ape peranan PROMUDA ni? because i'm beginning to get some ill intention... |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #8 ifanonline's post
misscindut_2001 This user has been deleted
PROMUDA ni ape?
hi..nk tya..serius saya mmg x tau n x pnh dgr ttg PROMUDA ni..kelab ape PROMUDA ni?keahliannya macam mana..yg bestnye kelab ni sbb ape ek?
harap sape2 yg tau leh kongsi2
tqvm |
Reply #9 spidernfly's post
biasa la kan, when a group of smart people get together, form a group, there are bound to be hidden agenda...it looks like to me this PROMUDA group is more towards political agenda rather than being a goody-tooshoo club...which political agenda? i do not know... |
Reply #11 ifanonline's post
it is true...
it tends to discuss more about political stuff, towards the ruling party lah.
the person in charge in called Don Rahim...
PROMUDA = Professional Muda
so konon2nye mcm golongan professional yg terdiri drpd pemuda2 leee.... mcm gitulah
dats all i know...i backbencher je |
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Category: Belia & Informasi