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WArna anak mata berubah

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Post time 23-6-2009 02:42 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by aurorae at 23-6-2009 14:44

Selepas sesak nafas dan dibawa ke hospital, saya baru terperasan lingkaran luar anak mata arwah ayah saya dah berubah ke warna kelabu jernih.  Sebelum ini warnanya coklat gelap.  Semakin lama lingkaran anak mata yg berwarna begitu semakin membesar ke dalam.  Beberapa jam sebelum meninggal dunia, cuma tinggal sedikit sahaja lagi warna hitam di tengah anak matanya.  Kenapa warna mata arwah berubah begitu?  Saya bertanya soalan ini pada 2 orang doktor yg merawat ayah ketika itu, tapi mereka tak jawab.

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Post time 23-6-2009 02:46 PM | Show all posts
pelik.. kenapa yerrr????
x pernh plak orang terjadi mcm ni

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Post time 23-6-2009 11:29 PM | Show all posts
aku nyer mata lak pelik...
dulu2 masa aku kecik kat tepi lingkaran mata aku besar sikit...biru tua...
tapi skrang dah tak berapa nampak dah..

mak aku lak...memang ketara lingkaran biru dier...
makin dier dah tua..makin besar....

amende tu eh?

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2009 03:46 AM | Show all posts
warna anak mata berubah tu ambil masa 5 hari, sejak arwah ayah aku sesak nafas hinggalah akhirnya.  Err kat sini pun takde sapa tau ke?

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2009 04:09 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aurorae at 24-6-2009 04:11

Aku cuma dapat info kenapa warna anak mata boleh berubah dari biru/cerah ke coklat/gelap

Glaucoma blinds 80,000 Americans a year and steals some sight from 900,000 others. It is caused when fluid builds up inside the eyeball and causes dangerous pressure. Over time that pressure pushes against the delicate optic nerve until it is damaged and the person begins to lose eyesight. Standard therapy is a drug called Timolol, made by Pharmacia competitor Merck & Co. This eye drop makes the eye produce less fluid, thus keeping the pressure down. But the drug has numerous side effects, from breathing problems to irregular heartbeat. And people with hearing or respiratory problems cannot use it.

Latanoprost is the first of a new class of drugs based on a natural chemical called prostaglandin, which helps the eye drain off its fluid. In a study of 829 patients, those who took Latanoprost had a 37% greater drop in inner-eye pressure than Timolol patients. They also had significantly fewer side effects.

But some had a startling side effect: Blue eyes turned brown, as did green, hazel, and even yellowish ones. The color change hit 15.5% of patients after a year of Latanoprost use.

"This is a very strange side effect", acknowledged Dr. J. Stjernschantz, the company's lead researcher. "There is no other drug or agent that can cause this side effect". And it is apparently not a reversible change even when patients stop taking the drug. The question is whether the change is cosmetic or dangerous.

The company theorizes that Latanoprost increases the amount of melanin in people's eyes. Melanin is a chemical that gives people skin color, and everybody's eyes have some. But lighter-colored eyes don't produce as much of the pigment, allowing light to better diffuse through the eye and reflect back. The company gave high levels of Latanoprost to monkeys for a year and counted the number of melanin-producing cells, finding no increase. But these cells were producing more of the kind of melanin that causes a dark color than the kind that causes yellow colors. The company notes that 10% of the population experience an unexplained eye color change by adulthood anyway. But critical panelists asked whether the melanin-producing cells would eventually get so full that they burst. And they noted that 90% of the people studies were white. Black glaucoma patients naturally have more eye pigment, and nobody knows how their eyes would be affected.

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Post time 24-6-2009 09:35 AM | Show all posts
Aruah ayah I pun macam ni dan I ada observe kalau pada orang2 yang sakit tenat. Kalau tenguk mata hitam mereka dah tak gelap lagi (jadi kelabu) and tak lama lepas tu mereka meninggal. Lagi, last year semasa I berbual dgn my staff and I tenguk mata dia and nampak mata hitam dia tak gelap. Terdetik juga dalam hati ni. Pas tu selang 1 bulan, dia pun meninggal.

