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Author: star_karat

Asteroid terbang himpit bumi pada 8 Nov 2011

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Post time 8-11-2011 07:02 PM | Show all posts

yang jarak terdekat Bumi dan Asteroid tu, Bumi bahagian mana? Asia? Amerika? Jepun? Kalau di Malaysia jam 6.28 pagi, rasa ok kot kita nak nampak... Matahri belum berapa nak terbit lagi...

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Post time 8-11-2011 07:44 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by meritokrasi at 8-11-2011 19:46

patutlah dekat Amerika sekarang kecoh pasal EAS (Emergency Alert System)

First national EAS test coming Wednesday afternoon

There’s no reason to worry about your super fancy HD, 3-D high-tech plasma flat screen if it acts a little funny around 2 p.m. Wednesday. Your regular old boob tube and car radio are OK, too.

In fact, every television and radio in the country will be taken over for a few seconds Wednesday afternoon as the FCC and FEMA conduct the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System.

The system is used mostly for state- or regionwide alerts, to quickly get information about disasters or emergencies to residents. Most people are familiar with the smaller, monthly tests done statewide.

This test will be largely the same but will take over broadcast signals from Puerto Rico to Alaska and Maine to California for about a minute.

The broadcast will originate in Washington, D.C., and will use a “live code,” meaning the ticker scrolling across television screens will advise of a real emergency, according to Jordan Walton, executive director of the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters.

An audio message will advise that this is a test, this is only a test, he said, and most broadcasters will post a message on the screen along the same lines.

“It’s going to be a little bizarre,” Walton said. “It’s a big deal because this test has never been done before. We want to make sure the system is going to work.”

The EAS system has been in place for about 10 years and took over for the Emergency Broadcast System. The system was set up during the Cold War-era so the president could quickly address the country in case of a national emergency, according to Jim Van Dongen, a spokesman for the state Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

Ironically, it’s never been used for that purpose, even in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

“Over the years, it’s been used much more on a state level or a regional level,” Van Dongen said. “The most frequent user is the National Weather Service.”

For all intents and purposes, the test won’t mean much to most people outside missing a minute or so of a favorite soap opera. But it is important to find any holes or other problems in the system before it needs to be used, Van Dongen said.

“For most people, it’s not going to be that big a deal,” he said. “The big deal will be behind the scenes.”


speku, speku, speku...

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Post time 8-11-2011 09:08 PM | Show all posts
kalo jatuh kat dunia...

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Post time 9-11-2011 03:34 AM | Show all posts
kalu hentam bulan....akan bangkitkah sentinel prime nanti? {:4_189:}

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Post time 9-11-2011 08:28 AM | Show all posts
sorry aku rasa dalam pagi2 buta esok. Kalau ada teropong besar boleh try tengok dia berdesut. Ini bukan tahi bintang ini asteroid,..
star_karat Post at 8-11-2011 11:57

   tahi bintang apa and asteroid tu apa?

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Post time 9-11-2011 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by meritokrasi at 9-11-2011 09:06

Reply 25# SiNoob

...Asteroid ialah objek kecil dalam sistem suria yang mengelilingi matahari yang mempunyai saiz yang lebih kecil daripada planet....


...Persatuan Astronomi Antarabangsa pada sidang umum IX pada 1961 menakrifkan meteoroid sebagai berikut :

    « Sebuah objek padat yang berada/bergerak dalam ruang antara planet, dengan ukuran lebih kecil daripada asteroid dan lebih besar daripada sebuah atom atau molekul.»

Ketika memasuki atmosfera sebuah planet, meteoroid akan dipanaskan dan akan menguap sebahagian atau keseluruhannya. Gas-gas disepanjang lintasannya akan terion dan bercahaya.
Jejak gas bercahaya ini disebut sebagai meteor, atau tahi bintang. Jika sebahagian meteoroid ini mencapai tanah, maka akan disebut sebagai meteorit.


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Post time 9-11-2011 09:16 AM | Show all posts
Reply  SiNoob


meritokrasi Post at 9-11-2011 09:03

secara mudah nya..tahi bintang itu adalah objek-objek yang survive selepas melalui atmosfera kan?

so kalau asteroid tu menghala ke bumi dan melepasi atmosfera..ianya pun menjadi tahi bintang kan?

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Post time 9-11-2011 09:22 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by meritokrasi at 9-11-2011 09:26

Reply 27# SiNoob

asteroid kalau masuk atmosfera Bumi tetap digelar sebagai asteroid, tak jatuh martabat asteroid tu...
kah kah kah...   kah kah kah...

meteoroid kalau masuk atmosfera Bumi jadi
meteor lepas tu terhempas ke tanah jadi meteorit...
meteor dia boleh naik level...

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Post time 9-11-2011 09:27 AM | Show all posts
Reply  SiNoob

asteroid kalau masuk atmosfera Bumi tetap digelar sebagai asteroid, tak jatuh mart ...
meritokrasi Post at 9-11-2011 09:22

owh..okies..paham dah..
terima kasih..

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Post time 9-11-2011 02:25 PM | Show all posts

Asteroid sebesar kapal lintas Bumi

FOTO daripada NASA ini menunjukkan imej asteroid 2005 YU55 yang dirakam pada 7 November lalu.

LOS ANGELES, Amerika Syarikat (AS) - Sebuah asteroid sebesar sebuah kapal induk bergerak menuju ke arah Bumi semalam.
Saintis-saintis Program Objek Dekat Bumi Pentadbiran Aeronautik Kebangsaan (NASA) yang mengesan asteroid dan komet menyatakan bahawa objek tersebut tidak akan menerjah Bumi.
Mereka menggunakan peluang tersebut untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang asteroid berkenaan yang dikenali sebagai 2005 YU55.
Kali terakhir bahan kosmik sebesar ini bergerak menghampiri Bumi ialah pada 1976. Kejadian ini tidak akan berlaku lagi hingga tahun 2028.
Sejak minggu lalu, rangkaian antena balai cerap Deep Space Network di California telah memantau pergerakan asteroid selebar 0.4 kilometer itu ketika ia semakin menghampiri Bumi dari arah matahari.
Balai Cerap Arecibo di Puerto Rico pula merancang merakam asteroid berkenaan ketika ia melintasi Bumi pada jarak 325,072 kilometer (km) semalam iaitu lebih dekat daripada jarak Bumi dengan bulan.
Bulan berada pada jarak 384,400 km dari Bumi. - Agensi

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Post time 9-11-2011 02:25 PM | Show all posts
sebelum ni ada gak thread asteroid...

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Post time 10-11-2011 12:19 PM | Show all posts
Ooo.. ntah2 yg aku tengok mlm tadi.. komet nie kot..
mlm tadi bulan penuh terang menderang pastu jauh sikit dari bulan ada satu bintang bersize besar dari bintang2 biasa.. kat sebelah bintang besar tu ada bintang kecil..

itu asteroid ke?? atau satelite..??

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Post time 10-11-2011 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 32# kintan

aku pun terperasan yg sama gak bila mendongak tengok langit malam tadi...

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