yes, some headhunters does the practice you said...normally they will see you and have F2F discussion...then dia akan bagi tau you about the job opening etc....I think dia nk jumpa you and nk buat first filtering before he/she sent you to the client.....if dia nk ajak appointment, try to go to open space....most headhunter normally akan ajak ke places such as CBean/SBuck etc....based on hubby experience laaa....sekian..harap dpt membantu my info........ |
Reply #2 kakct's post
ooo so I should go la kan.. so there's nothing to be worried about..
ye memang dia ajak gi jumpe kat starbucks pun esok malam ..
lagipun saya mmg tengah desperate cari kerja lain ni.. tengah bengang ngan boss :@
thanks kakct.. .. |
Originally posted by mesmerize at 11-9-2008 10:33 PM
ooo so I should go la kan.. so there's nothing to be worried about..
ye memang dia ajak gi jumpe kat starbucks pun esok malam ..
lagipun saya mmg tengah desperate cari kerja lain ni.. tenga ...
my advise....sometimes mmg kita emotional sikit.......tp fikir dulu abis2an b4 you make up ur mind....do not run away from problem......mana2 u keje almost the same jerr ....bengang kat org, org yg patut buat keje malas buat, office politic etc.......unless u have been with the co for more than 5 yrs yes....advisable to make a move...anyway....no harm kan trying...test market......k best of luck to you!!!!!! |
My own & hubby experience with headhunter
1) Normally at first they just called to ask our permission to send our resume to their client. So, if their client agreed to meet us for an interview then after that only they'll reveal the company name
2) Indeed, yes there is a few headhunter which need to do the first filtering by themself. Normally if their client is a very big one. Iyerla dowang pon kene jaga airmuka jugak kan. Takkan nk hantar candidate entah pape. |
Reply #5 katak_kiut's post
ic ic.. thank u, sekarang baru le i faham kenapa dia nak jumpe..
mamat headhunter neh cakap.. it's a big multinational company that has offices around US and Europe..
pehtu great remuneration package lah... chance to travel to USA for 3 months for training lah.. memacam lagi la perkara2 yang besh
haku ingat dia temberang aje, sebab tu taknak bagi tahu company name.. tapi lepas dah baca your response i rasa confident sket nak jumpe dia.. thanks again.. |
Reply #4 kakct's post
saya dah kerja kat sini for 3 years.. kat sini pun big multinational company tapi i've been unhappy lately.. saya mmg tak berapa baik ngan boss since 3 years ago.. tapi sebelum ni memang tak de la big problems cuz my team lead knows that I do a lot of work so I've been getting good performance rating every year because my team lead cakap benda2 yang baik aje pasal i kat my boss tuh..
but lately my boss selalu cari pasal ngan saya, eventhough sekrang saya takde project so saya buat kerja tolong orang lain pun dia nak marah2 pastu selalu jump into his own conclusions without hearing my explanations first, pastu kutuk saya depan team leads lain.. itu yang buat saya sangat fed up n tengah cari kerja lain ni.. |
Originally posted by mesmerize at 12-9-2008 11:22
saya dah kerja kat sini for 3 years.. kat sini pun big multinational company tapi i've been unhappy lately.. saya mmg tak berapa baik ngan boss since 3 years ago.. tapi sebelum ni memang tak de l ...
sis register agent mana ek? |
Reply #8 ronnishi4369's post
tak register pun tapi diorang jumpe resume i kat jobstreet.. i set my resume open for viewing ..
nama company headhunter tu talent lab sdn bhd |
Reply #9 kakct's post
dah gi jumpe headhunters tu tadi dah.. ada 2 orang.. diorang aje lah yang cakap banyak perihal company yang seeking for employees tu.. bagus le, saya pun tengah ngantuk time tu malas nak cakap banyak kalao diorang tanye memacam |
Reply #1 mesmerize's post
pernah je....tapi takdelah rahsia2 mcm yg makcik mesme cakap tu... dia siap cakap lagi la butir2 penting termasuk la company apa...but then after beng dah send resume dia ada call semula cakap pasal expected salary yg beng letak agak tinggi berbanding ngan range semasa company tu nak kasi....so beng cakaplah....I'm not interested la sebab i'm not that desperate nak tinggalkan kerja skang yg gajinya cuma kurang rm1k. Pe barangggg! |
head hunter call aku almost every month... die cakap dapat profile aku kat jobstreet..
tp... current job aku pun dapat thru headhunter..
aku ok je... bile headhunter call... tapi aku nak kena tau aku kena keje kat mane... sbb salary mmg bole negotiable ngan company nnt.
kalo company tu nak hntr aku ke negara dunia ke 3.... heheh... confirm aku tak nak... |
korang yg slalu kena call headhunter nih... keje line ape nih?... what industry? |
Me? Line Quality Management System or ISO. But mostly sbb dowang nk someone who familiar with TS16949 |
aku dapat call dari headhunter tadi.. untuk MNC kat damansar under legal.. aku tanye macam2 dorang tak disclose..las la aku cakap..so tak interested |
also got a call from headhunter semalam... actually dapat voice mail jer sebab tak sempat nak angkat..... lately ni ramai plak headhunter yg calling2.. maybe banyak vacancy kot as year end approaching .... |
aku pun dulu selalu dapat call dari headhunter, sejak masuk gomen..pun byk jugak..tapi lepas aku buang semua cv aku kat job street, jobsdb dan sebagainya..dah kurang la...
kadang2 diaorang xnak bagitahu company apa sebab xnak kita terus approach HR company tu..
katakan company A ada vacancy, dia minta headhunter tolong cari org sebab diaorang malas nak handle kerja2 advertising nie..tapi bila kita tahu kata company A nie ada vacancy, kita tentu akan direct pergi ke company tersebut, dan headhunter nie, dapat duit dari setiap head yg diaorang supply..kalau kita direct xde la income diaorang...
sebab tu diaorang xnak bagitahu dulu company mana...
lagi satu sebab ialah nak jaga reputasi client diaorang...kalau diaorang selalu advertisekan vacancy, nampak sangat yg turnover company tu tinggi..selalunya company yg tinggi turnover ialah company yang tak bagus enviroment kerja dier.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi