Audio Sermon: Grow To Go (Genesis 12:1-3)
Download now: http://download.yousendit.com/21C9437E447123A8
Date: 20 Jan 2008
-not growing to know or showing up
-growing in blessedness
-blessed to become blessing
-lesson from abraham, leaving his comfort zone (country/nation) and carnal choices.
-staying in comfort zone leads to carnal choices
-the comfort zone:
* the way we havealways done things
* the people we are comfortable wif
* the structures we hold dear
-how to go?
* be a witness
* build God'shouse
* transformcommunity
* go to tne next generation
[ Last edited by casejulia at 22-4-2008 12:57 PM ] |
Audio Sermon: Transition of Life (Panorama of the life ofAbraham)
Download now: http://download.yousendit.com/123069902E3A7763
Date: 26Jan08
1. Ur of Chaldeans (Gen 11:27-30)
-A place of godlessness
-your journey in life begins when you hear God's voice
2. Haran (Gen 11:31b & 32; 12:1-15)
-A place of comfort and delay
-do not comfort with blessing. the comfort of life may delayGod's bless for you
-God's 7-fold blessing to Abraham
* Prominence -'great nations'
* Prosperity -'bless you'
* Popularity -'your name great'
* Providence - 'those who bless you'
* Protection -'curse'
* Property - 'notyet revealed'
* Posterity - 'notyet revealed'
3. Shechem (Gen 12:17)
-A place of revelation
-"I will give you this land (as yourproperty)"
-obedience open the door of revelation
-1st altar wa built
4. Bethel (Gen 12:8)
-A place of worship
-built his second altar here
-worship is a CHOICE..and it is difficult when things arenormal
5.Egypt (Gen 12:10-20)
-A place of trial and testing
-running away from fears and discomfort will only bring moreproblems
6. Bethel (Gen 13:1-17)
-A place of obedience
-"..i will make your offspring like the dust of theearth...go, walk through the length and breath of the land
-when you remove the distraction of your life, God willexpand your horizon
7. Hobah (Gen 14)
-A place of battle
-some battle in our life is unnecessary
8. Hebron (Gen 15)
-A place of assurance
when God makes a promise it will come to past
9. Hebron (Gen 16)
-A place of compromise
-dont mess up God's plan with your human reasoning
10. Hebron (Gen 17 & 18:1-15)
-A place of affirmation
-(99 years old) "I Have made you..."
-when God speaks about His promise, it is in COMPLETE tense
11. Sodom & Gomorah (Gen 18:16-19:29)
-LOT- a place of sin
-ABRAHAM- a place of intercession
-a place of sin is a place of intercession
12. Gerar (Gen 20 -21:7)
-A place of second chance
-men may repeat the cycle of sin but God is the God of asecond chance
13. Beersheba (Gen 21:8-11)
-A place of provision
-even though we mess up in life, God will provide a way out
The climax... Mount Moriah (Gen 22)
-when blessing become testing
Part 2 - Irony of obedience
[ Last edited by casejulia at 22-4-2008 01:11 PM ] |
Audio Sermon: Irony of Obedience (Genesis 22)
Download now: http://download.yousendit.com/7D8A75B900A0C3EF
Mt. Moriah
-when blessing become testing
-abraham tested to saccrifice his son Issac
3 things will happen in your life if you obey God
- Our obedience will be tested
- Our obedience will not necessarily make sense
- Our obedience will become blessing to others
[ Last edited by casejulia at 22-4-2008 01:11 PM ] |
Audio Sermon: Rat Race or Right Race (Genesis 14:17-24)
Download Now: http://download.yousendit.com/7F2066DD3E049C55
Date: 2 Feb 08
As we enter into the year of the rat, what kind of a race you want to enter in?
who do you want to meet first?
1. the King of Salem - Melchizedek "King of Righteousnes"
-when you spend time with the King of Salem first, 2 things will happen into your life;
- receive divine revelation. EL ELYON = God of Most High
- be infused with divine strength.
2. the King of Sodom
-offer whatever demand in our life
-Sodom represent evil (ezekiel 16:49-50)
-The sins of Sodom
- arrogant
- overfed
- unconcerned
- did not help the poor/needy
- haughty
- did detestable things before God
[ Last edited by casejulia at 22-4-2008 01:12 PM ] |
Audio Sermon: Posture of P.R.A.I.S.E (Genesis 14:17-15:1)
Download now:http://download.yousendit.com/FC525EE3042FD3E0
Speaker: Elder Wong Koon Tat
Date: 17 Feb 08
A lesson from Abraham
P - Put God first in our life (v14)
R - Recognize God own everythings (v19)
A |
Hey Casejulia, nice audios. Can i post them on my blog?????? |
Reply #51 Shwein1990's post
Thanks!! |
Audio Sermon: Judgment Harvest War (Joel 1:1-12)
Download now: http://download.yousendit.com/3D2CD2FF440D9B9D
Date: 24Feb08
Vine = Chruch
Fig Tree = Isreal
1 Peter 4:17
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God, and if it first begin with us what shall the end be of them that not obey the Gospel of God
We plead to God on behalf of Malaysia on the basis of God Character
- He is gracious
- He is compassionate
- He is slow to anger
- He is abounding in love
- He is merciful
-Revival is not an end by itself, revival is only a means to an end
4 End - point of revival
- Judgment
- Warfare
- Harvest of soul
- Salvation
3 responses, we either...
