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Parlimen Belanda nak ban Al-Quran
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saya terima satu e-mail ni

Asalamualikum all,
Now it is official, all the tagooti forces which were down under because of the might of Islam are creeping out. We all know that the Muslim world is passing through very lean phase as a result we have become easy targets to enemies of Islam who have got enough guts now to challenge Islam.
The New son of satan "Dutch MP" has now called to ban Qur'an - it was not a surprise to me. The day is not far when many European countries will pass a bill to ban Muslims to enter there countries. Perhaps we can do something to show resistance, the minimum we can do right now is to sign the petition against the proposed call to ban Qur'an as per the son of satan "the dutch MP". Please try to lift your character as I am sure that we are down under because of our own internal problems.
Pray for the Ummah.....
Pity that we have to defend the Quran this way, but not doing anything is worse.
DUTCH MP Calls for Ban on Quran ... A4-1A7702C354C1.htm |
nape macam tu sekali bencinye terhadap islam...  |
don_walker This user has been deleted
ni yg angin ni! ... imej Islam di mata dunia teruk dicalarkan bukan islam ... org islam di malaysia pulak sibuk berhibur ... ber'rempit'an ...  |
You must blame the Islamic terrorists for tarnishing the image of Islam. They commit killings in the name of Islam. Can't blame the Mat Sallehs for fear of Islam. |
For my muslim brothers n sisters, tak payah nak heran la perkara ni. Kan ke tuhan dah berpesan kepada kita bahawa orang kafir ni tak kan pernah sukakan kita. Dah lupa ke tak pernah baca quran ni. Cuba buka kitab dan cari sendiri, ada tu. Pendapat akulah, lebih baik keluar isu ni dari tak keluar tapi umat islam terus leka dan semakin jauh dari kitab. Merempit lah. Isap dadah lah. Bikin video lucah lah. Ambillah kejadian ni sebagai ikhtibar dan suatu perkara yang akan membangkitkan kesedaran kita semua. Mereka nak haramkan kitab kita, go on lah. Mereka kan dah memang kawan iblis dan syaitan. Yang kita ni pula apa tunggu lagi? Dekatkan lah diri kita lagi dengan kitab kita ni mulai saat ini.
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