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Microsoft Killed AutoPatcher
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- It's Windows Updates or nothing!
The AutoPatcher project is dead, courtesy of Microsoft. Antonis Kaladis,AutoPatcher Project Manager broke the news on August 29, revealing thatMicrosoft killed the initiative designed to supply offline Windowsupdates. AutoPatcher debuted back in 2003, and functioned with noissues or legal hassles from the Redmond company for four years. Now,Microsoft has changed its tune in relation to the project and issued aresponse involving a cease and decease letter. Subsequently, althoughthe official AutoPatcher website is still up and running, the downloadpage returns a 404 error. Additionally, Microsoft is also focusing on alternative online locations distributing AutoPatcher.
"Today we received an e-mail from Microsoft, requesting the immediatetake-down of the download page, which of course means that AutoPatcheris probably history. As much as we disagree, we can do very little, andalthough the download page is merely a collection of mirrors, we tookthe download page down. We would like to thank you for your support.For the past 4 years, it has been a blast. Unfortunately, it seems likeit's the end of AutoPatcher as we know it", Kaladis revealed.
Before it was shut down, AutoPatcher was offering updates for Windows2000, Windows XP and even Windows Vista. The package had an immenseadvantage over Microsoft's official Windows Update infrastructureallowing users to get their hands on a large collection of updates viaa single download and deploy it offline. "AutoPatcher combines theadvantage of both Windows Update (presentation and description ofupdates and automated installation), and the special administrativeupdates (portability and installation without the need of an Internetconnection)," reads a fragment from the description of the now defunctproject.
Microsoft is very sensitive on the issue of the redistribution of itssoftware. The Redmond company aims to be the only online source forupdates, and taking AutoPatcher down is an illustrative example ofMicrosoft's policy concerning independent distributors and itsproprietary software. Until the time of this article Microsoft failedto offer an official explanation related to the faith it decided forAutoPatcher.
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biar betol beb... hampeh je microsoft nih... |
Reply #2 bzzts's post
bzzts dah tengok website autopatcher dah
meha baru tahu cara nak guna benda ni lepas seminggu tu dah kena shutdown
[ Last edited by Mehacomp_91 at 3-9-2007 10:32 PM ] |
Memang betul Autopatcher dah berkubur. Namun begitu aku sempat download the latest Autopatcher Ogos 2007 Core sebelum ia ditutup. Aku rasa... untuk Win XP autopatcher Ogos 2007 ni dah dikira terbaik. |
Reply #3 Mehacomp_91's & #5 yeopman's post
Yup... korang kena cari kat Mirror Site. Kat dah tak boleh download lagi. Malah korang kena download cepat takut nanti kat mirror site pun dia org tutup. Download dua2 sekali iaitu Core + Update files. |
Reply #7 drasmadi's post
kalo kene tutup, kita hostkan kat rapidshare pulak... |
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