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Ruam2 d kaki ketika hamil.... TOLONG!!!

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Post time 3-7-2008 02:44 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

sy baru 14 minggu hamil tetapi mendapat alahan ruam-ruam yg byk kat peha. tp jumpa DR, DR just ckp itu mmg alahan preggy woman. tp ruam ni gatal ssgt. peha sy dh jd mcm berkurap. any idea ubat, cream yg boleh sy apply?... plzzzzzzz

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Post time 3-7-2008 03:30 PM | Show all posts
I bukan dr tapi biasanya bila ngandung memang macam2 hal kena, ada pompuan kulit dia putih then banyak tompok hitam kat muka, leher and bahagian tertentu badan, I pun ada gak gatal2 masa tengah preggy sapu krim anti septik jek banyak jual kat farmasi or losyen gatal2 kaler pink tuh luper aper lah nama dia...Kalau taknak beli ubat basuh ngan air garam jek, lagi satu makan kena jaga kot jangan makan seafood banyak sgt or protein banyak sangat, kalau cam saya ada eczema takleh terlebih makan protein cam ayam or telur nanti gatal2... Harap bersabar jeklah...Tapi inilah time nyer nak makan aper saja yang disukai, lepas beranak dietlah...

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2008 03:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 hazen's post

dh g klinik dr bg losyen chalamine, tp x kurang pun. skrg i mandi basuh kaki dgn dettol, then sapu minyak kapak kat peha. sbb bila berangin, tgn ni x leh la nk garu. mmg sabar tp  tu la hubby pun bising sbb peha x cantik. ooooo muka pun mmg kuar tompok hitam mcm parut jerawat. org kata ibu hamil ni naik seri, tp knp la i ni kene mcm2 alahan pulak....

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2008 09:37 AM | Show all posts
smlm 1 mlm berjaya kawal tngan ni dari mengggaru. tp pg ni gatal2 g.... aduh x selesa. asyik tergaru2 jek kat opis ni.

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Post time 4-7-2008 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Rash during Pregnancy

Hopefully you have already seen from other articles on this site that during pregnancy, weird things happen to your body. Some of it may sound completely random and often there is little or no explanation for why certain things happen during pregnancy, they just do. The good news like many of the other weird and wonderful side affects of pregnancy, skin rashes are short lived and disappear as quickly as then come.

The reason why you might experience a rash during pregnancy is most likely to do with the increased levels of hormones in your body. Without getting too scientific an increase or a decrease in certain hormones affects your blood which in turn affects the pigmentation of your skin. One result of this is a rash, another maybe acne or perhaps even itchy skin.

The good news is that if you're unlucky enough to experience a skin rash during pregnancy is that it will clear up within a short space of time after giving birth. Once your body has had a chance to get back to normal and all of the pregnancy hormones have been flushed from your system you will notice dramatic improvements.

If you continue to be worried about your rash, the most obvious thing to do would be to seek advice from a pharmacist or Doctor. We do not recommend that you try to treat the condition yourself or apply medication without first checking with your medical team. This is very important when you are pregnant as there are certain drugs and treatments that are not good for the unborn baby.

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Post time 4-7-2008 11:27 AM | Show all posts
What are normal skin changes during pregnancy?

The most common skin changes in pregnancy are:

  • Melasma: brown, clearly defined patches on the face, typically on the cheekbones and forehead.
  • Darkening of the nipples and external genitals (pubic area).
  • Darkening of existing moles.
  • Linea nigra: a dark line that appears on the abdomen, running straight down from the umbilicus (belly button).
  • Striae gravidarum (stretch marks of pregnancy): red lines or bands that can appear on the abdomen during pregnancy or the breasts after breastfeeding, which later become white, smooth, shiny and flattened.
  • Veins on the skin can become more obvious.
  • Varicose (swollen) veins can appear on the legs.
  • Increase in the number of skin tags (small, harmless skin outgrowths that occur especially on the neck, but can be found on any part of body).
  • Acne can worsen.

Why do skin changes occur during pregnancy?

Pregnancy causes changes in blood hormone levels, mainly an increase in oestrogen levels and melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH). Melanocytes are the cells within the skin whose concentration determines the degree of pigmentation of the skin.

Darkening (hyperpigmentation) occurs following the increase in MSH. The changes in veins are due to the increase in oestrogens. Striae gravidarum occur when elastic tissue stretches as the abdomen and breasts enlarge.

Are these skin changes permanent or harmful?

Most of these changes disappear within a few months after the baby is born, but tend to reappear in subsequent pregnancies. Striae gravidarum do not disappear completely but in time they become less noticeable.

Except for affecting the mother's appearance (cosmetic effects), these skin changes do not harm mother or baby in any way.

What are abnormal skin conditions in pregnancy?

Skin disorders that occur during pregnancy can be:

Rashes specific to pregnancy, called specific dermatoses (skin disorders) of pregnancy.
Non-specific rashes that could occur at any time.
Itching without rash.
These disorders can cause harm to mother and baby, so seek medical advice if you spot any skin changes that seem abnormal. Itching without rash can be normal or abnormal in pregnancy. Advice should be sought if itching occurs after the first trimester (3 months) of pregnancy or if it keeps getting worse.

