kalo aku tak baca bnyk2..trus2 del..nyampah lew layan trash cmni..idup nk menipu aje..senget punye org |
byk sgt dh e-mai; mcm ni..ignore je....sukar nk percaya mcm2 jenis skrg ni.... |
kalo aku email camtu mmg aku delete ... nasib baik aku bukan jenis mudah terpengaruh dgn kekayaan singkat |
Akaun hampir kering akibat layan e-mel penipu
[email protected]
EMMA ASMANI menunjukkan salinanlaporan polis mengenai kes penipuan yang menyebabkan wang dalamakaunnya hampir kering kelmarin.
PUTRAJAYA - Tidak sampai 15 minit selepas mengemaskini akaunperbankan dalam talian, seorang pegawai pemasaran mendakwa kehilangankesemua wang gaji sebulan berjumlah RM2,200 daripada akaun simpanannya.
Musibah yang menimpa Emma Asmani Ab. Halim, 36, bermula selepas diamenerima beberapa e-mel yang didakwa dari bank berkenaan dengan tujuanmeminta mengemaskini akaun selain peringatan ia akan ditutup jikaurusan tersebut tidak dibuat.
Bimbang akaun akan ditutup, dia membuka e-mel itu dan klik padapautan laman web bank yang diberikan pada pukul 11 pagi 1 April lalu.
"Saya hanya sedar duit dah hilang selepas membuat semakan dalamtalian melalui laman web bank berkenaan pada 3 April lalu dan mendapatibaki akaun RM99.90 sedangkan ia sepatutnya RM2,299.90,'' katanya ketikaditemui kelmarin.
Emma Asmani semakin keliru dan panik apabila dimaklumkan olehseorang pegawai bank berkenaan bahawa dia telah membuat transaksipindahan wang.
"Selepas dua minit kemudian, saya menerima khidmat pesanan ringkasnombor tac (nombor empat digit pengesahan transaksi) daripada bankberkenaan,'' dakwanya.
Pada 3 April lalu, beliau membuat semakan di bank berkenaan di sinidan sekadar diberi layanan 'ala-kadar' oleh salah seorang pegawai.
"Apabila saya menceritakan masalah itu, dia sekadar berkata, duit saya mungkin dah pergi ke Indonesia.
"Dia juga kata transaksi itu sukar dikesan dan wang saya tidak dapat dipulangkan,'' katanya.
Katanya, semakan dengan bank mendapati ada transaksi pindahan wangtepat 11.16 pagi pada hari sama dia mengemaskini akaun simpanannya.
"Pihak bank beritahu duit telah dipindahkan tetapi tidak memaklumkanke mana tetapi bagaimana bank itu boleh hantar nombor tac terus padatelefon bimbit saya selepas lebih kurang dua minit jika e-mel itupalsu?'' soalnya. |
ni satu lagi barujer aku terima email...salah satu cara penipuan gak nih...
Alamat E-Anda telah dipilih secara online di Asia Petronas AwardPromo.Your menarik memiliki total nilai $ 2000000.00 Juta dolar Silakanunitd negara mengakui penerimaan mail ini, dan klaim Hubungi agen untukmenang harga
Dr Husaine Bin Norman.
Email: [email protected]
CALL NOW: Tel: +60166084889, |
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haa yang ni aku selalu dapat kat email, siap dia YM lagi dengan aku dulu tapi bukan email yg ni la.
CLAIMS PIN NUMBER: ABL / IPP/3688802255/07
Attention winner,
Top of the day to you. l amDr. Norman Husaine, we strongly believe that your prize winnings willbe put into good use for community educational and businessdevelopment. You are required to fill the form below to facilitate theprocessing of your winnings and certificate which will lead tothe final remittance of your prize to you as required.
(1).A duly completed Prize Award Verification form to enable this officeverify and process your winnings and have your winning prize via BankTransfer to your nominated bank account in your country within 48hours.
2).Youare also require to send scan copy of your International Passport orDrivers License along with the filled form for identification. lnline with the above, we strongly advice you to adhere and comply to theinstructions above in order to avoid disqualification.
Findattached Prize Award Verification / Clearance Form Draft below whichyou are expected to fill out and return via email to this office uponyour confirmation of this email receipt.
CLAIMS PIN NUMBER:...................................................
FULL NAME:........................................................................
COMPANY NAME:.................................................................
FULL ADDRESS:...................................................................
MARITAL STATUS:................................................................
ZIP CODE:...............................................................................
SIGNATURE.................................. DATE.................................
I.............................................................. Declareas the lottery prize winner that all information's I have provided formy winning claim are true and correct. I agreed with the instructionsin line with the processing and remittance of my Lottery Award Prize.
Note:You are to keep all lotto information away from the general publicespecially your claims pin numbers and ticket numbers. (This isimportant as a case of double claims will not be entertained).
Once again, Congratulation from the Management and Entire Staffs of the LOTTERY PROMO BOARD.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards,
Dr. Norman Husaine.
Reply #14 gutes_madchen's post
aku selalu dapat emel kononnya dari CIMB ngan Maybank kata aku punya online account ada problem, yang kelakaranya aku takde pun akaun kat 2 bank ni.
Lagi satu kalau online banking ni dia orang ada sediakan satu security untuk mengelakkan kita masuk kat web yang salah. Contohnya macam bank yang aku selalu guna ni, setiap kali masuk untuk log in akan nampak satu gambar yang memang aku pilih sejak dari kali pertama log in.
