"Hartal" is a Gujurati word. "Har" means "everything" or "always"; "Tal" or "tala" means "to close". The word "hartal" means a day of mourning or protest, on which all the shops are shut and no-one goes to work or does any shopping
28 NOVEMBER 1967 (18 Syaaban 1378)
Telah berlakunya rusuhan kaum di pulau pinang. Inya dikenali sebagai Hartal.
yg si 'chi' pegi serang org mlayu tu apsal???ada tulis x dlmm buku tu..
tp kalo benda ni jd lg, kita tau sapa yg ble menang walau pun 'chi' kt penang ni kuat dlm politik
sebenarnya tujuan saya buat topic ni sebab peristiwa hartal tak pernah dibincangkan secra detail. Ini merupakan salah satu dari peristiwa yg berlaku dlm lipatan sejarah. Dan peristiwa bunuh bukan satu agenda utama seperti riot di 13 mei. Ianya terjadi secara tidak sengaja kerana org org melayu tidak mahu turut serta dlm riot tersebut.
kat link atas tu ada cerita sikit pasal riot ni....
dan sebenarnya, pada tahun 1867 telah ada satu riot dari dua kongsi yg besar...
ini sedutan cerita
The alliance of the Kean Teik Tong (the Tua Pek Kong Hoey) and the Red Flag fought against the alliance of the Ghee Hin Kongsi and the White Flag in the Penang Riot which lasted for ten days (3/8~14/8)...
Saya fikir ia berkenaan HARTAL 1947. 10 tahun sebelum Merdeka.
Rupanya tahun 1967. rupanya bunga2 rusuhan tahun 1969 dah ada pada tahun 67.
Kedua2 Hartal tu ending dia tujuh.
Sekarang pun tahun 2007. Mungkinkah sejarah berulang?
Alhamdulilah Penang sekarang masih aman. Tapi Hartal di atas terbukti boleh terjadi akibat faktor ekonomi selain sosial. Masalahnya sekarang, rakyat semakin terhimpit dengan beban kenaikan harga dan kos sara hidup yang semakin tinggi.
Originally posted by geng_tx at 28-6-2007 10:49 AM
"Hartal" is a Gujurati word. "Har" means "everything" or "always"; "Tal" or "tala" means "to close". The word "hartal" means a day of mourning or protest, on which all the shops are shut and no-o ...
Are we truly independent? Or did wejust switch the white British colonialists with brown colonialists? Didwe merely kick out one dictator, ten thousand miles away, and replaceit with ten thousand dictators one mile away?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The federal government is sending each of us a $600 rebate.
If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money goes to China.
If we spend it on gasoline, it goes to the Arabs.
If we buy a computer, it will go to India.
If we purchase fruits and vegetables, it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.
If we purchase a good car, it will go to Germany and Japan.
If we purchase useless crap, it will go to Taiwan.
In short, none of it will help the American economy.
The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it onprostitutes and beer, since these are the only products still producedin the US.
Dr. Marc Faber
Dr. Marc Faber's company, Marc Faber Limited, acts as an investmentadvisor company concentrating on value investments with tremendousupside often based on contrarian investment philosophies. Faber alsoinvests and acts as a fund manager to private wealthy clients. Faber isa regular speaker on the investment circuit, often quoted in thefinancial press for his non-conformist viewpoint and alternativeinvestment philosophies. His current — if eccentric — tagline is: 'buya $100 US bond and frame it to teach your children about inflation bywatching the US bond value diminish to almost nothing over the next 20years'. Faber is famous for advising his clients to get out of thestock market one week before the October 1987 crash. - Wikipedia
Hartal is a term in many Indian languages for strike action, used oftenduring the Indian Independence Movement. It is mass protest ofteninvolving a total shutdown of workplaces, offices, shops, courts oflaw, etc., as a form of civil disobedience. In addition to being ageneral strike, it involves the voluntary closing of schools and placesof business. It is a mode of appealing to the sympathies of agovernment to change an unpopular or unacceptable decision.
Hartal was originally a Gujarati expression signifying the closing downof shops and warehouses with the object of realising a demand. MKGandhi, the Indian national leader from Gujarat, organised a series ofanti-British general strikes, which he called hartals, therebyinstitutionalising it.
In Bangladesh a hartal is a constitutionally recognised political method for articulating any political demand.