Specific dermatoses of pregnancy

Rashes that only occur in pregnancy are:

  • PUPPP - (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy)
  • Herpes gestationis
  • Impetigo herpetiformis
  • Papular dermatitis of pregnancy
  • Prurigo gestationis

Non-specific rashes during pregnancy

Any skin disorder can appear during pregnancy. Causes of rashes include allergies, drugs, insect bites, skin infections, viral infections, parasites, tumours, and a group of diseases that affect the whole body known as connective-tissue disorders.

These rashes can affect any person at any time, not specifically pregnant mothers. However, pregnancy can change the appearance and consequences of these rashes, and the condition causing the rash may also have harmful effects upon the pregnancy.

Itching without rash during pregnancy

Sometimes during the first trimester (3 months) of pregnancy, you can experience mild itching without a rash. If this itching persists after the first trimester or if it keeps getting worse, report the symptom to your doctor, midwife, or other health-care practitioner.

Some pregnant women experience severe itching during the third trimester of pregnancy. This symptom can be due to a condition called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP).

Mild jaundice (yellow colouration of skin and eyes) can also occur in this condition. Both the itching and the jaundice occur because during pregnancy the liver becomes up to thirty times less efficient at getting rid of bile (a greenish-yellow fluid which is partly a waste product, and partly used to digest fat)

When to seek advice

Some conditions that cause rashes are dangerous to mother as well as baby, so seeking early advice is important for any skin change that seems abnormal, particularly if the pregnant woman feels unwell. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in many of these conditions

  • PUPPP - (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy)

This condition is the most common specific dermatosis (skin condition) of pregnancy. The cause was unknown until recently when Dr.Selim Aracting and colleagues from Paris, France reported studies linking PUPPP with cells from the developing baby (foetus). Their studies suggest that foetal cells can invade the mother's skin during pregnancy, and in some way cause this skin disorder to develop.

Symptoms and signs

  • What: Red raised spots or bumps that itch strongly.
  • Where: The rash usually starts on the abdomen and spreads to the thighs. Occasionally, the rash spreads to arms and buttocks. The face is never involved.
  • When: The rash usually appears after 34 weeks of pregnancy and usually disappears after childbirth, but can recur with subsequent pregnancy.


This condition causes no harm to mother or baby.


Corticosteroids applied to the skin (topical) are known to give prompt relief.
Sometimes oral corticosteroids (eg, prednisolone) are needed.

  • Papular dermatitis of pregnancy

Abnormal blood hormone levels are linked with this disorder especially chronically raised levels of gonadotrophins (hormones produced by the pituitary gland of the brain, and which regulate sex hormone levels) and lowered cortisol and oestrogen levels.

Symptoms and signs

  • What: an extremely itchy rash consisting of red, raised spots that look like insect bites. Crusts (scabs) cover some of these spots. The spots do not collect in groups.
  • Where: all over the body.
  • When: this rash can erupt at any time during pregnancy and then spots continue to appear until childbirth when they clear rapidly.


This condition causes no complications in the mother, but studies suggest that foetal death rates are increased.


High doses of corticosteroids are necessary.

  • Prurigo gestationis

This rash comes in two forms: an early form and a late form.

Symptoms and signs

  • What: very itchy red dots.
  • Where (early form): upper trunk and upper parts of arms and legs. In this form, abdomen and buttocks are rarely involved.
  • Where (late form): the rash is found mostly on the abdomen, usually on striae (stretch marks). After delivery, this form may spread to the entire body.
  • When: the early form appears in the middle months of pregnancy, while the late form occurs in the last week of pregnancy. The rash completely clears within three weeks after childbirth.


This condition is generally not associated with any serious complications in mother or baby.


Simple measures like antihistamine tablets.

  • Herpes gestationis

Herpes gestationis is a rare disease that is not related to the viral infection herpes simplex

Symptoms and signs

  • What: a moderate-to-severe itchy rash consisting of different types of lesion (raised dots or bumps, fluid-filled blisters or blebs, or a combination).
  • Where: usually seen on the abdomen, particularly around the umbilicus, and also on arms and legs. Palms and soles are frequently affected. The entire body may also be involved.
  • When: most likely to appear during the fourth and fifth month of pregnancy, but can occur before or after. This condition can be seen in the first pregnancy or in successive pregnancies for the first time.


This disease can have severe complications. The mother can develop necrosis (breakdown and death) of affected skin as well as kidney damage, which is diagnosed when blood and protein are found in the urine.
Infants can be born with this rash, but it usually clears up within a few weeks of birth without treatment.

Steroids by mouth (systemic). Pyridoxine has also been reported to be effective.

  • Impetigo herpetiformis

Impetigo Herpetiformis is an acute but rare dermatosis of pregnancy.


  • What: groups of small, pus-filled blisters that develop irregularly or in curved or spiral-shaped clusters. After a few days, the blisters scab and the rash dries up, then new blisters appear at the edges of the dried-up rash. Several circles of this type may be produced as the disease progresses. Mild itching, burning sensations and hair loss can occur in the involved area.
  • Where: usually begins in groins, underarms, and the folds of knees and elbows. The disorder can affect the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals where it looks like a greyish erosion (shallow ulcer).
  • When: usually begins in the last trimester and disappears after childbirth, although sometimes leaving residual marks or scars.
  • The rash is always accompanied by severe illness, such as chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea and joint pains.