Kalau boleh bila dapat email kata online banking ada problem, jangan klik link yang dia orang bagi kat dalam email tu. |
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mmmmm kalu mcm yg cth di bawah ni kot ... aku abaikan jer.. takut gak apa2 jd...
From: Maybank Berhad <[email protected]>
Subject: Alert : "Urgent Problem"
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 2:11 PM
HTML clipboard
Dear Valued Customer,
We detected a security problem as your account was accessed from a remote blacklisted location. For safety reasons, we have suspended access to your account pending your verification and confirmation.
Activate Here:
Please be informed that inactive accounts will be closed in less than 10 Minutes for security purposes. We regret any inconvenience caused.
Maybank Berhad
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macam org yg sama ajorrrr.....
Dear Valued Customer,
CIMB Aaccount Security Systems(CASS-8/8/9) detected a security "threat" in your account as it wasaccessed from a blacklisted location. We have suspended your accountpending your immediate reactivation for safety reasons.
Note that inactive accounts will be deactivated in less than 5min for security reasons. We regret any inconvenience caused.
CIMB Group |
Nak share gak...
bayangkan kalu mende ni betul...ramai da JUTAWAN sekang...
Lucky Drop International Promotion
E.A.A.S Lottery Headquarters,
Euro - Afro Asia Sweepstakes Lottery Inc.
Customer Service, 580 N.Tenth Street, Sacramento, CA 85914,
An Affiliate of Charity International.
Arena Complex Km 18 Route de Rufisque,
I.P.P Award Department,
Amsterdam Holland.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We happily announce to you the draw of 2009 Euro-Afro Asia Sweepstakes Lottery International Program held on the 1st OF APRIL 2009 in Amsterdam Holland.Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 577-744-3465-E77 with serial number: 652-662 and draw lucky number: 7181813-05 which subsequently won you lottery in the 2nd category of file number: FA1305U-ID. Batch Number.0952k Reference Number.02-OH-06 You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of US$500,000.00 ( (Five hundred Thousand United States Dollars) in Cheque.
All participants in this lottery program were selected randomly through a computer ballot system, drawn from 85.000.000 individual email addresses from all search engines.Your e-mail address was picked by the automated computer ballot system, which has been programed for this random selection. This has eventually qualified you for the Winning.This promotional program takes place annually, and is promoted and sponsored by eminent personalities, Sultan of Brunei, Bill Gates of Microsoft Inc.With the support of European corporate companies and organizations to encourage the use of Internet and computers worldwide.
Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our Asian representative's booklet in Jakarta Indonesia as indicated in your file number: FA1305U-ID. In view of this, your US$500,000.00 Cheque would be released to you by Our Europ Fiduciary Agent, Our Asian Fiduciary Agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your Cheque as soon as you contact Barrister Vincent Jack office in Jakarta Indonesia.
Please contact BARRISTER VINCENT JACK MD. in Jakarta Indonesia for your claim with the following details below to enable the speedy evaluation and processing of your winning.
1 Name. 2 Home address. 3 Telephone number. 4 Age and occupation. 5 Ticket number. 6 Serial number. 7 File number. 8 Draw number.
[email protected]
Tel: +6285697741221
Mrs. Basheera Abubakar
Zonal Co_ordinator(holland Lottery Inc).
First Name..........................
Middle Name.......................
Last Name..........................
Gender.: Male /Female
Month Of Birth.: Month January Febuary March April MayJune JulyAugust September October November DecemberDay: Day1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Year:
Marital Status.: Single Married Divorced
Address 1..............................
Address 2...............................
Zip Code..............................
Mobile phone No................
House Phone No..................
Fax No.................................
Email Address.: * eg. [email protected]
Batch Number.................
Serial Number................
Refrence Number...............
This is to verify that the information filled in this FORM is a valid particulars of me. Yes: No:
Congratulations once again on your winnings!!
For security purposes and clarity we advice that you keep your winning informations confidential, and not to be disclosed to anyone until your claim have been fully processed and your winning Cheque delivered to you. BE WARNED!
Your winning details can only be released to your fiduciary agent who will commence the process of your winning, This is to avoid wrong and double claim, it is also part of our security protocol to avoid unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous element.You are requested to contact Our Asian Fiduciary Agent in Jakarta Indonesia for your claim.Please note that all winnings must be claimed not later than one month after the date of this winning notification.In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications make sure that your winning details are quoted correctly in all correspondence.
We advice that you adhere strictly to these procedures to avoid disqualifications and subsequent cancellation.The above detailed information will be absolutely necessary to facilitate the process of your winning Cheque.Once again! please Note that this winning is valid for one month and failure to issue claims after this period, your Cheque will be automatically void.
From E.A.A.S Headquater Amsterdam Holland
[ Last edited by dr_stein at 6-5-2009 16:37 ] |
Dear Sir/Madam:
Our warehouses are filled with great newand used warehouse equipment and racking products, ready for fastshipment. Due to the large amount of order we receive from Malaysia, weare in need of agents who will work part- time as paymentagents/Payment collectors.
Customers will make payments into your account. We will then give youinstructions on how to send the funds to us. You will be paid RM 2,000on every transfer and also get a Monthly Payment of $3,000 (USD)
Email the below details to: [email protected]
Full Names:
Contact Address:
Mobile Phone Number:
Bank Name:
Account Number:
1.) We only accept Maybank and CIMB Accounts
2.) You are required to have an ATM Card as most withdrawal will be done via the ATM Machine.
3.) Note: Above details must be sent to : [email protected]
55/1 College Street,
Worcester, MA 01610 - USA
www.htr-equipments.com/Online.html |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi