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Author: hamizao

A Cause

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Post time 20-5-2008 09:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #20 hamizao's post

Yes it is. The Release Technique is the Sedona Method.



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Post time 20-5-2008 09:33 PM | Show all posts
manusia getting better dengan penambahan pengetahuan2/ilmu2 baru?

nolah... sama jer.

takda bezanya antara manusia primitif dgn manusia post-modern...

kalau dulu2 manusia berperang berbunuh2 tindas menindas apa bezanya dgn sekarang

jadi ilmu tidak menentukan kehidupan manusia lebih baik

soalnya apa yg boleh jadikan manusia itu lebih baik?
nilai... atau axiology... the value part of knowledge
etika, iman....

21st century as the century of the mind mungkin betul
tetapi adakah ia akan jadi abad kemanusiaan?

melihat sejarah manusia dan resources yg semakin kurang you may call me a pessimist...



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Post time 21-5-2008 10:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 hamizao's post

A Cause, albeit the point you try to drive is obvious, however it is an open question. Man has argued this issue since the time of antiquity.

The ancient Greeks debated about the cause from the metaphysical, moral and ethical standpoints. The Christian Scholastic movement argued on the cosmic ' First Cause' ...quite interesting though. Rationalist and the Impirist argued the issue of ' Cause and Effect'. The later existentialist argued about the cause and basis of our own existence..most died without leaving an answer. Instead it opened up more questions...after all philosophy meants not to give us any absolute answer. Nothing is absolute for sure....

Taking from the father of existentialism-- S鴕en Kierkegaard on the matter of cause of existence:
I  stick my finger into existence---It smells of nothing. Where am I? What is this thing called the world? Who is it who has lured me into the thing, and now leaves me here? How did I come into the world? Why was I not consulted?

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 Author| Post time 21-5-2008 11:58 AM | Show all posts

Reply #23 thamrong's post

Aha, you have indeed opened up the topic even more and it's making my brainwave make a U-turn.

Welcome to the lot of you who sees "Cause " in this light. Let me ponder a while.:re:

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Post time 21-5-2008 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Another one I picked up somewhere.
If something was not caused by something else then why else would it exist?

Some people say that a God is the first cause, but surely if a God really does exist, God must have been caused by something rather than develop out of nothing?
Don't get yourself swirled in the theological vortex...hehehehe



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 Author| Post time 21-5-2008 12:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #22 petola's post

manusia getting better dengan penambahan pengetahuan2/ilmu2 baru?

Sudah tentulah pengetahuan dan penggunaan ilmu yang menjurus kepada nilai2 hidup yang positif. Kalau diguna untuk kemusnahan itu self-decimation.

takda bezanya antara manusia primitif dgn manusia post-modern...kalau dulu2 manusia berperang berbunuh2 tindas menindas apa bezanya dgn sekarang

Kalau dilihat dari sudut ini memanglah. Itulah juga padahnya jika dibiarkan orang2 yang kurang/tak "siuman" berkuasa. Namun masih juga ada tangan2 yang membantu mereka2 yang kurang bernasib-baik. Soalannya samaada mencukupi atau tidak. Benda2 macam ini mana pernah cukup. Bencana ada di mana2. Namun bukan alasan untuk mengecil2kan usaha mereka.

Hami ada kata..."I kind of think that man in essence love to dominate/control." di post  kat atas. Dominate/control ni universiol lah..........boleh diguna terhadap sesama manusia,  bumi dan alam semista. Ini tidak semestinya buruk semata2. Terpulanglah kalau kita hanya mahu melihat kegelapan di sebalik awan.

[ Last edited by  hamizao at 21-5-2008 12:35 PM ]

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Post time 21-5-2008 12:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #26 hamizao's post

The unexamined life may not be worth living
Feeble mind can easily be evil doers. See how Hitler abused the gentle German minds to his benefits.
Believing the dogma of superior race.

[ Last edited by  thamrong at 21-5-2008 12:46 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 21-5-2008 03:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #27 thamrong's post

Ah-ha, Tham, you just took the word from my mouth
Any parallel with this "Ketuanan" ideology? I thought it was Nazi all over! hmy3:

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Post time 21-5-2008 04:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #28 hamizao's post

Any parallel with this "Ketuanan" ideology? I thought it was Nazi all over!

Haha....facist and racist put together.

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Post time 21-5-2008 08:51 PM | Show all posts
ilmu ialah knowing something

tapi knowing something tak menjadikan hidup manusia lebih baik

sebab yg jadikan manusia lebih baik bukan ilmu itu tetapi etika, moral, akhlak

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Post time 21-5-2008 08:52 PM | Show all posts
btw macam mana kita nak ukur hidup manusia sekarang lebih baik daripada dahulu

dulu keldai sekarang land rover?


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Post time 21-5-2008 09:05 PM | Show all posts
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing..."



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 Author| Post time 21-5-2008 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by petola at 21-5-2008 08:51 PM
ilmu ialah knowing something

tapi knowing something tak menjadikan hidup manusia lebih baik

sebab yg jadikan manusia lebih baik bukan ilmu itu tetapi etika, moral, akhlak

Knowing something for the sake of knowing gets you nowhere kan? It's what you do about it that really matters.
You just don't be ethical or morally good if you don't know what it is, what is the accepted/expected norm..............So you still need to know. Its a foregone conclussion I should think, dear Petola.



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Post time 21-5-2008 10:57 PM | Show all posts
Evil! Even a  p鵶sy cat knows a person is evil by looking  into his eyes...

Aesop said " Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin."

[ Last edited by  thamrong at 21-5-2008 10:59 PM ]



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 Author| Post time 5-6-2008 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thamrong at 21-5-2008 10:57 PM
Evil! Even a  p鵶sy cat knows a person is evil by looking  into his eyes...

Aesop said " Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin."

Brave words I might say, like those often said during religious sermons.   But  how do you do this? Throw them into the fires? Drive the stake into their hearts?

To me a person is always in a tug-of-war between good and evil . The man needs to choose his own path. So give him the knowhow to make that choice...wouldn't you agree?

[ Last edited by  hamizao at 6-6-2008 08:25 PM ]

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Post time 6-6-2008 10:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #34 thamrong's post

I'll start a thread on the root of all evil.;)

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2008 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Where's the page?

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