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Malaysian athlete eight months pregnant
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Malaysian shooter Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi won’t even have to medal at this summer’s Olympic games to break a record. Not only is the 29-year-old the first woman to represent her country in shooting, she’s also eight months pregnant — the furthest along for any mom-to-be competing in the celebrated sporting event.
“For me, nothing is impossible,” she told The New York Times. “It’s one of the challenges. If I abandoned it, maybe who knows? Another four years to wait, maybe I don’t have the opportunity.”
REUTERSPregnant Malaysian shooter Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi competes in the women's single 10m air rifle shooting final at the 36th Southeast Asian Shooting Championship 2012 in Subang outside Kuala Lumpur June 5, 2012.
REUTERSPregnant Malaysian shooter Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi (R) talks to her husband Marhazli Mhotar after competing in the women's single 10m air rifle shooting finals at the 36th Southeast Asian Shooting Championship 2012 in Subang outside Kuala Lumpur June 5, 2012.
It’s unclear how many pregnant women have actually competed at the games because the International Olympic Committee doesn’t keep track.
At least three other pregnant women were known to have competed, but those were all during the Winter Olympics, according to The Times. In 2010, Canada’s curling champ Kristie Moore competed in Vancouver about 5-1/2 months into her pregnancy. And the 30-year-old won a silver medal. NATHAN DENETTE/THE CANADIAN PRES/APTeam Canada alternate Kristie Moore, left, is shown at practice at the Olympic Centre on Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 during the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver. Moore is five months pregnant.
Outside of the games, it’s not unheard of for women who are pregnant to keep competing as long as their bodies are trained for such high levels of exercise. Amber Miller made headlines last year when the 27-year-old completed the Chicago Marathon — and then a few hours later gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Amazingly, she was 38-weeks-and-five-days pregnant, just shy of the 40-week mark considered full-term, according to reports.
MARK BLACK/DAILY HERALD/VIA APAmber Miller, of Westchester, Ill., gestures during a news conference as she holds her baby at Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, Ill., Monday Oct. 10, 2011.
In Nur Suryani’s case, she’s concerned about giving birth right as she vies for a medal in London in the 10-meter air rifle event. Her plan: Pacify the baby inside her. “I will talk to her, say, ‘Mum is going to shoot just for a while. Can you just be calm?’” Nur Suryani told The Times. She almost didn’t get the chance to go to this year’s Olympics, which kicks off July 27.
Malaysian sports officials were worried about her ability to compete so far along in her pregnancy.
“When I found out that I was pregnant before competing in the Asian meet, I thought that that was the end of my Olympic dream, as I will have to turn my attention to the baby,” she told Malaysia’s The Star newspaper. “But when I eventually qualified for the 10-meter air-rifle event on merit, it made me rethink that perhaps I am supposed to go all the way despite my pregnancy.”
Ranked 47th in the world, Nur Suryani even improved her shooting as she continued to train. Her doctor also gave her the go-ahead to travel. So now, the first-time Olympian is looking forward to going to London, she said, with her husband by her side and their child inside of her. She already knows what she will say to her daughter when she’s older. She told The Times, “You are very lucky. You’re not born yet and you already went to the Olympics.”
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cayuk .. b a tough to beat
aku doakan semoga dia berjaya mencipta kejayaan dan juga sejarah.. moga2 ada rezeki utk dia dpt medal.. amin... |
Chaiyok2.. malaysia boleh. Sakit hati sungguh bila ramai je puak2 tak bertamadun kat UK tu yg tuduh dia sengaja nak datang..kononnya ada plan nak beranak kat sana, nak suh kerajaan depa tanggung lah.. choiy..dasar mulut longkang!! :@ |
brown_pupil posted on 28-7-2012 12:59 PM
Chaiyok2.. malaysia boleh. Sakit hati sungguh bila ramai je puak2 tak bertamadun kat UK tu yg tuduh ...
Nur Suryani gagal ke akhir
NUR Suryani Mohd Taibi menganggap sudah memberikan persembahan terbaik meskipun sekadar menduduki tempat ke-34 daripada 59 peserta yang menyertai acara 10m air rifle individu semalam.
Ibu muda yang hamil lapan bulan itu mencipta catatan 392 mata dan gagal melepasi saingan ke pusingan akhir membabitkan lapan penembak.
“Saya bukan bertanding sebagai seorang ibu tapi orang biasa. Saya melakukan apa yang biasa saya lakukan dan keputusan ini yang terbaik,” katanya yang masih mendapat perhatian media selepas acara itu berakhir.