The maternal death rate is high, and the rate of stillborn babies is also very high if this disease is not treated promptly.


Early diagnosis, and prompt and intensive treatment is advisable
Good responses have been reported with ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone. This stimulates the body to produce more steroids from the adrenal glands) and cortisone treatment.

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2008 02:26 PM | Show all posts
tq for d info. tp kalo nk tunggu smpai deliver baru nk hilang... lamanyerrrr...
ni pun tgh merenyam2 rasa peha ni. Nasib la kat opis, terpaksa tahan juga.
Gatal nyer x terkata. mcm ader ulat, semut, kuman, jarum cucuk2......
Gatallllllllll........... mcm nk amik garfu buat garu jek.

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2008 03:24 PM | Show all posts
ader lg tak sesape yg boleh bg petua/idea ubat sapu utk masalah haiz ni???? haiz minta tolong ssgt ni...

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Post time 4-7-2008 03:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by haizdar78 at 4-7-2008 03:24 PM
ader lg tak sesape yg boleh bg petua/idea ubat sapu utk masalah haiz ni???? haiz minta tolong ssgt ni...

Cuba post question ni dlm Dr Hamid Arshat nye forum maybe dia atau nurse dia boleh bagi second opinion.


Sili gantikan ** kpd "**" , Ina dah cuba copy paste tp tetap keluar macam kat atas

[ Last edited by  Ina_zali at 4-7-2008 03:44 PM ]

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Post time 4-7-2008 06:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 haizdar78's post

I masa pregnant first son pun kena rash yang gatal sangat-sangat.  

This is what I did - mandi guna sabun Dove sahaja.  Bahagian yang ada rash & itch like mad I sapu cooling lotion yang ada aloe vera and vitamin E.   Bila rasa nak mengaru sapukan ice to numb the itch.  

Pastu pantang makanan - no seafood, eggs and limit your protein intake.  Make sure your diet is healthy to support your baby's growth.  Plenty of milk, fruits and vegetables & supplements.  

Drinks lots and lots of water.   Don't scratch because nanti the skin infected lagi banyak masalah especially kena makan ubat and antibiotics etc.  - too risky for your baby.

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Post time 6-7-2008 01:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 haizdar78's post

Pasal krim mandian tuh boleh gak apply sbb my skin n my son's skin pun sensitif, leh try sabun utk rash or eczema macam balneum, krim mandian yang ada oil tuh alah lupa nama dia kat guardian banyak tapi harga dia memang bole tahan mahal....I masa preggy memang tergaru2 jek esp celah peha, then i sapu minyak gamat gak, losyen lah lama2 hilang...

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Post time 6-7-2008 11:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 hazen's post

My mum told me to apply minyak gamat on my rashes.  Didn't work on me - made it worse.  

Dove & cooling lotions works for me.  

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2008 09:16 AM | Show all posts
thanks u all sbb share info. last friday i g klinik DR bg sabun mandi Oilatum, pelembap, vannovat (ubat gatal). skrg i tgk ader kurang la gatal2 ni. mlm pun tdo dh x garu2 g.
Agaknyer orang yg preggy anak sulung mmg kene rashes ni ke? any other alahan yg u all alami tak masa preggy anak sulung? kalo ader share la ngan haiz.

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Post time 19-9-2008 09:49 PM | Show all posts
i have rashes too, tp lps bersalin.3 kali preggy, 3 kali kena.tensennnnnnnnnnnn.tatau nak buat ape.sapu chalamine lotion work for awhile then gatal sml

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Post time 20-9-2008 01:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by haizdar78 at 4-7-2008 03:24 PM
ader lg tak sesape yg boleh bg petua/idea ubat sapu utk masalah haiz ni???? haiz minta tolong ssgt ni...

sblm pregy belakang badan mmg x pernah ada problem, totally clean...masa 1st preggy kena rashes, jera+bernanah naik belakang badan..mmg gatal yang amat sangat. Geram sangat gatal2 tu.. jb bila dah picit jera tu jd makin gatal. Time lunch hr plak, habis peha, betis semua jd gatal, garu sampai melecet, kesan luka. Lagi garu, lagi best
my advice avoid kena panas terlalu lama, mmg time preggy hormone and blood pump up.

2nd preggy x de problem apa2

3rd preggy share air dgn anak yg no. 2..masa tu dia batuk+selsema. Pikir x de effect apa2
In few days sakit tekak, batuk, selsema at once.
Tetiba balik dr klinik badan jd terlalu sejuk menggigil sendiri non stop, balut dgn selimut pun stil menggigil lg
Call hubby suh bw g gynae..betapa teruk nya sakit masa tu. Gynae btw virus infection..baru teringat share drink dgn anak no. 2 few days ago.
lepas gynae prescribe ubat..balik rumah mmg totally flat x sedar. 3 days baru recover

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