- Humbe ourself or harden our heart
- Be involved or indifferent
- Integrated or disconnecte ourself
[ Last edited by casejulia at 22-4-2008 01:12 PM ] |
Audio Sermon: Touching Heaven, Changing Earth (Ephesians 6:12.18)
Download now: http://download.yousendit.com/8F49F0C52BAE0A0F
Date: 2March08
our warfare is not against flesh ad blood, do not be side tracked.
our warfare is basically over the salvation of millions around the globe, including Malaysia
purpose of our warfare is to plunder hell and populate heaven
1. Call upon God individually
- 1 King 21:25-29
- 2 kings 20:1-6
- Luke 18:38-42
2. Call corporately
- Exodus 1:12, 23-25
Ester 4:14
There was national crisis. A plot against the destruction of the Jews was activated
The enemy position Haman to destroy the whole Jewish race.
God positioned strategically Mordecai and Ester at the right place and right time.
they weapon was FASTING and SEEKING GOD
Acts 12:1-10
Key verse: v5 constant Prayers
4 level of breakthrough
- Chain broken v7
- First guard v10
- Second guard v10
- Iron gate v10
Midight hour - time of deliverence
Acts 16:25-26,33
Exodus 12:29 - and it come to pass at midnight...
Ruth 3:8 - now it happen at midnight...
Spiritual Weapon - PRAYER & WORSHIP
-we ascend in worship an prayer, God decend in warfare against the enemy
-similar example in 2 chronicles 20:22
[ Last edited by casejulia at 22-4-2008 01:13 PM ] |
Audio Sermon: God Heart for the Nation(s)
Download now: http://download.yousendit.com/C57214D72391CB18
Date: 9 March 08
Sermon after the Malaysian election
Pray for:
- Law & Order, Peace & Harmony
- Wisdom & courage for the PM
- Reconciliation
- Church in Malaysia to continue to be strong
Joel 3:17-21
-the ultimate endpoint of revival is the GLORY OF GOD
Eze 47:8-9
Then he said to me: "This water flows toward the eastern region, goes down into the valley, and enters the sea. When it reaches the sea, its waters are healed. "And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes.
-Revival will come and multitude of people will be saved.
God's Heart for the:
- Unsaved
- savings souls is never a lost cost
- "Say to them: 'As I live,' says the Lord GOD, 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?' (ezekiel 33:11) - Unreached
- Unwanted
-we are not here to save the World and fight every battle but Only fight those battle that God assign to us: (learn from 2 Chronicles 35:20-25)
"70" - is a number of the nation
- Terah was 70 years old when he fathered Abraham - the father of a nation (Gen 11:26)
- Jacob entered egypt (Exodus 1:5) - 12 sons (tribe), 70 others (nation)
- Moses has 70 elders - (Numbers 11:25)
- ELIM -oasis with 12 springs, 70 palm trees (Exodus 15:27)
- Jesus sent 12 (Matthew 10:5), sent 70 (Luke 10:1)
[ Last edited by casejulia at 22-4-2008 01:14 PM ] |
Audio Sermon: The Cross - It's Ministry of Reconciliation
Download now: http://download.yousendit.com/724FE8AC6CD28CBF
Date: 16 March 08
Matthew 27:27-54
On the cross Jesus experienced:
- Total Humiliation (vs 27-44)
- Total condemnation (vs 37)
- The Sign that was written in 3 languages "This is the King of the Jews"; the significant - Human wisdom, justice, religion condemn Jesus on the cross.
1. greek - Human wisdom
2. Latin - Human justice
3.Aramaic - Religious system of man - Total abandonment (vs 45-46)
- Darkness covered the earth from 12pm -3pm (This is not an ordinary darkness. Passover is not the season of eclipse cos passover is aways on Full Moon time)
"My God, my GOd why have you forshaken me" (Did God forsook Jesus? - answer: YES!)
- this is a picture and a reminder for us that SIN is a TOTAL separation from God,
- The darkness represent: GOd hid his face from Jesus cos Jesus bore our SIN on the cross
- SIN is total SEPARATION from God - Jesus experienced total Separation from God
- SIN equal DARKNESS - Total reconciliation (vs 50-51)
- Total vindication (vs 54)
When Jesus reconciled the world to God:
- Sin was confronted
- forgiveness was made possibe
- Brokenness was heal
The old has gone the new has come:
2 Cor 5:17 | Eph 2:12-13 | Old | New | Enemies of God
| Peace with God
| Separated from God
| Brought near to God (reconciled)
| Excluded from God convenant
| Accepted in God's family
| Without hope, without God
| With hope, With God
Ambassador of Christ
having received the message of reconciliation, we are now having the ministry of reconciliation
What is reconciliation
- To turn broken relationship into good friendship
- To create bonding an affinity
- To heal broken relationship
- To put away hostility and live in harmony
Prayer of St francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen |
Originally posted by casejulia at 22-4-2008 02:11 PM
Audio Sermon: The Cross - It's Ministry of Reconciliation
Download now: http://download.yousendit.com/724FE8AC6CD28CBF
Date: 16 March 08
Matthew 27:27-54
On the cross Jesus experienced:
Reply #59 wattttb's post
This is a poetry.
Inner Beauty
Although outward beauty may be seen
all painted on with a brush so fair
its shallowness can be revealed
in our actions unaware,
But inner beauty is much more rare
and it comes from God above
It is shown in how we act
and how we show His love.
Like an oyster in the ocean
its outer shell so plain and dull
but when you look inside of it
theres a pearl so beautiful.
Let's hope to be like the oyster
when you look inside you'll see
a heart so warm and beautiful
and see God's love inside o |
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