Ditanya sama ada kandungannya menganggu konsentrasi mahupun bidikannya, Nur Suryani berkata: “Memang saya berasa dia kadang-kala menendang tapi anak ini juga membantu menyebabkan saya berasa lebih tenang setiap kali membuat tembakan.” Suryani mencipta catatan empat pusingan – 98, 97, 99 dan 98 untuk berkongsi tempat ke-34 dengan sembilan lagi penembak lain. Catatan terbaik Suryani adalah 397.
Sementara itu, ketua kontinjen Malaysia, Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid menganggap tumpuan media terhadap Suryani bagaikan ada hikmahnya.
“Tumpuan itu mendorong Suryani untuk memberikan persembahan lebih baik,” katanya.
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dah kalah.
mujur ada peluang gak jd tajuk berita |
hurm..menang berita je la dia la masalah atlet negara..biler kalah..terus cover ckp score dia lebih baik dari yg lepas ..bla bla bla.. |
perang_sivil posted on 29-7-2012 10:14 AM
Nur Suryani gagal ke akhir
NUR Suryani Mohd Taibi menganggap sudah memberik ...
xde rezeki, nak buat mcm mana..
yang aku x suka persepsi mat saleh kat UK tu je kononnya dia ni sengaja nak dtg n 'beranak' kat sana... |
PEPPERMAN posted on 29-7-2012 11:50 AM
dah kalah.
mujur ada peluang gak jd tajuk berita
mmgla die kalah tp bukan at the last place hookay.btw,she competed in olympic games in London. ko hado??
sitifarishah posted on 4-9-2012 02:54 PM
mmgla die kalah tp bukan at the last place hookay.btw,she competed in olympic games in London. ko ...
mmg aku tak hado.
tp konpete di olimpik tu forsure ada sasaran.
kalo setakat nk jadi tajuk berita sebab perut paling memboyot, baik tak payah btanding
PEPPERMAN posted on 4-9-2012 03:50 PM
mmg aku tak hado.
tp konpete di olimpik tu forsure ada sasaran.
kalo setakat nk jadi tajuk berit ...
ko ni cakap org ikot sedap mulut jer.
die dpt g olimpik pon sbb mmg die pass merit utk g sane, bukannye sbb die pregnant 8 bln
lgpn, bukannye die tau pon die akan masuk tajuk berita.dah diorg nk tulis story die camtu. |
sitifarishah posted on 4-9-2012 04:35 PM
ko ni cakap org ikot sedap mulut jer.
die dpt g olimpik pon sbb mmg die pass merit utk g sane, bu ...
then dia sepatutnya berusaha untuk membuat pencapaian yang lebih baik untuk mengatasi promosi yang dia dapat hasil keboyotannya
PEPPERMAN posted on 4-9-2012 04:39 PM
then dia sepatutnya berusaha untuk membuat pencapaian yang lebih baik untuk mengatasi promosi yang ...
statement "pencapaian yg lebih baik" adalah sangat general. adakah bila dia menang medal baru dikira pencapaian yg lebih baik?
pencapaian tmpt ke-34 daripada 59 is ok for me. dalam isu ini perlukah nor suryani kene blame ataupun org2 yg tau asyik nk blame org je tanpa usul periksa
sitifarishah posted on 5-9-2012 10:28 AM
statement "pencapaian yg lebih baik" adalah sangat general. adakah bila dia menang medal baru diki ...
kalo no 34 konfom lah tak baik makcik!
sepatutnya target dapat medal, tak pun top 10.
yg dapatnya citer perut boyot...
PEPPERMAN posted on 5-9-2012 12:27 PM
kalo no 34 konfom lah tak baik makcik!
sepatutnya target dapat medal, tak pun top 10.
kenape sbb die sorg yg msk paper sbb pregnant, then dpt tmpt ke-34 die kne blame sbb tak dpt medal. hadooii..cubelah tanye reporter apesalla sibok2 msk die jadi tajuk berita.ape diorg dah xde topik lain ke?
sitifarishah posted on 5-9-2012 02:52 PM
kenape sbb die sorg yg msk paper sbb pregnant, then dpt tmpt ke-34 die kne blame sbb tak dpt medal ...
so sbb reporter da sibok2 maka dia pun sibok elaborate kisah anak dalam perut boyot nya?
dia tak penah tau ttg "low profile" ka?
sepatutnya dia suda tahu yg dia x boleh jd lebih baik dr tmpt ke 34 time tu, maka dia sepatutnya menjadi sedikit "low profile" berbanding menyambut huluran tangan "sibok" para wartawan.
btw, ko sedara dia ke?
kim salam kt babynya
PEPPERMAN posted on 5-9-2012 10:34 PM
so sbb reporter da sibok2 maka dia pun sibok elaborate kisah anak dalam perut boyot nya?
dia ta ...
sedara se-islam... |
tempat ke 34 dr 6 billion mak nosia kira tak ler terok bebeno |
kenapa bod ni tak ada spammer?
saya jeles hokkay! |
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