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Author: jf_pratama

Gamelan - Warisan Dunia dari Indonesia

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Post time 1-10-2009 09:07 PM | Show all posts
Neolithic Art in SEA, Dong Son Drum from South China.... Juga dijumpai serpihan gendang Dong Son di Terengganu n Lembah Klang, Selangor.


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Post time 1-10-2009 09:10 PM | Show all posts
Lagi gambar2....

New Iron Age Cemetery discovered, immediately looted

In March 2007, villagers of Prohear in southeast Cambodia, Prey Veng Province, discovered around their farm houses the ancient burials containing valuable objects. They immediately started to dig the site and heavy looting activities started in April.  The unearthed burial offerings included golden ornaments, small Dong Son bronze drums, bronze and iron weapons, beads of glass and semi-precious stones etc. The loot is immediately sold to middleman, who frequented the village without delay.

A first visit of the Memot Centre team in May could not stop any of the looting. The Prohear cemetery burial site is extremely important not only for Cambodia, but also for Southeast Asia. To protect the site, measurements were taken to build up a cooperation project between the MCA, under the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in Berlin. It is planned to start fieldwork at the end of this year and save as much as possible of the site. Besides that, it is necessary to educate the villagers to understand the value of their own National Heritage. It is a long way, but finally they should realize that it is their duty to safeguard the site.


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Post time 14-10-2010 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Ala... xpe la.. memang betul pun Gamelan tu berasal dari Indonesia pun.. kita orang2 Malaysia nie kene paham n kesian kat Indonesia sekarang ni. Walaupun budaya mereka hebat, sejarah bangsa mereka hebat.. tpi sekarang lemah dalam ekonomi, selalu dilanda bencana alam yg teruk2, lemah dalam pentadbiran n kebajikan rakyat. ramai warga Indonesia yg miskin n makan pun cuma nasi dengan tempe.... yang kaya terlalu kaya n yg miskin terlalu miskin. kalau tgk drama2 pun boleh tau nmpk gambaran kehidupan masyarakat kat sana...huhu. kalau boleh kita bantu lah mereka seboleh yg mungkin... dgn ikhlas hati sbb rakyat Malaysia kan baik2 n suka membantu kpd yg memerlukan n x suka kepada kekacauan n keributan....

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Post time 14-10-2010 04:51 PM | Show all posts

Jgn bergaduh weh...

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Post time 12-11-2010 09:24 AM | Show all posts
sy just nk citer experience sy psl gamelan ni....dekat skola saya ade alat muzik gamelan ni...orang kata kononnya gamelan ni berhantu...b4 main,kena baca ayat2 suci al-quran....selalunya klau lalu kt bilik gamelan tu mlm2,mmg terasa meremang bulu roma...pernah skali,dlm pukul 11.30 mlm,kwn2 sy semua dh tido,tinggal sy je blum tido,tgh kemas2 loker,tiba2 je dgr bunyi gamelan,padahal,xde sesapa pun main time tu n bilik tu jauh sgt dr dorm sy..trus melompat atas katil n tido...dorang pun ade ckp sebelum ni ramai yg prnah kena jgk...

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