Reply 9# ketuk
rotavirus vaccine ni bukan vaksin wajib. dia vaksin optional. kena dapatkan 2 dos. dia bukan ubat cucuk, dia ubat oral (makan, masuk dalam mulut).
i suggest your anak dapatkan vaksin ni sebab dia prone ti have berak2...
another thing, if anak u 3 bulan, and dia berak dalam 3-4 kali, i think that should be normal. generally babies that age akan poo poo & wee 8-9 times (lepas campur).
but if you tengok feces 9najis) dia terlalu diluted (cair), then maybe susu dia tak sesuai. tapi if teksture najis dia biasa, then u have nothing to worry about.
lastly, are you on any jamu/slimming herbs ke tak? cuz this can affect baby jugak, assuming that your baby ni masih menyusu, sebab dia baru 3 bulan.
if tak, i suggest you start giving full breastfeeding...if your milk supply dah low, ada mekanisme dia untuk bagi banyak balik.
babies who's gut is very sensitive, will need that nutrient that your breastmilk can give, not from formula milk.
now, this is not a debate about breastmilk vs formula milk, but if you are really concern about your child's condition, and since you mentioned you dah tukar brand susu 2-3 kali, tapi tak selesai gak masalah dia, then you may want to think of this option. |