I pun tak tau any scientific explaination about this dan ingin juga nak tau.

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Post time 24-6-2009 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Aruah ayah I pun macam ni dan I ada observe kalau pada orang2 yang sakit tenat. Kalau tenguk mata hitam mereka dah tak gelap lagi (jadi kelabu) and tak lama lepas tu mereka meninggal. Lagi, last year  ...
uda Post at 24-6-2009 09:35

health a result blood circulation...yg tak bagus...nutrient tak sampai ke situ..
jadi mata bertukar kaler...into a lighter shade..

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 Author| Post time 2-11-2011 03:11 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aurorae at 2-11-2011 03:55

beberapa sympton penyakit berdasarkan warna iris (anak mata)

contoh mata kelabu;  

ada lagi site lain;

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 Author| Post time 2-11-2011 03:54 AM | Show all posts
dari website hospice care;  
anak2 yang menceritakan perubahan warna pada mata ibubapa mereka sebelum meninggal dunia, sebaik meninggal dunia.  

kebanyakannya berubah ke warna biru terang atau biru/kelabu jernih seperti warna mata ayah saya.

Lil wrote at 2008-06-13 15:27:43
My fathers eyes, when alive, were hazel. Shortly after he died, a little over an hour later I looked and saw they were a light golden color. I wondered the same thing as you. I just thought you would like to hear from someone who experienced the same situation.

Jean wrote at 2008-06-20 17:38:18
My father died in October of 2007. My sister and I were holding him when he died from complications due to alzheimers. He had been in somewhat of a deep sleep which may have been due to the medication given during the last days.  He began to breathe very shallow short breaths, and then all of a sudden his eyes blinked and he opened is eyes and looked directly at my sister and I. When he opened his eyes they were the most beautiful blue eyes and the whites were bright white and his eyelashes looked darker. My sister told him it was ok to let go, he then turned looked at me and I told him to "go ahead and go to see your mother now". He blinked his left eye as to wink, he then closed his eyes and he was gone.  During his lifetime my father's eyes were a greenish blue, not the color blue the morning he died.

Since it was 2:15 in the morning, the rest of the family was asleep.  When we told our mother how we held him as he died she said, "I am sure that is exactly how he would have wanted it".

I wanted to share this because there was a question on this from a woman whose husband's eyes were blue at death.  The hospice nurse replied that she had never seen this happen.  

Tracy wrote at 2008-07-25 01:13:44
my best friend just died this week from cancer. Her eyes have been a beautiful blue all of her life. Strikingly blue. They turned brown grey 2 days before her death and stayed that color to death.

This is another example but I do not have an answer as well.

Jamie wrote at 2008-12-24 03:40:22
I have also experienced a situation where the eyes were a beautiful brown when my cousin was alive then the day before the funeral they were blue. But again, I, too, do not have the answer.

rita wrote at 2009-01-05 18:14:22
I have noticed this with my mother and my father-in-law but just prior to death.  I would be interested in seeing more responses to your question.

Tricia wrote at 2009-02-21 17:18:00
My Mum died in January this year she had Alzheimers and vascular dementia.She had a fall 2 weeks before she died and as a result of this had bleeding into her brain,and i was told she would die.I stayed at the care home with her as she was dieing,she was very sleepy most of the time,but on the last occasion that she opened her eyes, 2 days before she died, they had changed colour from brown to the brightest blue i had ever seen with the clearest whites. She gazed around at myself and other family members,she had such a youthful look to her,then went to sleep and passed so peacefully away in my arms 2 days later.I came across this forum whilst looking up this phenomenen on the internet. I hope that others will not doubt what they saw,this really did happen.

james wrote at 2009-06-11 06:27:29
at the end of my fathers life the last thing he heard was my 4 year daughter singing to him on the telephone. he sat up during this and opened his eyes looking past me as if watching a movie. his eyes were light blue/grey but they were always very brown his whole life. he closed his eyes and passed away. it is the only unexplained thing i have seen in my life and has me curious after ten years. i dont believe in anything but science and am very rational and clear headed.

