The Verrückt in Kansas City's Schlitterbahn Water Park is expected to be the tallest, fastest, steepest and probably the scariest waterslide in the world. Riders drop from about 17 storeys up, and after plunging almost 90 degrees down a slope, they are then propelled up a five storey camelback hill using Schlitterbahn's Master Blaster system before racing down the other side and hitting a straight before eventually cruising to a halt.
Verrückt, means 'insane' in German, and the ride certainly lives up to it. Thrill-seekers will begin by climbing 264 steps to reach the top where they will wait on a deck made from railroad tanker cars. Along with three friends or strangers, they will be seated in a four-person inflatable raft and set loose.
Designed by Jeff Henry who co-owns the theme park, the slide tower is built from railroad tanker cars that have been cut and welded into a single vertical tower. It is fitted with bright lights that illuminate it as the thrill-seekers come down. Jeff is also responsible for designing the special conveyer system that transports the rafts back to the top.
Verrückt is currently undergoing extensive testing so that it is completely safe for those brave or crazy enough to ride it when it opens this Memorial Day Weekend!
World's tallest waterslide the 'Verrückt' to debut in Kansas City
Verruckt, Gelongsor Air Paling Ekstrim di Dunia Dengan Kepantasan 165kmph
Saat ini rekod dunia ketinggian gelongsor air tertinggi berada di Brazil dengan ketinggian 134.5 kaki atau sekitar 40 meter. Namun nampaknya rekod itu tidak akan bertahan lama, apabila ia bakal dicabar oleh binaan baru di Kansas, Amerika Syarikat tidak lama lagi
Belum ada data yang tepat tentang ketinggian sebenarnya, tetapi kecepatan yang akan anda dapatkan jika menaiki permainan ini adalah sekitar 65 mil per jam atau sekitar 165 kilometer sejam. Sangat ekstrem bukan?
Gelongsor ini akan diberi nama Verruckt--dalam bahasa Jerman bermaksud gila--, dan akan mula dibuka pada tahun 2014. Ia mengusung tema "Tertinggi, Tercepat, dan paling ekstrem".