In Sri Lanka, it is often used to refer specifically to the 1953 hartalof Ceylon. Hartals are still common in India, Bangladesh and innorthern and eastern Sri Lanka.
In Malaysia, the word "hartal" was used to refer to various generalstrikes in the 1940s, 50s and 60s, such as the All-Malaya hartal of1947 and the Penang hartal of 1967.
The word hartal in India is also used in humorous sense to meanabstaining from work. Another variant, which is common inHindi-speaking regions, is the bhukh hartal, which translates as hungerstrike. - Wikipedia
The recent Manik Urai by-election proved even more that BarisanNasional, in particular Umno, depends on money for its survival.RM1,000 in cash was paid to every voter in Manik Uria, resulting inPakatan Rakyat almost losing the by-election. One just can’t ignore thepower of money. And money is one thing that Barisan Nasional has plentyof. Plenty of money would translate to plenty of power as well.
To cut Barisan Nasional and Umno down to size, we have to hit themwhere it hurts most. And it hurts most when the pocket is hit. So, tohurt Barisan Nasional and Umno, we must hit them in the pocket. Andthis means hitting the source of that money, the companies that arepaying Barisan Nasional and Umno huge sums of money to help them stayin power.
Who are these crony companies? Which are the companies that are payingBarisan Nasional and Umno huge sums of money? Where did all this moneycome from? How much of that money actually belongs to you and me, therakyat?
Companies are in the business of making money. You do not set up acompany to do charity. Companies have only one philosophy in mind andit can be summed up in just three words: profit, profit, profit.
So we need to reduce the profit of these companies. We need to cut intotheir war chest so that they have very little left to give to BarisanNasional and Umno. Companies depend on licences, permits, quotas,government contracts, political patronage and whatnot to survive. Andto procure these licences, permits, quotas, government contracts,political patronage and whatnot, they need to pay ‘under the table’money to those who walk in the corridors of power. Bribery makes theworld go round in corporate Malaysia. Bribery fuels the governmentmachinery. Business empires are built on bribery, corruption, politicalpatronage and cronyism.
Look for alternatives. Buy products and services from those that arenot crony companies. Deny yourself whatever it is you normally indulgeyourself in so that these companies do not earn your money, which inthe end ends up in the pockets of Barisan Nasional and Umno.
Another way to hurt them financially would be to launch a hartal. On 8August 2009, a few NGOs and civil society movements are organising ahartal in Perak. They want to turn Perak into a ‘ghost town’. Stay homeon 8 August 2009. Don’t leave your house. Empty the streets, shops andrestaurants. Do what you need to do the day before. And on 8 August2009 stay behind the locked doors of your home.
On 31 August 2009 we shall, again, be celebrating Merdeka orIndependence Day. Independence was declared on midnight of 30 August1957. On that day the Union Jack was lowered and proudly replaced withthe Malayan flag.
But are we truly independent? Or did we just switch the white Britishcolonialists with brown colonialists? Did we merely kick out onedictator, ten thousand miles away, and replace it with ten thousanddictators one mile away?
No, we are not yet Merdeka. What we have done is merely to replace onecolonial government with another. The present government is continuingthe oppression and discrimination of the previous government. We needto be truly Merdeka by ending the dictatorial rule of the presentgovernment.
There is no reason to celebrate Merdeka. There is no justification toraise the flag this 31 August 2009. Merdeka has not been achieved yet.It will only be achieved when we see a change in government or at leasta change in government policy. Only then would it be feasible tocelebrate Merdeka.
We need a hartal. We need many hartals. The rakyat need to vote withtheir feet. They rig the ballot box. Voting with our ballot paper is anuphill task. We must use our feet to vote. And the way to vote with ourfeet would be to launch and participate in many hartals and boycotts.
Civil disobedience is the order of the day. If we stay home and refuseto buy the products and services of those who are propping up theillegitimate regime the government will eventually crumble. Without ourparticipation the government can do very little. Without our money wewill starve them.
If we come out and protest they can use the police against us. If wedemonstrate they will brutalise us. But they can’t do anything to us ifwe launch a hartal. No government can clamp down on civil disobedience.
So do nothing. No one can harm you if you do nothing. And doing nothinginvolves staying home and not allowing your money to leave your pocket.And if you still need to buy products and services make sure it is notfrom one of the crony companies.