sarah walker wrote at 2009-07-09 21:36:34
I was researching this very same topic and came across this question. My father passed away from cancer on June 29, 2009. Exactly two days before he died, I noticed a change in color of his eyes also. His brown eyes became blue, but I believe some people refer to this as "glazed". My brother who is around many animals stated to me that daddy must be close to death because he has seen this eye change before in animals. Anyway, I wanted to post this comment because I didn't want you to think you were the only one who had noticed something like this, and after reading a negative response from a Hospice worker who didn't have a clue to what you were talking about, I wanted you to know that for some odd reason, apparantly it does happen in some cases..I'm in the process of doing research on this topic myself.

Dre wrote at 2009-08-13 18:47:45 ... 3/00000003/art00015

Research on eye color changes post mortem.

Dre wrote at 2009-08-13 18:48:22 ... 3/00000003/art00015

Research on eye color changes post mortem.

Tami wrote at 2009-08-14 06:32:07
My 19 year old son recently died. We were not able to see him till almost 5 hours after he was pronounced. He was born with dark brown eyes but his eye color postmortem was blue. I have since wondered about this, what it may be called. I have watched the tv series, CSI, and noticed that this is frequently the case of postmortem bodies.

Judy wrote at 2009-08-17 09:54:16
My mom died on August 18, 2004.  I was amazed at the time of her death.  I watched her eyes change from their normal dark brown color to brilliant blue.  My dad died on January 15, 2009 but I saw no such change.  I also don't feel that it is normal postmortem change.

Susie wrote at 2009-09-02 17:45:44
Just wanted to add this after reading about the eye color change. My Dad has just passed away  a month ago, He had green eyes all of his life. But his eyes did change to blue a couple of weeks before he had died. My sister and I could not believe it. We all have his eye color. same has happened to my mom. she too had the green/hazel, when we lost her last year she too left with blue eyes? I didn't grow up with my mom, so I thought maybe she always did have blue and I never noticed them? But I sat beside my dad the whole 8 months of fighting to live. and I am sure his eyes turned blue 2 weeks before he died.

Sandy wrote at 2010-02-17 22:15:42
My daughter had hazel colored eyes when she passed away in 1986 her eyes were a beautiful blue color, then my mom passed away in 2006 she also had hazel eyes and when she passed she had the same beautiful blue eyes.

I thought maye ]be I was crazzy it is so nice to hear about others who have seen the same thing.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wrote at 2010-04-10 19:22:20
I also have seen this in my mother when she passed! She lived her whole life with green eyes %26 when she was dead they were blue because thats how we found her %26 she was only 53! It is weird and I am also trying to find out why!

yang ini mungkin ada jawapannya
Ken wrote at 2010-12-20 19:41:20
My Mom passed away in September 2004. She was only in the hospital for a couple of days; comatose after falling and suffering blunt force trauma to her head. Her eyes went from dark brown to a blue/gray color at the time of her death. I was told that this is normal since at birth most babies are born with lighter color eyes than they would have as adults and without adequate blood flow the eyes will go back to blue/gray.

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Post time 2-11-2011 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Berdasarkan iridiology, iris / anak mata adalah seperti peta bagi badan, dimana perubahan didalam anggota atau organ tertentu dapat diperhatikan dibahagian tertentu pada iris. Berkenaan dengan warna anak mata yang berubah menjadi lebih gelap, berkemungkinan bahagian yang berubah adalah dibahagian tepi dalam iris. bahagian ini dinamakan 'scurf rim' yang mewakili sistem peredaran darah manusia yang menunjukkan sistem ini menghadapi masalah / tidak dapat berfungsi. kita sedia maklum, apabila sesorang meninggal / mati, keseluuhan sistem tubuh dia akan terhenti., dan ini boleh menyebabkan keseluruhan iris berubah warna.

Sesiapa yang berminat untuk mendapatkan analisis kesihatan berdasarkan anak mata boleh hubungi saya. tq

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