Ok kisah ini berlaku di North Carolina, USA. Alkisah ceritanya seorang ayah yang sedang marah (saya tak rasa marah adalah perkataan yang sesuai), telah melakukan satu kaedah unik untuk mengajar si anak perempuannya, Hannah, 15, tentang erti kekeluargaan dengan berhemah.
Si bapa berasa amatlah perlu untuk anaknya itu menghormati ibubapa dan kaum yang lebih tua daripadanya. Masalah tercetus apabila anaknya yang baru berumur 15 tahun (di Malaysia, masih bawah umur) terang-terangan memaparkan satu nota ketidakpuasan hatinya di laman sosial terkemuka, Facebook. Dia secara terburu-buru memaki hamun, mengutuk dan menyuarakan isi hatinya di laman tersebut, tanpa ada sedetik pun sangkaan yang ayahnya akan mengetahui benda tersebut.
Dan malangnya, dia terlupa ayahnya, Tommy Jordan, seorang pakar IT, dan bidang tersebut satu-satunya sumber pendapatan merekan sekeluarga.
Apa yang Hannah tak puas hati?
Baca di bawah.
To my parents,
I'm not your damn slave. It's not my responsibility to clean up your s**t. We have a cleaning lady for a reason. Her name is Linda, not Hannah.
If you want coffee, get off your ass and get it yourself. If you want a garden, shovel the fertiliser yourself, don't sit back on your ass and watch me do it. If you walk in the house and get mud all over the floor that I just cleaned, be my guest, but clean it up after you are done getting s**t everywhere.
I'm tired of picking up after you. You tell me at least once a day that I need to get a job. You could just pay me for all the s**t that I do around the house. Every day when I get home from school, I have to do dishes, clean the counter tops, all the floors, make all the beds, do the laundry and get the trash. I'm not even going to mention all the work I do around your clinic.
And if I don't do all that every day, I get grounded. Do you know how hard it is to keep up with chores and schoolwork? It's freaking crazy.
I go to sleep at 10 o'clock every night because I am too tired to stay up any longer and do anything else. I have to get up at five in the morning, to get ready for school. On the weekends, I have to sleep with my door locked so my little brother won't come get me up at six.
I'm tired of this bulls**t. Next time I have to pour a cup of coffee, I'm going to flip s**t. I have no idea how I have a life. I'm going to hate to see the day when you get too old to wipe your ass and you call me, asking for help. I won't be there.
Your Pissed Kid,
Selain itu, Hannah juga ada merungut tentang ibunya. Maka, Tommy menyampaikan satu kiriman sebutir peluru daripada ibunya itu.
hebat tol ank omputeh nih..igt mak bapaka bg makan tu free ke?xde pong berupah..alih2 anak plak yg mnx duet upah kat mak bapak..merungut je taw..igt mase ngandungkan die tu mak die xpenat ke?